$t5?!jrT!y17' ' -i The Commoner JUNB, 1919 9 ,. Without it we shall soon, be everything 8 S Is the direct reverse." hic?, InV, writing to Madison said: i!? remains much longer in its present . f imbecility we shall he one of the most 8 ntcmJtible nations on the face of the earth." Ami Hamilton said: .There is scracely anything that can wound , he pride and degrade the character of an in- , Et nation which wo do ho tr experience." dCPThc 4ult of this deplorable state of anarchy was that Washington with other idealists ad- VOialAn indissoluble union of air the states under a single federal government, with power nf pnforcing its decrees. 2 That the people must be willing to sacri firnsoroc of their local interest to the common weal must disregard their local prejudices and recard one another as common citizens of a common country with identical interests in the truest sense. THE CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION This international anarchy, tho common danger and general disorder of the country, finally moved certain leading men in the differ ent states most of them, Including Washing ton of that class known as idealists, of whom cnm'ft nf what Bacon calls' tho "seeming wise" I statesmen speak so flippantly who appreciated the danger of the situation, to actively comer nnrt finallv arrange for tho different states to I send representatives to consider and discuss tho situation. These representatives camo togetner In a convention at Philadelphia, known, as tho constitutional ' convention, and, after much debate, prepared and submitted to the states for adoption tho constitution of the United States. This constitution was finally adopted by the states, though its adoption was not by all of them at once. By its adoption individual na tionalism was abandoned .and refuge and safety sought and found in the ark of collective na tionalism and a league of nations. This was I 'achieved primarily through a revival and re organization of the old friendship and friendly co-operation based upon common ideals of ordered freedom, . which brought these states, when colonies, together to fight the Revolu tionary war. Under this collective nationalism provided by the constitution, that friendship between the states has grown and solidified until through more than a century of peace and liberty this league of nations has grown to be the most powerful, the most intelligent, the most human? tho most kindly, the most reasonable, and the most united people in the world, while Europe under continued unregulated individual national ism has fallen prey to anarchy. And the chief magistrate of this league has been called and has gone to this European political hospital .to attempt to bind up the wounds and restore the mangled and broken remains of its political body, where he has been and is daily .being greeted with enthusiasm and kindness almost amounting to affection by the peoples of these nations and their statesmen and rulers, because he is tho acknowledged enemy of individual na tionalism and the spokesman of a collective na tionalism which will prevent a return to the old order and thereby establishing a guarantee of peace. . PRINCIPLE "WORKED SUCCESSFULLY HERE It is but to look on one picture of Europe, and then upon the other of the United States, for even a wayfaring man to reach an intelligent conclusion. This league of nations job has been done once successfully, why can it not be done again? The principle has been tried and has worked successfully here; why can it not.be ap plied and made to work successfully elsewhere? ne units to be assembled for the structure aro jno same elemental human traits of friendship, jope, love of peace, and yearning for ordered ireeuom which are tho fundamentals, that when organized, will form the' framework of a league r nations. ,Inf ead of holding back and speculating about wnetner and how this league can bo formed we KS v g0 t0 H" and tackle the job. If Rnif p 5? had trIed flrst t0 tully satisfy him hoii or the success of his undertaking he would "ever have made the venture and discovered America, if the delegates front the colonies wnicn met in Philadelphia before tho. Rovolu tiw war 1)ad waited to satisfy themselves of ;0resJ?u or work out tho details, they would Zlll avo kfoueht and won that war, would unit ave lssued the Declaration of Independ- CQf Wor would, those other delegates -who mot after that war In tho constitutional convention at Philadelphia to consider a remedy for tho deplorable conditions of anarchy then existing among the original states over havo constructed the constitution of tho United States. Something had to bo done, and done at once, and they did it. They backed their knowledgo and judgment of tho past, as well as tho pos sibilities which inhered in tho facts of human nature, and tho Ideals of tho people, and wont promptly and boldly forward to tho accomplish ment of the task that proved to bo tho greatest enterprise of all time. Civilization is born of tho experience of men, and is perfected by ex perience, as aro all human institutions. These framers of our constitution and first great league of nations had but a flickering light from out tho past to guide their efforts. Wo, however, havo for our guidance tho great hoad light of their example, and tho success of their work, our own league of nations. Wo havo only to apply and suitably adjust to tho world tho human principles which its founders used in building our constitution. Tho word constitution comes from two Latin words, con, "together," and statuons, "placing," meaning "placing to gether, setting up, as in a frame or body of essential parts." Let us examine the human principles in tho constitution, quoting its preamble. Read it with caro, weighing each word: "We, the people of tho United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquillity, to provido for the common defense, promote tho general welfare and secure tho blessings of liberty to ourselves and to our posterity, do hereby ordain and establish this constitution of tho United States." BUILD WORD CONSTITUTION Witir these human principles, supported by the yearnings for peace which come to us on winged voices from the uttermost parts of tho earth, as an incentive, build your, world con stitution, your league of nations, as Washington, Franklin, Madison, Hamilton, Sherman, and tho other great idealists, enemies of doubt and doers of deeds, built, the constitution of our country. What is good for tho whole is good for every part, the common good reacts, and each part is benefited by tho welfare of tho whole. Friend liness and goodness in person or nation are tho immediate jewels of their souls. Their grow with practice and nourish themselves. A nation without friendliness and goodness is a busy, mischievous, wretched thing, a thing for treason and spoils, and is already diseased and doomed. There was never a change for the better in human affairs and government that good and wise men were not found to oppose it, and to prophesy disasters which never happened, for time is humorously reckless of tho reputations of prophets. It is our limited vision and un certain thoughts, controlled too often by words, that people our mental darkness with hobgob lins and spectres. The real government will rot bo permanent unless it rests upon ideals. Tho world must not compromise with this situation. Some ono has said that compromise was "a good umbrella but a poor roof." It is a temporary expedient and almost sure to be unwise statesmanship. Gov ernment becomes more nearly perfect as it ap proaches Christianity. In conclusion let me quote from Lincoln, who once said with his uncommon sanity: "I haven t much opinion of a man who isn't wiser today than he was yesterday BRYAN STANDSBY WILSON William Jennings Bryan, in a statement given n Mm nress makes it clear that he stands on hoTame pl'at?orm with President Wilson and former President Taft in support of tho league of nations. He suggests amendments to the pro posed covenant that would preserve specifically the Monroe doctrine, enlarge the proportionate i-nHnir Sower of the United States and make it IleargthPat each9 member nation might decide for ?tX whether it would support the decrees of !S f t flTSs general council. While pointing to nPrfeffis, Mr Bryan urged that they should Tt b a owed to lead to rejection of the plan declaring that risks to be run in accepting the league were less than those involved in rojec I? bILa i rptnrnini? "to the old ways of blood and 1 ntr ' e said that the league idea, "tho latest s'tep toward1 peace in a thousand years," wa taken from thoPthlrty arbitration treaties legotiated by the United States while ho was f Socrotary of State It was not to bo expected, ho said, that so groat an ldoa would ho maelo porfoct In detail in so short a timo, and added that whilo Prosldont Wilson had dono tho best ho could ho would bo helped by intelligent crit icism from tho American public. Whilo Mr. Bryan's suggestions In his opinion would improve tho constitution of tho loaguo of nations, ho does not mako tho imperfections that ho finds a causo for its rejection by tho Unltod. Stntoa. Unllko Senator Lodgo, and thoso who agroo with him, Mr. Bryan would it ho woro a senator, voto to accept tho covenant, if it was prosonlod to tho senate in tho shapo it was glvon to tho lubllc. The fact is, that Prosldont Wilson and other members of tho peaco conference woro desirous to form a more perfect covenant. Prosldont Wilson said, when ho prosentod tho proposed constitution of tho loaguo to tho Plenary Council in Paris for its consideration,. "I can concolvo that many of tho decisions wo mako shall neod subsequent alteration in somo degree." Whan ho landed the other day in Boston, ono of tho opening sontencos of his address was, "I havo como to report progress." When ho mot tho Committee on Foreign Affairs of Congross at tho Whlto House dinner, ho was quotod as say ing that ho "hoped tho draft of tho covenant would bocomo effective without radical changes," and that ho "did not expect that tho league pro ject would go through without change," al though ho feared, "amendment of its vital features would bo difficult." When tho covenant was presented to tho Plenary Council Lord Robert Cocll of Groat Britain said it was "a good omen that this docu ment had been laid before tho world boforo being finally enacted, so that tho people every where could advise upon and criticise it." Primo Minister Lloyd George, after a moving appeal for a remedy as against war, said, "I do not know that this will succeed, but If wo attempt it tho attempt will bo a success." Premier Orlando of Italy spoko of the birth of tho right of peoples as having appropriately taken place in Franco, which was "a happy omen for beginning these debates." M. Bourgeois of tho Frencli delegation suggested two amend ments, said: "Wo do not present this plan as something final, but only as the rosult of an honest effort, to bo discussed not only by this conference but tho public opinion of tho world." Baron Makino of Japan, indorsing tho plan, served notice that at tho proper timo ho Intendod to present certain amendments which ho hoped would receive favorahlo consideration. M. Lou Tseng Tsaing of China expressed his country's desire to participate in futuro discussions, and M. Hyraans of Belgium proposed an amendment. Mr. Bryan says that tho covenant as it is: "is the greatest step toward peaco in a thousand years," just as President Wilson has in effect declared. Both Mr. Bryan and President Wilson aro on record as believing that tho covenant could bo improved, and it will bo improved if President Wilson can secure its improvement. Both these patriotic democrats aro supported by former President Taft and aro bitterly opposed by Senators Lodge, Penrose and Reed, and by other men and newspapers that are trying to defeat the approval of a leaguo of nations by tho senato. These aro destructive critics and will havo no influence on tho delegates to tho peaco confer ence. They aro making tho leaguo of nations a foot-ball for politicians. Wo havo had admissions from representatives of all tho great and two of tho lesser powers that tho covenant is to be discussed and possibly amended. Nobody claimed that it was either perfect or final. It was held that in Its main features it would if adopted savo tho world from such another catastrophe as it has recently experienced. yet .somo senators assailed tho whole proposition with oratorical bludgeons. Wo havo had few more shameful exhibitions of un thinkable partisanship and spleen in the United States than tho venomous uproar which greeted tho first practicable essay towards enduring peace. Springfield, 111., Register. The law of supply and demand Is not being enforced any better than the law against com binations in restraint of trade. During tho war facilities for tho production of steel in tho United States were more than doubled. Yot you know where steel Is. Why oven the refusal of tho railroad administration to place' orders for needed replacement did not havo any effect upon tho price of the product! V rl .A t f ft j t S f t . ': u v& s; itokaLtk..