The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, June 01, 1919, Page 15, Image 15

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JUNE, 19
-- . Inw tmrn yt n r
rho trjcs w , f ..
db rich ai i" -
ion peoplo.
w J. Campbell, Oregon. I think
IrVV.CoBtructlvo Pro-am"
all r gnt. - -
Mnco ly" umi ". , .
Walter N, Campbell, waanragiuu,
L " t have your letter setting
EnrJh the items in a "Constructive
urogram" to " "' "?
Commoner, i dguv - "-
bcllovo in anyiniiig w D10 -
..nna in rtlitl U0iuwiwj w w w-
ferment of moral and social condi
tions, be it miles or but a yard. I
lo not find in xnem, uowovw, mu.
.i -ntm-m In whlrth T nm
mrt interested. The one basic re-
Enrm nf which wo are most in need
u to freo the lana to tne peopie, ana
to that end our voters should bo
educated to a radical change in our
(federal and state systems of taxa
tion. They should be brought to see
that only by such means may they
ba rescued without bloodshed from
the clutches of the junkerlsm that
has cursed Europe and civilization
;enerally from feudal times.
J. Kelly Smith, Kentucky. I
have read with interest and sincere
ippreciatlon the article entitled "A
Constructive Program". I desire as
usual to express my personal gratifi
cation at the announcement of thesef
fifteen principles of public policy,
"each of which rings true for the, wel
fare of the whole people. No paper
finds a more hearty welcome in this
office than The Commoner, and no
public citizen in America stands
higher in the writer's estimation
than Mr. Bryan.
A. It. Hall, Minnesota-. I duly re
ceived your leaflet outlining., your
views on reconstruction matters. I
heartily agree with -the. views ex
pressed. Please send me a dozen of
Ithose leaflets and I will circulate
A. M. Edwards. Missouri. I
heartily indorse, every plank in Mr.
Bryan's platform and will do my bit
;to bring it to pass.
W. H. Bliss, Kansas. I like tho
farticlo in The Commoner in relation
jto the National Bulletin, for we who
&rk ln thQ shop3 d0 not -et tne
Washington news as we should, and
the only way to cot it ia through
Rour local and central bodies, as the
juBirapapers do not print the informa
tion we want. I hope that sucli a
Publication can be brought about.
. xn. miard, Virginia. I am
The Commoner
crnmentnrth t il. work " Qv-
mRES nnwV;0nV'J DY,no nnd Wisdom.
fiercer wiHceni?,po,1,Pa,fl- Pastor T.aiitleM
, "Ker, Windsor Place, St. Louie, Mo.
r Wailied IdPfN Writo for LIutofTnvontionj
Victor ?J. , Etm-W0001" f Cnt reC
wr. Lvnna & Co., 722 9th.WashlTiBton.D.C.
Be,L"cc- Send no money.
Box 3 " v, vakijujtiSK.
jjunywopu, uai.
A Family Treat
SrMM88' practIcal reading course.
coverlnJ mo?lber of vtho family,
loTcos! nWh0,l y -arid at a
Tnr, Doeant that Interest you?
5anWffiR ... 11.00 1 Our
Household 1 d 50 Special
American T?r'.'.iVA 25 Price
M. Vallev T?JtS.rower -50 fAHFivo
vauey Farmer... ,25 for
Total rsular prlcoliJ $,T5
Mail your order today to
,c moner, Lincoln, Nebr.
afraid riot to agree with Mr. Brvnn
in everything, as what ho advocates
is very generally accepted after
while, so I Just as well accept all of
his, "fourteen points".
J. H. Hayes, Now York. I am in
hearty accord with all tho issuos
mentioned except tho railroads, and
would like to see them given a more
thorough trial before being taken
over by tho government ad a perma
nent, thing.
J. C. Dolari, Indiana. I have
carefully read your recommendations
on tho line of constructive questions
and concur in each, and beg to as
Buro you that I will use every effort
to urge our friends to come to tho
rescue. All seem to be hopeful that
the rule of the people shall continue
and be tho slogan.
D. McClanahan, Virginia. Mr.
Bryan's "Constructive Program" it
seems, includes every phase of our
national reconstruction and progress.
It shows an intelligent comprehen
sion of the needs of our country and,
dn my opinion, there is no one more
capable or more able for a leader of
our nation than William Jennings
Bryan. I am proud that we have
such a man as Mr. Bryan, and I
think every man in our nation should
be proud of Mr. Bryan.
Dr. Wm. Classen, Nebraska. I
Heartily approve of your plans for a
"Constructive Program" as outlined.
Thor J.' Benson, Illinois. I am in
perfect agreement with Mr. Bryan's
"Constructive Program", especially
point 5, relating to telegraphs and
telephones.' '
W. P. Mavity, Illinois. I am very
much in faror of your entire pro
gressive program and will assist you
in reconstructive work. I consider
as very vjtal . now. equal suffrage for
women, league' of nations and world
peace, without' compulsory military
training, and Vio enforcement of
W. W. McFarland, Arkansas. I
am with you on your outline of a
"Constructive Program" and will
help what little I can when oppor
tunity offers.
C. W. Miller, Kansas. I am most
emphatically in favor of one and all
of the points containedt in your
"Constructive Program". ' You can
count on me for assistance and help,
as far as I am capable, in bringing
about such legislation. Your pro
gram seems to cover very generally
the thipgs of mos.t importance that
I have thought of.
Paul Nordstrom, Alaska. In The
Commoner you invite its readers to
take part with suggestions and
criticism of the "Constructive Pro
gram outlined by you. This invita
tlqn I think is a most valuable one
and should be taken advantage of
to Its fullest extent, and the various
propositions or suggestions sub
mitted should be given the closest
consideration, as not only the wel
fare of our own country but tne
whole world's well-being Is, or will
bo, more or less connected therewith.
I for one, as a humble citizen, am in
fuir accord with the measures as
outlined by you and will to the best
of my ability assist in having them
secured and adopted. But allow me
to suggest that you extend and In
clude in your "Constructive Pro
gram" that the government also take
over the monopoly of all banking
Subscribers' Advertising Department
Thlrt (Innn mnvit -.-tt i . . .. . . - .. . .
Commnn.i Bni... ii W4 wuu cinwnniaa nuvoriiscmcnis in ror two Dencnt or
tho owntUSS?,bcr6' nind R Bpcc,al rat0 of b!x cont word per Insertion
to finv w??Lr. ;ha8..bocnmado for tnom' Th,B department Is alo open
win h SiJwfti ?,av?rU8cr; No mlBlcadlnfC medical or financial advortllnff
Sinn tn ufn6 Ca8h m?8t company nil orders. Addrosn all communica
tions to tho Commoner, Lincoln, Nouraka,
18 TO $3C WEEKLY ln your spare
time doing special advertising work
among tho families of your city. No
experience nocessary. Write today for
full particulars. American Products Co.,
943 American Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio.
AGENTS- Mason Hold 18 Sprayers and
Autowashers ono Saturday; profits
$2.50 each; squaro doal; particulars
free. IUislcr Company, Johnstown, Ohio.
wanted for publication. Good Ideas
bring big money. Submit Mss. or writo
Literary Bureau, 137 Hannibal, Mo.
COME to Eastern Colorado, whero booA
ianu is yet cheap, aood water, flno
ollmato, good crops, flno stock country,
Writo for Information. W. T. a Brown,
Towner, Col.
HOSIERY -Darnproof, 12 pair gont' or
ladios', assorted; Intense blaok; gua
ranteed; I1.E0 pur parcol post to Intro
duce our hlgh-grado hoslory. DIxlo
Hosiery Mills, Kerncrsvllle, N. C
EARN $25 WEEKLY, Bparo time, writ
ing for newspapers, magazines. Ex
perience unnecessary; details frco. Press
Syndicate, 1050, St. Louis, Mo.
FARM HELPERS Collies, Old Eng
lish Shepherds, Airedales, Bull Ter
riers, Pupplos, Working Dogs and Brood
Matrons. Send Cc for large Instruotlvo
list W. R, Watson, Box 1919, Oakland,
car lots to consumer. Farmers Co
operative Co.. Saglc, Idaho.
FREE VIEWS 1C0 aero' valloy farm,
part timber, good water, fruit, pay
$500.00 down, $200.00 per year. Why
rent? Other farms; bonds taken. W.
Arthor, Mountalnvlew, 'Mo.
lished in tho Interest of land buyers.
3G pages, flno 2-color covers, contains
18 to 20 pages of land bargains from
every state. Helps tho man who wants
to buy land by publishing frco letters
ln each issue. 25c a year, 6 months 16c.
Ad rates 3c per word. Land Buyer's
Magazine, Dept. 28, Traor, Iowa.
no pay. $1.00 If cured. Remedy sont
on trial. Superba Co., S X Baltimore, Md.
RESLR SHORTHAND; World's host;
lesson freo. Rettigc, Kcytosvlllo, Mo.
INVENTIONS Commercialized. Cash or
Royalty. Adam Fisher ,Mfg.. Co., 102
St. Louis, Mo.
ECZEMA SPECIFIC Will absolutely
cure eczema, salt rheum, barbers itcli
and other skin diseases. Sent by mall,
$1.75. Send for rocommcndatlons. Alm
klov's Pharmacy, Box O, Coopcrstown,
North Dakota.
. . j
BROTHER Discovered pleasant root,
actually overcomes tobacco habits,
yours. Box 1077, Kansas City, Mo.
Gallery of Art. Poems. By Joshua
Reade. The Keade Publishing Com
pany, New York. f
P More B. K. Means. Writer of
Negro Stories. Pub hed by G. P.
Putnam's Sons, 2 West 45th Street,
New York. Price $1.60.
Mr. Bryan's New Book
1 umWm
m "J Umvvv v
An especially desirablo book for reading or reference is tho nc7
volume which contains a careful collection, made by Mr. Bryan, of
tho Heart to Heart Appeals scattered through tho speeches delivered
by him during a quarter of a century.
This book contains brief, comprehensive and select extracts cover
ing all Issues before tho country during tho eventful period 6t his
connection with American and world politics all arranged in such
concise form that they will be of interest to the reading public,
especially to students.
A Book of Permanent Interest .
These Heart to Heart Appeals aro collected and republished In
the belief that they may be of permanent Interest to Mr, Bryan's
friends and to co-workers during his career. Mr. Bryan is especially
anxious to get the book into tho hands of University, College and
High School students.
This volume makes an Ideal gift book. It is printed In largo read
able type on the best book paper and is handsomely bound in blue
cloth, witfr handsome stamped white titles. A copy will be mailed
to any address on receipt of price. . Special attention will bo
glven"to orders for the Commencement season.
Send all orders and make remittances payable to
The Commoner, Lincoln, Nebr.
' N 1
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