& i - -,u Th&- Commoiser l-.-' 'L. 20, NO. 8j o rno of liis state, had boon chdson for the vlco presidency by tho same vote given to the presi dent. To ubo u striking expression coined -by Sfthutor Johnson at' Chicago recently, "there is only "a hoart beat" betwoon him and tho whito hotise. Ho is now' tho choice of his state for tho presidency, thpugh not sooking the place. Strange that such a member of committee should havo been overlooked. Senator Poinorono, who roprosonts Ohio on thq resolutions committee, sat just in front of Chairman Glass. Ho is not. only a prominent member of tho senate, and from one of th,o four big5 slates, but ho may bo regarded as the spokes man on the committee for Governor Cox, one of the loading candidates for tho presidential nomi nation. Senator Pomorone may bo supposed to bo vitally intorostod in the platform, and it ox citod some surprise when Chairman Glass passed him by. ' V Now York will present Governor Smith, but the empiro state is not represented on the sub committee, oven though that state is represented on tho resolutions committee by Hon. .Bourke Cockran, a man who has marfy claims to dis tinction. ' Novr Jersey, tho home of tho president, has a candidate for president in- tho person, of its gov ernor, whom tho chief executive cordially con gratulated when ho was elected last fall. Even New Jersey's "representative on the ''committed was not appointed on the Bubcommitee. . Oklahoma has endorsed Senator -Owen and Iowa Secretary Meredith, but both of the states wore ignorod. In selecting a representative of Now England Chairman Glass passed by Senator Walsh of Massachusetts and named the representative of Maine. This is more astonishing when it is known that Senator Walsh who had been chosen Hocrotary of the resolutions committee, sat by Mr. Glass on tho platform, nearer to him than any ono olso except his volunteer aide, Secretary Colby. Senator Walsh is not only one of the ablest Democrats in th6 senate, but is one of tho. most progressive members of tho party. ' Evon Senator Smith of South Carolina, who moved the appointment t of the committee , was 'forgotten. It is 'customary ' in- parliamentary bodies to Include on a commlfinn thn man whn moves its appointment, but Senator Smith has become so unimportant abactor among the" Democratic senators that his rights to a place ' on tho sub-committee would not depend entirely 'on-parliamentary usage. The members selected are of course mon who are respected and esteemed, the chosen mon frohi their respective states. Senator Walsh of, Montana is not only ,a prominent senator, but was mentioned XoV chair man, but in conventions, mon are estimated by relative standards and according to importance of the states they represent and ospeqially' with a view to embracing all Important factions. In the appointment of this, committee the Chairman seemed to have used an invisible -yard stick or to- lave, chosen by chemical analysis, feoverai of the members of the sub-committee are known to bo favorable to ex-Secretary McAcoo, while others may be expected to awing. into his column when relieved from allegiance to others. One so rompte as myself from the fountains of Information is unable to judge whether tho tost of availability for this important sub-committee was personal or had to do, with platform plans. r I may add that the omission of my name from tho list was to be expected first, because inyj?olitical activities, though extending over many years, have not yet been sufficient to bring me within the vision of the gentlemen from Vir ginia, and second, because my contributions to the president's successes would make my ap pointment seem like an effort on the part of the executive to. intorfere with the freedom of the committee deliberations, Nevpr before-tfas -a great convention of: our party had to deal with issues ' so momentous. There is at home an unrest 'hever before known, and the old world is nearer to chaos than ftv has been in centuries. If there iy?s over a time When Democrats ought to take counsel together, ahd in generous spirit seek to understand the new currents of thoughtaud' chart the political Yeas it is now. How inopportune that we should be sent upon the angry ocean with sealed in structions. . I haye'oomo to the convention more impressed than In any former convention with the, re- sponsibility of a delegate and anxious that the party platform shall' meet tlfe needs of the day r' f - & -s" ' and draw to our standard a majority of the vot ers of tho United States. In witness td my de votion to my party's welfare! am proposing Ave planks that seem to me to be of importance One applies to industrial disputes, a plan pre sented by our nation to the world, endorsed by governments representing three-quarters of the population of the globe and made the chief corn erstone of the league of nations. Another pro poses a government bulletin intended to furnish an unpolluted channel of information to 'the voiors and to provide a means by which candi dates for president, senate and congress may lay Choir claims before the public without any con siderable expense. A thir'd embodies-proposals dealing effectively with the profiteers. The fourth congratulates tho party upon its part in a great moral reform and pledges enforcement of a law upheld in every detail by the supremo court. The fifth seeks to make the conclusion of peace as easy as was a declaration of war; ad mits us to tho league of nations, and gives our nation the moral leadership of the world with a Democratic president at the head of the procession. Are not these things worth - achieving? And yet when I come to San Francisco I And that a few men who claim a monopoly of interest ' in .the president personally in the party's welfare seek' to brush aside all the great issues that press upon us and announce as the one outstanding principle in the code of democracy that a president not only can do no wrong, but cannot make a mistake. Even Germany has repudiated the theory upon which this proposed slogan is based. These over-zealous friends cannot rep resent v the president in such a course as they ought to know that the Democratic party was never less inclined than now to accept such a doctrine even If we had a president willing to ask it or courtiers foolish enough to advise it. RIVALRY. OF CANDIDATES ; San Francisco,' July 1. Te rule idopted by thrcominitteo on resolutions forbids the report ing of' anything done in the committee, until the 4 platform is. ready for the convention. As r am a member of the committee I cannot tsayiiny thine from which conclusions may be drawn As it is impossible to know when the committee will be ptble to report and impossible to do any writing between the conclusion of the commit tee's work and the action of the convention I am compelled to turn from the subject in which I feel tho deepest interest to a subject of secondary importance, viz,; tho ticket The per sonal element is very much overestimated. Sup porters of a candidate become inflamed with the idea that everything depends upon his nomina tion, and we are told "as goes Podunkr so goes the nation, and cap carry Podunk." This is especially true of the pivotal states. States like New York and Indiana, and more ..recently, Ohio, have claimed to hold the elections iiutheir handsK Indiana has had the vice presi- , dency from the time wheu the memory of man runneth not to the contrary, and tho New York delegation takes the Democratic party up on the mountains and offers -it tho earth every fouy years. Just now Ohio poses as a pivotal state, but it does not take, much to make a pivotal state out of any commonwealth that has a candidate. Since the presidential election four years ago turned on a few votes in Californta it's a poor state that cannot prove to its own satisfaction that its electoral Vote may do torratne the presidential contest, and therefore , "nominate our' man anoV save the party." ' One thing is apparent; no one can be nomi nated without tho approval of the president' Tho ' Republican convention had to wait for word from a sick-bed in Pennsylvania, and this con" vontion waits for word from a sick man" in Wash ingjon, but Penrose was in position tp confer witlv othors. Here, we are dependent on intui- , -; "". "? ni. u multitude of counsel there is safety." ' . MV. Palmer made his campaign on the theory that he represented the President. In Georgia the; question was Whether the voters would sua tain the administration by voting for Mrl Paiml . or of permit a cruel world to say that the Presi dent had been repudiated. In Michigan Mr Palmer again appeared as a representative of the President's ideas and his forces horo are mar shalled under the leadership of the HdnornhiA . Vance-McCormick, Chairman of the democrat r - committee in the last campaign and noas near t!Sr Ppen 1 anyae is permitted to J But Mr. Palmer seen tn i 6i ' . .. ? ?.1 convention which la so nnWniin t - . lfl ILI1 "3 tUat , mistake h "" "l"u U"""K ' past eight years doi not seem to be rallying Cp the support of 5 Palmer. Somehow thW a inv ,... ., l ai the" determination which is so evident whenevi uuuo oubBooio mut mere as any nart nf n nnrintw in rViil, r .... u u z::u7 : .;;;:"""" vezioci:atlc voter h wv.ucu u. uiiioiuui conclusion on any sub1e from that to which (he President lias arrlvS? The Cox boom seems to have spent its forci The Governor of Ohio lm ,i Avc! worthy of commendation; speaking politically 1 could nnt niHto h ani.r 9 ut .. - .. ' Jl nb Til-jr-i" T , , """ s or tne ric t, ia, mut w una Kept ail the commanc ,.p ium m youm out ne certainly doc r "", ana tnat is loyalty to the homl ,u " utulLU srwpie -wim the saloon. A maJ who can take an oath tn mmnnrf , - n. j tion of his state and then ait. in tii m capital and without protest or lifting a hand t'i prevent It. watch tho iirAwn , nnn llnuor dealers itamnfifnt-iiv rmf n v,.i , j hoping to return) attempted to overthrow every! thing that the temperance forces of Ohio havl accomplished in 50 years such a man is noi T-, - - i'ut "" "". yvmiQ jLiouse at such t time as .this. Whon ho Mori ith i, i at Cincinnati and went intothe governor's ofl v. u. , mujuiity oniy aoout nair as great ai his increase in the county in 'which Cincinnati i luuutuu, ue soia ms nirtnright for a mess oi nnt intra nnA 4. fj4.tK li. xi . i""''') ", xik ijuuviu,- m. taices more than twrt . years to EOt a birthrie-hK rfnf rp , n 1.3 No man can go before the 26,000,000 of womcifl ' vuioi-H wuu me smen ot tne boer vat on his gar- XUOULB. .The. drift is towards McAdoo. We are toh that tllft Pl'ftRfflATlf panllv Annatl v.-vJ. iir. i - . DUt this ClnP.su not. lmrmnnWa arflu t. j-a i. i government employees, -are ctiairegafdlng Mrj McAdoo's express wishes and tryingftd force tha nomination unon him mmr hia mntanf Mr. McAdoo cannot in my "judgment, carry muuubh iue mpi5n tua nanaicap of his re- iauonsmp to tne President, no matter hmxr w.: "nMnr-d'W 1,Ati.Jf-!.. vr JJri "! v . J .' AX. 7 -, my UB v no w popular he' is, -with certain' groups of voter's?-' He will be the target of every enemv nf tha v.!,, mt4.u..t.: the President's ability to express the idealism? V1 w Aiuencttu peopie. The "Crown Prince", argument is alreadv hofn i,aa k rt,.uit 1 and Democrats cannot deny, that it has some ef-: j.tivueaa ua a weapon, some 30 years ago1 we xancea aoout "Grandfather's hat" but therei was a ceneration howoAn o m.ma td...,.i., and his grandson candidate. That was a break inl tuo iiuo uonsiaeraDiy greater than the break bc-i v,rCD a. jTicaiueut una nis daughter's misband.! xzuieuiuu-y government is at its lowest iw -- Europe; is a family -dynasty, likely to become' popular in' the United SfniAR? -Tf inn.. r.f no,- fair that a man should surfer merely because! una .mujioibu juiuhbij: witu an historic famliy, hilt" a rn.,mTiflirTl"'la a nnn-n ( 4. -.1.1. great auestiOnS to dfifnnrl an i-nAUrir1i,nVc, lif to claim for himself the White House and fori uis onspnng tn honor of-b.eing the grandchil dren or a PreHirtfmh Tho nvainnA nnmn..nf is likely td feel that success in the campaign is of i i.uu Btoai, uuporiancG to oe jeopardized by un-v necessary hurdles and the partisan Republican! who might otherwise be drawn to the ticket is ? pt to iina m sucn a relationship too alluring an excuse for remaining with"his party. What Shall it nroflh n. nnrtv if it iinf tu nt;tnia of a whole family and lose -its: opportunity to, J ii v., . i,- CONVENTION TAKES UP TASK OF BALLOT ",, ' XNG FOR PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE San Francisco July 2.-The first and second ballots do tfot give much indication of the final result. Neither McAdoo nor Palmer developed thO' strength that their supporters, ha"d expected. They were close together on the first ballot and their gains on the second ballot were small and almost equal. Qox's vote on the first ballot was surprisingly small. It increased some on the second ballot but in still; -too inconsiderable to give him much encouragement.- The vote cast by his state for the wine and beer, amendment puts him on record As his manager gazed over the Sahara desert that .expends from Pensacola to Puget Sound he must contemplate with dis may the arid naturWthe political soil. If that seconds -vote hatl"nbt?been taken he inigUfr xK...H , V v