SJT t v r ,' 'T'ir"Jf,- " The Commoner rATTTT 1A01 15 ssr Ax 1 A t toS that we "shut off all American iipation In this crime, so that ltW bo known in China, whera Vii,kvo vast commercial interests, OfiktAmerica has ' no commerce in iMUjlmsincss.'' As things are at the it timfi. Thn Christian Science foSIFor commonts. "Great Britain Mth"o United States are simply ac c4MNM?ies to the crime of Japan."' As tklSipaper views the matter ' VlBinay not he possible for the government States government or the of, the United Kingdom t.o fctirmrnnt tho exDort of drucs from J,imW:to China, but it is possible forSthese governments to make cer- talaMthat there shall be no partici patmonthe part of their nationals, d$jctly or indirectly, in such an en tiiimmoral traffic Measures .to tmgjSnd ought to be taken at the vr5jKearliest moment possible, in bMreountries." wh necessity for immediate ac tiolpi emphasized by Edmund B. Cfikffee, who writes in The Freeman thajljin China today more people iSSfadaicted to opium than can read drftwjite." The charge that the Chinese government is mainly re ipnsible can not be maintained, he n'ojclfj since "from the days of the Empire till today it has constants fdugHt this gigantic evil." It has per sistently tried to make agreements rr3" - .... he powers to Keep out tne drug, angmas gone to tne lengtn or mailing UBiaof; opium a capital offense. In IsrnusvKv. I!) 19. Rnvn rho writfir fiir- jtS5rJR$20, 000,000 worth of opium Smblicly burned in Shanghai. Yet ijMCVmeasures seem to avail little orSfco thing. Traflicliing in opium igxcgedingly profitable, and "that $Kp5p , the great powers of . the -oHtjfehave prevented China from !ttami4ng out this trade.". But, he iBj is not to be supposed that the Powers are themselves grow- ium and forcing it on China; .xngatrjitn i mat turn iraue is in tuo JmI of a few citizens of these oSmrles; and their profits are so -yftgtfulat a powerful 'ring' has been creawd which can influence legisla tioSjBbribe 'officials, and use the ma chinery of government to further the tjrificTt The business in opium is a yestedT interest. The opium 'farmer' MiMMKrrt - ongkong and Singapore pays ialty of $2,ODO,000 per year for definite privilege of converting day five chests or raw opium repared opium. It is easy to his cost, on the basis of the ly plus the cost of the material Its conversion into prepared His legitimate income is the ant he derives Irom his sales. Ihis has never equaled even the by the eagerly SOCIALISTS CALLED MENACE TO BRITAIN The following was carried by tho Associated Press: London, March 23. A bitter attack on socialism was made by Prime Minister Lloyd George in a speech at a luncheon to day of "new members of tho coali tion group," as the participants In tho luncheon party were styled . "The military dangers which united the parties have disappeared," said Mr. Lloyd George, "but greater, more insidious more permanent dan gers still confront us. The great peril is the rise to power of a new party with new purposes of tho most subversive character." "It calls itself 'labor.' It is really socialist It is tearing the parties to pieces on its way to tearing society to pieces. Those who are inclined to agree with Mr. Asiiuith and Lord Bentinck that the labor party is a bogy should read the socialist and labor papers for a week. "Socialism is fighting to destroy everything that tho great prophets and leaders of both parties unionist labored for gener Parliamentary In much menaced as and tho rulo of is to bo substituted and liberal have ations to upbuild, stitutions aro as private interests, class organization for them. "Those still inclined to rogard tho labor party as a bogy should look at the by-elections of 1920 and 1921. The addition of 4 per cent would put the socialists in the majority, and there is a margin of 15 to 20 per cent who do not vote. "Suppose that by tho working up of grievances the coalition was de feated and the socialists won a ma jority. They would not seek to re move these grievances, but would rip out the whole system of society." The prime ministed asked those who realized tho danger to close their ranks. They must take all possible steps, who said, to instruct tho elec ors, who must, at no distant date, de cide the issue. BLANK CARTRIDGE PISTOL m fnHbV WHS SBSttto 4Ht4 II tBsEBssHLLLLLL: " Ufcwt try f fcw wrt vA mi Jm kkkkkkm , rTlrerwttktincrrt1lfo.. TttnVfifg B xi At CJ. Htank CkrtrWcaa bMmMa mry H rtr. AwrvrtPrwfeltenAiMMtlkirpr!. H YntrajHIMMitHHPfc. Y Wr tt W "JSsHH1 tjuci. SSttaim JSTTsaStw mat riiwi SlW wHw ns ffl.09. BtonfcCartrfclCM jaeirtMrt4q Sooner MS. MIaSttJaCe!sC.tt237 n 79 2 Cbfej Vjfc HBE5'l!VjirlrKn mT7T- Cell MinkindTi men Catch Somethings are worth waiting for, but it pays to go after others. Ex. tuskrst In nlimlMn. wtftl thm 2? New, rnWIntf. Galvanized them like a fly-trm catches flic. Made In all sizes. Write for Price List, and Free Booklet on best bait ever Uncovered for nttrnctinst all kinds of fish. AUents wanted. WALTON SUPPLY CO.. lt-205 St. Louis, Mo. HEAVEN AND HELL Rwedenborg's nxeat work. 400psfM. 15 cents pottpaij, Pastor Landeubtrger, WlncUor i'iace. St. Loals. Mo. aSSSi '"wm 'Wfi jlUOjp) raaxHint of the royalty paid IJ.UOl I J bUO HUU M.V.V U txaxiu .yMTvwprl vflar aftr von.r. Where. ''$$$ oes ne nro come from? It , j.js for the illegitimate side of the Sbuainess, for the 'farmer' deals in rphin and the profits from this are ' lfereat that customs men can be sbought and occasional fines paid, and ftslniifthere remains hundreds of thou ".lW of dollars profit." nat. men. is to oe aone to put -ivms.j, x it.i i i -i t.- tmBeuU LU tUIU BUUl-UUbUUlUg '"yj De Plenty of pubilicty, that CBSre be government control of the piSnufacture of opium by-products, fno exportation be allowed to any rauaSBBBHC. K.ttbtniirirvv TirtinRn in.vR rin nor. criiarantGe '- - : . the use of tho drug will not be ised, and that there be an "Inter- ional Opium Board to find out tne neasure or tne wona s neea oi tne r5?Ki n.1 4-r nlm of II m 1 1 n tr fVia ,;jfeld's production to meet that v,Ofmoimt and no more." Whether "'SEnse suggestions be acceptable or he believes it is necessary at "that the American public lid know that Indirectly it Is at Toont n - consenting narty to- tne .HHAfinr"- " :. u i, r.v, "'.WKlVAnrVV H RllilUUllitlft Ul .mo. VWWCOD ple." Literary Digest. RIPE, RICH, OLD-FASHION LEAF The choice of Ken tucky's finest crops direct from our farms to you. This FAMOUS OLD KENTUCKY HOMESPUN is no more like the manufactured tobacco than day is like night- free from chemicals and all other adulterations that undermine the health, that conceal imperfections and delude the sense of taste. Grown and nurtured in Kentucky's finest soil, cut at the proper time, carefully selected, aged and mellowed for chewing and smoking. Like old wine in the cellar. Its rich, rare fragrance permeates the air. Cured and "sweated by the same Old Kentucky Homespun in the Natural Leaf as We Ship It. method as employed in the early days, the method our grandfathers used hi preparing tobacco for their own use every trace of harsh ness leaves itnothing to"bite"your tongue er parch your moath; nothing to tiro your taste. No fancy packages, no decorations just QUALITY and lots of it. Throughout the country North. East, South and west, men have tested this hne old to bacco and spread the news of its inimitable quality. Grown right here in the greatest tobacco producing district in the world. We bank on it you have never tasted a finer f lavored,more satisfying to- U , : .11 ,... !: Ultra, h ntrl 'nnW a r7- "load 'er" up to the brim. Cut off a "hunk" as. big as your fist and slip it between your teeth. Smoke or chew It will give you the keenest joy since the days of Old Bourbon. fand and Ireland, but have never tasted anv as good as vour Old Kentucky Homespun. "J. P. O'Connor. Gold Beach. Oregon. "I am a retired physician. 82 years old. Have used tobacco ever since I can remember. I chew bat do not smoke. None s lves me such satisfaction os Old Kentucky HomesDun Leaf Tobacco. It is not only the most pleasant and agreeable but Coes farther than any other kind and produces no ill effects. S. fc. button, Kirby. Ark. Send No Money Mellow as MaonSight Fragrant as the Rose. rcSBBBB .V fl "Your tobacco is everything a person can desire, even my wife enjoys its pleasant aroma in tne house. A. u. fevering, urana uenter, la. We Pay All Charges! "The tobacco came In tfood shaDe and I like it fine. Have been imDOted urxm loui enoufth by the makers of hleh priced, doped up trash called tobacco." C. L. Gates, Morrisville, Vt. REDUCE YOUR TOBACCO BILL 75 Pr g c We are growers of tobacco and sell none but our own crops, therefore exempt from all revenue tax. We pool our crop8,pIacing them in our warenouses ana snare equally au tne expenses or conducting our business, thus our expenses are reduced to a minimum. This co-operative marketing plan eliminates all middlemen; you deal directly with the growers, thereby effecting a saving to you of 75 per cent or more. Read These Money Saving Prices, We Pay Postage 5 Pounds, $2.98 10 Pounds, $5.85 20 Pounds, $11.40 S pounds of our tobacco will make SS sacks of smoking, or 65 chewing or smoking twists. With each order we Include complete instructions (profusely illustrated) showing how we Kentuckians make the old-fashfon chewing and smoking twist, granulated, smoking etc. Which do you prefer? The high-priced manufactured tobacco that has been adulterated, sweetened, chemically treated, or otherwise doped" in order to minimize the amount of real tobacco used, or do you want the Old-Fashion Kentucky Home spun that brings to you tne cream 01 nentucKy s xamous narvest in an its gooaness. Pay only the price above when tobacco arrives. TRY THE TOBACCO 19 DAYS and if it doesn't please you If itdoesn't juit jronr titto If It doesn't save yoa money tack it coaaes end every ce&t ol yoor mosey will be returned vritboat quibble or question. You Risk H th ing. Si(n snd mill tlte coupon today and enjoy Lbe tobacco treat of your life. fs-: fps tJu , fc , TOBACCO GROWERS ASSOCIATION OF KY. ' knoi ajnuaua iru ttny ouur totco wtii ion.) WttreliouMc 100 Mayficld, Keatucify Serid me pounds of Old Kentucky Homespun Tobacco parcel Dost prepaid. I will Day the price of $.. on arrival. If not satisfied after a 10-DAY TRIAL. I will return tho tobacco and you will refund my money. by riv ))) 9wvl9w1wl4w9l94wwwww9wwwwwwwwwv1Qt9wow09w9v4Qwt6w6wit140440tSt9414 )' jf AGdrC88.c.f ftttso CheckivhethcrchewinzU, smokineVi strong D, medtum D. tmtdO) 9 n w- ., r,j. ,Cj.. .'t.j ., ji r, .,. xt 'j U? JL tf I i .-4. . T. .vabMtaasAAt-rjtjj-rjast.r .. . j4siw!crfi v Mirtiitifa&W!:,it.iltr-