JVT t r- ,rr ' jw mtf The Commoner MARCH, 1921 t - --3- -.... rtJ'A Vw" President Harding's Problems President Harding enters the White House with tho largest majority received by any chief executive in recent years and with the, largest popular Vote given to any man in history. This is a great distinction, but he will And awaiting him more difficult problems than any previous president .has encountered.- It may be worth while to consider a few of the more important of these problems. First, the world awaits his "Word on interna tional relations. Co-operation between tho na tions for the prevention of war hangs on his de cision, providing, 6f 'course, the Senate 'supports him in his plans: Ho is pledged to an Associa tion of Nations in which the United States Will do its part without surrendering its right to de cide for Itself when and on what terms it will employ force iii aid of any other nation. This means that Article 10 will be eliminated from the covenant, "but that will not impair the value of the documentr Article 10, while it kept our country but of the League of Nations and con tributed largely to "the wrecking of the Demo cratic party in tho recent campaign, never was worthy of the attention given to it.' It could not override the constitutional provision giving to Congress tho right to declare war; the moral obligation which it purported to create was powerful as a disturber of tho peace but qu te impotent as a protection to other nations. Our Allies understood this and were anxious to sur render Article 10 and admit the United States on . any terms that our country would name-. Whether President Harding will insist on dropping the word League and substituting the word Association does not yet appear, but he is a practical politician and is not likely to sacrifice substance to form. It is quite probable that Great .Britain and France will give him a lead pencil, nd a sheet of paper, and ask. him to sug-ff-AKf th rthanim desired. If he ins'sts on chang- ', ing the name it can be done very easily, but he is not likely t6 put other nations to any un necessary trouble or to require any phraseology, that will be embarrassing. ThePresident is committed to but two 'propo sitions in connection with international Peaco. He, is for co-operation with othei' nations for the prevention of war and ho is against any terms that will impair; the independence of this .nation. He has shown himself open minded -and anxi ous to receive information from all Bources be fore proposing any definite plan, "and, happily, entirely free to follow his conscience in interpret ing his obligation to the country. His nomination came to -tiim In such a way as to make him more Independent than nominees sometimes are and', his majority was so large, that no man, no group,, no faction can claim to haver exercised "a con-, trolling influence. But, while he is-free to follow his personal convictions, he is not free to ignore the, known sentiment Qf the country, and he knows what the sentiment Is. A large majority of the mem bers of the Senate, including Senator Harding, voted to accept the League with reservations a majority of 18 on the final vote and' twenty more favored the League, but opposed the reser vations. " Only 19 Senators out of a total of 96" opposed .the League entirely and that is probably a larger percentage of opposition then exists among the voters as a whole. An overwhelming, majority of the American people demand some form of international co-operation; without it, it is impossible to hope for permanent peace. The enormous increase in expenditure for arma-. ments proclaim only too clearly the fears of the world. Without disarmament we must expect returning wars, each more expensive and more bloody than the one before, until bankruptcy of the weaker nations makes tliem subject to the stronger nations. T3urdpe is powerless to save itself. Land hunger," commerciriLgreed, "and the spirit of revenge are driving the nations of the Old World toward war. No one of them,' or group, has the moral strength and the unselfish , spirit necessary, for the solut i of the difficulty. -Our nation alone has the Influerice and the -disinterestedness to act as" arbiter, and we will have more influence when we reserve tho right to de cide our action lor ourselves than wo would .have if a foreign council could commit ns to war and call our soldiers to battle. Many of those who favored ratification with out reservations, .as long' as that seemed possi ble, did sb as i did not- because Article -Qj was deemed vwise butf because it" seemed better to gov into the Leagueat once and eliminate Article ro afterwards than to risk the" evils- that mighicomcT with delay. Now that the American people have issued their mandate all friends of the. League will join the friends of an Association of Nations -and hasten the carrying out of tho voters' decree. This is the first problem with which the new presidont will have to deal and every citizen who has the welfare of his country at heart will hope that he will act wisely and, by throwing our nation's Influence on tho side of conciliation, help to lay the foundation for an enduring peace. .The second problem that confronts the new occupant of tho White House has to do with taxation. Itevenue is tho continuing question in G.overnpient; other questions may come and go, but taxation, liko Tennyson's Brook, "goes on and on forever." It is more acute now than usual because of the enormous levies made neces sary by the war. The people are crying out un der the burden of taxation, and every important class of taxpayers is clamoring for a relief. Tho loudest clamor as usual, comes from those least deserving, namely, the profiteers, but it so hap pens that this is the class that has the ear of the public. "Repeal the excess profits tax," shouted Wall Street, and tho shout is taken up by every organization under tho influence of the profiteers. Tho cry was so loud that an echo came back from the Treasury department, and from the candidates of the two leading parties. The argument relied upon to secure the repeal is that the tax is transferred to tho consumer a strange argument when It is remembered that the tax is not collected until after the profiteer has already collected it from the consumer. In the year 1,921 the profiteers will give to the gov ernment a part of the excess which they col lected in 1920. What reason is there to believe that they would collect less profit if tho tax was removed? So far as logic can be Invoked to de cide the question the inducement to excess profits would be greater if they could keep it all than it is when they have to give a large per cent of it to the government, and -yet this argument is brazenly advanced by those who seek to relieve the profiteer of this tax. Another argument sometimes heard is that the excess profits tax discourages "Incentive what incentive? The incentive to collect excess profits? If so - it ought to be discouraged. We do not need to encourage unfairness in the business of the exploitation of society. Ordinary and rea sonable profits are not subject to the excess profits tax it is only the unreasonable and il legitimate profits upon which tho excess tax is laid. But more serious still, how are we going to support the government without revenue? If the exc.ess profits tax is repealed wo must either make up the deficit by some other form of taxa tion or suffer a reduction to the extent of the excess profits tax Will the taxpayers consent to bear the burden they now carry in order to release the least deserving of taxpayers? Or, us is really demanded, will-, they consent to higher imposition upon themselves 'in order that the profiteering may bo favored? The substitute usually suggested by those who desire to repeal the excess profits tax is a tax on retail sales which would, of course, be paid by the purchaser. No matter what the profit of tho manufacturer, wholesaler, jobber, and retailer after all these have been added to the original price "the government tax would be collected from the purchaser, Teaying the intermediate profits, whether fair or unfair, untouched. A consumption tax overburdens, the poor and un derburdens the rich because people do not buy the necessaries of life in proportion to their possessions or Incomes. It takes as much food to supply theneeds of the poor as of the rich and as much to clothe one as the other. While the rich spend more for food and clothing han the poor, the amount spent is not proportionate to' the benefits which they receive under the pro tection of the government. A consumption tax, being paid out of the income, is, in effect, an in come tax a graded income tax, but the heaviest per cent is levied upon the smallest -inoome, and the" smallest per cent upon the largest income. If the Republican party stands by its high tariff record and raises customs rates on imports, the poor will again be overburdened and the rich underburdened, and, in the case of tariff duties, the amount received by the government may be only a small part of the total amount collected fromHhe consumers, because' the increased price of the domestlcarticlef goes to the manufacturer instead of to the government. - -'-: . If, in "addition to imposing tariff dn consump- tfpn and a tax on retail sales, tho Republican Congress yields to the entreaties of the rich and reduces tho tax on largo incomes without a similar reduction on small Incomes, tho average man may bo aroused to a protest that will ma terially affoct the fato of that party in tho congressional elections next year. President Harding will alzo find tho profiteer question an embarrassing one to deal with. Tho profiteers were quite largely Republicans last fall and it Is not easy to cope with such influen tial wrong doers when they are In one's own party. They will not bo slow to point out to those in authority tho contributions which they made to tho party's success and they will be very much offopdod.if any attempt is made tp class them with ,tho transgressors. And yet some thing must be done. We are creating anarchists . by wholesale, or, o,t least, encouraging very radi cal Jdeas by tho inequality exhibited in tho pun ishment of crime. If a man stoals a small amount of money or merchandise, ho sins against society and no one pleads in his behalf. His trial is brief and his punishment both swiftxand severe. No one. will complain of this If big of fenders are treated in tho same summary way. But, unfortunately, it is more difficult to appre hend and punish those who rob on a largo scale. Senator Calder of Now York has recently es timated at one billion and a half tho extortion pract ced by tho coal men fh a single year, and yet,, the criminals go unpunished. A man con nected with the coal busineflWndignantly denied Senator Calder's charge, and declared that the amount could not have been more than six hun dred million. But six hundred millions is probably more than tho total amount stolen by all tho thieves in all the penitentiaries in the nation. If we have laws sufficient to protect tho public from profiteering, thoy should bo en forced; if the laws are not sufficient, new laws should be enacted. The present situation is not only a grqss injustice to tho masses but a real menace to the stability of our government. We have a Federal Trade commission which is doing excellent work, but tho information which it furnishes is not being utilized by Congress. The states should have trade commissions with powers adequate for tho protection of the public from profiteers in the state, and each city should have a municipal trade commission for the pro tection of its citizens from local profiteers, but much of the big profiteering is nation-wide in extent an,d can be dealt with only by the Federal Government. President Harding will not be in office long, before he atrd his attorney-general will realize the seriousness of tho prpblem pre sented by tho profiteer. The decision of the Supreme Court declaring unconstitutional the law Intended to prevent profiteering gives tho President an opportunity to recommend a law embodying such remedies as he has in mind. The House and Senate also will be tested by this unexpected opportunity for con structive legislation. A fourth problem of very large proportion is the one presented by the growing antagonism be tween labor and Capital. On the one side we have a group of influential employers, who are ,bent on destroying the labor organization and, on the other side., We have the labor organiza tions, conscious of the attempt that is being made upon their very existence. The labor leaders are not always wise but they have lots of companionship In their imperfections. They are not more liable to err than the leaders of the capitalistic forces, and can plead a more urgent necessity if in their efforts intheir own behalf they are not always careful about the interests of others. r Democracy does not mean government by any class. Democracy rejects the idea of government by bankers, manufacturers, merchants, lawyers, lobbyists, laborers, farmers or any other group, .but it must constantly be borne in mind that the men who cry out against government by a large class, like the laboring class or the agri culturists, aro the very ones who insist upon government by a small .class. State conventions, under the control of the commercial interests" have sometimes declared in favor of a govern mpnt by.business men for the benefit of the busi ness Interests of ,the country and their defini tions of the businessman included but a small percentage of the yoters. The safety of our government lies, not in the domination of it by any class, but in machinery which will enable tho whole people to protect themselves from injustice at the hands of any fractiofn of the people. The number of persons directly, affected by any industrial dispute is small compared with the total population. When, "fdr."instanee( tile country was threatened with ' " (Continued on Page 12,) r J 5 7 !i V.l-i J, t '1 if - i - Si 4 .,