""T vT The Commoner 10 VOL. 20, NO. 1 ' TlTfirnfiyjf "Vf C'1 JJ WWMJjf EDITORIAL COMMENT Olfll COMMONEST GREAT COMMONER (Prom Tho Chicago Tribune.) Tho American people had two' groat loaders in tho laat twenty or moro years. Ono was RoosqvoU.'" Tho other was Bryan. Bryan re mains. Washington roports that ho again loomo. Looming la a portentous political posturo. Mr. Bryan may loom as long us ho Uvea. , Ho la expected to dominate tho Jackson day dinner assemblage of Democratic candidates for tho presidency in Washington Jan. 8. Mr. Mc Adoo dcclinos to bo loomed upon or against:. Ho will not oat undor Mr. Bryan's shadow. , Itoosovelt was tho inspiration of tho republic. Bryan is Its roality. Itoosovelt's achlovomonta wore In roalltioa, but his powor was in ln splrotlon. Bryan hlmsolf Is tile reality. He id tho expression of tho normal Amorican cltl json., Ho will bo a loader, so long an ho lives, bo cauBo ho is tho expression of tho normal habit, taste, moral thought, custom, and habit of life. Ho would no moro go to Africa to hunt lions or to Brazil to oxploro rivers than would tho normal American citizen who has a fireside or an easy chair. He would bo as lost at a plcturo oxhibit as tho normal citizen. Ho is oi?e of tho readors of Harold Boll Wright. Ho would not bo Interested In a cheowink, except an . a brd of aomo kind, and lio would not know a wnrblor from a hermit thrush. He is tho tromendous expression of normal American life, kindly, shrewd, active, with n Bimplo powor of oloquonco which Is mighty in ito Affect. Ho is not only a democrat in political principlo. Ho is a democrat in knowledge, tasto, npd custom, in amiability and benovolone. Ho ta a leader because ho Is a reflection. t Soviet Russia is trying to lovol humanity, part ly, by the slow process of raising up a major ity and partly by tho quick process of cutting tho minority down. Healthy, good natured young Chlnamon, Lenlno'a killers, lop off the heads of RussIans who do or might, whether by intelligence or position, stand higher than tho rest. Loniuo employs Chinamen because thoy are so unemotional. A head on or off is a mat tor of small consoquonco. A head on means a mouth to fill. It is hotter for many men to did. We have a horror of this revolution because of tho violonce with whirh it koops a scytho travMng along tho ordained levol, cutting off anything which appears above 'the prairie of heart. Wo havo not examined ourselves or wo should find that our principles ai'o closer to tho Rvsalnn than wo thought. . Our ideas do not touch property, or touch it only Might, and because wo aro not trying to ptabllsh n economic communism wo fail to boo that we aro trying to lovol the nation. Con-. reiS it a hotbed of levoling. Corigross is an gjiprr-sHn of tho Amorican pooplo. Mr. Bryan If. the expression. Mr. Bryan was for bringing gold and silver to r 'level. Ho. would not have an aristocracy of ciirmncy Imposdd on the masses. Ho was for prohibition, national prohibition, when tho-most tltaid wot never lost an hour's sloop ovor tho possibility of what is now a fact. Ho was against tho trusts. Ho was tho most tromond pns voko for tho levoling of industry and for the leveling of habit. Sponeer said that tho coming slavery would be found in tho subjugation of tho individual to tho masu. Tho most sorious problem in tho mrotonanco tf tho nation is that of distribution ' put If an organization 1b porfocted with a sys tem of distribution which tho mass of distri butors cannot moot in competition, government reflecting popular sontiment, makes the organ isation reduce to the lovol or trios to. TUo essence of our legislation is levoling In Chicago wo cannot got a subway because it nfeht further increase tho difference bet woou v-no aoc.tfon of tho city, in which activity is concentrated, and tho others in which it is jtlffusod. Wo might indeed demand that evorv Iwijding over flvo stories high havo its upper stonles loppqtf off. Habit and customs, taste and ma.nners and morals must bo roducod to a lave!, .4 cjty mU8t submit to tho regimen of a village. Wo aro willing to make ovorything universal except military training. In this day Mr. Bryan is moro powerrul than ho over was. Ho may never bo president. He may not oven be a caudidato fior presidont again. But ho remains a natural leader, the naturalest loader tho American people havo. Ho ia tho commouojt groat commoner wo over had. WIIvLIAM J. BRYAN AGAIN Tho dinner given in honor of William J. Bryan in Washington tho othor day by ox-Gov. Folk, of Missouri, with the active participation of fourteen Democratic senators, my or may not bo tho prelude to an organized attt mpt to nomin ate tho former boy orator of the Platto as the Democratic candidate foVtho presidency. But the developments at tho feast certainly seemed to furnish evidence of Col. Bryan's political vital ity. It has become tho fashion, oven among Demo crats to regard tho porpetual candidata for the presidency in the light of a mirth-provoking per sonality. Mr. Bryan's host took tho opportunity of the presence of tho high lights of tho party at tho Shorohara dinner to point out that some of tho radical departures which tho Nebraskan has preached catty and often, and -which have been denounced by both Republicans and Demo crats as a revelation of his visionary state of mind, havo become present actualities. Among thorn are woman suffrage and prohibi tion, which two decades ago "wore inscribed upon tho Bryanite banners amid considerable laughter and ironical applause. Even Mr. Bryan's espousal of tho cause of silver seems to acquire some posthumous justifcation from tho riso in valuo, of that metal which has given it a slight advatkago over gold for "tho time bein'g. Ecfioos from tho gold room at tho Shoroham, whoro tho foast was hold, would soom to indicate the possibility that Mr. Bryan may be heard from to some purpose at tho Democratic national convention noxt summer. William J. Bryan has shown such romarkablo capacity for self-resurrection that oven the most confirmed non-Bryanito need not bo Unduly astonished at his reappearance as a formidable aspirant f or presidential honors. New - York Evening Mall. Mil. WM. J. BRYAN AGAIN IN THE POLITI CAL RING In contemplating tho political possibilities .of the immediate future do not fail to ' consider Mr. William Jennings Bryan. Ho is in tho ring as a worker and his wishes and offorts will cut no "small figuro in the events political 'during tho year 1920. Mr. Bryan's old . followers have never lost faith in his ability, his patriotism,- or in his marvelous grasp of important questions. In many things ho was much ahead of his time but developments in. nearly evory case vindi cated his position. Big interests and corrupt interests all ovor tho land fought him with the vigor of desperal tion but tho plain people believed in him and bolioy.o in him today as firmly as over. Ho stood (for the election of U. S. senators by the people when -every corrupt and legislature controlling corporation in the country was against it. He advocated universal suffrage when it was little moro than a joke to be on that side of the question. He had provtously advocated about every practical step of progressive and humano legislation that tho progressive party afterwards took up and appropriated as their own And Mr. Bryan has been considering the sorf ous questions that confront tho people tod av and he is likely to be hoard fromta a manner n nV1?0 weak"nS3 in P1Itics tremble Ho sees tho labor question, not as a political hobby but as tho embodiment of a humane pr inciplo whoso just solution on linos of ChHstian brotherhood and equality, is essential to the world's progress and to a vindication of the rights of mankind. e Mr. Bryan is not a faddist, but a careful con scicntious, able student of conditions and evonS and as long as ho lives and has his health he will continue to.o, a, factor that mi it be reck oned with by those endeavoring to shann , political affairs of the natidn. Ho has the n! culiar trait of boing strong with party leaded as well as with tho man at his daily work Few men of modern timos have boon thoroughly trusted and as fully honored bv thl men who dig tho ditches, run tho engines and wield tho hammer as is Mr. Bryan. oTo into ested in suri matters some time ago aaVod n dozen workers whom thoy regarded as thn greatest statesman of tho present era. An ami ingly large number said "Bryan." This wan in Now York State whoro Mr. Bryan was never eoffsldered strong and at a timo when ho iti pearod to be in. political rotiracy. Ono man on-a builders' scaffold, hearing tho conversa tion, callOd down, "You'll hear from Bryan again. Thoy can't down a-good man!" No ono can say at this stage what turn affairs may take, but it is pretty safe to conclude that tubman named to lead tho democratic fight will bo ono who has tho friendly aid of Mr Bryan. Some political opponents deeply inter ested in seeing Mr. Bryan keep out of the gamo, aro quoting with apprehension, some ex tracts from tho editorial columns of his paper Tho Commoner. Ono editorial, entitled: "The Philistines bo upon thoe," calls upon tho democratic party to "bo aroused by some such startling warning as that used to stir Sampson to deeds of strength " and refers to the present state of tho demo cratic party as "palsied." In another editorial Mr. Bryan's papor asks "What is the matter: Is this tho party that triumphed in 1912 and wrote such a glorious chapter of reforms between 1913 and 1917? What has palsiod tho party's arm and sapped its .vigor?" Tho inference seems to bo plain that Mr. Bryan thinks his party is falling into the hands of those politicians, and that it is timo for some Sampson to lead it forth to now victories. Albany, N. Y., TimesUnion. THE COMMONER EMERGES . Mr. Bryan's appearance in Washington at tho critical, stage of tho peace treaty fight seems to demonstrate a . willingness on his paj.t to re enter politics. Conditions havo HU toinly shaped themselves so as to permit his playing an important part in tho next Democratic na tional convention. President Wilson's health precludes any serious thought of nominating him for a third term. Moreover, tho second Wilson administration has so disorganized the Democratic party that a candidate free from administration associations is likely to be sought. When Mr. Bryan loft tho cabinet ho broke definitely with tho Wilson rogimo. Ho has boon in retirement four years and a half. Ho could make his own campaign or his own is sues, Ho said jokingly a few days ago that Democratic prospects were so poor it would be perfectly natural for the party to want to draft him. Running for President has always beon a diversion for Mr. Bryan. He has thrived on defeats. A party looking for a cheerful long shot nominee couldn't do much better than to pick tho undaunted loser of IS 9 6, 1900 and 190S. At all events, Mr. Bryan evidently intends to figure conspicuously in the Democratic" national convention of 1920. If he is there sparks will fly. And if any residuary legatee of the Wil son administration is nominated well, thero is the haunting memory of Judge Parker's cam paign of 1904.New York, Tribune. MR. BRYAN To Omaha today comes again William Jen nings Bryan, Nebraska's best known citizen, and tho man who. has tho oar of the country as none other has, . Mr. Bryan has been pronounced politically dead many times. Yet the rumblings of a new presidential ..campaign are hardly heard before he bobs up with something to say, and tho whole nation stops to listen. He has suffered defeats which would have put an ordinary man Into com plete political oblivion. But today hundreds of newspapers aro commenting upon him as a poten tial candidate for the presidency. This happens because Bryan is a fighter and a natural torn leader, and because ho is guided by a deep-seated conviction that the things for which he stands aro right. He combines with a keen political sagacity a fearless championship of issues which appeal to him as vital. His repoated comebacks aro doubtless possible be cause of bis firm bollof that tho world moves . jt, ft . l ,.&...,':&. "i .r av l n Mt g.sm SJjhtV.! .at -frfr