The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, November 01, 1919, Page 14, Image 14

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yOL. 9, No n
w jmRmWF3K. t!i Ih 'book. ''TU o rcr w
or tar Win," nwkOB you MASTER On
Dcs.Molnca. I.0wn-
Vr.;,Jl T,l Writofnr 1,1st of triyorUlom.
VViimcu lUCiio Wanted. in pmot
oforpi) fnr invcnllonr. to cIMjHcIi forireooiiluloii
of imlonliiMHty. (niriotir hooks uni iree.
loioril. JivuiiH & Co.,722 0th,XVnshlnt;ton,D.O
Facts About Mexico and Foreign Interests
qo much misinformation, comos to amount paid by tho Agulia, although
nhmif MA?fpn that a few woll'au- a portion of its profits were derived.
ZStoMtoS will he reTd with in-'from- its business in other countries
terest. Even so well informed, anu uemuu iyiuaiuu.
usually accurate correspondent asj "From the financial 'columns of
Mr. George Creel, who recently visited n.w York papers, it is learned that
Mexico, was misled by those who seek the Pan-American Petroleum and
United' States intervention, and ,pub- transport Company (understood, to be
llshed an article in tfhe New York a branch oL one of the large produc
Post that seems to have been full of jng companies) paid quarterly . divi
misinformatioji statements lacking dends 'at the rate of 28 per cent per
In truth and withtfittio, if any, basis ;annum."
of fact. '.';.' But a still moro interesting, feature
Mr Creel falls into his most grlev-lof The Review's timely article is- that
ous errors when ho discusses the oil ' part giving, names of the American
fields and foreign ownership of many, oil companies doing business in Mexi-
if not most of them; aud, of course, co, the value of their .oils shipped and
the source of his misinformation can the amount of the duties paid to the
ronrniv ho located and understood. Ilexican government. Unfortunately
(Among his mauy statements, in dis-it fails to give us the names of stock
OXIDE SAFETY LAMP 'cussing the alleged heavy taxes im-;hqlders of each -ompany, but all of
MIQHTEI1 TIIAH ELECTRIC LIGHT. 300 Candla Power rposed by tho Carrariza government on; us have a general Idea; and when v.ou
nnu nlnniIvc l-rolgn owned on iieitts ana uioir out-.uBtti ut a xuau i)iuuu6 uucuouuuu
pUKNa bADULlWL j.)U, Mr cr6ei says that the total ,you may suspect him at once, but still
amount of taxes paiu is ,uuu,uvy(uumiuo lunuwiug utuioo, iv,u;attAy
and that this is "far in excess or tne.oinciai, ne nas no rignj, io compiam:
total return of capital paid to for
oign investors ii the shape of dividends."
Wonderful Invention Sent on so tw.
Trial Before You pay, "
Direct to Farmer
at Wire Mill Prices
Brings "Daylight,"
Comfort and Style
Into rour home. Wonderful floor
Ump, 5 ft. 6 Jn. high. Stjnd It by
piano, sewing machine; child can
move It from room to, room while
burning. Can't explode. 1. gallon
gasoline burn 80 houri. Nowicki,
no chlmneyi. No dirt, imoke or
smell. Beautiful, modern lleht,
with opal ahadc
rnce $10. & tears
Interesting booklet on Correct House Lighting mallei
fjcc. . (Acents wanted)
1128 Wmlh Bldg., MILWAUKEE, WISa
Slrrinlv nnnrl m ....
send you my. iewT K "P I ..,
book and meaauremoni i7iJ",.ruPtur.
VOU return tUn uu,i. V . u.'inK V
my now invention for ruptur v? ou
arrives put It on and w"of it p ft"
WrrJnV:? think of Wi
will wonder itow JSS eVtV
with the old style cruel rorlrS
or -belts with Meg strap? St tSSS
Your own good, common sons" ami viV?
own doctor will tell you It is the onR
wa-y in which you can ever " oimJ? I
cure. .After wearing it SLW .
not entirely satisfactory in every way
if It is not easy and comfnrtn.,t.wa
you cannot actually see your runtnri
getting better and if not convinced thit
a cure is merely a question of tlnvs
just return It and you are out notl htr
Any rupture appliance that Is sent ori
30 days' trial before 'you pay i8 worth
giving a trial. Whv not tell your
ruptured friends of this great offer?
- We. refer you to nnr Ilnnk or t....
,Co., In KiinHttN City.
EASYHOLD CO.,' 1021 Koch IlldB., Knn.
snH City, Mo.
Thin fcun metal knif a is l-10ln.thin
and 3 M In. lonjv whon closed. Two
blades tempered to a koun tou&H ctl&e
vicVi In charm nnrl nonlimoilt. and
;g? 1 pictured them in a beautiful catalofc
Tlsomothinft for ovorybody. Your a
Auglia Co. (Lord Cowdry) Yaluo
of shipments, $31,740,224.02; duties
paid $1,887,510.05. Standard OiKod.
The Mexican Review, published in jw York Value of shipments, 2 8,-
the Citv of Mexico, and edited hy 528,486.72; duties paid, $l,74Qi-t
George F. Weeks, formerly a vn- 327.39. Standard Oil of. New Jersey
known American writer, having been Value of shipments, ., $16,01,4
connected with many leading news-.984.14; duties paid, $1,203,356.00.
papers in this oountry, calls attention Penn.-Mex. Fue,l Go. VA.lue. of hlp-J,'
.. . -'!- of names and our bi&Frqo
I Gift I3ook is all you need.
Tlioiloimesca 749, bimwood
fffiend,' and for whom he has the high
est personal regird, a,nd this particu
lar error he dwells on at length, .it
being the vital "uostion involved, and iMetropolian Pip
i,rt Mnoi-hr ohrtitra hv itiora nnrl ripiiros'
that are of record that Mr. Creel has
been grossly dejeeiyed by some person
or persons with malice aforethought.
The t litor of The Review first
phows the value of the shipments of
the various foreign owned oil wells
vaiue 01 snipmems, .d,oxxpfo..t);,
duties paid, $ 28.2,7 2?,7i.6.,v $asCdas
uu uu. vuiue oj. auipiuonta, $,$,011.-
0.22 J duties Jtoitr pU5'.l,54.86'.
stronolian Pine ilne Cb.--Tal'd'e' 6!f
Shipments, ' $3,56a;843.:94V'; "iduties,
paid, $356,084:38. lfei6n Ciil Co.;"6'J
California Value of shipments, $3
285, 0.80.25; duties' paid, $32S,59,37.
The Texas Oil CO; of Mexico Value
of shipments, $l,473,225.44?'wduties
paid, $139,966.81. National spetrol
of Mexico, and the duties paid. The.fium uorp. vaiue or smpmontsi.
value of tho total shipments for the $522,275.28; duties paid, $49306.92;
year 1918, was $140,557,553.20, and Interooean Oil Go. Value of Ship-
menis, $4yi,u7i5.oy ; auu ,.paia, $43.-
863.20. New England Fuel Oil Co
Value of -'shipmerits,' $ 1'66 ,'6 ftfJifr
the total duties paid was $11,120,
307.90. In American gold, -says The
Review, these values are respective
ly: Shipments', ;$70, 278,775. 60;
total paid, $5.560,198.95 the Mexi-
ties paid, $15,0.76.21. , .if ,,.,..
The foregoing are only a -few ot.tho
can dollar b-ing worth one-half -the nany American oil companies in .Mexl
co, but they suffice to. show all are
making oxcessive - profits ' t-anglng
I will eladly send any Rheumatism FUf
feror a Simple Herb .Reel no Absolutely
Free that Completely Cured me of a tor
rlblo attack of muscular and Inflamm
atory Rhoumatlsm of ions standing after
everything olso I tried had failed mo. I
liavo given it to many sufferers who be
Meved their cases hopolcss, yet they found
relief from their suffering by taking
theso simple herbs. It also relievos SeT
atica promptly as well as Neuralgia, and
is a wonderful blood purifier. You are
most welcome to thl3 Herb Recipe If you
HiHU Rrnil fnr It nt ntion. T hnllnvit.vnn ...iii
..... -., - w. .. ,..... . viih.-jh'hiim. - . . w. . . .. . . m. . -, - ,- . . ... . ..
consider 11 a uou-senu atter you have put uvst year a,804,132; xu American goiu, wincii is .W-Oth
American gold dollar.
The Review then calls attention to
tho annual repprt made- by one Eng
lish concern, the Agulia Company, as
published in The London Financial
Times, which shows that the net profr
Us of tho company from the year 1011'
to tho end of the year 1913, (the rev
from twenty-five to fifty -percent. Uhe
"confiscatory" tax, about whiQhrsuQh
great hue and cry is raised with thq
hope of bringing trouble between tjie
two .countries, and forcing interven
tion on tiie part of the United States,
it to tho test. There Is nothing Injurious
contained in it. and you can see for. your
self exactly what -you are taking. V will
gladly send this Reclpo absolutely freo
to any sufferer who will send name and
address, plainly written. XV. V. SUTTON,
"2(150 Mngitollu Ave., Lom Angeles, Cnllf.
olutionary and "confiscatory" pcr-i' a?B.a atter of -fact, apparently In
iqu;, rangcu lrpm y,uyi3 pounds tap j v i;. .
pounds in 1018, but first reaching tho ttwo to Qn of- the Mexican, .the '.;J;ax
1,U7J,400 pound mnrjc In 1914 andititlulus w cents, ub cents and 77.12
steadily cllibin- to 6ver the 2,000,- ;Qents Per ton. The average number
Also oullcrt Tetter. Suit Rheum, Pruritus.
Milk Crust, Water Poison, Weenluir
Skin, ctci
I believe ec.einu can be cured (o stny
I moan just what I say C-U-R-H-d and"
NOT merely patched up. to return again:
Rerhember, I make this statement after
handling nearly a half million cases of
oczoma and devoting 12 years of my life
to .Us treatment. I don't caro what all
yoi? liavo used nor how many doctors
haVp told you that you could not be
cured, all I ask is just a chance to prove
my claims,;! If you writo mo TODAY 1
will send you a fijeb TuiAi of mild
soothing, guaranteed treatment that will
surNy convince You as it has mo. If von
aroj disgusted and discouraged, I dare
juiv .i -,!-,. hiu 11 ciiuiiuu 10 prove 'rriv
claims. By. writing mo today I believe
000 mark as stated.
From theso figures it is shown that
of barrels to the ton is 6 1-4. so that
the tax levied on oxportations varies
a staloj orpisn company made a net ' wl!wi fiX, CB pcr
imt of over W Amillipn dollars '& S S IK?? SI 5?
An Extra
Al linlted number of Vacuum
'Sweeppro. at a bargain price. See
offer beio$:." : .
"Every Ilonsebbld In tlie
World Should
5 IIve OBie,,
The Iieviow then adds:
at. Gulf ports in the United States.
iiius we nave, the whole storv.
"The original capital of the Abulia lln" "J3 '"J1. 01 .ry'
Company, according to the honaon7fT
. ,, Wi. vw "i"ba wt .uiori-
rpapers, was $60,000,000 M-zica-i
money of $30,000,000 American, gold.
So that it is shown that in eight years
it has recouped its investment twice
over, has a balance of ten million dol
lars to the good, aud is the owner of
property worth several times its ac
tual cert.
you reauy thought this world held fnr
yoii Jufft try it, and I feel sure you will
1800 Court Dlk., Sednlln. Mo.
MnurCeSkllr.d,atJ?A Bank, Bo-
rMm suttcrer. , uu
can, English and other foreign in
terests are menaced by high taxes,
thus threatened with "confiscation;"
and tho facts and ficures am rn".rmi
from tho public record somo of them
from "bnnlr linmn i
back homo.
Occasionally we get tho truth from
MeXiCO. hilt tho truth rlnoann AL- 4-1.
But from the anti 'intfirvfintlnnifltc frrtw i ..," 1, .,
Ii w...Mwm j.iuxu cuumiuiUg tuqir
gives the Auglia Company's earning,
it is lea: ea mat the Dutch Shell
Company paid dividends. last year f
48 per, cent on. preferred stock and 37
per cent on ordinary shares. The
total is not given, but it certainly
could not have been less tLan the
be on itts guard. We want no war
wun Mexico. At present wo lmw
troubles of our own and thnno infor
mal troubles will only be intensified
uy ouisiae turmoil that can be, and
Should be, avoided. Mnntrrnmorv
Alabama; Journal.
will freshen and brighten your car
pets and rugs by air-cleaning. This
Vinnlemmn DWAanitf SimlCS tllO flirt
and dust right out pulling out
twenty times moro, dirt than tno
best old-fashioned carpet sweeper,
and does it without raising a par
ticle of dust. 'Does away with tne
drudgery Of sweeping day.
Thl Vucnum Sweeper will stana
tho hardest service. All """?'
absolutely . first-class. Strong boi
lows to insure continuous suction.
Dust bag absolutely air tight. Driv
ing wheel heavily rubrbercto
Ball-bearing parts. Never has to
bo oiled. Case beautifully
in a rich red mahogany shade.
Weighs only nine pounds. Guar
Antced unequalled by any vacuum
Tsweoper in tho market aim u - .
work as well as any B.flei;carnd
sweeper. Sold regularly at ?0.o0 ana
a bargain at that price.
By a fortunate purchase ot
special Jot direct .from the facto
The Commoner Is enabled to sPi
to us ruuuBio j"-
Special J
Ilolli fo
rpntnl rc. nrice S0.50J P"
Offer good for new, renewal or
niri-in-advance subscriptions.
.,for club, of 3 subscribers at i
and $2.80 additional. .AllffV
sent prepaia to any "u" , k bef0re
United States. . Order auick oe
the supply is pane.. Special ciro
on request. 'Address.
1 Vncnum Sweeper ?0.50"J
The Commoner for
3 full years.'...'...