vWf-n ".; M - JiV rf ' i" --va JUNE, 1919 1 ,, , like the power of -gravity. It aoveu nafflnn. There is tons over im i' rn(rrooa. lathing time cuu otu-jr x"o rhero is no human power that can Sd it halt and he obeyed. In the novinff column Oi muu uuu nvuivu. n,: " . Bnnnr(.inir it wo hear the Kmp of the people - of all the , peo- nlca on the marcu. u uwoui uo.o Jauscd It to halt. Not a banner lias r f nf Hnv not a column lias Uvered. The march is resumed; the defeat of yesterday is uiu u-juiuuu ul ...i.. mimnannfis loin it daily: none t 'if sfntfis and nations, month bv month, swell its moving advance. nrunn thn vnnncr Bonanarto sicrned t.t infnrniio t.reatv of neace with Austria at Leohen the Austrian com missioners UIOUBUU tu jjiwuou mux uy putting in a recognition of the new French republic. The young con queror proudly said: "Strike that t f Tim ranubllc is like - the sun. None but the blind can fail to see it." The Commoner An Extra Special A limited number of Vacuum Sweepers at a bargain price. See offer below. "Every HoBscfeel la the World ShmI4 Have Oh" V. M' K THIS UNEaUALIiED VACUUM SWEEPER will freshen and brighten your car-' wand ruffa by air-cleaning:. This nandsorae sweeper sucks tho dirt! fwnnfJUa rIeht out-pullins outl w ty, ,Hmea moro dlrt than tho? Dest old-fashioned carpet sweeper,' Kld0,eB,lt without raisins a par-; KLof du' Docs away With thel SSer?, ot swePns day. . . tt.r ! I acuum Sweepc will stand ilwr?cst- Bervlc"- All fittings! ?5E hf? nrat-claBS- Strong hol "iw k ln?ur& continuous su-ctlonJ In? bag absolutely air tight. Drlv SSi Whe.01 hcav"y rubber-tiredJ hA ; ,arinir parts:- cver harfto! ii, . ,Cas6 beautifully finished' Wmi, c, red mahogany shade. Weighs only nino pounds.. Guar-' lBwGPnUino(lualle(X by any vacuum wortP , ln th, market and does the Wn.r3 fi1 as any cB olectrlci a taSETi SoId "cularly at C50 and a bargain at that price. OUR SPEOIAI OFFER BDeLf 1nff0ritunate Purchase of a 8? riiot dIro from- e factory; a HnS?monep Ia enabled to supply ito iS umoor these sweepers offer. readors unor the following l Vacniim Sweeper f0.501 S ,,,, 0mmoner or "" years 3.00 Ttal retr. h . J tCQA u-in-aflvnV, ow, --renewal or fr clSb of 3 ?, aub?criptions. Sent. an 92.80 T nLuq,b8cr,lberB at U each 5cnt prenatd iil0na1-' An sweepers RnJt"od state n11 address in the the supply, o8' 0rae ulck before on reoiip Js ??e- Special circular 13 Ou Special Bolli for Only Letters From Com moner Readers (Continued from page 10.) Geo. W. Holloway, Kansas. I am a groat admirer of Mr. Bryan and have read Tho Commoner since its beginning with, pleasure and much benefit to mo. I am opposed to government ownership of rail roads. I. find, as a shipper of live stock, that tho servico is not so good and the rate increased, and I also find that tho telephone service Is not so good as before federal control. Win, Lee Plnlcston, Missouri. I have read The Commoner since its birth, and bavo watched every move made by Mr. Bryan. He has been right in .every case, and is now. As a politician, viewed through political eyes, he is a failure and is no doubt proud of it, as ho ought to bo. "H6 saved others, himself he could not save," because the greatness of the man never could stoop to selfishness. I have been a mourner on many sad occasions when Mr. Bryan has been tenderly (?) buried, but never as those who had no hope. "Truth crushed to earth will rise acain ." and Mr. Bryan will live a thousand years after his executioners have been .dead and fonrotten. In 1920. Bryan aplenty; 192.4, Bryan forever- more. W. L. Shrabel and seven otLers, Arkansas. We, the un'dersigned, stand for the fifteen principles set forth in 'The Commoner, and will thankfully receive any information you wish to give. Prank Collins, Delaware. I ,note your ambitious plans for reforms, but" do riot think you are getting at tho. root of tho matter in this coun try. Now that the syndicated liquor tra'flic has received its knock-out blow, I think tlio three most pressing reforms are as follows: 1. Robber tariff duties, uder the guise of pro tecting labor. Abolish the . 2. Stock watering by so-calling investment bankers. 3. The taking' of community created values in lands and natural resources by private and corporate investors. Educate the voters to ef fect those three great and needed re forms and most of our political and social ills will then disappear. N. A. Darling, New York. I for one am profoundly thankful for what Mr. Bryan and The Commoner, have done in carrying the United States for temperance. Yours for other victories in righteousness. SHaron C. Lamberson, Ohio. I am in hearty accord with Mr. Bryan in every particular except as to gov ernment ownership and operation of railroads, telephones, cables and merchant marine. W. B. Lawson, New York. I want The Commoner sent to me as long as W. J. Bryan lives and writes for it. Li. B. Cowan, Idaho. I am in full accord with Mr. Bryan's "Construc tive Program". James W. Bowman, West Virgi nia. i have taken The Commoner ever since its first publication, with the intention of taking it until Mr. Bryan shall be elected president of our country. Please say to him if he will not accept the nomination again, I will cease taking it after my present subscription expires in 1920. I am aware that Tho Com moner has done moro good than any other publication in our country, and wish it continued success. A. Wheeler, Illinois. I certainly appreciate The Commoner, and I could not think of words to express rPi!iUnn. cood wishes and thanks for tlfe great work Mr. Bryan j H Coca-Cola quality, recorded in jj IH the public taste, is what holds ml Wvt kiIh nicknames encourago substitution II nil nsw imiiimrm i i i n m i ' ' ' " has accomplished the last twenty years. I congratulate him on his rrroot vlnJnrv nvnr Klncr Alcohol. I think it is the greatest victory of all flio arma if wn flfin kCGO It down here . and keep it going until It reaches arounu tne worm, .tiope you will be as successful in the construc tive work as wo nave oeen in gain ing victories. H. M. Swan, New York. I can agree with all tho issues named in your letter except the government ownership of. railroads and tele phones. W. L. Walton, North Dakota. May I extend congratulations to Mr. n-m-n nn thn mirPARRf 111 Outcome Of tho prohibition amendment. It sure ly is a great victory for the right. t-v. f wa nnnlrl -(tint make Mr. 1NUVY " w ww.-- rf- Bryan president of tho United States for the coming ierm wo yuEcnmo democrats would make sure of proper enforcement of the Prohibi tion amendment and at the same time round out Mr. Bryan's noble i, fnv fl nnuntrv. Success to vou in your splendid work through Tho Commoner. G H. Rhodes, Tennessee. Permit me to say that I enjoy reading The Commoner very much and that I t.,. aiwavD hn.p.n an admirer of Hon. William J. Bryan. It was my good pleasure to bring mm iu our uuw i - . n lontnrA some two years ago and to meet him personally. I Radio-Active Pad Restores Health-or Money Back Our rtadio-ActJvo Pad by BtlmtJla,tJnfif tho blood circulation Imparts energy, ra Htorosvitalltyand oVercomcH dlMcaMc. Wo have many te&tJrnonlaln from putionta who havo Buffered from High Blood PreflBuro. Jthcurnatlflm, Nouraltfln, In somnia. Diseased of tho Nerves, Stom ach. Bowels, Heart, Lungs, Bladder, Kidneys and Liver. Tp prove he rc mnrkuhle nxtorn(Ive nud vltnllzfmr et- fectH of flim wonderful nppluincc ire will Mend It on ten iluyn trial with an absolute money-buck Kttnrnutee If ft fall to islvc entire Htitlsfnctloii. NO MATTER WHAT YOUR AILMENT try till Itmlto-Actlvc l'ml tit our rink. For full Information vrrlte today. RADIUM APIXiANCW CO., ICO Bradbury BIdg., "Lob Angeles, CaL RHEUMATISM RECIPE I will grladly send Any Ithcumatlsm suf ferer a Simple Herb Hoclpo Absolutely Free that Completely Cured me of a ter rible attack of muscular and Inflamm atory Rheumatism of Ions standing: after e-verythlntr else I tried had failed me. I havo given It to many sufferers who be lieved their cases hopcloss, yet they found relief from tholr suffering by taking these simple herbs. It also relieves Sci atica promptly as well as Neuralgia, and Is a wonderful blood purifier. You aro most welcome to this Herb Recipe If you will send for It at once. J bellevo you will consider it a God-Send after you have put It to the test. There is nothing Injurious, contained in IL and you can see for your self exactly what you arc taking. I will gladly send this Recipe absolutely frco to any sufferer who will send name and address, plainly written. "W. V, BUTTON, 2G50 Blasmolla Ave., Lo Angeles, 'Calif. m m .-"At ii Si ' -- m & si 'fi c i V . .$ . v - .1 '. a fW V J 'M uimM - ' - -- -