rtimi The Commoner u VOL: 20, NO. 6 7- t. T?7WOT IftMilWWi IV ; A nimlnrn.nroof tub FIIKK with OVcry Kelljr()rrnnld Tiro orderod. Kolly; Orocnneld Tlreo are reconatnjcwd and guaranteed on 0,000 milo baaiav Prlca Include Tube and Tire 23x3 $ C75 34x4 .., 1?5 803.. ,,.,.. 7.16 80x8)4 8.25 mnl 8.BS 31x4.. 10.10 32x4 10,45 33x4. 10.90 :::::; : 81X4 Mi 4 8Cx4. 18.65 85x5 14.40 88x5..... 14.C5 87x5 14.80 ."jl Bubjeet to xamlnatlon. K B rr cetit iptcutl clU couot If full amount int with order. I wTflemTyba our truarnntco bond I I with order. Thla la your protection I ICelly-ghkhnfield uiriinEii co. Wept. 324. 321 M. 33d St., Chlcngo, 111. Don't Wear A Truss! After Thirty Yenr' Experience We Have Produced an Appliance for Men, Women, or Children ThHt Cures Hup lure WE SEND T ON TIUAL If you . have tried moat everything else, como to U8, Where others full is where wo havo our greatest success, fiond Mtachcd coupon today and wo will c Above Ik C. E. Drookn, Inventor of. the AnnHnncc. Ir. Ilrookn Cured IIIniNelf of llupture Over 30 YenrM A sro nnd Pntcnted the Appliance from III l'crc-nnl Experience. If Ruptured, Write Today to the llrookn Appllnnce Co,, MurMliull, Mich. Bond you free our Illustrated book on .Rupture and Its cure, showing: our A.p- pllanco and giving you pricos and namos of many people who havo tried It and -wore cured. It gives instant ro- HoC when all others fail. Remomber, we uso no salves, no harnos, no lies. Wo sond on trial to provo what we. say is truo. You aro the Judfie and once having peon our illustrated book nnct read it you will bo as enthusla&tio us our hundreds of patients whoso letters you can also road4 Fill out freo coupon "bolow and mail toda. It's well worth your timo whether you- try our Ap pliance or not. FREE INFORMATION COUPON BrookH Appliance Company 1D3D State St., MurMliull, IWch. Plcaso sond mo by mail, in plain wrapper , your illustrated book and full information about your Ap pliance tor the euro oC rupture. Namo . Address , City ..;...., Stato to tho pooplo flmn Wilson. I should say that tho Wilson league without tho dotting of an "i" or tho crossing of a "t" will not bo indorsed. If so it will bo a Bryan victory and as both parties will then favor reservations tho league will hardly be a clear cut issuo, but prohibition may supplant it, if Bryan puts over his dry plank. 1 hoar ho wants to bo permanent chair man of tho convention. If he can achievo that, ho may do more. He may bo tho nominee who can tell V There isn't anybody apparently whom ho can support with quita tho en thusiasm with which ho can support himself. Aside from tho largo loom ing of Mr. Bryan it seems to mo, that just at present thero is a drift of. opinion in favor of tho selection of Mr. McAdoo for tho nominee at San Francisco and Mr. McAdoo. is holping tho drift along by his utterances in favor of freo speech and all that sort of thing. If Mr. McAdoo can get Bryan and has Wilson, lid's tho candi date. But let's wait and see! Reody's Mirror, St. Louis. I' 1 I 1 L f J -r-"r---- " -HMM I lia , C.-iii,ttll(UiiMifcV n ' -H y,.. 8 Tov Red B1M, aamnmia RHEUMATISM RECIPE I will gladly sond any Rheumatism suf ferer a Slmplo Horb Roclpe Absolutely Freo that Completely Cured me of a ter rible attack of muscular and inflamm atory Rheumatism of Ions standing aftor ovorythlng else I tried had failed mo. I havo given it to many sufforors who bo Moved their casos hopeless, yet thoy found roliof from their suffering by talcing theso slmplo horbs. It alBO rollevos Sci atica promptly as woll as Nouralgla, and Is a wonderful blood purifier. You are most welcome to this Ilcrli Recipe If you will send for it at onco. I bellovo you will consider It a God-Send after you havo put It to tho test. Thero Is nothing Injurious contained In It, and you can soo for your self exactly what you aro talcing. I will gladly "send this Recipo absolutely freo to any mforor who will sond namo and address, plainly written. W. E SUTTON, v.650 BlunronlKu Ave, Los Angeles, Calif. 'MR. HOOVER'S LETTER ON TREATY RATIFICATION Mr. Hoover's letter follows: "New York, May 13, 1920. "Chester Murphy and O. C. Leitor, ''Hoover Republican Club, Port land, Oregon: "I beg to reply as follows to your request for my views on various mat tors arising in the Oregon primaries. "Tho President has declared the the Democratic party must demand tho acceptance of the league in" full as presented by him to tho Senate. Senator Johnson demands that the Republican party oppose .Ins league altogether. Two more destructive at titudes toward a great issua could not bo found. "An emergency is created by this alliance of destruction. The lispira tions of the great majority of our people will be thwarted by either of these" extremes. This majority is fixed in its determination that the United States, both for our own pro tection and in the interest of the wel fare of tho world shall join provides for substitution of methods of the. league by ratifying tho treaty which peace for methods of war, but that we thall do so only under assurances of no infringement of our constitu tion nnd our traditions. "The inflexible attitude of the President and his supporters and of Senator Johnson and his supporters has brought this issue into the elec tion" at an immeasurable moral and economic cost to bur country and to the world. If the Republican party, howoyer, is to voice the will of the people and is not to forfeit the cer tainty of leadership in the next four years, it must embrace the great "op portunity which the majority of the American people are prepared to give it. It must support the league with reservations. It must not fall into tho trap that the Presidont and Sena tor Johnson are enticing it into. "A league for the reduction of armament and the prevention of wai is not tho property of any one party. It was early enunciated by Theodore Roosovelt in his address in 1010, fol lowing the award to him of the Nobel Peace Prize and has been consistent ly advocated by Republican leaders ever since that time. Furthermore, the one league that the world has now evolved aftor all th& sacrifice of five yoars has been adopted, under proper safeguards to tho United States, by the majority of the Re publican Senators, the great leaders of tho Republican party and various state platforms, and has already been joined, by twenty-eight nations. "I, therefore, hope that the more than ' a thousand clubs that have sprung up in the country advocating THINK of the strong, healthy men and women you know peo ple who are prominent and who are doing things worth while and you will find that they usually possess remarkable force, vim and energy the kind that simply brim over when the blood ia filled with iron. Iron is red-blood food it helps put strength and onergy into the veins of men and roses into the cheeks of women. Nuxated Iron by enriching the blood and creating now blood cells strengthens the nerves, rebuilds tho weakened tissues and helps to "instill renewed energy and endurance into the whole system. If people would only keep their blood filled 'with strength-giving iron by taking Nuxated Iron when they feel weak, run-down and nervous, they might readily build up their red-blood corpuscles and quickly become stronger and healthier in every way. Unlike the older inorganic products it is easily assimilated, does not injure the teeth, make them black nor upset thesstomach. Nuxated Iron often increases the strength and endurance of weak, delicate people in two weeks' time. It is dispensed by all good druggists. my name at the Chicago convention will in addition to the primary task they have undertaken continue to keep to the forefront their real pur pose of right alignment of the party on the many issues before us, and that they will use their utmost in fluence that the Republican platform shall endorse the prompt ratification of the treaty and approve the reservations." SWITZERLAND VOTES DOWN GAMBLING Special correspondence to the New York Tribune, of May 23, gives de tails of tV.o nation-wide election in Switzerland of March 22, which sus tain the victory of the opponents of the. proposed law givirig the federal government power to regulate the conditions of work throughout the confederation. Subordinate to this, perhaps, in general interest, but cer tainly surpassing it in its appeal to the man in the street, were the two projects submitted to the electorate relative to changing Article 35 of the Swiss constitution, which relates to the matter of gambling houses. The constitution of 1874 had outlawed gambling in Switzerland; but various "interpretations," including one which opened the door of gaming enterprises which furthered "recrea tion or public utility," had drawn the teeth of the prohibition. Two propositions came before the voters. One was to forbid tho open ing of new gambling houses in Switz erland, and to allow five years for the suppression of those now existing. The alternative was to prohibit tho future establishment of gaming halls, but to delegate to the several cantons the problem of fixing the fate, oi those already existing. Feeling on this question was in tense, if one-sided. All of the stock arguments against gambling were marshaled by the protagonists of the first law (which ended all public gambling in five years). They drew pathetic pictures of the flower of tho nation being enticed into tho gam bling houses by the alluring clink of the gold (a slight error, since there is gambling only with silver m Geneva's principal gaming house), and of tho ruination which would be brought upon tho coming generation if it were not protected against evil influences. In Geneva, of course, all of this was directed -at the Kursaal, a com bination theater, dance hall and gam bling house, which occupies a promi nent position on the lake front. Nevertheless, the anti-gambling element triumphed , gloriously, by a voto of 276,021 to 223,122. They voted down the alternative, on which they heaped especial scorn, by tho tremendous figure of 345,327 to 122,-240. Subscribers' Advertising Department HELP WANTED AGENTSr-Mason sold 13 Sprayers anil Autowashers one Saturday; Profits 52.CO each r Square Deal; Particulars Free. Rusler Company, Johnstown, Ohio, WANTED MISCELLANEOUS STORIES. POEMS. PLAYS, etc., are wanted for publication. Good ideas bring big money. Submit Mss. or write Literary Bureau, 13" Hannibal, Mo. J EAN $25 WEEKLY, spare time, writ ing for newspapers, magazines. Ex perience unnecessary; details free. Press Syndicate, 1050, St. Louis, Mo. FARMS WANTED IF YOU WANT to sell or exchange your property write me. John J. Black. 12th St., Chippewa, Palls. Wis. INVENTIONS INVENTIONS WANTED. Cash or royalty for ideas. Adam Fisher Mfg. Co., 102 St. Louis, Mo. ' MISCELLANEOUS ' . - . " "i - T RESLR SHORTHANp; World's best; lesson free.. Rettigc', Keytesville, Mo. TRY THIS FOR RUPTURE New Invention Sent on SO Dny' Trial Without ExpeuHe to You SlmplyHsend me your name and I will send you my new copyrighted rupture book and measurement blank. When you return the blank I will send you my new invention for rupture. When it ar rives put it on and wear it. Put It to every test you can think of. The harder the test the better you will like it. You will, wonder how you ever got along wltli tho old stylo crudl spring trusses or belts with leg straps of torture, Your own good, common sense and your own doctor will tell you ft is the only way In which you can over expect a cure. After wearing it 30. days, if it is not ontirely satisfactory In every way if it is not easy and comfortable--!! you cannot actually eee your rupture, getting better, and if not convinceu that a cure is merely a - question oi time, just return It and you are out nothing. Any rupture appliance senton 30 days' trial without expense to you is worth a trial. Tell your ruPturea friends of this. EASYHOLP CO., le Koch Bldg.. Kansas City. Mo. ;r'.i&&ii 1tfe&li4iLt)&A4l' v jMKKJ?.ito -u j, Zik'l&Ja'ir.A nM, iM3MmL. ,, , 4,., ." a -A l'Aiha J- :iL