MSyTwTirwiylJSf . ' a ' .' r , ' a--1 V '.,.. ,- X The Commoner 16 : mv BIWTA1N VOIOES .SATISFACTION flielF paying my personaL-txdbuto to President Wilson's idealism, although I havo as much cause as anybody to hato him for he has wracked by his action the thing I hold most dear. Still I recognize' that, the election re- AT, O. O P TRIUMPH A London cablegram to the" Chica go Tribune, under date of Nov 3, says; British statesman, following ;"..,r,tr:.".t'.krJl-..n .T..: Wit JJ ariSvolt aKalnstnn uncon AmXa,rwoalS S&HSSSMS? Z.t A "cab S' mlZt SS with touipt to conceal their satisfaction r.u f-. ,trtrti.fl,i fiv thni- ovo the election of Senator Hardin, gSSleo SSw1 "It IB ll relief' said' a prominent hyphenated Americans Who' tried to cabinet minister tpday, "no longer to (lrag tnoir country into the.affalrs of fear that ah eloquent sermon ni another, country. His election hB come out o a clear sky in themidot; Bafd ,W0Uld makeettlement. of the nf iin Itnnrirtnnf nlimnrtfipi final r...i, ....n--. JT!:i..L t ".' "- " --- , jinn" pro mum yuuiyi', "President Elect Holding Btanus for tho plain, common sense of the. AmArlnhn ttnrmln n.nrt wn no trouble in getting along witli hint Who Will Answer for Mr. Schwab? in international affairs, Even it wo uitwuamvu upvuuum, vu shan't always agree, wo will knpW nom.-problemB, etc.. By Richard D. tvhero we aro at," vKathrens, JB'urton Publishing Co., Another statesman ---who has been Ka'a 0itf Mo, prominently identified with thV A World Problem. Jews Poland lehrrufl of nationn said! "I cannot s Humanity, A psychological and , .,, (..,... . x.,t. -n.i x 0UO..I.I and W, K. The' 'BbOlc Importing House, ll'S-120 So, 17th St.,' Pitts burgh, Pa., Price ?2.25. 4 Handbook qf American Govern ment. Bv William H. Bartlett. 'M Thomas... Y. Crowell Company. New York.; " - The . 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