The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, May 01, 1920, Page 16, Image 16

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i T ''--v yjQ , r tr
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The Commoner
yOL, 20, NO. 5
Power of One Vote
Tho vnto of one person lias fre
quently changed iho whole course of
Amorlcnn history. For instance, the
following caoo, us recorded in tho
political writings o Richard T.
Mln 1811 a Rhodo Island fanner
dallied to roloaso his pig from 'ft
fence and arrived at the polls tSb'
late to cast his vote. Thb Federalists
lffst that precinct by one vote; as a
ros'ult a roprosontativo who favored
fmr with Groat Britain was elected
to tho legislature, which in turn toy
a, majority of one eloctod a United
States senator who favored war. Then
thoCongross, by a majority of. one,
declared the war, gonorally known as
tfidrTOr'of 1812' : '
Jofforson, in 1784, backed an ordl-
A nnnetiire-nroor tubo FREE: with every
Kolly-Grccnfield Tiro orilorcd. Kelly,'
Grtcnfluld Tirrs are reconstructed and
gUnranteod on 0,000 mile buala.
rric Includes lubes and itres
2flxS t 0.75
80x3 7.16
SOxSHi 8.26
82x3W 8.85
31x4 10 10
82x4 ,.. 10.45
83x4 10.90
34x4.. IH.SS
0x4 V
In brderiojr.Ut! whither 00 or CIj l diilred.
04HiUa.(railpolt for each tire. Hal. C, O..P.
iihjct to examination. B pr cant special IU
taoimt If full amount aent with erder.
Worscnd you our gunrantco bond
withordor. Thla i your protection
Dent. 27 :U!1 H. iilUl St., Chicago, 111.
I will gladly send any Rheumatism suf
taror a Simplo Herb Recipe Absolutely
l'ToCLtlittt Completely Cured me of a tor jWtthclc ofc muscular ami inilamm
fttaryflWiQufnatlBm of long standing after
everything else I tried had foiled mo. I
ha'o giy'n It to many sufCorovs who bo
levedhlr oases hopeless, yet they found
relief, from, their suffering: by taking
mcne simpio nerus. it aiso ronevos sci
atica promptly as woll as Neuralgia, and
itf a nvofldorf ul blood purifier. You are
nt08tV.fclcornd to" this Herb Recipe If you
XfJXl Btirvjl for It tft once. I bolIeVo you will
consider it a God-Send after you have put
it toithe tost. There is nothing Injurious
ctftftaiacd in ltv and you can seo for your
self exactly -what you aro taking. I will
gladfy sflnd this ORecIpo absolutely froo
xio &ny pufferer who will Bohd namo and
ftMB&i plainly Written. W. F. SUTTON
M34 Mrt1Ir Aye., Los Aiiffclco, Calif,
nanco prohibiting slavery In tho ter
ritory now comprising Alabama,
Mississippi and Tennessee. It lost
y one vote. Von Hoist in his "Con
stitutional History of tho United
States' says that the Civil War
might have been prevented, had tho
Jofforson ordinance carried.
Marcus Morton was made governor
of Massachusetts in 1840 by one voto.
Fourteen years later one vote deter
mined that Charles Sumner became a
United States senator.
In 1800 Thomas Jefferson ran
against Aaron Burr for president.
Each go tho same number of votes.
Tho election was thrown into the
House of Representatives, where tho
voto c one man decided tho deadlock
in favor of Jofforson.
And still there are people who say:
"Oh, woll, if I don't go to tho polls,
one vote won't make much difference
ono way or tho other."
It is true that ono vote may be
swallowed up in a political landslide.
But politics is uncertain, landslides
aro never inevitable, and tho voter's
attitude should always be that the
outcome is in doubt and waiting for
his or her vote to decide it.
Tho ballot is tho armor and the
shining sword of the individual's lib
erty. It is his direct voice in the con
duct of government.
At tho Tuesday primaries, every
voter should make it his most im
portant business of the day to go to
the polls and rogistor his convictions
and desires. Important issues can be
lost and evil issues can win, if a small
group of indifferent citizens neglect
their duty to themselves and their
fellows by failing to vote.
Go to the polls! Toledo Ohio,
Scientific Device
That Does Away With
Inner iur"
face I mado adhet.
Iva to secure the
rLAPAO-PAD firm.
ly to tho body, keep..
log the 1'L.At'AU
continually applied
and the pad from
slInDlntr. No atrapa.l
buckles or anrlnus'
Attached. Soft navel,
vet eay to apply.
Over 250,000 Now In Us
Wo lmva proved to hundreds of thousands of
HulTorcra from hernia irunturo) that to obtain
lasting relief and develop a natural process for
bottormont comes by wearlntr a IJlnnno-Pnd.
This patented mochanlco-chomico device can do
tho Bamo lor you. The wearing1 or on improper
aupport agtrruvatca rather than improves tho
condition, iho .riapao-Jf aa can and does aid the
muscles In frivlnft nrouor Buonort. thereby ran.
tiering efficient aid to Katuro in restoring
strerurth to tho weakened muscles. Boint aelf.
adhesive there is no Blinnlnrr -and nhiftlnnr of
pad "with resultant irritation and chafing. Most
comfortable to wear no delay from work.
Awarded Gold Medal at Borne and Grand
Prix at Paria.
Send No Money. "We will Bend yon n trial nf
Plapao abaolntely FUEK. you pay nothing for this trial
noworjatcr. nnw or it touay. oiso xuu iniormatlon.
FL&FAp LABORATORIES, Block 2179, St Loo!,
Cassius Haywood, Oklahoma. Mr.
Bryan's suggestion in the April issue
of The Commoner, that merchants
ought to be required to show' cost and
selling price on their wares, is most
timely though tho great significance
of the proposition is in no sense fully
appreciated. It is really equal in im
portance with any roform measure
being discussed today. While the
question is not a new one, nothing
has been said before amounting to
more than notice fin passing. The
people know Mr. Bryan well enough
to know that it means more when he
deigns to consider a matter. It means,
if ho advocates it, that it is vital and
urgent. And so it is with this last
verily. Nevertheless, it is a proposi
tion that the stubborn and obdurate
sh'ylocks are going to fight to the
last ditch. But tkey, shall be without
sound argument on their side, for
there is no more reason why the
merchants should keep their profits
concealed from their customers than
for bankers to keep their rates of in
terest hidden from their natrons.
And, while considering this phase,
why should tho merchant who makes
more than a legitimate profit not bo
subject to punishment ,the same as
the banker who collects more than
tho legal rate of interest? They are
both of the same reprehensible class.
Since the question of legitimate- prof
its is inevitably involved in price
showing, tb regulation of price will,
of course, bo contingent upon tho lat
ter. Such a one man agency for things
good for humanity and requisite to
make the world a better nlace in
which to live was never represented
so complete as in Mr. Bryan. Besides
the famous inestimabl measures for
which he 'lias pleaded and seen Ac
complished prohibition, woman suf
frage1 and a world peace promoting
council, practically assurednow,
most important, a single moral stand
ard and the requirement by law. that
'on especially the necessities of man-
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmwammt m
ll Pilf :vJien "delicious and re- I
' n W f resning" mean tlje most. I
' The Coca-Cola Company I
?"'- - ATLANTA. GA. 1
221F . I
kind the dealers show cost and sell
ing price, at least. Success to The
Commoner and all attached.
Bryan won his fight in Nebraska
against the Hitchcock-Mullen ma
chine. Figures for the entire state
are not available but with about one
third of the vote in, Bryan was third
man m tne race out of eight and with
strong probabilities that he would
land on top. Probably Shajlenberger
and possibly Neville will pull through,
these two being on the Hitchcock
slate, although Shallenbeiger Is not
really a Hitchcock man.
Arthur Mullen, the big lobbyist of
Omaha, was slaughtered unmerciful
ly. In Jefferson county Democrats
rolled up three votes for Billy Thomp
son to one for Mullen. And it wasn't
all the women either. Mullen was
easily beaten two to one by the male
votes in the Democratic primary in
tnjs county, lie is also running be
hind b4dly over the state.
Hitchcock barely received the en
dorsement for presidetat-in thia coun
ty, only having 12 more votes than
Ross the livery stable nurse maid. No
body Jcnows who Ross is or cared just
so a vote for him was a vote against
Hitchcppk Bryan's name did not
appear on the ballot for president but
he received about 175 votos in the
county. -Counting the scattering vote
for president -there were about two
votes against Hitchcock for president
to one for him in Jefferson county.
In Fairbury Ross beat Hitchcock 135
to 108, and Bryan had 104, making
nearly 2 to 1 against Hitchcock in
Fairbury. Fairbury, Neb., Journal.
Corn, Wheat, Alfalfa
Hogs, Sheep, Dairying
"Wo havo for sale two splendid,
woll-lmproved farms near Lin
coln, Nebraska, in the grain belt.
Ono is located near the surburb
of College View southeast of Lin
coln, and is splendidly improved
for raising thoroughbred cattle
and hogs sheep or dairying. 160
The other farm Is located near
the State Hospital southwest of
Lincoln, and is an exceptionally
good grain farm of 1C0 acres.
These farms are near to tho pave
ments and streetcars of Lincoln.
Both of these farms are in fine
locations for farm homes, and
will bo sold right by tho owner,
who is retiring. If'interested, ad
dress TRe Commoner Realty Co.,
jM'irrii ''jJi&iiili&t