Kdi4v& :.-, j v .'TT 1I7S5to.''"JBSScl !!J w wf-wir Sf ijrL - ' v-.." f raw, ?- iiN",,B,r Ihe 5, ."-- , Commo WILLIAM J. BRYAN, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR JL 1 v7 JL T - I - VOL 20, NO. 8 Sb Lincoln, Nebraska, August, 192Q t'. !.. Whole Number 736 Mr.M' I aoo trl S Position Below will b a found si letter thai explains it- McADOO, COTTON-FRANKLIN rfM QUESTION YOUR CONGRESSIONAL CANDDATES ;" mBlli?' r; ", rVecombined liquor interests of tho country, and all those wlp profit-financially, or polit, . Ww ork" - - : - '; ;iy. from the liquor business or from thb various forms of vice associated with Iho liquor buglnoRB" J4lM -,,Vi '- ''i't c - " - -vV. -r -. -" Jily 20; 4.9 20, c : . "Gentlemen: ; : u ' J"ni' " - "In your issue ,6tv3uly$M20, you carry, in your first column, firstf page, a statement signed by Col. BryaiuaS follmys5r '"Mr. McAdoo signalized his; defeat by saying that the Presidential primaries should be abol- ished and the old convention system restored "You are entirely la, error. I have noVer made such a statement. - I har d said that presi dential primaries ought to be regulated by Fed eral authority, made uniform throughout the states and held on the bxmb day.. I have also said that I think this expenses of national elec tions should be paid out "$.' the Federal Treas ury under proper regulation gpwitying the uses to'whioh the money iftay -toft put aiid forbidding are organizing their forces to attack prohibition. They will make a herculean effort to elect ueria-" v W iprs ana congressmen in November who will vote to raise the alcoholic content or to weaken fha enforcement provision of tho national prohibition act, known as the Volstead law. J . The friends of prohibition should roquirp senatorial candidates and all candidates for con gress to pledge themselves to prevent any backward step from being taken In tho enforcement of the greatest piece of moral legislation that has beon enacted during tho past century. Whora neither political party has a candidate for tho senate or house who will pledge himself to uphold ,, the dry cause, a dry candidate, where the law pormits, should immediately be put on tho ticket' by petition. . ; Readers of The Commoner friends of the h6me, and all newspapers that favor upholding the , present prohibition enforcement laws without modification are urgontly requested to immediately sub'mit the following question to all candidates of all parties, for the United Slutop, cinate or house and aend their replies to The Commoner and a copy of their replies .to yq,ur jbcal paperH,for puDucawn:. "-:. .-... ; , m . mi if r.i .-r&. vm iff :. ' ..:T'.'Sm l-i. ' 'r..rcff nso your, yofa urn your Influence for IheefejRM, . '$$1 ivented, ' 'Ajr$i '' A rf$. t' ' ' enlorcomqiit of the"' present prohibition Ian-, honestly and In good faith, . without any Incrcaso in vjt.i "itMi ... ili'aK.i'iAJfcfiitri.lu..t- in n .. '-. i. iU A.ttt.i i.An.arM& iw1 ti-)iriif. miv woiiltnnlnir nt uiiv (iHiir of lia ttrti ' w "nMtlfcl ui juu, .iuviiy,'iJ.uunBJn;;tuAa otuLvuioii. m. uu ; tue aicouoiic .cumcwi yt. jcihihm uiwi..,i.ij .. .....-- .. y -- . r-- rm!nA4 n wl1vs. 1 frit 2 rf . .' ? m M m h TWrM 1 C ' prominent a place in h'Coninioner as was the erroneous statement olf Col. Bryan's to which I refer? Very truly-yours, The Commoner, -' " "W, G., McADOO." Lincoln, Neb. I am sorry thefmistaico.as made, and hasten to correct it. TheCmmonor has t or some years advocated the presidential -primary a -'federal primary wherever state' -law do not comply with foderal requireineuts. ., They should all be held on the same day, .aa. Mr.McAdoo suggests. The Commoner ha'3kValiio "advocated the payment oi necessary campaitJ expense's by federal ap propriation a -plansuyiested by President Roosevelt. . v ,'f'' - - Some months bfor,eth.e!coaventlon Mr. Mc Adoo was quoted?p";adyising 'AGAINST instruc tions for candidate- If ' ln( views were mis fopresented on -thjs.BuhjecVt shall be pleased to so inform ray i;eadersT.t T he Commoner does &ot intend to misrpresentr.iiny one and gladly orrects mista'aaat-wiay be made. . r " ? j "::&: ';'. 3. J. -.BRYAN. PUT 0iDKgjt)N GUARP.."' .' Remember ttaboih' "CortdHarding. virtual ly INVITE congress toSliarigf the-Volstead act. ery dry in ovfirFktate'shbuldbe on guard to elect a dry Senateand House.' Vote .only for gators and.ngaraenKNOWN.TcBB DRT. JO INORfiASElrkJB AXleOHOLIG CON TENT SHOULOE PERMITTED. No weakr cning of the Jawshould be allowed. - Vf. J. BrtYAN; -r4 visions? - ' The Commoner will publish in each issue until after the November election the names, poll?', tic's and district of all candidates for the national senate or house who answer tljp above quofttjon 4. i n,o nffirmatlvo. Candidates for congress need not wait to be questioned. If you are in faVbr,.,.: of defending the home against the attacks of the liquor gang, send your names to The, Commoner.' ;.. at once to be placed on the roll oi nonor ior support uy mV Wunwuw luh.v. ?. H'A The Acceptance Speeches r. tf The presidential campaign of 1920 is form ally opened. The acceptance speeches are before the country; the candidates have Interpreted the platforms upon which they are running, each endeavoring to support his party s declara tion as strongly as possible. Of the two speeches Senator Harding's 'Is more sonorous while Governor Cox's address is morsonoro difference in tho more uirect mm ! A1. ,, nna in, nt the words will be noticed if one The senator uses longer . i. lUa nniRH. z - -rrz fierrraVcBuon, th01f -Hugo. On positions ar charapteristically different. ? : V iV L, ""tasz TO qOMMOIB READERS Kindly sendoheVCorniaionQr at once "the Dames, mail addrfsTand give tho number of the ngressional.digriirof all 9Jtiididates of all po- of Victor nub-. r .v AXnrcfiBe(i in re Quite iaenu ' ----- manner uu.-v -a tho otii favor woman's suuragu auu v-, Both favor wu t necessary for rati- h0pe that the one more -mx flcation will soon be wjnred. spends a mu "-r,; a little more for- .- that furnishes the one stab cibly. Tueinww - an argUment HOvctwr ' . Governor Cox puu fltae The party - ; .l ImlVRVHr. uiuuv necessary win, u practical argument stronger than either thPn tbat -brings home Iter7 trainIng suhjeci vl u-.. . l!llcal rtieS&the, United States senate and Ottt h eIther one might have for tae$U.i ,h nf. f.0nVesontatives. both are silent, made more votes with a single sentence on.thJ subject than ho could have made with the same number of words on any other subject. Gov ernor Cox says that entrapoc Into the L&igue, of Nations will enable us to reduce 'military ex penses, and It might be inferred that he would,, not favor the addition of $7,000,000,000, a year for the compulsory training of the youths of the country, but he did not avail himself of the op? ' portunity to pledge his influence against such a policy. v . Senator Harding did not say'alfiyMifag op the subject at all, unless he,lntended to cpnvey this tdjia in one sentence,-namely, "I believe in a small army, but the best in the worldwlth a mindfulness for preparedness which will avoid the unutterable tost of our previous neglect," What does he moan by "preparedness?" Soma' of his colleagues have insisted that the failure to train the young men previous to the last war resulted in unutterable cost. ' As neither party H platform made any specific declaration on the ' subject, the candidates took refuge behind plat ' form silence to excuse their own silence, al- . though the menace of universal compulsory military training still hangs over the nation. It was recommended by; Secretary Baker and en-? I Mr &mk ? tow m t M'tsm the!Sa:tlohal hpuso of- i'6prQontatiye , - ''.V.