1 arv- '& ,&; w " .. Wfgmft v 7 . AUGUST, l?20r ndedle by night? What of the or ganizations, superbly effc&tivij, thav, conserved food anji fed the world that carried nourishment to .the very front trench in the fade- of hell's furies that nursed the wounded back to life that buried the. dead in the dark shelter of the night that inspired business men and artisans ofall parties to work in harmony? What of the millions of men, women and children of all creeds, religious and otherwise, who stood in the ranks as firm as soldiers overseas, undivided by things "they once quar reled about? What of the, govern ment itself confirming the faith of our fathers as sufficient to meet the storms of time? "Why the sneer at labor with the veiled charge that it was a mere slacker? The spectacle is sufficient to convince any unprej udiced ma"n that the Republican leaders who have taken charge of their party and nominated its candi date, are no more possessed of the spirit of the hour than they were in 1912 when they precipitated a. revo lution within the rank and file of a great organization. If further proof were needed, the action of the pres ent congress supplies it. Not a con structive law can be cited. Money and time were wasted in seeking to make a military triumph an odious chapter in history and yet is it not significant that after two years of eleuthful inquiry, there was nothing revealed 'in that yast enterprise, carrying billions of dollars in ex pense, upon which they ,coUldj base even a whisper of dishonesty? The Mexican" situation, drying to our patience for years, begins to show signs of improvompnt. Not the least of the things hat have con tributed to itf is a realization by the people of the country, that- W.e have neither tha lust-for j,heU;oma,in,;ndr disposition to disturb theiiv sovereign rights. Peace smiles upon the border and incentive . to' individual effort The Commoner seems to be making national asplr- JS elements have made our SlGfl 6ndUr nfJ not the least of Which is a sustained gratitude. The richest traditions of our land are woven from historic threads that tell . the bravery of our soldiers of overywar. They make the first im pressions of history upon the minds of our children and bind- the hearts of generations together. Never in all time will the performance of our soldiers in the late war be sur passed. From farm, forest and fac tory they gathered together In the training camps from countryside and city men whose hands were calloused by labor, others" whose shoulders showed the stoop of office 15 Subscribers' Advertising Department HELP WAWTEU AGENTS Mason sold 18 prayers and Autowashcrs one Saturday; Profits $150 each; Square Deal; Particulars lTQcr Rusler Company,. Johnstown, Ohio; WANTED MISCELLANEOUS BTORIES. POEMS, - PLAYS, etc., are warned for publication. Good lueas wing big: money Submit Mss. or write Literary Bureau. 137 Hannibal, Mo. EARN $25 WEEKLY, spare time, writ ing for newspapers, magazines. Ex perience unnecessary; details free. Press Syndicate 1050, St.. Louis, Mo, FARMS WANTED IP TOU WANT to, sell or exchange your property write me. John J. gfock, 12th St.. pulppewa. Falls. Wis. MISCELLANEOUS ' MI , ililiMa.MianM III II I ' "" "TORN-MUSIC-GURE" 10,000 Free Jfamplea. StQwart, San Jose, Caj. INFORMATIONAr'izpija, 'California, ,Sonora. Write Rogera-Burko- Ser vice, Tucson, Arizona. ting a thoroughly fair interpretation on hia own words, ia that the gov- HEAVEN AND HELL. KedcnbotKaBreatwork, CFpaffcuJE cents pontpaid. tetocLandenberger, WJndioirJPTace. St. Louis. Mo. PATENTS. Write tor fvwtiuUU Book fc 2S1 or sketch of invention for free ,i ""i1 Ul "s patentable nature, .tugn t2 rTcTence3 Reasonable Terms. Vic ton r vuns & Co,, 782 ath, Washing ton. D, c. ASTHMAi ANn WAV vcurmr Curea Before You Pay Pra(Iypa a?l,25 bottle of lAHE'STreatmcnton. 'w Oil V When completely cureo eeiul mo capacity. They helped win the war. the readjuatmont now at hand. Their intuition, their senso of the human itarian in government, their unques tioned progressive spirit will bo help- -. m inomema mat require public J "dgment- Therefore they are en titled to the privilege of voting aa a matter of right and because they will ho helpful, in maintaining wholesomo and patriot policy. It requires bm. one more state to ratify the national amendment and thus bring a long delayed justice. I havo the samo earnest hope as our platform ox presses, that some one of the remain ing states will promptly take favor- aoio action. finnn4M Tl". ..If u 4 At m task thn hinn,i nf n ii ' "V"""4 """""K" uieory or. tno flying to SataVlhT impulse ran from the front trench in Europe back to the first day in training. We must not forgot that war breaks into the plans of young men, and their first chart of life is In a sense more important than any calculation later on, Ih college and shop in every calling, they were building the base for their careers. Thousands of them by the circum stance of injury or the disturbance of domestic conditions which war always brings, were compelled to change their whole course of life. We owe a debt to those who died, and to those the honored dead left depend ent. We owe a debt to the wounded; but we' must-realize that considerable compensation is due those also who lost much by the break in their ma terial hopes and aspirations. The genius of the nation's' mind and the sympathy of its heart, must inspire intensive thoughtful effort, to as sist those who saved our all. I feel deeply that the rehabilitation of the .disabled soldiers of the recent war is one of tlje most vital issues before the people and I, as a candidate, pledge myself and my party to those young Americans to do all in my power to secure for them without unnecessary delay, the immediate training which is so necessary to fit them to compete in their struggle to overcome that physical handicap incurred while in the service of their government. I believe also that the Federal Board of Vocational Rehabil itation as far as possible should em vilnv disabled soldiers themselves to annfirvisfl the rehabilitation of dis abled soldiers, because ol mmr known sympathy and understanding. The board itself and all agencies un der it should be burdened with the care of securing for the disabled soldier who has finished his training, adequate employment. These men will inspire future generations no less than they have themselves been inspired by the heores of the past No greater force for patriotic effort was found when we were drawn into J2? late conflict than the example and activity of our veterans of previ ous wars. Under the colors they loved, gathered the soldiers of the past, bringing quickly to the support the new army of the republic. Re sponsor the southland by veterans who wore the gray inspired the you h with a zeal which aided greatly in Ihe quick mobilization of our forces. much of them. in" BUStained in enthusiasm, and thirJX 0f them dustry, which carried many of the to the heavy burdens ; o : toil, k mayinSXSL toSoh 5? "be mother time, while the t"c"ltai gaver a heart in c amp d hospital, b sacred color to the tragi i that feeble words should not SSSd nooviSmJness but sponslblllty assumed by his noUnfn oath of office, taking Into consular tlon tho vIowh of athora, of courne, In arriving at tho final judgment, but recognizing no group of any Kind, but aworn, aa ho In, to tho faithful performance of tho partlou lar duties In question, and not sub ject to impeachment, an ho is, In caa of serious malfeasance in tho por formanqe of thoso dutloH. Tho latter la tho conception of tho preHldoncy hold by Washington, John Adam and Thomas Jofforson In Initiating our great experiment In political and personal -freedom under tho constitu tion. It ia tho conception held by Lin coln and Roosevelt, by Cleveland and Wilson, and all other presidents of tho past to whom history has as signed a significant place in tho normal growth of our free Institu tions. It is tho concoption of tho ernment Of this Country. BO far aa It UroHidflncv tn whlnh. In nnn nf ur? is embodied in the executive, should cess of tho Democratic party In tho bo what ho is pleased to call "govern- coming election, my own beat offorts ment by party," as in contrast with shall bo dcdlcatod, with a solemn exercise by tho president of his own I sense of responsibility to tho Power best final judgment under the re- above, to the peoplo of tho Unlto'o W NUXATED IRON FEEDS THE BLOOD , Helps Restore Wasted Tissijes and Give Increased Strength, Power aid Enduranci "Without iron) thero can be no Btrong, Bturdy men, or healthy rony-chockc-fl women," says Dr. Ferdinand Klngr, New York Physician and Medical .Auwior, Iron- Is red blood food, and when tho THE TEST THAT TEMS Vi 4 Iron In your blood runs low your red blood corpuscles die by millions, tho strength goes from your body, tho color from your faces that mifror Of yourself and your every action lacks in power. Actual blood tests show that a tre mendously iargo number of peoplo who are weak and 111 lack Iron In their blood and that they are 111 for no other reason than lack of Iron. Iron deficiency paralyses healthy, forceful action, pulls down tho whole organism and weakens tho entire system. A pale face, a nerv ous Irritable disposition, a lack of strength and endurance and tho In ability to cope with tho strong vigorous folks In the race of lifethese are tho f nf wnrnlne- Rltrnalfl that Nature fdves when tho blood is getting thin, Unliko tho older Inorganic Iron pro, Dale watery and literally starving for ducts Nuxated Iron Is easily tt8iml wan't of Iron. latcd, does not Injure the teeth, make Bv enriching the blood and creating them black nor upset tho wtomaeb. 1 lo mi hood collfl Nuxated Iron manufacturers guarantee aiiacefift)l .SZnltLnftho nerves rebuilds tho and entirely satisfactory results tV whole system. druggists. If you are not suro iof your condition, go to your doctor and havo him takQ your blood count and. koo whero you Aland, or Jo make tho following tent yoursolf: Seo how long you can work or how far you can walk without becoming tired; next take two flvo graln tablets of Nuxated Iron three Union per day after meals for two waaka. Then tost your utrongth again and seo how mueli you havo gained. - viftsi&Sxs&t 4 Pit m ftv& .ul iMilrlB tf . , , -ffi 4h t1 ", M ' 'WJS1 . m t .m -,(W M M 4 r.m ' r. rft '. Jl & I m si n "" yum'irpporccfcnceiBMiov!""''