r 4 . The Commoner DECBMBBE, 1919 Silver Comes Into Its Own MH. BRYAN ASKS A QUESTION a Hot Springs, Ark.,' dispatch to UiO v i York World, dated Nov. .10, says: &SS dispatdies report bullion value of Ja dollar 5 cents less than bullion' value ffrilw doUa?. Are the Nw York fman I rr living up to their claims of honesty ffa?t ey made so vociferously in 1896? Or are they paying their debts in a cheap gold dollar? WILMAM j. BllTAN. SILVER PASSES "10 TO 1" Frca coinage of silver at the ratio. of sixteen o one Mr. Bryan's famous, slogan of twenty hree years ago, would now arouse little enthu hsm in the men who then so calmorously de manded it, some editors opine. For today the See oi silver is so high that its free coinage ?t Mr Bryan's ratio would mean a loss to tho silver-producers. For the first time in more than half a century, financial authorities tell is the silver dollar is worth more as silver than as money. One of our silver dollars Is Intrinsicallv worth its exact face valuo when the market price of silver is $1.2929 an ounce. Last week silver was quoted at $ 1.3 64 an ounce. At this price a silver dollar -.could be melted down and sold as bullion at a profit of nearly seven cents. "Are the New York financiers liv ing up to their claims of honesty that they made so vociferously in 1896, or are they paying their debts in a cheap gold dollar?'.' asked Mr. Bryan the other dav when the bullion value of a silver dollar had soared beyond the bullion value of a gold dollar. .,,.,- Nor is this remarkable condition of the silver market, as revealed in recent news dispatches and financial editorials, confined to the United States. In Paris, we are told, the habit of tip ping is in abeyance, owing to the virtual dis appearance of silver coins. In Mexico City, cor respondents report, merchants are refusing to accept gold coins for small purchases, so pre eious has become the silver they must give in change. The once despised Mexican dollar is now at a premium. England and France have prohibited the export of silver, and have passed stringent regulations forbidding the melting of silver coins. In France, in spite of severe legal penalties, a correspondent reports, as inUch as HO francs in not03 are being given for 100 frames in silver. At the present high price of silver, remarks a firm of London bullion-brokers, "it is no longer profitable to mint British silver coins." Literary Digest. STABILIZING THE DOLLAK It is understood that a committee of bankers or theorists or both has been Torced to study the question how to "stabilize" the- dollar. The question is acute, as is pointedly, suggested by Mr. Bryan in his quory whether creditors are today paying their debts in "a cheap gold dol lar" worth 5 cents less than the bullion value of the silver dollar. Undoubtedly tho declino in the purchasing power of money is more and more powerfully arresting the attention of thoughtful men everywhere. It cannot be al lowed to go1 much further -without very grave disaster growing out of the disturbance of eco nomic and industrial relationships. There is, in fact, urgent call for the development Of some common understanding or program on this "Mole subject. New York Journal of Commerce. am. BRYAN'S BAY . When Mr. Bryan sees" thfe silver in a silver uollar worth one dollar and five cents, and tho gold within a gold dollar a drug on the market, he sees full and complete justification for his Position on bimetalism. Of course, the purchas ing power of tho American dollar has shrunk, and tho value of every Njomraodity has en hanced. Silver has gone up to such an extent JJjat the silver dollar is the prize package m e money line at this time. JJo have never fully agreed with Mr. Bryan n his silver platform, but we always had rather jne viewpoint that there was little danger .in jno use of silver for American money, because ia2 slight disparagements that might have come wot made ?JaJnIGtS Tld vory "" hard SfSn Sil,vel dol,ar unwolcome in the hands of either debtor or creditor. nt!nol Record, Hot Springs, Ark. r---iiinoi- AN 1890 PROPHECY ,r , t Detroit, Mich., Nov. 38, 1919 Mr. Charles W. Bryan, - Lincoln, Nebr. Dear Mr. Bryan: In 189 G your brother mado as noar as l can recall it, substantially this statement and re peated it several times in his campaign address: Great Britain has for a long time done everything in her power to demonetize sliver and in that way increaso tho value of gold be cause she is a creditor nation and desire to increase the value of tho dollar that is duo to her and tho republican party is either conscious ly or unconsciously aiding Great Britain in that movement. "The democratic platform demands the im mediate free coinag? of silver without waiting for the aid or consent of any other nation be cause we are a debtor nation and are oppoiod to tho British method of increasing the value of the dollar we must pay. "If England should become a debtor nation she would certainly look sharply to her own interest and would promptly romonotizo silver so as to force down tho dollar she would thou be compelled to pay." The facts contained in the foregoing state ments are patent and the prophecy it contained has now proven true. GEO. WM. MOORE. WILL hepburn answer? " Silver dollars made a now high record yes terday for recent years as a result of another big rise in bar silver in London. Thio caused much good natured comment in Wall Street on William J. Bryan's telegram from Hot Springs, published in The World yesterday, in which ho pointed to the fact that the bullion value of tho gold dollar is now five cents less than the bul lion value in the silver dollar, and asking the question as to whether New York financiers aro living up to their claims of honesty made in 1896 or are paying their debts in a cheap gold dollar. On a 1C to 1 basis tho bullion value of the silver in a silver dollar is $1.29, whereas at yesterday's quotation $1.34 was bid for silver bullion. . , x A number of bankers were asked to answer Mr. Bryan's question, but nono of them appar ently had time to do so. Among those asked was A. Barton Hepburn, a member of the Ad visory Board of the Federal Rescrvo Board. Mr Hepburn's secretary said Mr. Hepburn did not have time to discuss the matter, but he would think it over and might have a reply today. New York World. r MR. BRYAN'S QUESTION Mr Bryan asks whether New York financiers are as honest now in paying their debts In a cheap gold dollar-at one time five cents be ow tie value of silver dollars in metalas they 'vere when they were demanding that debts duo should be paid in a dear gold dollar, silver then Kg at a discount in gold. There is need of S financial Dr. Einstein to expound a theory o? relativity of vklues. But perhaps if such a .SarniP-ir he would bo no better under- rf fiSffl ; - ft? lirri ta ifflpotod by matter, as Mr. Bryan seems JftUink ttt Princtplen are bent by JntM.li. New York Times. . SOUND MON131T AltGirMENT a Anciated Press dispatch from Deadwood, 3 t iays- Low cost of gold, which ha been panies in the matte of wages is sai curtailed the, production o f goi a in advanced ""iVroducUon o golhe United State, 8ILVHR NOW WORTH MORIS THAN COIN. A New York dispr.teh, dated Nor. IS. oays: Silver now is worth nearly f eanU an ounce more a metal than it I m ooln. SilTtr for San Francisco delivery vu quoted today at $1.34 au ounce n com pared with $1.29.20 an ounco, which is the basis on which sliver in coin Is valued. Sliver for local delivery was quoted at ?1.32 an ounce. - v Buying for Chinese aocount Is believed to. be responsible for 11 to advance. 1018 ha decreased Trom $32, 600,300 to $S8, 600,000 in 1918. South Dakota ranks third among tho states or tho union (excluding Alas ka) in tho production of gold. "Notwithstanding the recognized importanco of gold to the welfare of the nation, yet it Ib the only Important product still soiling at tho old standard price of $20.67 an ouaef, eatab vished two centuries ago. "Resolved, that the market value for nil gold produced In the United States and Its territorial be fixed at not less than $20 per ounce." M niltl JUSTIFICATION OF BRYAN Somewhere out in Nebraska or down In North Carolina or Florida, William J. Bryan l smiling gleefully, and chuckling with a deep satisfaction which sends rhythmic ruinblcii across his ample expanse of shirt front HIh ratio of U1G to 1" is Justified .at last. In fact, it is more Limn justified. At 1(1 to 1, the fixed price of silver would be $1.20 por ounco, while it Is now selling as high as $1.30 per ounce. Tho "crime of "I'A" is rebuked, and the cam paign cry of 189G has become the financial pago report of 1919. How much sooner, Mr. Bryan may ask, would the white metal have como to its own if tljo western nations, which carry on most of tho world's commerce, had not barred it from thoir mintH? It will puzxlo any hard and fast ad herent of the gold standard to givo a satisfac tory answer. This Is not tho only one of tho Bryan prophe cies or demands that has bcon fulfilled. It is not even tho most important. Mr. Brya-n, was the first presidential candidate to take hid stand on tho quantitative theory of money, tho theory which says that au Increase of money means rising prices and a decrease of money means falling prices. This doctrine, which is a demonstrated fact today, was deemed a wicked and abominable horosy in 189G and tho priests of high financo cursed it by bell, book and candle. Now they aw appealing to It a tho explanation of our troubles and saying with a largo moasuro of truth, that the onornious ex pansion of credit and money as a result of tho war has caused the high cost of living. Decidedly, Mr. Bryan has reason to feel pleased. But looking at the case with the ex pensive wisdom gathered perforce in tho last few years, one can see that the remedy for fluctuating prices does not He In the coinage of any one or two metals. There must be some plan for stabilizing, not the size or tho color, but the purchasing power of a dollar. Somo way must bo foundto make money a real stand ard of valuo,- instead of, as now, a mere unit of financial counting and medium of exchange Chicago Journal. $ I il I " ! MM General Pershing's name is again figuring In the dispatches as the man the republicans arc likely to nominate for president. The homo folk3 at Lincoln recently held a meeting that is regarded as the initial move in the effort to project him into the republican fight. General Wood has apparently been making so much poli tical hay that the idea held by some republican chieftains that this is not a good time to asl the people to put a military man at the heaot of the government has undergone a change. Tho trad reports show a larger amount of wool In the hands of the government, the dealers and the manufacturer than a year ago, and yet prices of clothing show no sign of recoding. They also show that a greater number of hides and prices of leather are on hand than at the begin ning of December of last year, and yet the prlce of shoes are as high as ever. And yet wo hear a great deal about the necessity of greater pro duction if there is to be any decrease la the cost of necessaries of life. ': . w ' ?i M,)j W V r J A K m & n? . v, 1 -r.! i ' 1 Jt 4 n 5 .A w4 AJUA- -A