The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, September 01, 1920, Page 14, Image 14

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i. .r-u f
The Coiftnioneir
Prohibition in New
(Henry 33. Gurry, in Now Yoiic Zon
ing Post.)
"Tbo results of tho disuse of al
coholic liquor have been more
astounding to my mind, thaTv oven
tho claims of the most ardent advo--catos
of prohibition." , '
This emphatic tribute to tho local
honefits'of the Eighteenth amend
ment was offered by Bird S. Coler,
Commissioner of tlto Now York De
partment of Public Welfare, formerly
tho Department of Public Charities.
His declaration merited special no
tlcofrom non-partisan obsorvors of
prohibition developments because ho
wus speaking not as; a "dry." but was
tolling only what 'he had learned as
head, of a groat mlinicipul activity
which, in hie own words, "covers
every phase of welfare work known
to humanity. We occupy the one
place ih all the country where tho ef
fect of prohibition. can be 'first and
best obsorved." For the Department
.of Public Welfare is invested with of
ficial Care of the city's dependents
tho homoloss, tho unemployed, tho
partment of Correction upon tho
number of local arrests and tho totals
pt the local prison population.
One learns from tho facts so
collated Oiat during the first quarter
of the your, despitomany thousands
of additional patients cared for dur
ing the epidemic of influenza, the
idle men were, fewer, war jqpntracttf
wore paying' prodigious jprofils iKriu
wages; soldiers' families were, receive
ing allowances and prices were much
lower. v
Furthermore, prosperity brings
many contradictory eflteet$, as it re
lates to welfare nroblems. "Fiftv-
ninnber of admissions to tho Kings . fifty." ns Mr. Coler briefly observes.
County Hospital In Brooklyn was one- describes such naturalization. Pros-
third legs than during the first quar- Wlty, for example, would decrease ,y?p5Le$i Sironic ' Asthm1
tor oi msi. yoiu-r uj urcojuiuiut ubih- tne number ot certain arrests but
tal, olio-fifth loss; to Coney Island would increase those for drunkenness
Hospital, 15 per cent loss. and disorderly conduct; would dinrh
At the Municipal Lodging House inji0ii some imprisonments and auemont
East Twenty-fifth street the number others: Would reduce commitments
A. Ttfew Home Metked Thnt Anyone Can
Ifre KViOtekt Dtftcenttort o
I.omH &t Time.
We have .a now method that controls
Asthma, and wo want you to try 4t at
our expense. No matter Whether, your
cuhu s ui uKr m"uujk ur recent UO-
of men lodged Muring the same
three months) was only onO-sixth of
what It was in the same-months of
last' year,"
Tho number of arrests for intoxica
tion foil off more than one-half during-
tho last sixmoriths ofjast year
although onlyuji feoble 'effort was
made to enforce tho "dry" enact-!
The prison population decreased
by 15 per cent last year as compared
with the preceding 'year, and in tho
case of women prisoners, by more
than 30 per cent,
Patients suffering 'from alcoholism,
who formerly averaged! 0'2 each day
at Bellevuo Hospital, diminished last
uepenuwu cuuurcu una au uep,enu-, m0nth to throo or four per day; at
ents who are aged or disabled or in-,Klllg8 Goiiilty Hospital the common
juruu or m, iv a tu.u iui urwuou total pf f0rty Such patients was re
Tvmun- uuuvuiuih uii iuq uuy uuiuua
Hjid city hospitals
"Any one sitting in my place," said
Mr; Color, "with- its chances for ob
serving what works for the welfare
Iduced last month to five or six.
Ambulance calls received by tho
department are often due to drunk
enness anu us ajienuaui uisoraer, poj
t nnt f-lio Yiiimlrv nf nulla 'tinTiMmlrTrl
.of the people and the betterment ot io Beneyue Hospital were 133 In
.IrlliMtlon could take no other stand Janu m9 bul only. nlne to Jan.
than to make a firm roflolutlon to ' o tWi yeai And the total num.
projent the facts to the American b f (1epaJtment ambulance calls,
??lV 2 on0 hving R-t,aFt Mr Color believes, "would haVe been
WB IHq O WO BBOPW UB H VUU1H BOUIU L,hnilftniiw1 1iv Kn Ar ftftnf Ht.OA Ttv
4Hy vimimmm Vt X - ww mm v
tHfce any other- coui'SQ."
Jin answer to a request by tho Evon
iutf Post jhat lie make public the of
flcffel facta upon which ho based his
announcement Commissioner Coler
has obtained reports from the loading
Institutions in his charge and has
(supplemented these repqrts with re
lated data, obtained through t'he Be-
Let Your
Be of Uni versltj 6tte
Tha urKatned of bualnM today for
Mental ani
Kotbod you cm got. in your epwe time athoms
!ati-MUxr)l (ixaeotlvea, nnnjceni and uapevt
Boncaj vpeciaiins. unuer tnnuaaftuei'robleia
hr avail, under exDert euld&nea. (nlnliti tklitrk
' ' . - . : -. --' .'i--: -, - ; -..t "-.v"".""
veriiift accuai DUBineanrprocuce. 'xneunivar
enrolled members on any builneaa quftfltlon
r probloni. This is aorvlco not obtalnnbla
Xrom any other educational institution.
wcltryour namft (and nddraa nt th
battoffi and wail today. We will send toll In
Xormation and book of remarkable records of
adyaricoment mado by LaSallo trained men;
kto our intareatin book, "Xtn Yeant i'ro
motion in One." Low cout and convenient
caonthly terms which anyonocanaEford. Money
reminded It dlsaatlnned upon completion off
eosrse. More tbnu 22G.O00 liaya onrollod. Find
what LaBftUe training can do tot your.
CUek ana uaU the coupon MOW.
OntUwen: oand without obligation to m
nattoa rMrardlnof course indicated balo w. altc
yo?iafratIn ftoolt ."Ten Year1 Promot
tin Unct VmktH tttMmc Iwlitalis in (at WefM
l.K-503 Chicago, Ilk
o Infor-
QHIglHrr AccowntLa nnanttng Hd Fiaaacd
pCoacitjf forCP, A. A QUualiveiK letter
KwtExteaUoB riwJr,V,,g.K xn . -WttteMatfewoflt
DT1 MaMCeweot- O Commercial Salrti
" fX d Someatie uiHt Boekkata
DLrvfre!tIt DEMecUveSpeakUHJ
DCcJalt DJBuaiawwKstflkik
JPreat lBttIoa,
WwRft .
rSftA... i .,. ..... ..
j i , .
"1 P 1.1- nntl nvnAnt rTi tlin PTii'
epi(foThic,, rfnd they were, in fact,
despite the epidemic, reduced by 30
per cent.
Commenting upon the remarkable
improvement in condition Mr, Coler
said: ,
"The Municipal Lodging House is
practically vacant. With a capacity
of 900 beds'they have only forty 'cus
tomers.' The type ,of peteTfeq go
there - ow are old-time vagrants who
are properly work-houses cases. The
man r woman who lost a job thru ex
cesses and vent to the lodging house
to sober up until he or she could got
anew flace this type has entirely
"The alcoholic ward lit Sellevue
Hospital,, as Buch, has been closed.
Formorly they treated in, this ward
thousands of patients every year; of
late the average number lias been on
ly fifteen or twenty per month.
"About 700 vacanoies for tubercu
losis patients are now reported ln our
department, hospitals and 300 more
in .private hospitals. According to
Di DHlingftam of St. Joseph's Hos
pitai; .this decrease is largely duo to
prohibition. The man who drank
much and ate little contracting con
sumption and "developing hemorr
hltgeB,' 'has practically disappeared.
s "There's a marked decrease as well
in "tlie-1 .commitments of "children to
homes pecauso of poverty. v
"Our omployeos, moreover, are
holding- their places- more Bteadlly,
There are nUny loss than the X5,000
changes which formerly occurred in
our personnel eachjyear. iPay day at
present doesn't moan a drunken ex
odus." Tho effects of general prosperity,
to which aro attributed many current
ameliorations, should hot be "unfairly
credited nHtli benefits more truly due
to prohibition. In the first place,
none of the chunges considered in
this; article dates pack further than
last year; .yet prosperity was even
I . X Lxxnlmrl !'1 (1117 A ) -1A if) ...1
to some homeg, but, as explained
later, would add to tho number of tht
feeble-minded children so committed.
Prosperity would lessen sidkness duo
to destitution, but would extend the,
sickness due to alcohol.
Except, therefore, that prpsperity
had reduced the sum of suffering
consequent on destitution in the pri
vate homer and so lessened the
amount of 'outdoor relief, 'little ef
fect would be recorded, updn condi
tions reported by the welfare depart
ment even if prosperity had' increased'
in the last ten months which 'was
not'the case. ' . r.
It is happily true that prohibition,
which has been largely a woman's vic
tory, has; in proportion, conferred
more-benefit upon women than upon
men,even outside of tho domestic
circle. Relatively speaking, there
has been larger decrease in arrests
of women since liquor became scarce;
an'd as compared with .the male pa
tient's, the number of1 female ''alcoh
olics" in the hospitals has showa a
greater falling off
Generally spealcing the econdmlc
benefits of prohibition have been
manifested through the improvement
in the service of municipal employees
as well as in the reduced number, of
institutional inmates. The employees
"have taken oh a new mental at
titude," to quote Medical Superin
tendent Vivasour" of the City Children's-Hospital.
They are more self-
respecting, they are beginning to save
Hay Fever or Chronic, Asthma, you
should .sqnd for a free fcrlaV of our
method.. .No matter in- wjiat- cllniate
you tiv no matter what your age or
occupation if you are troubled with
asthma, our, method should relieve ,you
promptly. w .
We -especially wlmt- tp send it to
those ap'parentlr li6peles' cases," whero
all forms of inhalers, douches, opium
preparations, fumes, "patent smokes,"
etc,, have failed. We- want to ?. show
everyone at ouf expense, that this new
method is designed to end all dffflcult
breathing', all wheezing, and all thoso
terrible paroxysms at once.' .
Thl& free "Offer is too Important to
neglect a single day. Write .now and
begin tho method at once. Send no
money, Simply mail coupon 'below. Da
it Xodajv 'a
Fitrjte 'tuiai. cotrvok .
47& 1C " - s v "'
Niagara and Hudson-Streets, Buffalo,
N. T. ' , v '
Send free trial of y6ur method to:
j t 14-
i... :...:.
fi i
& ti
New XjaveikM Sci om M IT' Trial
Simply send me yQUr name and J will
send you myrriew copyrighted rupture
book and measurement blank. When
you return the blank X Will send' you
my now invention fob rupture. When it
arrives, put Jn on and . Put it
to every test you can think of. Tho
harder the test the better "you wilt Hko.
It. Ybu will "wonder how you ever got
along With the- Old style -cruel spring
trusses or belts with- leg straps' of
i torture. Your own good, common sense
proved," saysuporintendant Bacon
of the City- Hospital, Yet at certain
institutions neighboring facilities .still
enahle the employees to "get It,"
with more or less frequency, and with
aU te former-- m results an out
come, of course, due to the reverse .Of '
promoition. Ana one superintendent
half complains that, the "higher spirit
bl independence" in his more soher
employees has supplanted the "sur
liness" that formerly reacted upon
the patients with an "arrogance" that
distressed the executives.
As to details, the City Hospital re
ports "a decreased patient . census,
patients arriying less frequently- in a
dirty, degraded condition," and nly
half as many employees dismissed in
the first twojnonths of 1920 as in the
corresponding months of 1919.
Metropolitan Hospital Fewer "al
coholics," great reduction of cases of
delirium trsmons following surgical
shock, influenza and pneumonia.
Kings, County Hospital Total
number of cases admitted one-third
less, January I to March 15, 1920, as
compared with like period, last year;
"alcoholics," same poriod.less than
one-fifth as many men, only one
twentieth .as many women.
Groenpoint Hospital Admissions
first quarter of this , year and last
year show reduction from 904 to 722
Coney Island Hosnital Artmttl
I slons',vfirst quarter, 1920 reduced by
xo per com; accment cases, "mainiy
due," .says Mr. Colet "to intoxicated
auto drivers." reduced ono-thini- ootr
..,.,",;,..?.. vmpfc inarkedin1917 and JLftl, when1 era! former "worst offenders" amohg
ova1 l(Min ATitn wlrrhr itrCII a11 ril If I a
money, they do not so often change I the only way in which kyou- can ever
their joha. i expect a cure. After wea'rlng It 30
rnl .rt,i. ,i .. l.Tit. -;days, if it is not entirely Satisfactory
Tho conduct, and the health" of,)In AWy-way-if It is not easy, --and
employees have been iecidfllv, hn- -comfbreV.lf vou cannot n.etualiyse6
. .. , . . ..w - -.- - - .- .' .
your rupture getting bettor, ana it not
convinced that a-" cure is merely a ques
tion of time, just return it and you are
out nothing. Any rupture appliance
sent on 80 days' trial without expense
to you is worth a trial. Why-not tell
your ruptured friends of this, EASY
HOLD CO., -5012 Koch Blflg Kansas
iw-uy, mo. i -i
If you are sick and Wtuit to Get Well
and -Keep Well, wrfte for llteraturo
that tells How and Why this almost
unknown a.nd wonderful new element
brings relief to so many sufferers
from Rheumatism, - Sciatica, Gout,
Neuritis, Neuralgia, -Neryous 'Prostra
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Degnen'sRadlo-ActlVe.SoJar Pad day and
night, iec6ivlng the Radio-Active Rays
-continuously Into . your system, cau&-
ing a healthy circulation, overcoming:
sluggishness, throwing off impurities
and restoring the tissues and" nerves
to a' normal Condition--and the next
thing you know you- are getting well,
SoLd on a test proposition, You aro
thoroughly satisfied it is helping you
before the appliance is yours Noth
ing to do hut wear it. No ttjpublo or
expense,"., and thovmost Wonderful fact
about the appllapcfc is that it is sold
so reasonably that it is within' tho
reach of all, b.oth rich and ppor.
No matter how bqd 4Tojallntent, or
how long standing1. wWIU-be pleased
to ha'Ve you" try It -at'our risk; For
full Information ..write today not to
morrow. Radium Appliance Co.. 9Q9
Bradbury Bldff,, Los Angeles; Calif,
FRH3K yuK?Mel ot Cutarrk. New Book
let just out give's' best advice- ever
written on Catarrh, free, Address
B. .1,' WORST. Bax 25 Ashland,
Ohio. Y - ' . t
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