. ,? V ,-'v ' -. - . '&.''' B'M r IV- I i"u. : k I'v '. i i t. V r. &- :". IV. ! ;o The Commoner , NO. 3 Expenses of 1920 Campaign . A Washington, dispatch, dated March 1 says: Tho two croat po litical parties Republicans and Domocratlc spont In tho presiden tial campaign of 1920, "a sum in .oxcoss of ton and a quarter million dollars," .it was stated in a report submitted to the senate today by Senator William S. Kenyon, Repub lican of Iowa, chairman of the sen ate committee which investigated last yoar'a campaign receipts and expend itures. The amount was specified as $10, 338,509.02 and was divided as fol lows: Republican party $8,100, '739.21; Democratic party $2,237, 770.71. . " 'Those figures do not by any moans represent tho entire amount of monoy expended in the campaign,' it1 was stated in Sonator Kenyon'B report. ''The funds collected, of course Wero not used exclusively in . the presidential campaign. They wore usod likewise in the election of sonafors and congressmen and state officials.' " : This disbursements of the Repub lican national committee from tho time of the Chicago convention, un til tin close of the campaign,, were givon as $5,319,729.31; those of the Democratic national committee $1, 318,274.02. Tho Republican congressional com mittee was credited with an expendi ture, $359,959.05; the Democratic congressional committee, $24,498.05; the Republican Boenatorlal commit tee $320,980.29; the Democratic senatorial committee, $6,675. IJ. was stated there was also a loan of $306,233.50 to the Republi can congressional committee a major portion of which was paid back, and another loan of $100,000 to the Re publican senatorial committoe, which was repaid in full. w Tho fifteen men who in the pro convention campaign were the prin cipal aspirants for either the Repub lican or Democratic nomination for president had a total of $2,980,033 expended in their interests, it was re ported by Senator Kenyon. Of this amount $1,773,303 was credited to Gen. Leonard Wood; $414,984 to Governor Frank O. Low den; $194,393 to Senator Hiram W. Johnson; ""$173,542 to Herbert Hoover and $113,109 to Warren G. Harding in their efforts t& secure' the Republican presidential nomination, and $59,610 to Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer; $22,000 to Govorn pr James M, Cox and $14,040 to James W. Gerard and $12,900 to Governor Edwards, in the scramble for the Democratic nomination for president. "Naturally the members of the Committee discussed remedies, to limit the amount of campaign expendi tures, for they feel that the expendi tures of these vast sums 13 a present and growing menace to the nation " the report stated. "We recognize there are constitu tional difficulties involved in the pas sago of laws to regulate expenditures in presidential campaigns, but are of the opinion that the senate commit tee on privileges and elections should in tho next congress take up tho question of remedial legislation and U a constitutional amendment should bo necessary that the proper steps Should be taken to submit the same to the people, as provided by the constitution. "The subject is of such importance that the next congress should civo early attention thereto." TROUBLES SPARE NOT RICHES Almost everybody thinks that the possession of a million dollars would make them perfectly happy and that the only reia-oJ; rhv w,.i :". would be that they could hot live on earth eternally. Yet, in 1920, thirty six millionaires committed suicide. In the same year, seventy-five presi dents and managers of big concerns ended. their lives. Wealth cannot be depended upon tobanlsh trouble. Woes and had health follow riches just as surely as they pursue povorty. Wealth may aid in warding off some troubles and monoy may - take one where health will bo improved, but most rich per sons have the same things to contend with that frice poorer ones. Few wealthy persons are con tented. Their business is a constant annoyance or- they lack the capacity to use their money to attain the greatest possible personal comfort. The greater proportion of real hap piness in the world is among tho$ of moderate means tho man with a family and a little homo. These men ordinarily have their life's work arranged with the minimum of dan ger of loss of their accumulations. They are modest in their desires and are seldom &erIoftslJr disappointed The savings banks and life insurance companies dp to thorn what stocks and bonds and other: Investments do for those of large, jneans; more bo really, for the reason that savings accounts and life policies are safer than 'stocks and bonds'; " " Suicide, which is this result of in. sanity Or dOsperatibfi,vvwiU never suggest Itself to. .aQntorited maQ. and contentment can; tie attained by frugality, humbleness and avoidanco of temptation. -MiamiHerald. iaaBSK!BiaaiaaBBai JJl JJLLi Brunswick ON SALE TODAY- Whoever likes music will like these new Brunswick records. Tlrey must be heard to he appreciated, so by oil meanshear them. There W a Brunswick dealer .near you. Ask him to play the new records for you. Number j 2074 f Laya Bird MarkonoSeh . Eraett Hart 85c WfayDaa'tYow Baritone Soto Emit Hani ZS? -f JNawJCaaw Fox Trot AccmrJlon) , , . , . , laaffe Party OC 1 BhiaJaaaa FmxTrai Accordion) . . , . . ftfafe Parry '2072 J tntU Dusk Fox Trot . . . . . KtJy WUaWl's Cattarmia 65c MMgiflrfMMa WmHx , . . . . CWW. OrcitiirS 32s f MrIUofGMnDrMf(Mwnj 03c Tripoli HmwmUmnPhymr) . . . Fraak Fartot awl Aatkaay Fraacaial W -f rSIuV mTr' .-. ... leaakKraefer'iOreWlra 05c R Garden Blaea Fox Trot . ,y . . Beai Kntfts'g Orckeitr 3?I -f He2?UW ' fc" Cairlts Harruw m Cbrle. Hart 85c I 0-HI.O-O-My.O (T.nor) ........ Billy Janet Mm 1 WT'!? Fr. Trot From "5a" . M Jeae.' Orcfcertra 5I.W 1 Leok For the SuW Lining Fox Trot From "Sally") Isktat Jeaes Orchestra i "f &0,L FeTrot . . IJW OrAe.tr I AW I My Mammy FmxTrot (From"Slnba") .. . Iibaa Joms Orekeitra ? I y "bn,Daa'ct Friend (rro"fo.We."VlreMWaiiamtawlSaA.fc 1.00 1. Whbpennf Solo Ireae Willinw and Crefieat Trk 10027 I ' 1,00 Witcha.' Dance (Plan fort Solo jy . 1 . . UfMG&vi&j !160 1 Annie, Lauria (5ir.) .' ., ; V .? . . Oarrtay )Ki lfffi OrientalelnSoo) . ( :V ,' . . . . Mas X.ea 5042 Still Swaetcr Evary Day . . . ' ' - Prit w.i a- - 1.00 Brithtanth.CorSr.r.Y;uAVa .'- . SK&S ,13017 J OWRafrain VMInSolo) -,. i -i. n;,. i.i- 1.25 1 Saranad. (VWhfcfo) .. J.. ' , SSSSS 13016 f Motfcar Mackraa . . '., ' ; : f$ ;4: r, 1.25 Coa Back To Erin . ; '..:.."-. ' ' S"' " 24nch "- . . . . . .?;. VeiialU'. Il.U. .- J 1.50 K u. wiacabra Death Dane) ' ' ',: : . v. ... :. f.S" 2079 J BrigMEye. FoxTrot . . V r .c , tl 85c Honolulu Eye. Waltz . . ' ' ' r I" M Sreie,lr' jf CnrI Ftnt Orchestra Any Phonograph can play Brunswick Record The Brunswick-Balke-Collender GdP CHICAGO -i , . SSSd'Sf9'S!ttnaSaiSm!am"m''mim pvwhi '1"t -jvi A