"ST? p$?'FvCW"' I'-J- 'i' ifl ' A"aJ t -v : 'N S2 ! - ..''Jilfl 4ttf vAan "lyrcg?- tt i. i j'i . :t t -e,r . tj i "iy ut v .'SBfe " ,, ,-- " ' x - ii ! -V - " www . UBf ncr If r-fcite ' ?". ' 'x- ... WILLIAM J. BRYAN, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR ' vv , vol m NO. 11 '! Ill HI MS MTOOHBWgpganiBEP ,.,, . ' nrifT'imiii ! ,.,. Lincoln, Nebraska, November, 1920 - J I fci v PKang the Blame Whilethdjorities are larger' than even the RepublicanVders expected, a Democratic de feat was neyitable and the. blame is easily placed. rp&&r esident laid the foundations for the disas.teaffd Governor Cox completed the Btructuro.The-i'rIdent attempted to drive out' of public .life every Democrat who dared to dit fer from hjlm ...even in minute details, While he made no effort to strengthen the Democrats who made him; the keeper of their conscience. He alienate alk-Republican support and invited partisanopp'osition by his appeal, just before the election of ID 1 8, for a congress that would siipportNjiis '," personal leadership, and then, though jcnowing full cwell the majority, in the nation, asgain st him,-. he refused" tb dea.with the senate .as a co-ordinate branch of the gov ernment: Instead -of recognizing that the con- Btitufioa! provision requiring ' twb-thfrda,, ma iQYityMTor . t jratif icatib'ri. ; COMPELtlEtl .IdoM-1. PROsfeUeiisMe'd jippn, dictating pi terms upo4 Which" ratification could l&Ji'd'd and .then, on the., 19th of lrift Mqrch? stubbbraiyLrejeeted, ratiicaj;ion witli reservations even when Sena tor Harding and some thirty-five other Republi cans were will'ng to accept the league as he wrote i't.-with the few changes upon which they insisted-. By thus preventing ratification, the President assumed responsibility for the nation's failure tp;enj;er the league and thrust the league into the campaign as a partisan issue.- The peo ple, confronted with the choice between, presi dential infallibility and respect for thQ opinion of the majority ot the Senate, naturally chose the latter,. and- tb,e Democratic party, "by endors ing the Prijlent's position, invited the defeat that has p.Virtalcen it GovernorCfcox, instead of repairing the 'injury done by the President, aggravated the situation m by the manner fn which he avoided domestic issues andnjisrepresented the position of the Republicanpariyon the league iBsue, which he declared to ,pe parampunt. He dodged the Mquor queaVipri;, seeking to create in the west the impressionthat. he favored prohibition while attemptingjtbld the wet vote of the east by. hia wet record He sought to conciliate Wall Street by ttdfocatin the ..repeal of the excess Profits tax :4ft$3te. appealed to the west against the reactionari&v Hia attempt to put the Demo cratic party in 'tho attitude of being the solo guardian op peafce was ridiculous, and his as saults upon suclx t.well .known advocates of peace as Ex-PresiUentTft and Herbert Hoover were disgracefuW '',"'.- ' The American people want the government to Playjts part3:the abolition of war but they are indifferetiasto whether we are, part of a DESERVE TO WIN THEN ORGANIZE The overwhelming defeat of the Democratic candidates, state and national, was not ac cidental. The people meant it. The Democratic national convention voted down (lie resolutions that represented the people's aspirations and de sires on moral and economic measures. Tho party went into the campaign with a wet cahdi- . date nominated by the reactionary leaders' on an evasive platform. The rebuke and repudln- tion were in proportion to the offense. An officer of the Democratic National Commit tee has announced a plan of hiring nn organizer to organize all varieties of Democrats into one body of workers, etc. The Democratic forces of the country don't need an organizer; (hey, need a program, an ideal, issues and leaders who represent the needs and ambitions of the people. The pa.$yjncdi3 ,tp -take a stand that will cn .title, it to. the confidence of the public, and its , motives , and leaders . must be such that the . woin'oh jivlli ra-Ify to. its support. The leaders in control of tho San Francisco convention and the work of that cbnvention did not reflect the opin ions or heeds of the great democratic member ship of tho party. The people were not alert when the primaries were boing held but they - were aroused before election day. Tho day is past when tho liquor machines and "Wall Street interests of the large cities can suc cessfully dictate to the great moral majority of the nation. Make the Democratic party deserve to win, then organize for the coming struggle. The Republican party, as organized, officered and controlled, con not bring content and pros perity to tho masses the reaction will come fastnd emphatic. Democrats, progressives and independents should meet, confer, plan and outline 'legislative needs, municipal, state and national; The Commoner desires (o hear from those who will undertake to help rehabilitate the party in their respective counties and states. league or vmirtfJFfif an- association of nations. There is nojthfng '$ a name but everything in a sentiment.irhe'pal issue presented by the DemQcraticfaB not whether we should ooperatQwISther nations interested in peace, but whether we should assume a moral obliga tion which had no weight except as It suspended the right of congress to act independently when the time arrived for action. The nation will do its part in aiding to prevent war but it will not surrender into the keeping of any foreign group the right to determine when we shall de-, elare war Now that our participation will rest upon the will of congress and not upon tho arbitrary opin ion of a single man, we may expect that universal disarmament will be made one of the conditions upon which we attempt to advise. Peace by terrorism has been proven impossible; -peace based upon friendship and cooperation will be tried provided the nations, of Europe are willing to lay aside their land-grabbing schemes and join together-on the basis of good will. The country will expect Mr. Harding to carry out his Xdgeto advance the cause of world peace, and therf is no reason to doubt that he will do so. Slhe meantime, the progressive forces pf he S Hon will organize to cpmpel congress and the PresiSen provide the legislative means by Whl The masses can protect themselves igo the greed of the exploiters. W. J. BKYAJN. k Whole Number 739 WHy Wait? m vS The Prosldont refused to allow tho nation iti''4 enter tho loaguo with tho reservations favorbil by tho Senate and demanded a referendum. The ,".1 roturns of the referendum aro now tabulatadj. the poople by an unprecedented majority rojopt the league as tho President framed it and auifi orize President-elect Harding to procood with his "association of nations" a plan outlined in the Republican platform, ondorsod by Senator Harding in his campaign speeches and pludgd( anew in post-olection utterances. Now that tho votors have rendered their verdict nearly un anlmous on an issue declared by both parties to be paramount, why not proceed to give Immedi ate effect to that verdict? All tho people wnat the United States to participate in securing world peaco: their only difference was as to tft means of securing it and as to tho tejjmtols W to( assume that tho President wodlSWfef!) MEDIATE ACTION and, fortunately,, our cpn&t'l tution provides a way by whjph tho peopled wli; can be put Into effect AT ONCE. Tho President can, by resigning, allow Vice-President Marshal to become chief executive, thus rowarding tho Vice-President for the loyal service he has ren dered the President, sometimes at a high coat to himself. President Marshall can, say at the convening of congress, appoint Mr. Harding sec rotary of state and resign. Secretary Harding would then by the law of succession become president and, with a Senate and House in sympathy with him, could Immediately enter in to negotiation with the other governments and hasten the beginning of our nation's participa tion in the association of nations, ,. Besides preventing delay in settling an inter national question it would clear the way for an earlier consideration of pressing domestic prbby lems. Will the President favor suchra, plan? No on? doubts his earnest desire to promote"" world peace: his health is such that he is likely to wel come relief from official cares as soon as he can honorably lay down the burden: and what pleas ure can ho expect to derive from a three months? combat with a hostile congress, elected as a pro test and now endorsed in its opposition? As for-Hhe President-elect, bow could he if asked refuse to assumfe at once the responsifili?, Ities to which he has been called? ,' ,- VV. J. BRYAN. i'.t V.VJ .,..,,!'. - JTiiO M DEAD AS SLAVEKY The defeat of Governor Cox will put ah end te all agitation for the repeal or weakening of the Volstead law. The wets of the east regarded tho nomination of the governor as a triumph ior their plans, but sometime beforethe election it became apparent that the wets were deserting Cox. They can not fool the Democrats any mor and Harding does not dare espouse their causr The liquor traffic is dead. KA ,Pv. !! v i.ym rlw ','8 vw ii f Lf i v. t' t. o yva fi v. .'i ' v ; f ..3S.'iiwA.l . .. iv;wr9 v n ii ;r'