" ir- - T -lr '"H "w T Hifr. ' ";," " "" . i -,.- 1 1 The Commoner S ' WILLIAM J. BRYAN, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR I ' J & fV'6MPfr Wm .paw yOU 21, NO. 4 Lincoln, Nebraska, April, 1921 Whole Number 744 t i V v.- M iFromDinon must oe Enforced (An answer to an inquiry.) ffihe prohibition amendment Is a permament rftrsT" t-Yte fnilnonl nnnaf itnf Inn TTr "Cirftll infArmorl TVStZ&T UJL ,'1,3 louOltti UUOIiltUMUUi "W iv mwimvu ' ' TIME v.iporson, whether he be wet or dry, expects it to lSf repealed. It must, therefore, be enforced. '.ISflnre to enforce would invite a reign of law- veSsness which would menace orderly govern '"4S5nt. Respect for law should not depend, upon ,,$88 citizen's opinion of the law; it should rest wSnjboyalty to government. Criminal laws are ?:2;a-ilnfcnrJor ririmnr.lv frr Mi nan who likft them: 'KO& . ... . . . . , , , , Jtmea do not need mem. a criminal law is m- ttsaed for those who do not like it "No thief t;oTor felt the halter draw the good opinion of ' ' tlSSlaw." Law is the crystallization of public " '; S omion and public opinion when duly embodied " SBfW must prevail or popular government will Vtfflmfi a farce. Turning from a general nron- ''-TiS . Ltion to a particular question, I answer your utry'-by' saying that the opinion rendered by 'vTOorney1 General Palmer as he was leaving p- jSSrwas most unfortunate; first, because the-new iffiiinistration should not have been embar rassed by an important opinion at such a time, which it must necessarily indorse or repudiate; Sond, because the opinion is a misinterpreta- of the spirit of the law, if not of the let and encourages violation. If the opinion nds, medical colleges will soon be established toy convert liquor dealers into tonjc doctors or 5fteral debility physicians. While the prohibi- tjS law, only applies to beverage liquor, its oatorcement cannot be evaded by merely chang fiS the name from drink to dose or by substitut- a doctor for a saloon-keeper. If the Palmer ofenion results in wholesale evasion of 'the law, seems likely, it will have to be modified by new attorney general or remedied by act of gress. Prohibition was adopted by deliberate of the American people and it cannot be re- aled by official opinion. W. J. BRYAN. atofi ul58 . " JinBLlB) m or " lif&Ga tTHwftct 1 jjffftw raw IgflHFj Vassal .;; skkSH vwH SECRETARY LANSING'S BOOK Hon. Robert Lansing, ex-Secretary of State ma just issued through Houghton, Mifflin Co., a ' V ryiW" - t. 11- 1. L (n.Mi 41ai nninfn rf A t f ntm dwlsRrtA hawoati PrPHirtAnt Wilfinn and himsftlf. at iicwva m .-.- . . . , Sae peace conference, with a defense of his views gnd course. It is not only interesting reading, 8ut it is a valuable side-light on that very im- jrtant international gathering. History can- ffiot be written amid the excitement attending Krceat events either events of war, or peace con Rerences. The triumphant note of the victors find the djrge of the vanquished drown jout the KKore harmonious notes. It is not until time has fitted out the wheat from thQ chaff the true Krom the false that history can be written with Accuracy. When the time arrives for the chroni- ling of things' as they were, rather that as either lde wanted them to be, Mr. Lansing's book- will irve a useful purpose. He was in position to know what was going on, and now that the war is over and the President under whom he sepved is no longer the head of the nation, Mr. Lans ing is in position to render a service not only to his own nation, but to the civilized world. His book will find its way into the public libraries of this and other countries, and into the private libraries of those who desire full information on the great problems with which the world is deal ing. Several other peace delegates have presented the doings of the conference from their point of view and this nation and the world will bo glad if ex-President Wilson's health permits him to put on record his own review of that great conference in which he played so conspicuous a part. The desire for the truth ami the whole truth is greater than tho friendships and the antagonisms, which, for a time, color contem poraneous events. W. J. BRYAN. THE STRENGTH OF SOCIALISM On another page will be found a London dis patch quoting from a speech of Lloyd George expressing a fear of socialism. If the British Premierwill examine closely he will find that the greatest strength of socialism liesin its op position to war and to the burden of prepared ness. Every million added to the appropriations for army and navy increases the ranks of the socialists. The surest way to weakening the so cialist movement is to stop war and remove war burdens. ' CARDINAL GIBBONS The death of Cardinal Gibbons has called forth expressions of sympathy from every class and section. He was much beloved by people of all churches. He was a splendid type of man and citizen. Strong in mind, firm in heart and high in ideals. He was a spiritual force in the nation and active in the larger questions of na tional and international interest. W. J. BRYAN. WHY NOT STATE OP JEFFERSON? In the northwest they are talking of making the state of Lincoln out of parts of Idaho, Montana and Washington. And now comes the suggestion that the name of South Dakota be changed to Roosevelt. Why not a state of Jefferson? Or is the Declaration of Independ ence forgotten? AN INTERNATIONAL WRONG On another page will be found a quotation fi'Om the Literary Digest showing that the United States is allowing its territory to bemused as a base for a conspiracy against China's anli opium laws. The Jones-Miller bill-should be in troduced in the new congress and passed at once. WHY NOT, ALWAYS? The railw'ay strikers in the south and the employers in the packing houses are threaten ing to ask for an investigation into the high salaries of officials? Why not a PROMINENT commission to investigate these things before strike or lockout? W. J. BRYAN. Thomas Jefferson April 13 th is the day celebrated as the an niversary of the birth of the illustrious common er, Thomas Jefferson. He was the first great Democrat of our nation and the greatest con structive statesman democracy has produced during all the world's history. At this time, when the entire Federal government is in the hands of ho opposing party, the Democrats of tho United States may well turn to Jefferson for wisdom and to his political principles for en couragement. On another page will be found a quotation from his first inaugural in which he set forth the principles of government which he decmejl essential, and by which ho intended to shape his administration. I call special at tention to St few of tho principles contained in the portion quoted and to bo found in other parts of that memorable address. First, let it bo remembered that he expressed his trust in God. On this subject he said, 'Acknowledging and adoring an overruling Providence, which by all its dispensations proves that it delights in the happiness of man her ewjW his greater happiness hereafter with' all these blessings, what more is necessary to make us a happy and a prosperous people?" The Democratic party builds today, as Its great leader built, upon a belief in God in His Justice and in His Love. Second, "Jefferson believed in the republican form of government. There were in his day pome Hamilton who was the most conspicuous of tho group who thought the government was not strong enough and feared that it lacked energy to preserve Itself. Jefferson answered these as follows: "I believe this, on the con trary, the strongest government on earth. I believe it the only one where every man, at the call of the law, would fly to the standard of the law, and would meet invasions of the P' ')llc order as his own personal .concern. Sometimes it is said that man cannot be trusted with the government of himself. Can he, then, be trusted with the government of others? Or have we found angels in the forms of kings to govern him? Let history answer this question." That was democracy in Jefferson's day; and that is democracy today. No one can be a Demo crat who lacks faith in the wisdom, the justice and the strength of popular government. 4 Let me quote again from Jefferson's inaugural: "Still one thing more, fellow-ctizens a wise and frugal government, which shall restrain mqn from injuring one another and shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government, .and this is necessary to close the circle of our felicities." A great deal of emphasis has been placed up on the middle clause of that passage, namely, "shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improve ment' ud the word FREE has been especially nW ,, tkM .a Jrut3dU A "...