t,TW The Commoner BJPRIL, 1921 13 yfim--ru-vvfff''i-'' w'.v-y&tzFr.'&, T" " f7jr? fnanfi . ;"" w ' yj'I Vail l.-. j - w r hmi .- rf""S P. i.aw ijpn ,;ii "" i -1 1 r. tsrvans JDirthaav Observations Recently Mr. William Jennings Bryan cele brated his sixty-first birthday at his homo in ' M?ami, Florida. Asked by the press for a state vffl3nt as to his feelings upon this occasion, he .ho latter days of life like the autumn . months, have joys of their own that make them tilco'me in spite of the silent warning that they brlmg. 3Jhey are the harvest days and are gladdened he results of early labors. o one has been more fortunate than I in family and in friends, in congenial co-workers . aj?3pn the satisfaction that comes with the se - "ftfifijPS of reforms. I have lived my life in a , JiNndcrf ul period and have seen four great con- wStutional amendments adopted. "jjigPopular election of United States senators brought this government nearer to the people. ' &bDiq income tax equalizes the burdens of the rgOTftrnment. UProlitbition gives us our greatest moral vic- -" torjf$ ' -IgiffiSuffrago gives an impetus to evey righteous ' tffi&i1 havo seen tne natlon demonstrate its fight , SSJgptrength and then prove-its disinterested de $gotion to peace and progress. I have seen parti anship wane and political independence grow. -jjForty years in politics have made me an 'Wthnist. Democracy, which is stronger than any ySxty, will solve all our problems. EiWhile I hope and expect to see my party play important part, the country will go forward .her the Democrats lead or lag behind. I am mutt, too, that our government win ieaa m ine lLAvTinnf fnr HanrmnmATit- fiTirf Wfirlfl Tlfirthfl. fflfiBod is on His tnrone and the teachings of the .jrrce ox jreuce exert au uuuuuumg mnuouuo uu tHSjliieartB of mankind." jferat everything Mr. Bryan says there is great y4gljfworth pondering over and this is especially ' ftiSJfpf his recent birthday talk. One would not JmnMct, unless he knew Mr. Bryan intimately, JhmksE a splendid note of optimism from one who ,f Td faced during a long political career so many ypSrsonal defeats as have characterized . Mr. 'Iran's political activities. Yet Mr. Bryan may tfmell.. be consoled, and probably is, by- the fact BSfo his defeats have really been victories, be- . jumse the principles for which he has contended 'Joavo in good time been generally adopted and dSxsfiF recognized as beneficent by those who .' PI War iy UBBttiieu mum. jRTe have always felt that Mr. Bryan was far more concerned witn tne success or tne iaeas g& ideals for which he has stood than he was "UriW-HJU ttUy IJOlDUllCVi tt5t,iaimoouaui wuuk ubuu i7om6 to mm in conneuuuu. wnu iiieir pruuimgu iE5n. One has only to turn back to the Demo cratic platform of 1896 to realize how much of ISffi- Bryan political philosophy of twenty-five s- i i i -i,i i v. .. yjWtra ago UttH Biuue ubuu uuuyicu. xu. uma uuuu- Even his position on tne currency ques tion in those days has received a far wider ognition than the average person realizes. 'Fundamentally, in 1896 Mr. Bryan stood for quantitative theory of money and exchange, 5nd for the policy that the banking and cur- Srohcy business of the country should be strictly TOKft l-X-J T... 4.U r,-, ,,,- Ao Y.n Till if citibanks should go out of the governing business ';Wd the government, to a greater extent, go into ffififig banking business;" and this is exactly what vjfflas happened under the terms of our present Ijflplendid Federal Reserve Act. The idea also j'Mfjat the quantity of money of ultimate redemp &?fth has a very direct relationship upon the ,r?poiirse of prices is also generally acknowledged riMnd the best and most constructive effort now ifeing made in behalf of currency reform is directed almost solely toward the idea of pro ducing a stable standard of value. This, indeed, Sffi; the whole purpose of the plan proposed by rofessor Irving Fisher and other noted econo- ists for stabilizing the purchasing power of She dollar. The whole notion of the intrinsic Kalue of gold as a sound money medium, the whole monometallistic theory of currency, which ,Ir. Bryan combated in 1896, has been disproved roy the whole course of events since that time. We hardly know of any man in American po litical history who to a greater degree than Mr. Bryan has proposed so many reforms and suf fered nolitlcal defeat because ne proposed tnem, mnd'yet has lived to see these reforms brought to being and generally recognized by even rK m those who formerly bitterly opposed them. Mr. Bryan's great misfortune, so far as he is person ally concerned, is that in his ideals and ideas he has always been a considerable distance in ad vance of the ordinary thought of his time. But he has lived to see the procession of progress catch up with him and adopt scores of his ideas which at first the people repudiated. If there is one man in America who, from his own experi ences, is qualified to give expert testimony that the world does move and that humanity is mak ing progress, that man is William Jennings Bryan. That is probably why Mr. Bryan is such a .confirmed optimist. Certainly it is one of the great reasons why such a host of people admire and respect Mr. Bryan; and while through all tho years of personal setbacks of one kind or another, he has been able, not only to maintain tho confidence of great masses of people, but what is equally important to maintain a splen did faith in himself and the work that he has been privileged to do. New Haven, Conn., Union. DRYEST AND QUIETEST INAUGURATION Newspapers continue to discuss' the recent inauguration of President Harding and the fact that it was the first time in history that the head of a great civilized people was inducted into office under a dry regime. Former inaugurals were attended by much drunkenness, many think ing it an appropriate way to show their pleasure or disgust or sorrow, depending on party affilia tions. Every former inauguration meant the arrest of scores of persons on the charge of intoxica tion, while on the day of the ceremony last month only 12 persons were arrested on that charge. The desire of Mr. Harding for a quiet inauguration, according to 4he Washington Herald, "must have included the order to jam the cork into the bottle and throw the corkscrew into the Potomac." All the correspondents agree it was the dry est and quietest inauguration in the history of the country. The Washington Star remarks in regard to the event: "Perhaps the most impressive feature of the crowds which lined Pennsylvania avenue was the almost total absence of any evidence of in toxicants. There were very few inebriated men along the lino of the presidential ride. This contrasted with the situation four years ago, when local prohibition had not yet made itself felt materially in" Washington and the police made many arrests on charges of drunkenness. "It is much to the country's credit that the change in administration took place under such conditions. A sober inauguration augurs well for the people. It is much .more appropriate than to make such an event a-drunken debauch." -American Issue. GOOD WORD FOR BRYAN Booneville, Ark. To The Commercial Appeal: In reference to Mr. Bryan in your editorials of Sunday and Monday you condemn him for resigning from the president's cabinet at a criti cal time. Why did he resign? Because he saw that his ideas were not in harmony with the president and he saw that it was best for the nation that President Wilson have some one whose views were not diametrical to his. Was this not an act of greatness on his part? We were entering into one of the greatest con flicts of the age, a part in which the secretary of state was to play a conspicuous part. Few men filled with ambition could have resisted the temp tation of staying in regardless of consequences, but Mr. Bryan saw that it was best (not for him that he resign), but best for the president's ad ministration during the war the he make his cabinet more harmonious. Bryan made a great personal sacrifice for others. Then during tho 1916 campaign, while news papers all over the country were deriding him for deserting the administration, did he sulk in his tent as 99 out of 100 would have done? He spent eight weeks campaigning in the west for the president at his own expense, when he could have been making $500 per day lecturing, because he knew it was best for the country and the Democratic party that Wilson be re-elected. When he rounded up his trip he went east, where they asked him how the west would go. He said, "Democratic," and the political critics laughed at him. You know what really happened. You ask why he sat' idly by during the last campaign while the Democratic party was slaughtered? I thought he did wrong in this the same as you. But can we expect any human boing to bo porfect all tho tirao? Can we consistently lovo a man for what ho did in two campaigns and then hato him because ho docs not keop it up? In other words if a man helps us a number of times shall we suddenly fall out with him if ho at some times refuses, and then forget his past benefactions? The Democratic conventions of 1904 and 1920 ignored all suggestions of Mr. Bryan, then In the campaigns that followed he elected to play hands off and let those who differed with him have their own way and they made a signal failure. Ho did not interfere, he Just said go ahead, may bo you are right. You may know best, your policy may be best to win. Was that not fair enough? I thought ho was wrong in tho convention at San Francisco. The convention did just as I personally thought it should do on the liquor question, but now after wo aro ingloriously licked, shall wo fall out with Mr. Bryan on ac count of it? Since 1892 Democracy has lost three times under his leadership, but did not lose nearly so badly as we have lost two times when ho did not lead, and we have won two times under his leadership. - Do we not have, to admit that tho results are in his favor? He has done all of this with many in his own party fighting hi'm all the time. What might he do in 1924 if the party goto solidly behind him? Why throw brickbats at him because-he has done a few things that we think wore wrong when ho has done so much that brought great results? LEON WESTMORELAND. DEMOCRACY MUST BE A PARTY OF THE PEOPLE Continued from Pago 11. to separate the Democratic democracy from tho plutocratic democracy Oil ana water will not mix. The Democratic party cannot longer sur vive half plutocratic and half Democratic. It is a propitious time for a reorganization of the party, anyhow. There aro Democrats who ought to b"e in the Republican party and Republi cans who ought to be in the Democratic party. Let these men find their political level. Let them seek the camps to which they belong. Don't be afraid. Go where your convictions lead you. If you are not a Democrat, don't be false to your political conscience, but go right on to the Republican camp. If you aro not a Repub lican, and your interests lie in the Democratic party, come right out into tho 'fellowship of your real faith and what you conceive your evident welfare. The curse of all parties is tho compulsory loyalty that comes from environment or heredity. The democracy and the plutoc racy have a great battle which must be fought out. Let us fight it honestly and have no half hearted or lukewarm followers in either camp. Upon these new lines and progressive democ racy which will really represent the people can live and prosper and win. But there must be a new and progressive de mocracy or there will soon be no Democratic party. It is up to the people. What say they? Back east a movement has been undertaken to stopthe increase in the habit of drinking tea on the ground that its immediate effect is to stimulate the mental and muscular energy of tho drinker. There is reason to suspect that this is a sort of backfire by the tobacco manu facturers to ward off the nicotine crusade tho Women's Christian Temperance Union is contemplating. Owing to the kindly-disposed attitude of tho authorities towards booze selling, it is now pos sible, if we are to believe the press reports, any person who wants intoxicants can buy them in New York, Chicago and other large cities. Which would seem to indicate that it is the sousing and not the housing problem that is up for solution there. After being in session for seventy-two .days the Nebraska legislature has manufactured but sixty-six laws, or about 40 per cent of the normal output. Some legislatures achieve fame through the character of the progressive legis lation they enact while others get mentioned in the papers' because of the progressive legisla tion that iB sidetracked. dBMftj.fSh Hn'ftinii.'Aifr . J-.-;i5 ttJMIUhjS. -Ali'ili! j