4fi ; t vw ft mr$$F"Trm'- V!9OTT3i(PBP' w ?,"- r- ,r Tlrf? K.'ii FlffifttJABY, 1921 'I ' i ii ' i in- r The Commoner is Rupture Kills - 7,000 Annually ,1 iiii i ttovea tkouwmd peraons Mokyr re Hid hy!Ttho burial certificate being parked "Rupture." -Wuyt Becus the unfortunate ones had reflected thomsclves or bd Jmb merely UWrijr caro of the sign (swelling) of & afflioiion ana paying no huwuu ----. What are you doing? Are you neglecting yourself by wearing a truss, MP"". 2F whatorer name you choose to call It? At beat, tha trues is only ft makeshift a false prop k ' weoted to act asnioro than a more mechanical R i mu. MnliniK nrximirn retard blood circulation, thus robbing tho weakened jnuReles of ihat -which they oed mot--nourishment. - But science has found ft way, nd every; truM sufferer in thb land iainritcd to mako ft FKBH test ritrlit In tho privacy of thoir pvra bome. Tho PLAPAO inothod la unquestionably tho taost sciontiflo, loeical and successful self treatment for rnpturo tho world has ever known. Tho PLAPAO-PAD when adhering olpssly to ths body cannot possibly slip or shift out of plaees, therefore, cannot chafe or pbach. Soft as velvet-easy to apply-iupxpenaive. To be used whilst you work and whilst you sleep. Wo atrapn. buokles or rk! '' attached. Learn how to close the hernial open ing as nature intended so the rupture CAN'T come down. Send your name to day to PLAPAO CO.. Block 4040, St. Louis. Mo., for FREE trial. Plapao and the information necessary. BRITISH. Pli AN TO VOID WAR DEBTS 8PURNBD BY U. B The following was carried by The Associated Press. Birmingham, England, Feb. 4.- Tho British government formally pro posed a cancellation of ail inter-allied debts, but tfio nronosals were unac ceptable to the American government, said J. AuBten Chamberlain, chancel lor of the exchequer, in a speech to his constituents here today. 44 'To make them again,' Chamber lain continued, 'would bo, I think, beneath our dignity, and would rend er us liable to a misconception of our motive.' ' 4In making them he added, 4we sought no national advantage for our selves. We proposed a solution in which Ave would have foregone claims larger than any remitted to us, and we proposed it because we believod it would be in the interests of good relations among peoples, tho rehabilitation of national credit and the restoration of international trade. ' "Our great international debt is due to the obligations we undertook on behalf of our allies. If we hotd had only ourselves to consider "we should hata been particularly free of external debt at the present time." to look only to happenings In our own country. "The fact of the matter is that the criminal statistics show that countries all over the world, no mat ter whether they had any active part in the war or not, are experiencing practically tho same percentage of in crease in crimo that has caused so much trouble hero." American issue. 200 PER CENT -COAL PROFITS CHARGED A Washington dispatch, dated Fob. 3, says: Estimated profits of twenty one mining companies operating in the Pocahontas coal fields of West Virginia, some of which were as h'gh as 200 per cent on investment dur ing 1920, were placed today before the senate committee considering the Calder coal regulation bill. The cor poration names involved were not made public after an animated debate during which J. D. A. Morrow, vice president of the National Coal asso ciation, said this would violate el "understanding" reached with sonar investigators who procured tho ac counts. Chairman Calder of tho (r vestigating committee which draftc tho bill donied that any such 4,unde standing" had existed. One corporation In his list, on total investment of $178,000, .mine 122,000 tons of coal in tho first nlr montbs of 1020, on which its prof was $478,000. , Another corporation with an it vestment of $163,000, made $133, 000 in nine months of 1920, or i ' profit rate of 109 per cent on capital A third, with $1,428,000 invested made $716,000 during the Bamo'por iod, a rate of 67 per cent, whllo it profits in 1919 wore estimated af 3i per cent. Its production was 407, 000 tons. SPARE TME ALL ggk as sv AbbbbbbbbbsbbbbbbbbbbbbvI1!&bbs1bbb1 jE2Sj0K 70,000 YH--?OWMlffBBBBBBBPafliSP Abroad? Why You Must Have Iron to Make Your Body Strong and Your Brain Keen Alert and Powerful Vnlue of Splnnch and Organic Iron to Help Make Rick Itcd Blood tmd Revitalize Wornont ftxuauwted Ncrvctt -anpwi m - Soldi SsWijdo mefc I wtnt mm. btafflfi. M ambitious follows, anxious to inako monoy, who are l .... i in. . slTa si vtn nitr "firlfn TT1A I . .k t.t nm Jn tnf mn nilf frith IDA Anrnu that kind? I want yom to adferUno, Boll and ia truly wonderful invention nothlwr 1U It Makoa Instant appeal, oeua casuj. ui,ea ?ciy uuuw modern, up-to-dato bathroom In any part of tho houw. No plumblne. no water-works neoded. Folda In smaB roll, bandjr aa umbrella. Self-emptying years. Bemember, fuUy 70 per cent of homes hare no bathrooms, jaoro wan u,vvw uuwj ."" FIFF nMiiiJisrty THi Hlfct Three Bales day means $90 a week. Breeze of Idabo. tnaao 4W pront m on uhjb. Schulie. Mo., sot 1.BW to tUito. Barkholder. Mont, ordew $1,072 la 17 dayviM11100..?! that' Pleasant, permanent, fascinating work. Wrlto a P0B Ctu. i um num jvu . " ? . . ' j 1 onco needeo. ixo capital, xour creun, ia kw mean btwlneas. But yon must bo ambitious, you must want to make monuy. That's alL Wrlto a postcard r. X wans vt pay you ou u, xui utc nn.. nwc llOltrNAaN flAKINET MFC V9. MVtha SulldlMr Tlat. Okie .. ' ' BROUGHT UP BEFORE Wahington, Feb. 4. Treasury "of ficials refused to comment tonicht on the statement of the British chancel lor of the exchequer, J. Austen Chamberlain, in an address at Birm ingham, England, that the United States government refused to accept British government proposals that the inter-allied dobts arising from the world war be cancelled. No mention has ever been made in official circles here of any proposal officially tendered by Great Britain for cancellation of the inter-allied debts, but -it was recalled tonight that Sir George Paish, the British financial expert, who visited the United States a year ago, put forward some such proposal while in this country. Sir George's mission was not regarded by the United States government as official and consequently his proposal did not receive official consideration. WILL RADIDM AT LAST OPEN THE DOOR OF THE GREAT UNKNOWN If you are sick and want to Get Well and Keep Well, write for literature that tolls How and Why this almost unknown and wonderful new element brings relief to so many sufferers from Rheumatism. Sciatica, Qout. Neuritis, Neuralgia, Nervous Prostra tion, High Blood Pressure and diseases of the stomach. Heart, Lungs, Liver, Kid neys and other ailments. You wear Degnen'sRadio-ActlveSolar Pad da. and night, receiving the Radio-Active Rays continuously into your system, caus ing o healthy circulation, overcoming sluggishness, throwing off impurities and restoring the tissues and nerves to a normal condition and the next thing you know you are getting well. Sold on a test proposition. You are thoroughly satisfied it Is helping you before tne appxmnce ib yuura room ing to do but wear It. No trouble or expense, aud- the most wonderful fact about the appliance Is that it is sold so reasonable that It is within the reach of all, both rich and poor. No matter how bad your ailment, or how long standing, wo will be pleased to have you try it at our risk. For full information write today not to morrow Radium Appliance Co., ia3 BraJburir Bldg., Los Angeles. Calif. BOOKS RECEIVED The Present Crisis and A Way Out. By Homer Coolidge Chapin. Kenesaw Publishing Co., Chicago. Booklof. Jailed for Freedom. By Doris Stevens. Boni and Iiiveright, Pub lishers, New York. Chit-Chat, Nirvana, the Search light. By Matt J. Holt, 1002 Realty Bldg., Louisville, Ky. Twenty-five Best Sermons. By Arthur Talmage Abernethy, Ph. D. With Introduction by Congressman William D. Upshaw. The Standard Publishing Company, Cincinnati, Ohio. . Price $2.00. , Italy and The World War. By Thomas Nelson Page, American Am bassador to Italy from 1913 to 1919, Charles Scribners Sons, New York. WITH PLENTY OF BLOOD AND HION, YOUR BRAIN, is tho most wonderfr thing in all creation but without these It is nothing. IRON TAKES OXYOE from your lungs and carries it to your brain. Without iron your brain gi no oxygen; and without plenty of rich red blood and oxygen your brain b comes dull and heavy. YOUR INTELLECT POOR, your memory falls, YOU D FOOLISH THINGS, make bad decisions and you really amount to nothing, t tar aa accomplishing anything of importance Is concerned. Also, without Iron YOUR BLOOD BECOMES THIN AND WATERY and lose its power to change food Into living cells and tissue and therofore nothing yo eat does you tho proper amount of good you do not get tho full strengt out of It. THERE ARE 30,000,000.060,000 RED BL06D CORPUSCLES IN YOUR BLOO, AND EACH ONE MUST HAVE IRON. PATICNTS,1 Write tor free Guide Book & Evidence of "Conception Blank. Send model or sketch of Invention for free opinion of its patentable nature. High est references. Reasonable Terms. Vic loiW. 9Bvantt& Co., 722 9th, Washing ton, 9 - i - COM'R KRAMER DECLARES PRO HIBITION KEPT CRIME WAVE AT LOW LEVELS Prohibition Commissioner Kramer in a Washington interview with the TTnivorRal Nrwb Rarvrln.n lnnf xcpTr r?o clared that but for such enforcement of the prohibition law as has been effected, the United States would have suffered more severely from crime waves than it has to date. The commissioner said: "Any crime wave 'which now ex ists or has prevailed is largely and almost exclnsively due to the condi tions of unrest and disturbance which follow every war. It is only human nature to think that our experiences are unique to us and have never oc curred before, and in addition Amer icans have too great -a tendency to disregard European conditions an.d When, as a result of iron starvation you get up feeling tired In the morning, when you find yourself nervous, irrlt- able and easily upset; when you can no longer do your day's work without being all fagged out at night; when your digestion all goes wrong, or you have pains across the back and your face looks pale and drawn, do not wait until you go all to pieces and collapse In a state, of nqrvous. prostration, or until in your weakened condition you contract some serious disease, but eat more" spinach and other iron-containing vegetables and take organic iron with them to help enrich your blood and revitalize your wornout exhausted nerves But be sure that the Iron you take is organic Iron and not metallic or mineral Iron which people usually take. Organic iron is like the iron I your blood and like tho Iron in spinae lentils and apples, while metallic iro Is just as it comes from the action r strong acids and small pieces of lro Organic iron may bo had from yoi druggist under tho name of NUXATE IRON. Nuxated Iron represents orgar iron In such a highly concentrat form that one dose is estimated to approximately equivalent (In orga iron content) to eating half a quart spinach orono quart of green vt tables. It is like taking oxtract beef instead of eating poundu of mi Your money will bo refunded by t manufacturers if you do not obta perfectly satisfactory results. For sa. by all druggists. New York World Three Times a Week and The Commoner ! Both One Year for $1.30 Think of it! 168 Papers in a year for only $1.30. No other combination gives you the news so much and so often at so low a price. The New York World is one of the great newspapers of tho country, and will keep you promptly and accurately informed on current events. The Thrice-a-Woek edition is practically as good as a daily. It prints only tho choicest matter contained in the daily editions, eliminates all the non-essentials, and carries the ex clusive special correspondence and special articles of a notable list of staff writers stationed in the important political and economic centers of the world. By the terms of a special reduction offer, limited for a short time, effective January 10, 1921, and subject to withdrawal without notice, we can send the Thrice-a-Week New York World, and' The Commoner both one full year for $1.30. If at present a-.subscriber, you can take advantage of this offer and your present expiration date will be extended one year. Accept this offer at once. Make remittances payable to THE COMMONER, Lincoln, Neb. 1 ..i-?4fo "- ' -i&hj.& idii.AiJi.iiMi - kj. i ia&iiil,' , V ; v ,