The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, August 01, 1920, Page 14, Image 14

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' 4t
The Commdrifef
VOL. 20, tfO. 8
r nYT)p
our states would bo supplied with, "an ;
outlet for every ton Qf.thoir oxporjts.j
WfiA nnVinKtnnit tn rwVolrn rf tltn lii'frh
m uiiiwi vuitivj vv ii.u w. vmw i'
and credit and all thoy represent,
roh - oner financial district out into
tho Keeping or tho people tnomseivBR
eaus a bardpau, which retards" prog
ress. When tho reorganization is
made pay should be commensurate
with service. Many federal depart
ments whose ramifications touch the
country genorally, havo lost valuable
men to business. This has badly
crippled poBtofllcos, the railway mail
servico and other branches.
I am convinced af,ter considerable
study of the subject that the .expense
of thc'Kovernmont can. without loss
particularly, are clogged with this juntos of credit independence lt,'0f efficiency, be reduced "to a niaxl
irafflc and interference with local should bo kept from the hands of inUm 0 four Muton dollars, includ
movoments of fcoight is inevitable. ; those -who have never been its mg sinking fund and interest on the
The solution would bo simplified by; friends, -and who by changes in a national debt. When we enter the
utilizing the waterways, .Ahiuo from , few obscure phases coma translate
this, the accruing gain from every it into a greater power for evil man
is ai-
harbor's groat ocean iports of. entry is and instead of one center to which
inspiring to contemplate, In tho crop- all paid tribute, there are 12 citadels
moving porlod tho call 4n the rail-(of financial froodom where every
roads is staggering. GVftin piles up . citizen has an equal right and Where
in the olovators. With stagnation ' tho- principle that the credit of Amer
more or less general, tho farmer loan business shall bo free is the
golls his product under tho most un-j basis- of administration. IDvery citi
favorablo conditions. Tho tradtngV zoh should bo alert to guard this
and tho terminals in middle statosjgrpnt institution which is his guar-
cirop woiuu uo a consideration ior
tho reason that tho price of grain in
this country is made hy tho Chicago
mtfrkot and it is determined by the
London Quotations. Tho price in tho
it over has boon for good. At
most unnecessary to speak of the
Fedocal llesorvo system in connec
tion With tho Winning of tho war, as,
next to the consecration of our man
British metropolis is a stated figure hood aud' womanhood itself, the
loss tho cost of transportation, The croatost factor was tho marshalling
routing of those commodities, by into one unit through tho Federal Re-1
water would effect a saving of ap? sorvojbanks of the stupendous weaitn
nroxlmately eight cents u bushel,
which means that American grain
would net just that much moro.
For More Than Forty Years be
fore Woodrow Wilson was elected
nrosidont in 1912, a reform of our
banking and ourroncy system haa
of America. To those of vision who
League of Nations, we should at the
same time diminish our cost for
armament. To continue expondituroa
in either the war or tho navy depart
ments on a vast'scale, once our mem
bership in tvhe League is assured,
would seem to bo ,.a-jtejpy defiinite
refutation of tho advantages of the
world plan which we beliove it
possesses. An appealing -fundamental
in tho League' method, fs the re
duction of armaments. We "cannot
Mta wore to depend upon .the Re
publican .jplatform orjts spoken in
terpretation, by tho candidate of that
party,, as his first-means of informa
tion, ho would not find a syllable
telling him that tho war had been
won, arid that Amorica had saved
tho world. How ungenerous, Iioav
ungracious, all of this is; how unfair
that a moro group of leaders should
so demean themselves 'ifi tho namo
of the party of Lincoln and McKinley
and Roosevelt.' . -
The discourtesy -to tho president
in an affair ; of political intriguo.
History "will make it ' odious. As
well might it bo directed at u
(wounded soldier of the war. One fell
in the tronoh; the strength of tho
other Was broken in the enormous
labors of his office. But others were
ignored the men and '"women who
labored at home" With an industry
and jel skill that words, cannot re
count! What of the hands that
movod the lathe by day and tho
look out beyond our shores into thatjfford tp do untn oth(f nations Uo
commercial domain whore we are so , 1Ik(iwJg0 I we a0 not enter the
justly 'entitled to enter- m a umo J , Leaguo,hundreds of millions of dol
noaco. latont power of the i eaerai !,.. mMnf. Ua unnr.t. fn nrmi,mAna t
Roservo system can be seen promot
ng in every auartor of the globe an
been almost unlvorsally domnnueor , ever-wmoning now m auwuwu -m-and
had been year after year de-morce. We will soon have a mer
forod or refusod by tho stand-pat chant marine fleet of ll,0uu,uuu
element of tho Republican party in' tons aggregate, every ship flying
obedience to orders. Tho control otjtho American flag and carrying in
money and interest rates had long Amorican bottoms tho products of
been hold by favored groups who mill aud mine and factory and farm,
wero thus able to dominate markets, This would seem to be a guarantee
regulate prices, faYOrjTriends, destroy ojf continued propority. Our facilities
rivals, precipitate , and en'd panics for exchange and credit, however, in
and in short through their financial, foreign parts, should be enlarged ana
social and political outposts, be the under tho fodoraj reserve system;
Pnoi niiiAcaf Amnftnn., Tho Federal himkfl should ho Established in im
lV MVW V -- .-.---T -- i, 1 . - , V, ,. .
Rooorve act was originated, advo
satod and made a law by a Demo
cratic president and congress,
agninst the bitter protests of tho Re
publican stand-patters, who almost
without exception voted against it,
portant trading centers. I am im
pressed also, with the importance of
improving, if not reorganizing onr
consular sorvico. The certain in
crease in foreign trade would seem
to demand it, This suggests another
t transferred tho power over money
Free to
A New Home Mfthod Vhnt Anyone Oh
Ufttt Without Discomfort op
ltOHH of Time.
Wc have a yxow method that controls
Asthma, and we want you to try It at
our expense. No matter whothor your
ease is oflongr standing or rocont de
velopment, whether it Is present as
Hay Fever or chronic -Asthma, you
should sond Cor a free trial qf par
nothoifcv No matter U what climate
you live no matter what your ago or'
occupation,. If you aro troubled with
asthma, ami method should relieve you
We especially want Mo "Send it to
those apparently hppeleas cases, whore
all forma o,f inhalers, douehep, 6pfum
preparations, fumes, "patent smokes,"
etc., have failed, Wo want to show
everyotfa at our expense, that this new
method is designed to end .all dlfflcuH
breathing, uHtfheevdng, and .all Jthoso
terrible paroxysms. at once,
This free offer Is too Important tn
neglect a .slnglo day. Write now and
begin the method at once,. Send no
money. Simply mall coupon bolow. Do
It Today,
Among those men are tho familiar phango, .Our nmh&ssauors ox xoreign
names of Senators Lodge, Penrose countries havo had assigned to tnem
and Smoot, the inside senate cahaija miitary.and a naval attache. The
responsible for the existing status, staff should ho enlarged so as to in
ln tho leadership of tloir party. Tho elude an officer of tho government
Todoral Rooorve act is admitted to 'whoso exclusive duty would be to.
?e tho most constructive monetary make observation ana report ae
'.ogislatlon in history. At a stroke volonment-and improvement in edu
cational and social problems . gen
erally, - 1 -
Government Bureaus during the
war iad close contact ' with, the
business organization of 'the country.
That experience revealed-the modern i
need of rebrgahization along purely
liuslness lines. The advantages of a
democracy in government need not
be recounted. It has been hold. by
experts at -it involves a disadvan
tage of disbursements, authorized
by tho tow-making power without)
sufficient Knowledge of the need of
the seryice or the possibilities of ""ex
travagance. Tho answer to this is
tho budget system, No successful
business enterprise of any . size can
operate without it. For a Hundred 1
years, tne ;euerai unit, and tho states
as- well, made appropriations without
determining tho difference between
department need and caprice, at tho
stime time, paying little uttention to
the relation as between income and
oxpense, ' Many of the states havo
ndopted a budget system, and with d
success that carries no.excdption Ef
ficiency has been impi'oved depart
mental responsibility has been cen
tered, and oconOnxies havO been ef
fected, Tho same can (be done liy
the federal government.' Tho system
Will reveal at once, as, it did in the
states, avast surplusage of employes.
It awalceno individual interest, "en
courages greater effort, and giyos op
portunity for talent to assert itself.
The normal courso - of least resist-
lars must be spent lor armaments. If
wo go in, and I believe the people
will insist on it, then we can count
on economies.
Since tho last national conven
tions of .the two , great parties, a
world war has been fought, historic,
unprecedented. 'For many, many
months, civilization hung in tho bal
ance. In the despair of dark hours,
it seemed as though a world dictator
was inevitable, and that henceforth
men and women who had lived In
freedom would stand at attention, in
the tape of the drawn sword of mili
tary autocracy. Tho very soul of
America was touched, as neve.r before
with a fear that our libertieswere to
be taken away. What America did,
needs no reiteration here. It is
known of all then. History will ac
claim it poets will find it an in
spiration throughout the ages. And
yet there is not a line in the Repub
lican platform that breathes an emoT
Uon of pridev or -recites our national
achievement. Tn fact, if a man from
Rupture Kills
7,QdO Annually
Seven thousand persons each year are laid
awny the burial certipcato being marked
Rupture." Why? Bcauo the unfortunate
ones bad neglected themselves or bad boon
merely taking care of the aign (spelling) of the
affliction and paying no attention to tho cause.
What are you doing? Arer-you neglecting
yourasU by wearing a truw, appliance, or
whatever name you chooeeto call it T At best,
the truss la only makeshift a false prop
against a collapsing wall and cannot be-expected
to net ae more than ft mere mechanical
support. The binding nreeeare retards blood
circulation, thus robbing the weakened
muieles or that whidi they need most
nourishment. " '
But science found a way, ni every truss
sufferer in the lud is invited to make a I'REB
test right in the privacy f their wn home.
The PLABAO method is mMeetionbly tha
most scientific, tocicai and successful self
treatfeeat for Yfcpture the- worM has ever
IVhn lT,iPiniTAn aVinii rlnrln nioflfilr
"to ie body cannot possibly slip or shift out
oi piaoe, inereiore, cannot cnnio or inuuu.
Soft as velvetr-eaay to apply inexpensive. To
be used whilst yon work and whilst you sleept
No straps, buckles or springs attached.
Xtearn hofor to closo tho hernial open
ing as nature Intended io tho rupture
CAN'T come down. Send your namo to
day to PLAPAO CO'., lpclc- 4040, St.
Louis, Mq.. for FREE trial, Tlapao and
the lnformationnecessarjr.'-'
" m , .. - r . - L
- ii . .I - m
. . . ' .l . . r . k n. ' er".. r, ,- rfT
47riC - '
Niagara and Hudson Streets, Buffalo,
N. Y, ' VV
Send Jeo trial of your.mpthod to:
. . s ......... , . t). , . . , ; . 4 . , ;".
VCreatutg kiiEstaS
''!((; fl,"
.. All are striving to create an estate.
' t'Jath comes; if there is no insurance, a forced :?A
sale of the property often causes a largo jIobJW
,u . rtuvivao, uio yiuuuuuu irom. a -me iuaurunu i.
A. policy vill furnish ready money for the im- "'
mediate needs and the executors of the -estate"?
can havo time to dispone of the property to thA
- Jjesj, advantage. . .. M '
i - . ,. e -. .-! . '
' "he P.flLRll Vrflllft nt- a man a Ufa n ito f mtlff A Yik'f
- if ho earns but ?1,000 tt year,: nt ageHhiy-fiviX?'
; isPv,er ?14000. No man wouidgo. without4 'flref;;:
Hs insurance on that amount of property-and yeffi
, ..-it ho carries no life Insurance, h.o is forcing. bis ,V$..
ifqmily to carrya risk for this ' amount: unprl&':;
tnofod Ttfliw '. i A.i '5i' aiT-
.v,v.v,, ,Ti7 uww nuuHitjr iuxh riSH, iroax mt)1
family to
N. Z. SNBIL, President: sfpC'' '
3umnteed( Ckwat IMk Imweum
ance,develops"in --government bur-
j "
' i tft M.'ii