VfTJIFf . 'TXPmf1W!FWSpftP' mw '. f r Commoner VOL. 20, NO. 5 hi $ivr The b L ,' H' ISf f? T t i H I n with returning monarchy and, on .tho other ulJ6 with tho chaos of bolshovism? Jdpfarho kndw of tho unrest in our own country and tho reason for It? Does ho know that the ' profitoor, with an nppetito stimulated by gluttony, is blooding our nation whito? Does ho lcnow to what extent tho tax-oators aro fat- . toning at tho oxponso of tho taxpayors? Does ho know that Big Business is attempting to transfor, tho burdens of tho government from tho shouldora of tho rich to the baolcs of tho poor? Does ho know that tho beneficiaries of private monopoly aro massing for a combined at tack upon tho right of tho people to. use .their own govornmont for their own protection? Doos ho know -that tho antagonisms botwoen capital and labor aro growing and that the failure of tho old parties to grapple success fully with -this monace to industrial poac6 is scrolling tho ranks of socialism? Doos he know that tho governor of his own state is leading a revolt against an amendment to the Consti tution ratified by forty-five statos of tho union, anong them, every Democratic state? Does hi know that his own stato and a number of o her statos are deliberately trying, to nullify the Prohibition enforcement placed upon the statue (books by the vote of mora than two thirds ,of . the. members of both houses? Ho can not bo indifferent to this attempt to over throw the nation's groatost moral reform if ho woro physically able to confer with his follow ollcials at Washington and learn the views of h)s fellows patriots throughout tho country. Ho Wjould not ask tho members tho Democratic pjirty to drag tho troaty into politics, and make the reservations a partisan issue. Tho treaty should be ratlfiod immediately With the res ervations already agreed upon, leaving the na tion to secure aftorward in the league such changes as may be deemed necessary. The democratic party cannot die; it must help solve tno problems of today. Democratic friends of the League of Nations should join Republican friends of the league, and, by doing so, take tne issuo out of tho campaign and speak peace to War distractod Europe. W. J. BRYAN. FORWARD, MARCH Mr. Bryan will be one of Nebraska's, dele tes at lnrco to the Democratic National con- vjotnion. He will be pleased to cooperate with other progressive Democrats in the writing of a platform that will honestly meet tho needs of tbday and appeal to the intelligence and con science of tho nation. If any Wall street re actionaries or representatives of the liquor traffic appear and attempt to disturb the harmony of the party, he will be glad to meet them in tho Committee on Resolutions and on the floor of the cbnvontion. Tho Democratic party can not be ntade the tool of predatory woalth; it can not becomev tho champion of an outlawed traffic. Forward, march! ,-tU u "..:)!. '-V ' '-, 'KM' i'. POOR HOOVER ''Nothing succeeds like success." . Hoover's defeat in, California not only eliminates1 him as a -candidate but it drives the New York World away from him. Just think! . Surely we know not what a day may bring f orth-r-especially if it is. primary day. -i . ;., . THE REPUBLICAN FIGHT ,,hos Republican fight is going-jiit right', Thore will be less than one-halt' bfvbhe per' cent of iharmony 'in the convention, ahdmdt . enough enthusiasm in the campaign itoinake, it. intoxicating. ... ;....: .. :.' ,..:'; ABOLISH THE UNIT RULE Tho New York delegation to the San Francisco convention seems to bo afraid that some of its members may try to break away from Wall street and the brewers.-- It 'is trying to tie the delegates by tho'feuit rule. A convention may' adopt tho unit riie, but a convention can not unless it is specifically empowered to do so. And oven a convention should nothave power to do so. It gives the political bosses in tho big states & dangorous power. Now thalt.tbe world . is at last safe for democracy, tho Democratic party, ought to be willing to permit a.majojrity to, n.omi? pate, but the change from wQrt&fodeLutQ a rqar jorlty should be accomplished by . the abolition of the unit rule, ' Cox, the Wet Leader The fact that tho Democrats of two dry states, Ohio and Kentucky, have instructed for Gov ernor Cox makes it proper to consider his posi tion on the liquor question. It is becoming every day more and more apparent that he is the man about whose standard the wot forces will gather. Governor Edwards is a joke. A drunkard, in tho last stages of delirium tremens, would havo sense enough to know that Ed wards has no chance of nomination. Senator Hitchcock did not havo any chance even before tho Nebraska primary, henco he had nothing to loso. Governor Cox is their man and he has fairly won the dishonor that he seeks. Ho traded his birthright for a mess of pottage and ho could sue the wets and compel the delivery of tho pottage if such a contract was enforce able at law, He was elected governor in 1918 by a small majority about half his gain in Hamilton county. That gain was a reward from tho wets for the Influence he exerted on the convention to keep a dry plank out of tho state platform. The drys carried the state by 25,000 and wroto a prohibition amendment into the constitution. This was the constitution that ho took oath to support when ho became governor, but he vio lated the spirit, if not the letter, when he re fused to use his influence to secure an enforce ment law. A two-third vote would have'put the law into force immediately, but he would not lift a finger, and his state had constitutional prohibition bit no statute to enforce it. Then came the campaign of 1919. The liquor interests made an attack on all that had been gained. They tried to repeal the prohibition amendment, nullify the enforcement law, with draw Ohio from the list of ratifying states, and write 2.75 per cent into tho state constitution in violation of the national enforcement law." Although fully aware of, ,tf not a party to. the scheme, he kept Bitent 'during the entire con teat. Never a wdrd in. support of his state's honor, the constitution of the state, and the homes of state! Either his heart was with those who would turn the state back into the hands of the brewers, or they had bound his tongue and hands with obligations that he did not feel at liberty to break. And now, after disgracing his state he as-' pireB to a position in which he could disgrace a nation. For years the men engaged in tho liquor business have been the real anarchists of the country far more dangerous than the pro fessional anarchists. Governor Cox has become their candidate. His nomination would make tho Democratic party the leader of the lawless element o'f the country, d his election if such a thing were possible would turn the White Hpuse over to those who defy the government and nold law in contempt. There is no likli hood of his nomination and no chance of his (election, it nominated; but why should any Democrat be willing to support a man whose nomination would insult the conscience of the nation? for the triumph -of prohibition Is a triumph of the nation's conscience. Why should any Demdcrat be willing to make the party the champion of a Wicked traffic, outlawed by 34 states by their own act and condemned by the 45 states (INCLUDING EVERY DEMOCRATIC STATE) that joined in ratifying the national amendment. Governor Cox is not among the availables this year. W. J. BRYAN. ' ''' . .. . .., . : : ' .. THE MICHIGAN PRIMARY Th,e secretary of state of Michigan reports the following votes cast oh penipcratic ballots': Hoover ..,..,. ...,.,... .'. '. ,. . . ,,24,046 McAdoo ...,., 18,665, Bryan ....,;; .47,954 Edwards .... . . ., ,16,642 Palmer ...? .... . . 11,187 Mr. McAdoo and Mr. Bryan endeavored to to have their names withdrawn. COX'S MARCH TOWARD THE GRAVE f The number of votes cast for Governor Jamei M. Cox of Ohio at tho primary elections in that state, including tho 1920 primary, follows: August, 1914 (For Governor X38 021 August, 1916 (For Governor) ..135 583 August, 1918 (For Governor ! 133435 May, 1920 (Presidential Preference). . . 75o24 The number of votes cast on the submission of statewide prohibition to the voters of 6hio for the years 1914, 1915, 1917, 3 918 and 1919 follows: ' ' ILLINOIS DEMOCRATS DRY "The Democrats of Illinois lined up with the dry forces of tho nation when the committee oh resolutions of the Democratic state conven tion at Springfield, May 10, defeated a "wet" plank byji vote of 21 to 4. Qopd for Illinois. "The drys walk by faith; tho wets go by scent. Yes No 1914 504,177 588,329 1915. 484,969 540,377 1917 ...-...,522590 523,727 1918 ...... .463,654 437,895 1919 496,786 454,933 Majority Wet, 84,152 Wet, 55,408 Wet, t,137 Dry, 25,759 Dry, 41,853 On the proposition for defining intoxicating liquor to mean not to exceed 2.75 per cent al coholic content, submitted to the voters of Ohio in 1919, the vote was 504,688 against and 474, 907 for a dry majority of 29,781, or against 2.75 per ceht beer as initiated by the Home Rule Association. Shall Governor Cox be allowed to lead his party in his march toward the grave? BE VIGHjANT Every national prohibition and temperance organization, and every church organization, should have a committee oh guard at both Chica go and San Francisco to counteract the influ ence of tho wet organizations. The brewers will have their representatives at both conventions; the delegates will be taken iip on the. mountain and offered everything in sight. The friends of the home must be oh guard to warn against any surrender. MR. OUMMJJNGS' STATE Connecticut is Mr. Cummings' state; it isone of the three states that did not ratify. Its Demo cratic convention has recently declared for wine and beer. Does that express Mr. Cummings' views? Or is he -without influence in the party in his state? In either case he should not bo temporary chairman of the. San Francisco con vention. That gathering will not be a barten ders' reunion; it will be a convention of forward looking Democrats. Step aside, Mr. Cummings. BRAVO, COOMDGE Governor Coolidge has vetoed the 2.75 per cent beer bill. ' Gcod for. Coolidge. It was a brave apt Now see how he falls as a states man in the estimatipn of the. wet papers, many candidates would have done it? How SILVER THREADS POPULAR The rise in the value ot the white metal has made "silver threads among the gold" popular .in the east. The financiers can now listen to it without seeming to tolerate cheap money. REPUBLICANS AT WAR No wonder the Republican leaders favor uni versal compulsory military training; they neeu it to train tho dek gates for the coming fig&wu the Republican National convention. Lay o McDuff!"; "At him, Tige!" THEY WANT SAUOONS The advocates of wine and beer Profes.3 oppose the return of the saloon they say tnw want wine and beer without the saloon. now pan people buy wine and beer unless m -are made? And how can the drinkers get "f wine and beer from the makers without re w ers? Wine and beer must be bought if tney used; and they must.be sold if they are bousm There can be no considerable drink ng ;' the saloon. But even if there could be arm ing without saloonsan impossibility " 1BTb0 TOXICATING LIQUOR that does the hojm. saloon is bad because of the tatoxl;atInS "i1 of sold there. If the wets can get conw eh the government, every official who votes " and beer will vote for saloons. Tne ' ment law must stand as it now is. V, even $pg of its provisions should be permitted or thoughof. W.J.BRYAN. 'Oifl... JfiW !i - Aji'a. Vjt& 2riLSst i