'swwiffTBWi jV The Commoner 12 VOL. 19, NO. 7 imrt$pfifjiYV7J f " mmmm mm mm n m mm """MMMMntanMtMaMav ( .3) HAY-FEVER I will cladly tell fluffcrcra how I wk rtirtttpri nf by fllmplo homo troatmont. If you will writ mo at once Send no money. mCUTHA O. OAItrENTKft jlox 3 IIollyiToml, CJal. -who helped with their expert advice in each part of the varied Bettle- MAiiig rK..if l nvnrv IrnnnjifiMnn to Justify the high confidence reposed free; and it is her trust in-us that over peoples whom they feared we might exploit, not servo and assist. But we have not exploited them. Wo have been their friends and have sought to serve them. And our dominion has been a menace to no other nation. Wo redeemed our honor to the utmost in our dealings with Cuba. She Is weak but absolutely in them. DUTY IN DAYS TO COMB And that confidence, it seems to mo, Is the measuro of our opportun ity and of our duty in the days to come, in which the new hope of the peoples of the world is to be ful filled or disappointed. The fact 'that America Is the friend of the nations whether they be rivals or associates, Is no new fact. It is only the dis covery of it by the rout of the world that Is now. makes her free. Weak people over stand ready to give us any authority among them that will assure them a like friendly oversight and direction. They know that there is no ground for foar In receiving us as their men tors and guides. Our isolation was ended twenty years ago; and now fear of us is ended also, our counsel and association sought after and de sired. There can be no question of our ceasing to be a world power. The only question is whether we can re fuse, the moral leadership that is America may be said to have offered us, whether we shall accept reached her majority as a world power. It was almoBt exactly twenty one years ago that the results of the WAr with Spain put us unexpectedly in possession, of rich islands on the other side of the world and brought us Into association with other govern ments in the control of the West Indies. It was regarded as a sinistor and ominous thing by the statesmen of more than one European chancel lory that we should have extended our pover beyond the confines of our continental dominions. They were ac- or reject the confidence of the world. HAND OF GOD DID IT Tho war and the conference of peace now sitting in Paris -seem to mt to have answered that question. Our participation in the war estab lished our positin among the nations and nothing but our own mistaken action can alter It. It was not an ac cident or a matter of sudden choice that wo are no longer isolated and devoted to a policy which has 6nly customed to think of npvr neighbors ; b as a new menace, & it we wore Indeed tho champions of ful enemies. There were persons Wf nnA ,,,,. rrt , . the call of duty in a way so spirited, so uttorly without thought of what wo spont of blood or treasure, .so "effective, so worthy of the admiration of true men everywhere, so wrought out of the stuff of all that was heroic, that the whole world saw at last, in After Thirty Tears' Experience We . the flesh, in noble action, a great jiuvo J'rouuceu nn appliance lor ideal assorted and vindicated, by a tint KncIc w, tour SripB Helps Make Strong, Sturdy Men and Beautiful, Healthy Women 3,000,000 People Use It Annually As A Tonic, Strength arid Blood-Builder amongst us at home who looked with deep disapproval and avowed anxiety on ouch extensions of our national authority over distant islands and j 1 1 i 1 1 - - Don't Wear A Truss! land, of all the belligerents, has re frained from criticism, and every body knows that England isn't get ting what she would like to have. There was no other representative at the peace table that had the autho rity of an impartial and an unselfish arbiter as fully recoenized bv iusticG and truth as Woodrow Wilson, and Men, Women or Children That Cures Rupture. WE SEND IT ON TRIAL ,If you have tried most everything: dlao, cdtne to us. Where other fall Is whore wo have our greatest success. Bond attached coupon ' jday and wo will Tie Above is C L BrooSa, Jartator d ths Appliance. Mr. Brooks tuna ntHjtii oi Kupicrt iner ou ion Aro ion talented tbe Applimce Irora His Peroral Experience. 11 Ruptured. Write Today to tbe Brooks Appliance Company. Mirshll, Mich. tend you free our Illustrated book on ltupturo and Its cure, showing: our Ap pliance and giving you nricos and names of memy people who havo tried It and were cured. It elves Instant relief when all others fall. Remember, wo use no salves, no harness, no lies. Wo send on trial to prove what wo say is true. YoU aro the judge and once having1 seen our illustrated book and read it you will bo as enthusiastic as our hundreds of patients whose lettors you can also read. Fill out free coupon below and mall todjy. It's woll worth your time whether you try our Ap pliance or not. nation they had deemed1 material and now found to be compact of the spiritual forces that must free men of every na-tion fro-n every unworthy bondage. It is thus that-a new role and a new responsibility have come to this great nation that we honor and which we would all wish to lift to yet higher levels of service and achievement. The stage is set, the destiny dis closed. It has come about by no plan of our conceiving but by the hand of God who led us into this way. We cannot turn back. We can only go forward, with lifted eyes and freshened spirit, to follow the vision. It was of this that we dreamed at our birth. America shall in truth show the way. The light streams upon the path ahead, and nowhere else. FRXSE2 INFOK ATIOK COUPON llrooltN Appliance Comimny 103 J. State St., Marshall, Midi. Pleaso send mo by mail, in plain wrapper, your illustrated book and full information about your Appliance for tho euro of rupture. Namo Addros3 City Statr ITALY POUTING The criticism of that Italian news paper of President Wilson, written and publi3hod , after his departure and printed in these columns Wednes day, would seem to indicate that Italy did not got in the treaty all that she was hoping to get when she went to war. Italy is not alone, either. Most of the European coun tries are feelinc the same wnv nimf it, which would seem to indicate that justice had been done and that sel fishness had been exiled from the peace table. Meantime it would bo well for Italy and the others to be reminded that if it hadn't been for President Wilson and the people ho represents, each of them, instead of geuing a rair deal and a just propor tion of the fruits of victpry, would bo getting precisely what a victorious Germany might bo pleased to give them and it doesn't take a very vivid imagination' to indicate what that portion would have been, Eng- history will acclaim his action a3 having been actuated by the loftiest motives of altruism, of disinterested purpose to serve the peace and hap piness of the world and to remove as far as possible every seed that might grow and fructify into another cause for war and bloodshed. Chat tanooga Times. THERE IS NO JOY IN BOOZEVILLE, J6HN BARLEYCORN STRUCK OUT rnzc -fRRReeJ : vJi'"NSfl 5k 111 J &- fv inn. J ' V .J . Somewhere thq band3 are playing and Bomewherc hearts are light, But not today in the U. S. A. which, bears an arid blight; wnen Old John first swung at tho "pill" a few short years ago, Local option!" cried the Umpire. John's head drooped sad and low. The next time that he came to bat he looked quite grim and stern; nil ?m1pirf ,said,: "Get busy, John," and showed not much concern; The ball whizzed by, John fanned the air 'twas plain he'd lost his head--The grandstand moaned, the bleachers groaned. "State wide!" the Umpiro Baid. Once more John tried to show his Bkill, but when he took the stick The grandstand said: "He's groggy!" and the bleachers cried, "He's sick! vLZT f .B?,in ?Tnd miBaed tne . Oil,' what a dismal sight! You re out!" the Umpire cried to Jbhn.. 'You're out, oldboy." "GOOD NIGHT!". ; ', , , Louisville Times. CHARLES HAMILTON MUSGROVE. (Is jjs VTiiAto