The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, June 01, 1919, Page 12, Image 12

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    -'" . 's.mifr.'TWwnnTrr?"'? np.T
The Commoner.
Votes for Women:
Why and Why Not?
(Continuod from page 5.)
women voto tho prohibition law
would bo jnado offectlve.
Then thoro aro many largo cm-
know that for Ihem it would bo an
answer to tho Psalmist's prayer:
'Teach me to know mine end, and
tho' number of my days". Then
there is, too, tho ultra-conservatism
of many elderly men and of many
illiterates, who are opposed to any
change of any kind in anything; but
it is significant that all tho whiskey
riKtnlrnKa o A ttnmWava fVin vlMrtllH
- . . . ..i. b 11..1 1 tUn UWVlo tu b.iAwwM, -" .-
ployors or lauor wno iour umu il -" ond tho imm0ral element, are op
women voto thoro would bo an enu , . - vorini,iv thta a tTllfi
i l.fLll.M -fl .1t11 Inlirht , l'uowu'
10 1110 OXpiOltttUOH Ui. UIIHU U"M
and that tho hours of labor and tho
ago of employment would bo strictly
onforcod. Tho labor oloment is also
of tho same opinion, for thoro is not
a labor union in North Carolina or
anywhoro between tho two oceans
of every officeholder who has a rotten
record, though the women pay half
his salary.
Then wo havo tho hackneyed
statement that "suffrage is a priv
ilege, and not a right". This rests
upon no foundation whatever except
that is not solidly in favor of Bu-jthe imperturbable perpendicularity
IIUKO lUi II1U wumuii. uum diuo
know their own interests.
Thon in every state, in every
county and in every city and town
thoro is more or loss a knot of men
who aro styled "Tho organization",
"Tho Machine", or "The Ring".
Thoso aro in most cases avaricious
of power. Somotimos their operation
is injurious to the public welfare,
and in othors they may bo fairly log
of assertion". If it is a privilege, who
gave tho men tho right to grant it
to the women or to withhold it?
Did the men obtain it by divine right,
as king and kaisers asserted as to
their crowns until, the 11th November
We did not fight Great Britain, in
our Revolution for tho "privilege" of
self-government, but for tho "right"
to govern ourselves by our own
in . . . . -
inmate, Dut in an casos uioy arowog. Every person who has suffi
moro or loss fearful that the advent cient intelligence and good character
has a right, and not a mere "priv
ilege", to share in tho government
and this without regard to sex.
Those who have this intelligence and
character have -the right to exclude
lunatics, idiots, infants and illiterates
because they are not mentally com-
of a largo moral element may- inter
fore with thoir control of party
organization, and this has boon a
powerful agent against tho admission
of tho women to tho ballot box.
There aro lesser causes of opposi
tion, such as prido of opinion on tho
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part of men who, having opposed IT1QfGnL mi tn fiYPim1( nT,vinfa w
suffrage in tho past, aro unwill ng tocause they aro morally defective. We
soo it succeed in spite of their op-, excluded negroes till 1868 because
position. Then thoro aro men of I ihQy worG mostly uneducated and in-
auuujr ijuiaunui umuiiuim, us 10
whom a witty spoakor rocontly said,
"They oppose suffrage because they
compotent. It was a mistake that
the state and federal constitutions
admitted them to the suffrage in
IRfiR frvl' Or. n mndr. 4-liiir ..nn r,llll
Don t Wear A Truss ! KJ,2 n?ha'a-
' LilJUIII. I.III1 ULIII!IIIliri-a I'l'.l IIU11 1 1 I K ft W
excluded a large part of them not
4,ftcr Thirty Years' Experience Wo
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as x.cjroos, but as illiterates.
In a few months, the
.November election 1920, from ocean
to ocean, women will bo voting for
everything from constablo to presi-
Tf vou havn triort mnsf nvMvti.i UUIUi """" men win no ashamed of
olao, como to us. Whcro othors fall la i the flimsy excuses (for not a singlo
where wo have our greatest success, reason has been founds thev invn
Sond attached coupon today and wo will 'J!" i Yl i-?, ?Y aV0
lumuo u-amuoi, it. jriuuuuxy uio most
amus.Ing is the statement of the
solemn ass who says "My WIPE is
against it", when he knows the
statute would not require her to
vote, but would merely permit those
women tp vote who wish to do so.
Upon what ground do we exoludo
women? Aro they mentally or mor
ally defective? Women are compe
tent, morally and mentally, as men,
and have tho same richt to votR nmi
should not be exclu'ded eibept in thoso
casea m wnicn .men are excluded
i. o., when they aro lunatics, idiots,
iumma, illiterates or convicts. It
would bo retributive justice if those
men who strive to keep their
mothers, wives, daughters, and sis
ters in that clasp should themselves
bo added to those disfranchised
This is a world-wide movement.
In Australia; New Zealand, through
out Canada, in England, Ireland,
jut.uuu uuu waios, in Norway and
is tho
selves of their right. We know that
in England, where a few years ago
they were imprisoning Mrs. Pank
hurst and her associates for desiri-g
the suffrage, last December -6,000,000
women voted, and Lloyd Gtforge has
stated that is was owing to their
conservative vote that he
the radical and socialistic
in that country.
The nrovlnco of woman
homo. It is for thaf very reason that
above all she should be. entitled to
the vote. She has more, at stake.
Sanitation, morals, and education
are peculiarly her care, and upon
these things rest at last tho welfare
of every nation.
In North Carolina and throughout
tho south the democratic party has
owed its power largely to the moral
influence and support of the women.
Politicians who look solely to tlie
machine and manipulation for suc
cess are not aware how dangerously
near they are to alienating that
powerful influence from all support
of the democratic party. Wisdom
requires heed before it is too late.
This warning i3 given in good, faith
and with a knowledge that the
danger is greater, and that tho dls
aster would be more deadly than can
bo conceived.
Josh Billings said that ho never
"argued agin a fact". When o see
the .steady progress this movement
has made in the nation and through
out the world; when wo consider
that in th republican congress al
ready elected and which is to meet
in a few weeks in apodal session,
two-thirds of' each house aro pledged
to the prompt passage of the Suf
frage amendment, and that In all
human probability it will bo ratified
next winter even if special sessions
of some legislatures are necessary,
and therefore, that it is almo a
certainty that the women In 1920
will njt only be voting for president,
as they are already entitled to do in
twenty-four states, but for i pur
poses in all of the forty-eight states,
that man is judicially bllnaea wno
does not see that continued opposi
tion is arguing against an accom
plished fact.
The movement on behalf of suf
frage is like an clemontal forco of
f Tha Above u C. E. Brooks, Inventor of thj Appliance. Mr. Brooks
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full information about your Appliance
for tho euro of rupture.
Namo '; .,...
Address s
tClty. State
buumiv. wnTYim own
voters and hardly a month passes
without some additions. In tho last
iv wens zj.,uuu,uuu women voted
m Germany and only 18,000,000
men. In Poland they also voted at
the election this month on a parity
ivjU . They have likewise heen
admitted in the .last sixty days to"
suffrage in Hungry, Austria, Swe
den and in Holland. In China and
in. Russia thev lmvo fiiL v an,d
mittod to the suffrage; hut in the
unsettled condition of ' those comi
xes wo do not know how far either
men or women have availed theS
'-v i AND ILL TEU. VUH WHEN . $ I J xfC5
n080DV TO REMT'eMlj
' ' ' "' ttMUMHHHHUBJE!!. ITT TMF TlCi WTi ifclf iaifcl r ...
'Fort Wayne News and Sen
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