The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, August 01, 1920, Page 12, Image 12

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The Commoner
VO20, NO. 8
AWATERBUJIT Radlollto is tho
12-&hiu Jeweled. Ingorsojl that tells
time In the iark. It Is tho stylish
small-sized watch so much In voguo
nbwadayci. Note, top, the,; antique bow
and crown and tho graceful proportion
ing of the stem.
Yqu can choosb either a regulation
black dial or an attractive "sliver" dial.
s Rndipllto dial makes the Water
bury, a 24-hour-a-day watch. Night
and dayIt Is always on'tfto' jbb .Un
der your pillow At night it glows you
the tlmo without your lurnlng on tho
light or striking a match. Outdoors at
night it the"- tlmo aa clearly
a does in tho city drawing room.,
Though tho refined design of tho
Waterbury suits it to dross wear, its
solid, sturdy construction makes it a
reliable tlmeplcco lor -all around ser
vice. Call at an Ingorsoli dealer's to
day and see this watch. Look for tho
store with tho Ingerspll display,
-The price of tho Watorptu-y Radlollto
Is only $G.20 (either black or silver
dial). ,
XJlu"ln dial, samb movement, $5.50.
. " V
Kws 9f;. - . Chicago
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Gov. Cox's Accept
ance Speech i
Continued from Pago 8 '
continuous service Is a policy of fair
dealing. Too often the genius of
man prompts him to play for gov
ernmental advaula&o, and the suc
cess which has been achieved in this
particular, has led to the formation
of groups which seek this very ad
vantage. Wo are a busy people, pre
occupied in too largo degree with
purely commercial considerations,
and wo have not recognized as we
should that the failure of government
to prevent inequalities has made it
possible for mischevious spirits to
develop prejudice against the Insti
tutions of government, rather than
against administrative policy. There
is a very Important difference here.
This 'difference bears directly on
profiteering, which is today the most
sinister influence in American life.
It is not a new thing in America.
Tho tribe of profiteers has simply
multiplied under the -favoring cir
cumstances of wax. For years, largo
contrbutions have been made to the
Republicans campaign fund for no
purpose except to buy a government
al underhold, and to make Illegal
profits as the result of preference.
Such largesses are today a greater
menace to our contentment and our
institutions than the countless tem
porary profiteers who are making a
mockery of honest business, flut who
can live and fatten only in time of
disturbed prices. If I am v called to
service- as president means will be
found, if they do not already exist,
for compelling theso exceptions to
tho great mass of square dealing
American husiness men, to use the
same yardstick of honesty that gov
erns most- of us in our dealings with
our followmen, or in language' that
they may understand, to suffer the
penalty of criminal law.
There is another reason, for the
fabulous contributions to the pres
ent Republican campaign fund. Much
money, of course, has been sub
scribed in propter partisan zeal; but
the great bulk has been given with
the definite idea of gaining service
in return. ljany captains of indus
try, guided by a most dangerous in
dustrial philosophy, believe that, in
controversy between employer and
employer their will should be en
forced, oven at the point of the bay
onet. I speak knowingly.. I have
passed through many serious indus
trial troubles. I know something
of their psychology, the stages
through which s they pass, and the
dangerous attempts that are some
times made to end" them. Disputes
between labor and capital
evitable, The disposition to gain the
best bargain possible characterizes
the whole Held of exchange, wheth
er it be product for product, or labor
for money. If strikes are prolonged
public opinion always se,ttle them.
Public opinion should determine re
sults in America, Public opinion is
khe most interesting characteristic of
a cjemocracy, and it is the real safety
valve to the institutions of a free
government. It may, at times, be
necessary for government toinquire
irtto the fact? of a tie-up, but facts
and not conclusions should be sub
mitted. The determining form of un
prejudiced thought will do the rest.
During this process, governmental
agencies must give a vigilant eye to
the, protection of life and property,
and' maintain firmness but absolute
impartiality. This is always the real
test,-, but if official conduct combines,
courage and fairness, our govern
mental institutions come out of these
uffairs untarnished by distrust. This
is not au academic observation, 1
is the mere recital of experience.
nUnrest has been reinforced in no
small degree by the great mass of
unassimllatod aliens. Attracted by"
an unprecedented demand for labor,
they have come to our shores by the
thousands. As they have become
acquainted With the customs and op
portimftles of American life,' thou
sands of them have become citizens
and are owners of their . own homes.
However, the work of assimilation
too long was merely automatic,. One
million six hundred thousand for
eign born in this county cannot read
or write our language. Our Interest
in them in the main has been simply
as laborers, assembled in the great
trade centers, to meet the demand of
the hour. Without home or com
munity ties, many have been more
or less nomadic, creating the prob
lem of excessive turnover, which has
perplexed manufacturing plants But
this has not been the worst phase of
the situation. Unfamiliar with law,
having no understanding of the prin
ciples of our government, they, have
fallen an easy prey-to unpatriotic
and designing persons.' Public opin
ion has had no influence upon them,
because they have been isolated from
tho currents of opinion, all due to
their not being able to read or write
our language. It is the duty of the
federal "government to stimulate the
Work of Americanization on the
part of church, school community
agencies, t'ate governments and in
dustry itself. In the" imst many in
dustries that have" suffered from
chronic restlessness have been the
chief contributions to their own
troubles. The foreigner with Euro
pean standards of living was wel
comed, but too often no attempt wad
made to educate him to domestic
ideals, for the 8implereason that it
adversely, affected the Jedger, It has
been, my observation that tne man
wha learns our language,' yields to'
a controlling public opinion and re
spects our law; besides, in proportion,
as his devotion to American life de
velops, his Interest in the impulsive
processes of revolution diminishes.
We must bo patient in the work of
assimilation and studiously avoid op
pressive measures in the face of
-mere evidence of misunderstanding.
We have a composite nation. The
Almighty doubltess intended it to
be such. We Will not, however de
velop patriotism unless we demon
strate tho difference between despot
ism and democracy. The necessity
for the drastic laws' of, war days la
not present now, and we 'should re
turn at the earliest opportunity, to
the statutory provisions passed rn
time of peace for the general wel
fare. There is no condition now
that warrants any infringement on
. fbo rlrrbt. nf frfio onfiGch anil assaml.
aro m-4v". .. t ... - .
oiy nor on mu uuuriy ojl uio jiiress.
The greatest measure of individual
freedom consistent with the safety
of our institutions should be given.
Excessive regulation causes manifes
tations that oompel restraint, The
police power, therefore, is called to
action because 'the legislative au
thority acted unwisely,
A forbearing . policy is not the
proper one for the .deliberate enemy
of our institution?, He is of-the kind
tuaf knows conditions-abroad and-
here, The difference between auto
cracy and democracy is well marked
in his mind. He is opposed to gov
ernment in any form, and he hates
ours because it appeals to those
whom he would convert to his creed.
Any policy of terrorism is fuel to his
flame of anarchy. Those whom he
seeks arouse, in time, realise the
difference between his and their men
tal attitude, so- that when the law'
lays- hand upon his wilful 'mena
to government, tho purpose of it be
comes piam to mem. Official con
tempt for the. law is a harmful ex
hibition to our people, rt is diffi
cult to follow the reasoning of any
one who would seek to make an la
she of tho question of law-enforcement.
The executive obligation,
both national and state, on assuming
the oath of office ip to "preserve,
protect and defend the constitution
of the United States." The Consti
tution, on its essence is the license
and" limitation given to and placed
upon the law-making body. The leg
islative branch of government ig
subjected to the rulo of the majority.
Tho public official who fails to en
force the law, Is an enemy both to
tho constitution and to thd Amori.
can principle of the majority rule. It
would seem quite unnecessary for
any candidate for the presidency to
say that he does not intend to vio
late his oath of office. Anyone who
is false to .that ath - is more un
worthy than the "law violator him
Morals cannot easily be produced
by statute.. The writ of Injunction
should not be abused. Intended as
a safeguard to person and property,
it could easily by abuse cease to be
the protective device it was intended
to be. j
Capital develops into large units
without violence to public sentiment
or injury to public interest tho
same principle should notbe denied
to labor'. .Collective "bargaining
through the means of representatives
selected by the .employer and em
ploye respectively, will be helpful
rather than harmful to the general
interest. Besidofc, there is no ethical
objection that can be raised to it.
We should not, by law, abridge a
Sinn's right either to labor or to quit
his employment. However, neither
labor nor capital should at any time
or . in any circumstances, taiie ac
tion that Would put -in" jeopardy the
public welfare.
We need a definite and precise
statement of policy as to what busi
ness man and workingmen may do
and may not do by way of combina
tion and collective action. The law
is now so nebulous that it almost
turns upon the economic predelic
tions of the judge or jury. This does
not make for confidence in the courts
nor respect for the laws, nor for a
healthy activity in production and
distribution. There surely will be
found ways by wTiich co-operation
may be encouraged -without the de
struction of enterprise. The rules of
business should be made more cer
tain! so that on. a stable basis, men
may move with confidence.
Government, however Should pro
vide the means in the treatment of
its employes, to keep in touch with
conditions and -to rectify wrong. It
is needless to say that in order to
be consistent, facts should at all
times justify the pra-supposition that
the government employes are prop
erly compensated,
The child life of the nation should
be conserved; if labor in immature
years ia permitted by, one genera
tion, it; is practicing unfairness to
the next.
Agriculture is but 'another form
of industry. In fact, it is the basis
of Industry because -upon it .depends
the foocls suppjy, The driit. rrom
countryside iuto the city, carries dis
quieting portents. If our growth in
manufacturing in. tho tfext few years
holds its present momentum, it will
be necessary for America to import
foodstuffs," It therefore devolves up
oji government, through intensive
scientific co-operation to help in
maintaining as nearly as possible the
existing balance between- food pro
duction and consumption. Farming
Will not inspire, individual effort un
less profits, ail thingsnsidered, are
' i
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