rv'fm$w$wk The Commoner VOL. 21, NO. 3 4 Sjf '" !gr The Commoner ISSUED MONTHLT Kntorod at tho Postofllco at Lincoln, Nebraska, as second-class matter. WILLIAM J. BRYAN, CHARLES W. BRYAN. Editor and Proprietor Afinoclate Edk and Publisher Edit, Rms and Bualriess Ofllce, Sulto 207 Press Bldgf. One Yenr 91.00 Six MonlliN 50 In Clubs of Flvo or moro per year,., .75 Three Month .2i Single Copy 10 Sathplo Copies Free. Foreign Post. 2Jc Extra. SUHSCItll'TIONS can bo seiit dlrecti to Tho Com moner. They can also bo sent through newspapers which havo advertised a clubblnjr rate, or ihrough local affonts, where such agents havo been ap pointed. All remittances should bo sent by post ofllco money order, express order, or by bank oratt on Now York or Chicago. Do not sond Individual checks, stamps, or currency. URNKWAiiSTho dato on your wrapper shows the timo to which your subscription Is paid Thus January 21 moans that payment has been received to and including tho Isbuo of January, 1921. CHANGE OF ADDRESS Subscribers requesting a chango of addrofcs must glvo old ab well as new address. ADVKllTlSlNG-Rd'tos will bo furnished upon application. Address all comjajuil cat Ions to THE COMMONER, LINCOLN, NEn. HOPE Paul included Hope with Love in his wonder ful tribute to tho latter. He singles out throe -words as worthy of special consideration: Faith, Hope, Love. Whjle he gives the preference to tho last of the three, it is an honor to any virtue to bo made tho connecting link between Faith and Love. But long before the great apostle thus digni fied' this virtue, it had earned a place in man's affections. Life would bo of little worth without hope; no matter how dark the present, how painful the experiences through which we are passing, tho star of hope shines above us and .gives us courage to struggle on. No physical disability, no lack of education, no scarcity of money, can bring dispair while Hope remains. The mind can work in spite of tho body's ailments and even a little learning can make one useful if tho heart is right. "Bo of good cheer" is not mockery oven in the dark est hour. It rests' upon a solid foundation be cause history shows that dotermination.ycoupled with ideals, can win against any obstacles except death, and Hopp looks oven heydnd the grave. Men with one arm have sometimes succeeded where less heroic spirits have failed with two; "men with one leg have sometimes made a better race than those who have two. In a word, the WILL has more to do with one's success 'than hoalth or soundness of limb. If all build on the virtues Hope will have a sure abiding place In every life. W. J. BRYAN. DESTINY The "destiny" argument is usually the sub terfuge of tho invertebrate who, lacking the courage to oppose error seeks some plausible excuse for supporting it. It is a complacent philosophy; it obliterates the distinctions be tween right and wrong and makes individuals and nations the helpless victims of circum stance. Destiny is not a matter of chance; it is a mutter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved. Man's opinion of what is to be is half wish and half environment. Ayarice paints destiny with. a dollar mark before it; militarism equips It tyith a sword. He is the best prophet who, recognizing the omnipotence of truth, comprehends most clearly the great forces which are working out the progress, not of one party, not of one nation. hut of the human race. W. J. BRYAN, The grave is but a narrow star-lit strip be tween the companionship that was and the re--tmion that is to be. "The King of Shadows" may come between us and the light, as tho night conceals the sun but it cannot lesson the brightness of yesterday,' A child, though in the tomb, still Uvea in tho liv.es it haa holped to mould. Daniels Honored "Washington, Fob. 1 Secretary Daniels re ceived tho unique honor tonight of a farewell dinner tendered him by the full membership of tho house naval affairs committee, Republicans and Democrats alike attending. Party lines also wore thrust aside in the expressions of praise and commendation by committee mem bers for the achievements of Secretary Daniels' eight years of naval administration. "Representative Britten, of Illinois, ranking Republican member of the committee, declared that of all the members of the out-going cabinet, Secretary Daniels alone would leave ofllce with his 'flag flying at top mast,' despite the 'avalanche of criticism' he had weathered at periods of his administration. Representative Padgett, of Tennessee, Democratic member, de clared tho record of the navy's administration during the war was one of 'spotless purity.' " The above dispatch indicates that Honorable Josephus Danfels, Secretary of the Navy,- has compelled an acknowledgement of his merits by the Naval Affairs Committee of tho Republican House. This is very gratifying to Secretary Daniels' friends. Those who recall the early days of this administration remember how malignant ly the big interests of tho east and the Republi can partisans of tho whole country attacked Mr. Daniels. He was ridiculed in poetry and in prose. When he made the navy dry j;he wets joined in the attack and tried to drive him out of tho cabinet, but he went about his business, carrying both his democracy and his religion in to his work. No one has been able to question his democracy and no one has dared to attack his integrity. Onslaught followed onslaught but he came out from each investigation with his records clear and his critics confounded. He will retire from the. office with universal respect, "His flag flying at top mast," as Representa tive Britten declared. . Here's to the brave secretary who did his duty at every step, "May his shadow never grow less." W. J. BRYAN. reforms can come only through .tho joint action of tho two great parties, but the parties always unite when the heat, of controversy is- sufficient when the "fullness of time -has come." It took twenty-one years to secure the popular election of senators, but when it was secured there was no turning back. It took seventeen years to secure the income tax amendment, and now an income tax is a prominent part of our fiscal system. It took a long while to secure prohibition but at .last the two parties laid aside other issues and won the greatest moral victory of the generation. It took many years to secure woman suffragp but it is here and woman's con science will be felt in the settlement of every great issue hereafter. These are only a few of the victories that havo come within a generation and others are to follow. When one surveys the wonderful ac complishments of recent years, the stings of malicious criticism and the abuse of those whose predatory practices were interfered with are for gotten in the joy that comes with the triumph of -righteous causes, ,and from association, with co workers. Very truly yours, W. J BRYAN. COIVIPENSATIONS IN POLITICS The following is in answer to an inquiry: I beg to say that I know of no sufficient rea sons for public service except a sense of duty, and that its principal compensations are a con sciousness of service rendered to the public and the friendships that are formed between people who agree in political ideals. The salaries which we pay are not, as a rule, large enough to tempt those who are qualified for the positions to which the salaries are attached. That is, a per son who meets the requirements of the office can generally secure a larger income in private life' when the expenses of politics are taken into con sideration. Then, too, the annoyances of public life are apt to deter one frotn becciing a can didate unless he is spurred on by the belief that he can aid his countrymen. The largest service that the man in public life can render is to deal fairly with the two elements into which society is. generally speaking, divided, namely, tax eaters and tax payers. The tax eaters are clam orous and ever present in person or by repre sentatives; the tax payers are at home trying to make enough money to pay the next assess ment. A largo . art of the energy of the govern ment is spent in the collection and disbursement of taxes; and the struggle, therefore, between the few and the many is- an unending one. The few seeking privileges are provided with means for the favoring of friends and the punishment of opponents. Only those whose sympathies with the masses can hope to withstand the temp tation to take the aids of privilege There will' be found, however,' in state and nation those who are serving because they feel that their services are needed and they find their largest reward in the satisfaction that comes with duty performed. ome3 There is another compensation, however in tho attachments that develop during a political .career. There are a multitude wlfo aree on public questions, and fellowship of kindrS souls is. balm f qr the wounds that one receives X t political arena. The heart of the people in sound land their ideals are high. Lack of in formation delays reforms, and prejudice often prevents an understanding of the ZiiK needs but in the long run people learn. Untry'8 fhnfL k bfck ovlr tirenty-flve years I know that the people can be trusted for I have seen them weighedWnd not found wantine r if ill years to secure an important reX bui it cotes at last and is worth the effort, ContitutiSna? A LIFESAVER TO AGRICUIiTUItAIi . INTERESTS Commenting on the decision of the United States Supreme Court. February 28, upholding the validity of the federal loan act, Secretary C. M. Gruenther, for the eighth district, comprising Nebraska, Iowa, South Dakota and Wyoming, said: "This favorable decision should enable the federal land bank of Omaha to resume loaning operations in this district, within four to six weeks. Ordinarily tho federal land banks must first sell bonds with which to secure funds to make farm loans. If that method is followed, it may take from three to four weeks before .these bonds can be prepared and sold. There is, how ever, a measure pending in the house of repre sentatives at Washington which has already passed the Senate, which measure provides that the secretary of the treasury may purchase $200,000,000 of farm loan bonds from the fed eral land banks. If this measure -passes the House, it may, be that we can resume loaning within three to five weeks. While there is nothing definitely decided about the new rate, it is a pretty safe guess to state that the rate will be 6 per cent fo the borrower. "Recently we have gathered data from 384 of our representatives in the district concerning the great need of tho farm loan .system at this time. It is shownby this data that the farmers and stockmen everywhere have suffered serious dis tress and irreparable losses because they were unable to obtain funds to properly finance their farming operations. We believe that resumption of loaning by the federal land bank of Omaha is a lifesaver to thousands o our farmers and that it will have a very beneficent effect upon business generally." The most fruitful and elevating influence I have ever seemed to meet has been my impres sion and obligation to God. Webster. Death may darken a home today, but it can not dim.the past. BARRING HER PROGRESS. otesegc: .l V -nrsJCJ -American Daily Standard, Chicago tC ) t&f .3.Z.W -. . krnkm