The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, April 01, 1921, Page 10, Image 10

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The Commoner
VOL. 21, NO. 4
In 1004 and mado it stand erect again. Ho is
tho safest man to do it now. If the leaders
would hnvo heeded his advico It would not now
no a wrecked party. Ho is tho man who save
us Wood row Wilson in 1912 and it was Bryan
who reelected him in 1P10. Ho campaigned for
Wilson in twenty odd states and nineteen of
them gave Wilson their votes, including Cali
fornia. Had ho lost California ho would havo
boon defeated. Tho convention of 1904 and
1920 failod to llston to Bryan and you know
full well what happened. Tho Democratic can
didate in 1904 made the poorest showing of any
man ovor nominated' for president oxcept Taft
Emmet F. McGaheo, West Virginia. Your
Commoner is doing a great work in getting tho
expressions on governmental problems direct
from and to tho people, who are tho sourco and
foundation of true democracies. What the pro
gressive elements of our country seem to need
greatly at this time is education to the reforms
necessary to bettor government through public
ity. And this could bo greatly accelerated by
tho friends of The Commoner and its worthy
achievements and ambitions to como to its aid
with matorial as well aB moral assistance, espe
cially from those who are amply able. If its cir
culation could in some way be doubled in the
next year tho good would be unmeasurable.
There is one plank which I believe would add
somewhat to tho present progressive platform
and its something like this: That instead of
spending Tjillions of dollars of tho people's hard
earnod tax money for armies and navies which
only brutalize and destroy the fair youths of
pvcry land, the government should appropriate
a sufficient sum and see that all of our American
youths have an opportunity for at least an high
school Noducation, and, furthermore, appropriate
and set aside a sufficient amount to thoroughly
Christianize, Americanize and educate the mul
titude of foreigners who are so numerous among
, Edward Johnson, Washington. Since 1896
I have "been ono of your devoted followers, and
havo three times done my utmost to elect you
President. Ever since The Commoner was
started, I have taken and read the paper atten
tively more attentively than any other pub
lication, for I have often been struck with the
want of graBp and lack of constructive purpose
of most of those who have at various times op
posed or criticised Mr. Bryan. To my mind you
hare been the most far-seeing statesman and
tho greatest moral force in the United States for
a generation, and I am proud to be one of the
millions of Americans who regard you with love
and admiration.
You ask for opinions as to what should now
bo done in a recent issue of The Commoner.
Mine follow briefly:
1. Wo should have an immediate and drastic
reduction of taxation. So far as the Federal
government is concerned, I would stop building
battleships and reduce the army and navy ex
penditures to the lowest possible point. Then
I would writo a note to the Japanese government
telling thorn what I had done. And to England
John Sherman once said, refeiring to tho re
sumption of specie payments. "Tho way to re
sume to to resume." So I say, "The way to dis
arm is to disarm." Further, we ought to keep
all of tho excess profits and income surtaxes
possible, trying to stop at the point beyond
which the high taxes will defeat their own end
so that loss taxes will bo collected. There should
not bo a sales tax, except possibly on a few ar
ticles. We want to promote foreign trade, and
our tariffs should keep this end steadily in view
instead of being guided solely by what certain
domestic industries want.
2. Wo should havo a League of -Nations, with
real powers of decision and action. America
ought to lead in this. I sincerely trust that
when the President takes up his subject he will
bring about an agreement which will have sub
stance instead of shadows, and will make the
world more safe for democracy by advancing
the cause of democracy. I hopo, Mr. Bryan that
you may bo in a position to contribute toward
this end, and that the reactionaries will not have
their way with the new executive. To my mind
tho creation of a real and effective leacue nr
sszsssr transconds an oth -
turn. of individual, unite on ""SSSca? J
gram founded on correct principles : nnS ? .'
tho Republicans. I seo lltSa ehnAnn attKk
party in th. futur, unlesnif SaT bo'don'e!
Rather than Just drift, or being near enough
like tho Republican party so that it will always
beat us, it would be better to havo a new party
in this country which would have a creed
founded on first principles and hold to it firm
ly, while at tho sa'mo time being keenly alive
to modern conditions. It will be better for the
United States and for tho world if tho intelli
gent and patriotic people of the country can
como together on common ground which their
minds and hearts can approve, and force a new
political alignment between the true Democratic
thinking people of tho country and those who
are merely opportunists or have no real beliefs
at all.
Marcus Day, Idaho. As ono of the rank and
file among Democrats, I take quite an interest
in tho fight you aro making foi reorganization.
If we aro to have tho samo set of leaders again
projected upon us, it is my opinion that I speak
majority opinion among Democratic multitudes
in saying: "Wo will have none of it."
The issues in which we are interested do not
receive attention. The principal tho 42-centi-metor
question is monopoly in credit, trans
portation, steel, lumber and, in tho very near
future, motors.
From tho present possibilities, it looks very
much as if the country will suffer the most amaz
ing exactions from monopolies in its history. It
is logical to expect reaction of an extreme nature
from the general letter of marque which tho
masses in their gullible imbecility have written
to a representation in congress whom they knew
not as to motives.
Are not the rank and file of tho Democrats
going to have a chance to make their choice
as to programs and candidates. If not, we are
going to go in a body to some new and anti
privilege association to drive special privilege
out of the government. We are tired of the
cowardly compromises of all the essentials of
every piece of legislation and the enforcement
of legislation.
I feel positively certain that tho Democrats,
as a mass majority, are for the things I suggest.
I do not know whether the leaders believe like
this or not. We do not care. It is not tho right
idea to be forever looking up to leaders as a fet
ish. What we need is a referendum of the entire
electorate upon a program that attacks-monopolies
and for the purpose of showing the Demo
cratic leaders that they must comply with popu
lar demands. It will take scads of money but
that is a mere matter of details if all the pro
gressive leaders will stand behind the idea. It
will not be necessary to take in any of those
who do not want to travel in tho Democratic
road. They belong within the Republican organ
ization and the sooner all reactionaries are in the
same organization that much sooner will the
people shake off the rule of reaction.
J. D. Jefferson, Virginia. I think all progres
sive Democrats, Prohibitionists and temperance
people should rally around the plans you have
suggested for tho Democratic party for 1924
Without your leadership it will be useless for"
he Democratic party to nominate a candidate
in 1924. i find that you are always on the side
I hope that I may have an opportunity to vote
for you again in 1924. I do not see how the
Democratic party can refuse to adopt yousug-
fn?S8 fr i92 'S il Ia the only Democrafy
for the people. We, aro enjoying many reforms
that you have worked hard for, and I hope thai
you may live a long time yet to suggest issues
T?nit2VfmeriCan People- The Ple of the
aaVsuer "- onZl ft
Loroy Miller, Iowa. The Democrats should
wage an unrelenting war on universal military
training and advocate with tho same Snacitv
disarmament, economy by lonnine off T,? y
offices and a reduction of LaSes They shouW
advocate a law with teeth in it to cJZ -J ?u!?
Keeping. Where reconstruction faUs to brin
down the price of monopoly-controlled product
to an approximate level of farm nrodSo? ?1?
Uncle Sam in the spirit of "by tho eternRiV-v
a whack at tho financial pirates tako
"the arduous 'greatness of things done," he ia
head and shoulders above any of them. Under
his leadership or by his influence the party has
won more legislative, victories, and the nation
has accomplished more reforms, than may bo
credited to any other American leader. From
the income tax to woman suffrage, from the di
rect election of U. S. senators to tho Federal
Reserve banking system, from arbitration trea
ties to prohibition, the passing years are trophied
by his tremendous educational campaigns. And
he is still in the reforming business, and thai
makes the reactionaries mad. His present leg
islative platform looks to the future for the good
of mankind. Who else is capable of suggesting
or carrying forward such a constructive pro
gram? Where shall we look for a leader? To
Cox? McAdoo? Underwood? Palmer? Gerard?
Good men, but none of them is sufficiently at
tractive to the people to lead us out of the wild
erness into which we were lured last year, after
our lack of courage at Kadesh-barnea, out by
the Golden Gate. Like Caleb and Joshua of old,
Bryan and Hobson stood forth and said, Como
on! But no, the others feared, and compro
mised, and retreated. We must get away from
those mistakes. Neyer again should the Demo
cratic party bow the knee to Wall street or to
beer, "that thrift may follow fawning." Wo
must take a positive stand for the right, and
under aggressive leadership success will como
Aubrey Moorman, Leitchfield,- Ky. Your
humble friend, the writer, ever since he wore
tho little "ragged 'roundabout' " which James
Whitcomb Riley has made Immortal, and for
more than twenty years, has loved you; although
he is only one of thousands who would express
this sentiment, and you have weightier matters
in mind, may he beg you to read this love-letter,
He is proud of the fact that both of his grand
fathers held you in high esteem, and that his
father now holds for you a very warm place in
his affections.
You have held fast to the same high purpose
in all these years, andwith your great feeling
the need of your fellowmen, you giving to pos
terity for their priceless heritage the example
par-excellent of unselfish devotion to the "Cause
of the Great Common People." As much as wo
love the music of your voice and the power of
eloquent Bpeech which your Heavenly Father
has given you, and which has won for you tho
rightful name of "Peerless One," we know you
are pre-eminently great as a constructive states
man and a sound thinker in matters pertaining
to government. The San Francisco convention
is the proof of the pudding, that unless tho
Democratic party is willing to follow your able
leadership it will utterly fail.
We endorse your program, outlined in the last
issue of The Commoner, to the last letter, and
hereby pledge our full support.
May the love and esteem of countless honest
hearts be your ample reward in this world; in
the Afterwhiles your reward will be great beyond
our cherished hopes.
T. J. Bevins, Kentucky. I am heartily in
sympathy with W. J. Bryan in his efforts to re
organize the Democratic party one time more, as
it appears to be in very bad shape at this time.
I am willing to take him as a leader as he has
never been for anything but honest politics. I
have read his paper from its first issue to the
present, and have voted for him every time ho
ran for president. I am ready to vote for him
the fourth time if I am alive in 1924. I hopo
Mr. Bryan will get the party rid of Wall street
and the liquor interests. . That means to organ-
Si?6 party from the bottom to the top, so ho
will bo in shape to lead to victory in 1924.
C. J. Morehead, Kentucky. I always havo
been and always will be with the interests of tho
people and nation, but I feel that I cannot do tho
good that I ought to. I am in favor of tho
league that provides peace for ajl time to como
All necessary monopolies should be taken ovor
by government, national, state and municipal. 1
am heartily in favor of that, also I am in favor
oi reducing taxes I mean the profits tax law
i reel lileo the Democratic party can bo reorganized.
Edwin L. Moore, Missouri. Whenever Brvn
fSfSS.K."8?.'" tn PartyfnhTanc7rt
'vmuuiu,! lU.
noS? MUeei5' nilnotaw -I nave read your pro
fishnri in ft1 Legislative Program, as pub
nsnod in the MnrMi 4o0. mu. : ,i
tL? t iL Jin?11 ?Mrl. This doesn't moan
mat i am willinc tn foiro, i Jt .,ta
rniir ,""u. propaganda, but simply to bo a
adhernnt ,5 i an, an apostlo I have been an
adherent of tho Prohibition party, but feel tha
sir .rtr,iUWi 4-