The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, October 01, 1919, Page 13, Image 13

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fWm-n-i i
i3 f
r '
TZr of Tlio NasliviHe TenneaBean:
f'l with intereBt your editorial
- lrr hifcaption in last Sunday's
under wis ui . . f rom the
jjsue, anu w . t of tho80 mu
dr0Co? nrivSin the ranks, .who
mSLl Sard from in the press,
ft SEE hSrd from at the "ballot
but Ir answer to this query is dis-
vnii first quote II. O. mcjuu u .
J w York Evening Post as saying
?S Bryan is not politically dead.
iw Yorlcers will not believe such a
foment largely because they do not
BUt men larg , q
Ske HoV could they believe it
'having buried him so often?
And s nee when did Mr. Bryan or his
tt&B Beom to care whether they be-
llC''TheTennessean is inclined to
share, 'technically', in the declaration
that Mr. Bryan is not politically
.". Thfin nuotes "the Bryan
habit", "peace at any price", and
The Commoner
president". His ''cross of cold and
crown of thorns" speech will ring
through the ages of democracy's de-
flattr.O to Tliirnrrnnv A 1 Ut uv-..
shall not press down the crown -of
kuui-jm upon me urow or labor" is
bearing fruit today, while the cross
of gold is more evenly worn. Of all
the men in politics, contemporaneous
With Mr. Bryan, who attained to in
ternational fame, only the Kaiser
Wllhelm and William J. Bryan still
live in politics both very active
one the personification of autocracy,
the other the exemplification of demo
cracy. I once enjoyed the friendship of a
Jew. Though we could not agree in
lJuiiucH nor religion, ne wouiu always
close the argument by saying to me:
"If you got anyding goot in your reli
gion, it comes through Fader Abra
ham." So I tell all my friends, if we
have anything good in politics it
comes through Father Bryan, even to
our neioveiu r resident anu ms .League
of Nations. Mr. Bryan, out of pure
Flftndorg flolda to muko Uit worfd
ftf from war.
For juiUoa! For Hborty! For tho
and of war! For putting th war
god in chains! For tho flbaofcHng of
Mar! .Malleoli, M., Conimordal
cible and mold all Into one man. that
man would not oqual Bryan. Ho !
the only logical candidate for thl
nomination, after Tho only
nt capstone for the great monument
no has buildod in national and world
statecraft. To fittingly commemorate
tno victory of democracy over auto-
should- bo enthroned whflo we do- ' diniu JC.CM vmui. jiwnui nm,.
thoilC tho Kaiser Mfrm) fttrltivrMtenr. triHt'trtrft fnrrreAiafHntfttt
Qlmll Mi.i ! . i.' . ! fMtcMlnl.tlttjr. ntirttrtMa, entire
anaii privates" in the ranks, thon, Mutur.i.MKimA. -.,; Mb. i'hm.iV.
muiuin suent, Knowing his great am
bition and our debt of gratitude un
paid? Shall Mr. Bryan continue to
live "twenty years ahead of his day
and generation", or will the millions
of true patriots of America, rQCOg
nizintr Ilia trim prnNfnaaii nntnl. ..
with him at tho next national con
vention anu discharge thoir debt by
making him president?
Tullahoma, Tonn.
Belt Power Transmitter for
Ford and Dodge Cars
Twbtt twitkit lr7 k( ywr
pKitueok. im wk mtmm
t4 MiWKtwy feww kr ftrj
uA mttm JU. SiMwICnn
iriil 5U.7 b . e. b.StM
VSilttfwftMckakr. Dm. II
! Frank It. WclKgeruer, HuIInn, Kmwms.
"peace at any price , aiuu flalme8B ', bv hfifir fnrfio of
seems to question the bade or ine ( .. nQraonality and tho 1ust!cQ of llis
motive" which prompted ms "-cause, nominated Mr. Wilson first and
tion as secretary of state. elected him last. If. then, our coun-
Do you not know by this time that try "has been redeemed from the dom
it was "the Bryan habit' that pre- lnation of the tarIf uaron aml tho
seated to us through its daday8)pIutocrat and Its uU8iUesg reeu- from
the very existence of the democratic )lho snacicies of wall Street, if we
party and the principles that finally have an illCQmo tax law and a new
made the "world safe for democracy i.)anking system, under which the rich
through the great Woodrow Wilson,? man pay9 his just 1)rop0rtion of. the
And do you not also know that taxes and we aread no more tho cry
"peace at any price" was only theof .mouey panic"; if we
Bhibboleth of Mr. Bryan's enemies and tional prohibition and woman suf
a gross misrepresentation Of hisfrage who ciiampi0ned the cause but
position? And have you not learned by Mr Bry? m democracy has at last
now that there was nothing "bade of 1 1)revailed aml tUQ worid has been
the motive" which prompted his re- made "safe for democracy" through
signation as secretary of state, save d b League of nations, we all
uiu gicutucBo ul unc iuu.1 w.. Know tnat Mr. jryan iainureu mo
clan would have stultified himself for thought and had commenced the
his "boss", but Mr. Bryan? Never! Qrl
I have been a close 'fctudeitt of poll- There iS; no considerable class of
tics for forty years and watched pub- peopiG lu our country that has any
lie men both "before and after tak- ,ust qUarrei wjth Mr. Bryan or that
ing and candidly believe that Mr. doeg uot owe hira an Gternal debt of
Bryan is the one man in public life !grattude, save the plutocrat and the
who would rather be "right thaiijG Q p memijers who want to go
back to the toeu irougu, uuu, wuu,
like the pigs, -have no higher ambi-
PI IIRRITM1 ions nor ideals than their own bel-
ftir. MCMlIian iiua aiJti o. -
"There are voting masses in the west
ern states Who identify Bryan with
advocacy of woman suffrage and pro
hibition , and the realization of a
league of a score or more nations
which entered into arbitration
treaties with tho United States in the
more than two years Bryan was sec
Pictorial Review Cmo) .... 3.00
Public (wk) ; 300
Reliable Poultry Journal
imunuuyi 1.50
To pave money for our rcadors.
the following combination ofCcrs-f.
have been arranged. If you desire
publications not Included In "this list,
Send us tlie names of same and we
will aub nit beat combination prices
by return mall. Nearly all publica
tions furnished at reduced prices,
' Rcjalar Qr ,
Trite withSgcckJ
Coauroier rrice
American Boy (mo) $3.(J0 $2.45
American Fruit Grower
fmnntlil v rn n
- "".". u
AuiomoDuo ueview (mo).- 2,00
Roys Magazlno (mo) '2.50
Breeders Gazette (wlc).... 2.50
Christian Herald (wlc).., 3.50
Cincinnati Wkly Enquirer 1.75
Clncl. Dally Post (C Issues)' 5.00
Current Opinion (mo).... 4.00
Delineator (mo) 8 00
Everybody's Magazine (mo) 3.00
Etude (mo) 2 75
Household (mo) , 125
Independent ( wk) c'.oo
Kansas City Weekly Star. 1.50
Ladles Home Journal (mo) 2.75
Literary Digest (wk) . . , . . 6.00
McClure's Magazine (mo) . 3.00
Mo Valley Farmer (mo).. 1.25
A.;. "v"ii i.
viow 01 uov:ews (mo) . . 5.00
ouimuay iven. Fost (wk) 8.00
Swlno World (mo) . . . . ." . ' 2 00
Woman's Home Companion
(monthly) , T0n
World (Thrlce-a-Week) " 2 00
Word an' Work ff'' 182
Send your order now. Address
tw itth COMMONER
'tAVJOLX :f ' wpnntGiri
liretary of state", and thjnlcs Bryan
would not carry with ms nonnu
that so-called "Wall street iai 1 , t hn aatl nf HOmO Otliei
democratic aspirants for presidential
.?.. -rr 1. Imva nrlflpfl that
honors, xio uub '- - ,
11 . -rnHno- mnflsfis in the soutn-
ern states who identify Bryan with
advocacy of everytnmg wi..
taint", "who love ana reapcuu . ,
Lu' n Hiolr debt of gratl-
tude to him and want to acknowledge
it by making him president.
there is that great mass of indepen
dent voters, in the north and east,
who feel and recognize by this time
Mr Bryan's friendship and great ser
vice to the cause or muur
If anyone asks again: Is Mr.
Bryan politically dend?" tell him
"No" and that if the next nat onal
democratic convention fails to .hand
him the nomination on a sii ver pW
ter, or tpoUyo
nate anoiner wh-hw"" . .
II will then ow for a surety that
Mr. Brya is not only politically
airseeUinVTire Nashville Tennessean
also the names of half a dozen men,
PssiWUUea" r the nomination
always in the event Mr . Wll jon I n
Just as ovcry school child in Amer
ica is taught the preamble of the con
stitution of the United Status of
America and just as all school child
ren of this country submit that pre-
amoie to memory now, so will the
school children of tho world bo com
mitting to memory tho proamblo of
the constitution of the League of Na
tions before another decude.
"We, the people of tho United
States in order to- form a more per
fect union, establish justice, promote
tho general wdlfare, provide for I lie
common defense and secure tho bless
ings of liberty to ourselves and our
posterity, do ordain and establish
this constitution of the United States
of America."
Ask your little boy or girl to re
peat it for you. It is dollars to dough
nuts thoy can do it and correct us u
we are wrong in quoting it.
In a few years thoy will bo able
to quote the following Just as glibly
as thoy can quote the above, and not
only them but also their younger
brothers and sisters.
"In order to promote international
co-operation and to achieve interna
tional peace and security by the ac
ceptance of obligations not to resort
to war, by the prescription of open,
just and honorable relations between
nations, by the firm establishment of
understandings of international ,law
as the actual rule of conduct among
governments, and by tho maintenance
of justice and a scrupulous respect
for all treaty obligations in the deal
ings of organized peoples with one
nnntlmr. the lileli contracting parties
agree to this covenant of tho League
of Nations."
whnt Jim tho central ideas in tho
stated purpose of the constitution of
the United States? Are tney not jus
tice and liberty?
wimt nra the central ideas in the
stated purpose of the constitution of
the League of Nations? Are they not
ch nnrl liberty justice to all
and liberty from war by the shack
ling of Mars, the god or war .
The constitution of the League of
MnHnno will fin for the whole world
what our constitution did merely for
the United States. It win not iao
-., HTmrfv mm us but will extend
our liberty to the world, making our
liberty safer for us than ever before.
Thus far we have nau 10 uoiouu uu
iiiinrfv hut from now on the
organized world will stand back of us
and all nations ior justice -
Isn't this worth ngniing iur;
Isn't it worth dying for?
mi.!nR and others have fought
and died on the battlefields of France,
for what?
To make the worm suae iui um-
cracy? , . , . -
Yes, but "saie" irum w;
Safe from war! .
Americans fought and died on
Direct to Farmerl
at Wire WW Prices
Oxide Safety Lamp
Brings "Daylight,"
Comfort and Style
Into roar bom. WonJeiful door
limp, 5 It. 6 In. hlth. Blind llbf
plino, icwlnt machine', cblld cm
more it from loom to room jvhlle
burning. Can't eiplodc. 1 tHn
Choline bainiSOhouii. Howlcki,
do chiranejri. Ho dlit. imoke or
jmell. BeiotUuI, modern lleht,
with opal ihade.
rrice $10. steaks
fntcreitloe booklet on Correct llooie Mehtlne mijlea
free (AcKftii wanted
112 8 W.U. BWu.. M1LVMUKEE, VISC.
Mho enllcil Tcltrr, Soil lllirtim, VrttrltUH,
aillk CriiNl, Wiilcr I'olxon, Wrcylnjc
Mkln, etc.
I believe eczemn enn lie cured in ntny.
I moHH Juit what I Hay C-lT-lc-E-U and
NOT nirc)y patched ui to return UKafn,
Horncmbor, I make tlilM fclatcnicnt uttitr
handling nearly a half million cae of
eczema and devoting 12 yearn of my life
to Uh treatment. I don't earn what all
you have uod nor how many doctorH
liavo told you that you could not ho
..i nit t (imIc Ih lijRt a chatico to nrovo
my clalmH. If you write me TODAY, I
will end you a niiSK TitlAli of mild.
Hoothlntf, KUOTanteed treatment that will
Hurely convlnco Von aM It lias me. If you
are dIpruHted and dlHcouratfd, I dar
you to Klvc mo a chance to prove my
clairnfl. By writing mo today I bellovo
you will enjoy moro real comfort than
you really thought Ui world hold for
you. JuHt try It, and I feci aura you will
agroo with ?no
inj)D Court Blk., Hedalln, Mo,
Ilcforonces: Third National JJank. Sc
dalla. Mo. Bend this notice to uomo
eczoma Buffercr.
I will gladly send any Rheumatism suf
ferer a Simple Herb Roclim Absolutely
Free that Completely Cured me of a ter
rlblo attack of muscular and Inflamm
atory Rhftumatlum of lonjr standing: aftor
everything else I tried had failed mo. I
have given It to many JUiferorH who be
lieved their cases hopeless, yet they found
relief from their suffering by taking
those simple herbs. It also relieves Sci
atica promptly as. well as Neuralgia, and
Is a wonderful blood purifier. Yoti are
most welcome to this Herb Recipe If you
will send for It at once. I believe you will
consider It a God-Send after you have put
It to the test. There Is nothing Injnrloua
contained In it. and you can bco for your
self exactly what you arc taking, f will
gladly send this Recipe absolutely free
n nnv uttfffMf wlin Will Konrl nrm imt
address, plainly written. W. P. SU'CTO.V,
-1 k
jV -tWM Iti&tflft
la canaiaaiu. -',- ot 0r cru-
place these in uie wo -
: .h'Miataia.1'