The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, December 01, 1920, Page 15, Image 15

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', ; pEQEMBER, 1920
The Commoner
(Miami Herald)
Discussing Miami and matters of
?Jvc importance to Miami at the
Villa Serena yesterday, Mr. Bryan
"I have increasing faith in Miami.
The city possesses a very unusual
combination of advantages. Its most
important asset is its climate. Mrs.
Bryan finds the Weather more con
genial here than anywhere else and
X know of no better winter climate
In the world. Not alone would its
climate assure the future of the city,
"but td this is added the attraction
of the bay and ocean. It is much
bettor to have the bay between the
city arid' the ocean than for the city
to be on the ocean itself, and yet a
be'ach nearby adds greatly to the
value, of the city's location.
'"The Everglades will some days be
ft very valuable tract of land and
Subscribers' Advertising Department
wanted for publication. Good Ideas
bring big rnoney. Submit Mss. or write
Literary Bureau, 137 Hannibal, Mo.
EAHN $25 WEEKLY, spare time, writing-
tor newspapers, magazines. Ex
pedience unnecessary; details free. Press
Syndiqate, 1050, St. Louis, Mo:
IF; 'YOU WANT to sell ,r exchange
? your property write . mo. John -J.
Black. 12th St., Chippewa. Falls. Wis.
BUY HONEY direct from producer.
Puro alfalfa honey; thick, rich and
delicious: absolutely guaranteed; 1 GO
.18. can, $12.G0 2 60. .;. cans, $24.00. ,G.
Av Koger. Meridian, Idaho
-V 1
INVENTIONS WANTED. Cash or royalty
for ld;as. Adam. Fisher Mfg., Co., 102
St'T Louis, Mo.
':TpRNr-MUSIC-CUJlE" . 10,000 Free
Samples." Stewart, San Joae, Cal.
t.wiNMMiii. i mi -. !!.. """' "'
Rupture Kills
; 7,000 Annually
Sevea thousand periwns each year are laid
away the burial certificate beingr saarked
JRupture," Why? Because the unfortunate
ones had neglected themselves or had been
merely taking care of the sign (spelling) of the
affliction ana paying no attention to the cause.
What are you doing? Are you neglecting
yourself by wearing a tniBS, appliance, or
whatever name you chooBO to call it? At beat,
the truss in.only a makeahift a false prop
against a coilapaing wall and cannot be ex
pected to aot as more than a mere mechanical
support. The blading pressure retards blood
circulation, thus robbing the weakened
maseles of that which they need most
But science has found a way, and every truss
sufferer in the land is invited to make a FKEE3
test right in the privacy of their own home.
The PLAPAO method is unquestionably the
most scientific, losical and successful self
treatment for rapture the world has ever
Tho PLAPAO-PAD when adhering closely
to the body caunqfr possibly slip or, shift out
of .place, therefore; cannot bafo or pinch.
Sottas velvet-easy to apply-incxpenslve. To
l&e'Used whilst you work and whilst you sleep.
Learn how to closo the hernial open
ing as nature Intended so the rupture
CAN'T come down. Send your name'-to-
j. it -. . .- r nr D1n.IL At fit a fit
Louis. Mo., for FREE trial, Plapao and
thV information necessary.
mJtol or sketcji of invention for free
Sln of itspatentable nature. Hlgh-
, rences, Reasonable aergs vic
tor J. Evans & Co,, 722 9tb, wasmng-.j
-Miami is one of the principal outlote
wim aeop water it will be the chlnf
outlet. The city of Miami has reached
tne stage in its development which
precludes tho possibility of its going
back. I expect Miami to become the
second city in the state in ten years
and the iirst in twenty years."
Referring to things to be done by
the city, Mr. Bryan declared that ho
thought it should be hotter adver
tised along tho way. x
"Wo came from Ashevilo, N. C,
by automobile and while wo saw an
occasional Miami sign the city is not
as well advertised as Orlando and
Tampa. The phenomenal growth
of Miami gives a legitimate basis for
advertising lhat ought not to bo
overlooked. Magic Miami would dhal
lengeattention and is more euphoni
ous than the Magic City. The in
crease in population 4.40 per cent
should he announced on every ad
vertising sign. The Royal Falm and
the poinsettia can be usM to attract
attention. The Royal . Palm is as
stately a tree as grows and the,
poinsettia might well be adopted as
the Miami flower.
"Alliterative descriptions would
help to make tho sign boards well
remembered, such, for instanco, as
boating and bathing, fruits and flow
ers, homes and hotels, sea and sun
shine, etc.
"An effort, too, should be made to
improve the road between Jackson
ville and Waycross, Ga., and Jackson
ville and. Savannah. We had to go
as far west as Valdosta and, Lake
City io reach Miami. It would hi
'cr6ase traffic by automobile to have
a good road all the way to the north
and northeast."
Mr. Bryan then voiced a great in
terest in the Tamiami Trail. Of this
he said:
- "I regard the Tamiami Trail as of
the greatest importance to Miami. It
will establish a highway between the
east and west coast that will soon be
come very popular. Tourists will
come down along one coast and go
back along the other. When the road
Is finished the trip between Miami
and Tampa can be easily made in a
.day with a stop at Ft. Myerb ror
lunch. The road between Cocoa anu
Miami, about 200 miles, is almost
perfect. We made it between 9 In thfi mornine and 6 o'clock
in the evening1, stopping nearly arf
hour at noon."
: Mr. Byan also expressed himself
as enthusiastic about the bay front
-purchase, part of which-will be util
ized as a paTK. He tniiiKO tnai it is
badly needed and is anxious to see
It developed at once. In this con
nection he renewed his suggestion
J6, regard to an auditorium, adding:
"Miami will same day become the
fayorite place for winter conventions
and meetings designed to araw me
people of the United States and
Latin America together."
Mr. Bryan expanded his suggestion
still further in urging the building
of the auditorium suitable for large
gatherings, saying that it would also
serve as a refuge from the rains that
often come up suddenly.
Ho advocated further that Miami
should make an appeal to the state
legislature for a junior college here
arid reverting to his .previous refer-:
ence to Miami as a center for reta
tidns with Latin America declared
bnf thin college should include a
special course of extended training-
Rnntilfih. He thinks that a Jargo
number of young men could be drawn
from Cuba, Jhprt across the gulf, and
fnmi Central America wuy. w.u
learn the methods of American civil
ization and government from teach
ers thoroughly familiar wtth the
language of those countries. He Went
further and expressed the readiness :
to join any citizens' committee to
put the appoal before tho state
authorities. Ho declared that he had
such a deop IntorostMn tho establish
ment of Pan-American relations
that ho would do all in his power to
holp mako Miami a place whore these
could bo best promoted.
Ho declared further that a college
ia very much neodod hero because
Gainoavillo Is about 300 miles away
and because In addition to this fact
and tho development cf Latin-American
relations it would bo a gioat at
traction to tourists and winter resi
dents who would welcome a higher
school in which to place their older
there, and Help to we that thVyW
enforced while they remain, Wash
ington Star.
I will gladly ond any Kheumattero
sufferer Simple Herb tteolpc Abi.
lUtoly Free that CnmrilAtnlv rttiri ,,
I of a terrible attack of imtnoufar ami
iniiaummtory Jlheumr.tlm of lenjr
standing aftefovsrythlnK else I triad
had failed m . I have slven It to many
Aiirferers who believed thj awHm
honoloiff. yet thy found rllf from
Uiolr uufrorlnif by taklnic lhe ltnl
liorb. It also rolkoH Sciatica proinnt
ly, an woll as Nmiralffia, and lit a won
derful blood purlflpr. You ar rrtont
woloome tc tho Herb Ittdtie If you will
Bond for It at once. I bollcve you will
oonMdor It a GoU-Snd aftr you hava
PUt It tO tho tout. Tliir fs nnthlriB' In.
jurloua contained in it. and you oan sc
Tho wets are not prospering. Even
Now Jersey Is a dlaannolntmnnt.
Their nlan was to ntnr win in. n,i for yourself exactly what vou nr tuu
try as wot as (ho Atlantic ocean." i win wend uamo and nddrcna. iaijv
Xnrst, tho Volstead act was to be wrltttn. w. P, SUTTO.V, ss 31hkbn1In.
Ave, LtyiLAmgelcHt Cflllf.
Gured His Rupture
I wa badly ruptured whllo llftlni? a
trunk flevcral vcarK asro. Doctors Mid
tny only hope of euro was an operation,
amended, and then tho
amendment repealed.
Gov. Edwards and Jamos Nugent
were to turn the trick. They would
begin at San Francisco. Both would
go as delogates at tho hGad of a dele
gation instructed for their nrosrram.
"watch mo!" said Gov. Edwards in W?," d,d lP? no Kood. Finally I Kot
discussing h3 uroiected conrsn In fh "?'? ?l omptmnK inai quioKiy ana oom
uiov.uBoiub it d prujccica course m mo pictoly curad me. SToara bava pa.od and
convention. iljo rupture ban novor returned, although
ftnt lm nhnntmA Ma i rr i am liolng hard work as a enrpontdr
I3ut no changed his plans. He did There waa no oporatlon, no lout time'
not attend tho convention. Official Uo trouble, I havo nothing to sell, but
business detained him at homo. Iwlli sivo Jul Information about how
, uiuo. you xruiy nnd tt complete cure without -
Mr. Nugent attended and did his operation. If you wrlto to me. Kur?ne
mant "" wouJSn?, .T ,iK,,i!uS5"J?rk,Vai&'5?lJ
.mant.. t would not mention prohibi- (0ut this notice and show it to any othora -
tion. Even the eloquence of Bourko who are ruptured you may eave a life,
Cockran could not secure rccojmltion or at least atop tbomueryot rupture and
. 4fc HLcuru recognition ,no worrv and danger of an operation.
v. mo imijju&u upun wuiuu mo wots
had set their hearts and about which
had made some boasj.8.
Empty-handed, Mr. Nugent "re
turned home, and has since been bid
ing his time, But at Trenton Tues
day his last hope perished. Tho
Democratic state convention turned
his program down,.' and the same day
the Ropublicanc in state convention
called for the enforcement of a"
laws, mentioning the eighteenth
amendment by namer
Tho drys are prospering every
where. They have their measures on
the books, and the great majority
of the millions of women now en
titled to vote will help to keep them
A Family Treat
High claaa. practical reading courae.
for each member of tho family,
covering a whole yoar and at. a
low cottt Doesn't that interest you?
THE COMMONER.... f 1.001 Our
Woman'a Vr'orld...... .50 Spoaial
Household , .26 Price
American Fruit Oroworl.00 All Viva
Mo. Valley Farmer... .26 for
Total regular price $3.0H 5230
Mall your order today to 4
TPeConAmoncr, Lincoln, Nebr,
The Gift Supreme'
An Old Question Quickly Answered
. Again you are confronted with that puzzling queatlon, WHAT
YoumuBt give to Father, Son, Brother, Friend or Fellow Workman
a suitable Christmas Gift.
Every year more and more people are getting acquainted with a most
satisfactory Christmas-giving plan that pormlta them to avoid the
Jostle of the crowded stores, the worry over what to buy and the neod
less axpenso of tno much time or too much money. Yot theae people
send1 gift that is Useful. Appropriate, Inexpensive, Educational and
of Lasting" Value to all thoughtful persons who are students of Govern
ment. A yearly subscription to
Twelve times throughout the year of 1921 Jt will bfe a reminder
of your thougjjtfulness and generosity. '
Mr. Bryan needs the support of all men and womexVho are In
symnathy with the light he Is, making for moral reforms and progroa-'
siye government. Will you help to extend the influence of 1g pa.j6r by
Increasing Its field of usefulness, "and at the same time be ure to
please your relative $v friend?
- ....... ......(Bai
The Commoner, Lincoln, Nebr.
v For the enclosed ....,. please send 'the 'the Composer gv$&f2 i
a u- , nnAndifrMs followiiiK: at vour Tegular rate. pffltOO ay " -4S
iw n . v.v. ..--.- j--- r , , '' '. jJgW v ' S ' t
StreeCprlt. -FD."...
City ..... ' oiiB..fy .
(Send additional names on separate vaheet.)
tUll s v
Wi & , . ' iUfey.i'A