The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, February 01, 1920, Page 13, Image 13

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The Commoner
,- 'J-
Throw Away Your Truss!
. 'o k
nr Many Years We HavpBcen Telling You That No Truss Will Ever Help You We Have Told You the Harm That Trusses Aro Doinf.
xu We Have Told You That the Only Truly Comfortable and Scientific Device for Holding Rupture Is the
Brooks Rupture Appliance and That It Is
Sent on Trial to Prove It
If you ht-ve tried roost everything
.i. V-omo to us. Where others fail
SSheromwe have our greatest success.
LnA i attached coupon today and wo
Sffl Bend you free our illustrated book
?n Rupture and its cure, showing: our
Annllance and giving you prices and
iPS? of many people who have tried
Snd weS cured. It is Instant relief
when all others fall. Remember, wo
wo no salves, no harness, no lies.
We send on trial to prove what we
tay Is true. You are the Judge and
5nw having seen our illustrated book
wd read it you will be as enthusiastic
Ja our hundreds of patients Whoso Jet
Era you can alsq read. Fill out free
coupon below and mail today. It's well
worth your umu w ". - -
Appliance or not.
Soundly Cured
At tie Ae ef 81
Mr. C E. Brooks,
Marshall. Mich.
Pear Sir:
Leas than. & year
ago I sent to you
for an appliance
which came
promptly. I at
once put it on and
It fitted perfectly.
I have worn the
appliance not
quite 10 months.
It & cored my
I tried the other
day while the ap
pliance was off.
to see if I coma
force anything
out of the open
ing to make a
break there but I could not though I
inea Hard.
Now I think this quite remarkable as I
am In my elghty-ilrst year. I am an old
veteran of the Civil War, born and raised
In the town of Now Boston, State of New
Hampshire, from which place ! enlisted
In the 10th N. H. Vol. Inft. in Co. C,
commanded by Col. M. T. Donahue.
I cannot feel but that I owe you this
testimony for I had never expected to
ue cured. However, thanks bo to God, I
found a cure through the valuable
appliance you made for me.
Your friend.
Holly Hill. Fla. B. A, RICHARDS.
Cured Without Operation
'Was Sure He Would Be a Crlp!e"
it Ada, Minn.
Mr. C. E. Brooks, Marshall, Mich.
Dear Sir:
Enclosed is a
Picture of my
children, and the
little man you
Bee seated on the
chair Is the one
Jho was cured
by your Appli
ance. He had been
ruptured quite a
vhlle before we
wrote you, and I
as sure, that he
would be a crip-
P o the rest of
Hfe. How
ever. &nmn v.1..
tSLand. showed me an ad, in a news-S?f-Mith
tho result, that ho was in
. . n. t i pronlri. Inventor of the Appliance. Mr. Brook Cured
ironi a Brooks Appliance Co., Maraliall, Mich.
HPeBBrKH0?3?a lilSi
Brnni "eaii through tho wearing ox. a
pk Us ApplIanco or just three months.
lUQ llnrin ..II j .....linn
nfl,icil would not consent to. Your
Driving ""liiVi 11 Wk UUUBttIl.1. I.VI. A. v
Siffi t0 ut an Air Cushion Ap
ia SSfJi,1 hlm d I must say that it
t wi ten t,mea hat it cost.
for isU you C0VW have seen him be
whtAe u.aed thQ Appliance and now,
could b fully as B0Und as anyone
Lcannot thank you too much for
rnat you haye done for my boy.
Yours respectfully;
Cured in Three Months
Salem, Ohio.
430 Cleveland Ave.
Mr. C. B. Brooks
Marshall. Mich.
Dear Mr. Brooks:
I am sending you
a small picture of
my son who Is now
five years old.
We ordered your
Appliance for him
when he was only
two months old,
and yet want to
say in about thrco
months all signs
of rupture were
gone, and he is
some boy today.
I shall bo very
glad to say a good
word for you when
ever tho opportun
ity presents itself.
Yours very truly.
T. A. AlCU-UAir.
Veteran Cured
of Kansas. 111., if a
veteran of cp.
59 Regt. 111. Vol. of
which he was Sec
ond Lieutenant.
xr. Vina foUffnt
against the autter
Ing and torment of
Bupture for years
and has finally won
the victory as tho
following brief let
ter tolls:
Mr. C. B.Broolcs.
Marshall. Mich.
Dear Sir: I laid
vnur appliance aside
March 2nd ana navo flvfl aays, for i
not worn Jtf or twenty b Uiat j that I a"1, cu.,. if acraln.
miv never have tow-.;-
AK7fT ti,Btt74k?py SJMS'ixS
DoctorPronounces Him Cured
119 Towle Avenue,
Mlshawaka, Ind.
Mr. C. E. Brooks,
Marshall, Mich.
Dear Mr. Brooks:
Answering your letter,
will say we need no more
Appliances, as our son has
been completely cured by
wearing your Appliance.
Wo recently had blm
examined, and the doctor
said the opening was en
tirely closed and that u
wasn't necessary to wear
U Thanking you for your
kindness, I am,
Yours very truly,
We send our Appliance on trial to
va what we say Is true. You are to
bo the judge. Fill out free coupon
below and mall today.
Ten Reasons Why
You Should Seed for Brooks Ilaytare
1. It in absolutely the only Appliance
of tho kind on the market today, and
in ii uro kiuuuuicu mu pniiciiuvu uy
Inventors havo sought after for years
2. The Appllanco for retaining the
rupture cannot bo thrown out of post
3. Being an air cushion of soft rub-4
bcr it clings cloBoly to the body, yetf
never blisters or causes irritation.
4. uniuce tne orainary so-cauca psavj
used in other trusses, it is not cumber'
some or ungainly. .
C. It is small, soft and pliable, ana
positively cannot bo detected through?
tho clothing.
C. The soft, pllahio hanas noiamg
Appliance do not givo one tho unpleas
ant sensation of wearing a harness.
7. There is notning anout u 10 gei;
foul, and when it b"mcs soiled it can
bo washed without injuring It in th
least. . .
8. There aro no metal springs in mo
Appliance to torturo one by cutting ana
bruising tho flesh.
A 111 t 4Vin mntnrlol (if whlWl tnB
Appliances aro made is of tho very best
that money can Duy, iimmnr. - -able
and safe Appliance to wear.
10. Our reputation for- honefcty an
fair dealing is so thoroughly estab
lished by an experience of over thirty
years of dealing with tho public, an
our prices are so reasonable, our terms
bo fair, that thero certainly should be n
hesitancy In sending free coupon today
Pennsylvania Man Thankful
Mr. C. E. Brooks. Marshall, Mich.
Dear Sir: Perhaps It will intercrt
you to know that I havo been ruptured
bIx years and have always had trouble
with it till I got your Appllanco. It W
very easy to wear, fits neat arid snug.
and is not in me wu j n -
or night, in ract,
at times I did not
know I had It on;
it Just adapted it
self to tho shape
of tho body and
oecmed to bo a
part of the body,
as it clung to the
spot, no matter
what po&itlon I
was in.
It would be a
vcritablo God-send
to the unfortunate
who suffer from
rupture if all could
procure the Brooks
Rupture Appnanco
and wear It They
"My' rupture Is now all healed up and
nothing ever did It but your Appliance
Whenever the opportunity presents it-j
Bcif I will say a good word for youfl
Appliance, and also ti honorable wajj
S. IH a pleasure to recommend c&
Plc-.It..,5ir ?'jri vnur friends OR
gOOU lllinu j.--.
strangers. I am.
Yours very sincerely.
JAMES A. ami tw.
would certainly
-426 North Ay. P., BcthlohemyPa
Free Information Coupon
193-D State St, Marshall, Michigan
for I
B. -p. D
Kansas, 111.
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