The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, December 01, 1919, Page 16, Image 16

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The Commoner
Labor Party Platform
A Chicago dispatch, datod Nov. 25,
nays: At thd closo of a heatod debate
lasting Bovoral hours, the labor party
wmii w i mw i i l m .
Oxide Safety Lamp
Brings "Daylight,"
Comfort and Style
Into your home. Wonderful floor
UmplSft. 6!n. hlclw Stand It hr
piano, lewlnj: machine; child can
move It from room to room while
burnlhe. Can't explode. 1 canon
with opal ahade
rnce ijlb.i 5 years
Intereitlnc booklet on Correct Home Llchtlne mallei
... (Acenti wanted)
IJL !' $P
world. Bold to unyorio on
Ott LM.00O of thcia hand
taty running null in
til lorciloo now in uo
ft imi'rovemcr.U.
of tho Unitod States today refrained
from taking a positivo stand on tho
prohibition question, but as a com
promise moaauro adopted a resolu
tion providing for the appointment
or a special committee to investigate
tho effect of tho prohibition constitu
tional amendment law and report at
tho next national convention of the
The declaration of principles in
cludes the following:
Abolition of tho United States
Eloction of federal judges by
popular voto for terms not exceed
ing four years.
International solidarity of labor.
Mjiylmnm hours of labor for men
5r;!ioV;."Mohx. ?'.e,aiMi Y??Qn to be ,ight hours a day
imell. Beautiful, modern UCht, j ai)d44 llOUrS a Week.
Minimum wage forwoncers to ue
fixed by law.
Old age, unemployment and sick
Government to own and operate
the'banking business of the country.
Nationalization of unused lands.
Incomes of. Individuals to be
limited by law. .
National initiative, referendum
and recall.
Application of the "home rule"
principle in state, county and city
Condemnation of 'universal mili
tary training and conscription.
Immediate release of all political
Nationalization of all public utili
ties and all basic industries.
Criminal prosecution of profiteers
and exploiters of labpr.
Demand that nil government work
be done by day labor instead of by
Equal pay for men and women.
Approved women suffrage. -
YA At Factory Ssjasfew) DM?
or rti i?i wricGQ irr Bur hfaji
eaaam any maehlnoin thorHuTAjsfeKA
I tr-r -J3 -rxSfJn
varav. -iMiJii.i'
W "I
&fc E
Our Vntfnrf l'ict, tKh pmll KN
nn nt BililcJ' o you third Lt a frits!
Ul.Ynd fflll?Zgy&
WE PAY 1 m FREIGHT V3285itf
amdforrreoOnUW-l.lUUwojIil A .,
Co tlsct rrom Ml at n Itlu ubiIuii. Mi CMslJj BulUllr;.
the great body of unorganized work
ers express themselves collectively..
The council recognizes and holds that
capital should recognize in all three
the expression of labor's solidarity,
and its right to determine by which
method it will work out its relation
to capital.
Seventh, that labor on tho basis
of these conceded rights must, by a
process of self-discipline, address it
self to the acceptance of larger
obligations and responsibilities for
carrying through to successful issue
the processes of industry, particular
ly insisting on the imperative obliga
tion to fulfill contracts and to obey
tho laws of tho land.
Eighth, that the industrial democ
racy toward which we are striving
requires on the part of all the classes
involved and on the part of the gen
eral public, unflinching insistence
upon freedom of speech and as
sembly,' so long as the use of this
freedom is without disloyalty to the
republic, openness of mind, a stern
self-discipline resulting in a church,
a government, and an industrial or-
der that shall in vo ....
the common cnnri nf 'fi uul sefvo
Nintli, the rtehts nf th ....,,
a paramount consideration in a5
disputes between capital imi i i "
permanently sacrYnr r,Bhol
selfish ends. lor an?
Tenth, the council believes that w
recognition of the right to s It de
termination on tho part of ini, ",
capital is preliminary to, and useS
without, an effective co-operation h
common duties which will reveal thl v
industry is, in its essontlal nnt..J .
public service' to which these parties
contribute. And the council nnrnne
ly recommends further and frequent
industrial conferences whoso nin
mate aim shall be to establish the
commuuuy or an classes in the com
mon enterprise of industrv. t!
gratefully recommends all men repj
resenting capital and labor or tho
public, who, by their attitude and
oirorts, are seeding to establish that
co-operative commonwealth which is
an essential part of the Kingdom of
carter nxTR...v.T.ttJ.jLSA
Direct to Farmeir
at Wlr Mill Prices,
for N&SS,4 (4i I
H JUS M II WW FBfi liti B a -ri 2rT--XCKt-AVI
klwul iuP2Mz?ji., mgmML
ifflfcuawuuaxMWaaw'wi WifmtbkzOifi
TpffiKrvratm Jinttf .1
Oiared lis Hnpfura
I was badly ruptured whllo llftlnrj: ti
trunk several yearB apo. Doctors said
my only hope of euro was an operation.
Trusses did mo no Rood. Finally I trot
hold of something that quickly and corn
plqtoly cured mo. Years havo passed and
tho rupturo has never returned, although
I am dolm? hard work as a carpenter.
There was no oporatlon, no lost time,
no trouble. I havo nothing to sell, but
will givo full Information about how
you may "And a complete euro without
operation, If you wrlto to me. Eugene
M. Pullcn, Carpenter, 721 F Marcellu3
Avenuo, Manasquan, N. J. Better cut
out this notice and show It to any others
who nro ruptured you may save a llfo
or at least stop tho misery of rupture and
the worry and danger of an operation.
If Thin and Nervous
Try Bitro-Phosphate
"Whllo excessive thinness might be
attributed to various and subtle causes
in- different Individuals, It is a well
known fact that tho lack of phosphor
ous in tnc mi man system is very largo
ly responsible for this condition.
It seems to be well established that
this deficiency In phosphorous may
now bo met by tho use of Bltro-Phos-phate,
which can bo obtained frovi any
good druggist in convenient tablet
form. ,
In many Instances tho assimilation
of this phosphata by tho nerve tissue
soon produces a welcome change
nerve tension disappears, vigor and
strength replace weakness and lack of
energy and the wholo body loses its
ugly hollows and abrupt angles, becom
ing enveloped in a glow of porfect
health and beauty and the will and
strength to be up and doing,
1 CAUTION: -Willo Bltro-Phosphato
Js unsurpassed' for the relief of nerv
ousness, general debility, etc., those
taking it whq do not desire to put on
flcs'sh should use extra care In avoiding
fat-pducing foods. Advert Uorhejit.
Tho National Council of the Con
gregational Churches of the United
States, recognizing that the present
industrial situation In our country
has como to a deadlock, fraught with
dangor to all the interests we hold
in common, desires to put on record
tho following resolutions:
First, that no solution can be ob
tained apart from tho application of
unbiased justice by and to all classes,
and a spirit of service in fact as well
as in name.
Second, that it recognizes that the
heart of the struggle of labor is not
for higher wages and shorter hours
alone, but has as its objective the
attainment of a new status which
must not only be conceded to it but
universally acknowledged if indus
trial democracy is to be established.
Third, that it recognizes that the1
principle of organized representation
of the interests of labor Is the just
counterpart of tho corporate Inter
ests of capital.
Fourth, that while we recognize
the right of the individual wage
earners to contract with his employ
er if he so prefers, we believe that
the gonoral Interest of the wage
earners is best promoted by collec
tive bargaining.
Fifth, that, specifically, we ac
knowledge the right of wage earners
to organize without discrimination,
to bargain collectively, to be repre
sented by representatives of their
own choosingjn negotiations and ad
justments with employers in respect
to wages, hours of labor and rela
tions and conditions of employment.
Sixth, that the council recognizes
that there are three, methods of col
lective bargaining. First, by the
craft union method iff which tho
workers are organized, in great na
tional organisations like tho Ameri
can Federation of Labor. Second
by the organization of the employees
by industries, like tho plan of the
International Harvester oompany
Third, by tho group method in which
THINK of the strong, healthy men and women you know people
who are prominent and who are doing things worth while and
you will find that they usually possess remarkable force, vim
and energy the kind that simply bnim over when the blood is
filled with iron. Iron is red-b.lood food it helps put strength and
energy into tho veins of men and roses into the cheeks of women.
Nuxated Iron by .enriching the blood and creating new blood cells
strengthens tho nerves, rebuilds tho weakened tissues and helps to
instill renowed energy and endurance into the wholo system.
If people would only keep their blood filled with strength-giving
iron by taking Nuxated Iron when they feel weak, run-down and
nervous, thoy might readily build up their red-blood corpuscles and
and quickly become stronger and healthier in every way. Unlike tho
older inorganic products it is easily assimilated, does not injure the
teeth, make them black nor upset the stomach. Nuxated Iron often
increases the strength and endurance of weak, delicate people in
two weeks' time. It is dispensed by all good druggists.
; , "Creating: aii Estate
All are striving to create an estate. When
t'ath comes, if there is no insurance, a forced
'sale of the property often causes a large loss,
whereas, the proceeds from a life insuranco
policy will furnish ready money for the im
mediate needs and the executors of the estate
can have time to dispose of the .property to the
best advantage.
Tho cash value of a man's life to his; family,
if he earns but $1,000 a year, at age thirty-five
is over $14,000. No man would go without fire
insurance on that amount of property and yet
if ho carries no life insurance, he is forcing his
family to -carry a risk for this amounuupro
tected. Why not transfer this risk from the
family to
V. , N. Z. SNELL. President."'
v- ,
" GuarttnteeQ" Cost Life Insurance , "
uji.i. jA&te..,,. , "yHffiiMJri itWi4Msm