The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, May 01, 1919, Page 4, Image 4

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    "f" l"
The CommoaeJ!'
7 v "vir
TTliie Cebisiimi'Siiei:
Bntored' ret- the- Postomce at Whoolhf Nebraska;
nil HoaoiuUclftBm mat tor.
t i i i - - ii -- - "
JaUoraml Proprietor- Atesooiata Edjahd Ilubllshor-
Kdlti Itmsi andiDulncsOmce, 8ulto SOTPross Bldgc
One Ycnr,,. ..91.0a. TJirro- Months .. . ., ,'2Tn ,
HIjc, Mmidtnn .GO- HlhKltt Coiiy.. 10
Jndubv of'Plvo or Hamplo Uoplos Irco.
more per year... .75 Foreign HosU.2$tIStnu
.flliiaGmiwi()Ni.cau.b sent direct- to-The Com
monor, TJtcy - tun, also b- sont through' nowspapura
which, hav advertised a. olupblng. rata, ox through.
. local- agents, where, such agents- havo been ap
pointed. All- remittances should' bo sent' by post
ufllco money, ordorj cxprosssordorrorrby) bank draft
on. Now, Ynrk or. Chicago.. Do. not' soiui. individual,
cjteekn,- stamps, or currency.
HICNBWAL.S The. dato on your wrnpRorr snows
ll.o time to which youn subscription iR.p.aid.. Tints
January lfr moans that payment-Has boon rpcolvod
to-ana Including, the Issue of January, 1M9j.
QUANrilS.on- ADDiuiSfi- tfubsurlborsaronjiwiting
n. change of. address must, give. oKUaa, well aa. now,
AWiuanxiKiNO JTatos wllli Uo fnrnlBltedi mvun
Address, all. communications-, tp;
'1WIB CQMMfRWSltt, MR COItf,', 33111.
.s'nvrjnusN'r, ij.. iV(H: QWNHiisiifJV. MftttAfns.
Mi9Na,,inTjo.t,iiisttiunifiii.ii mm Attn im
(ioNmwst ovAvavsp 24; untsz
of TI10 Commoner, publlHlicd monthly at- Llnc'oln;
Nebraska, for April 1; li)J0
Stato of Nobraskai )ua
f County 0X.Lanctt8.trn Ty
Before me,. a notary nubile In and for the state
and countyv-aforesaid; personally appeared Uhasr W
Bryan? who, hawing heem duly-sAvomi according tp
law, deposes, and.; says . that J10 1b, the publishor oj
TJift Commoner., and thai' tho following-Is? to tho
bwittofi his knowledge and, belief,' a true s.ta temontt
of (tho. ownership, management, otc of tlio aforesaid1.
, publication for tho dato shown In the altoyo caption.
i renuiredby the-Act of; August 24; 101LV embodied Ijv
ootiomHU, postal! laws audi regulations, to. wit,-
1. That tlio names amb. addresses- of the puUt
Hsjipr,. editor,, associate editor, and-business man
agers am;
Bubllahow ; , QUnrtctoW: Bryan. , . . . Lincoln; Nebraska
Jiiaitttw WJUlain-iiiinnlnsBH Bryan. , Lincoln. .Nobraslttvt
jAftsooluio iWltor; Charles V. Br An . . Lincoln Neinv
Business Managers-! Nomv
2; That; tlia.fxwnciv Iba AMlllanti J.DunipgSf Bryan
a That, the knuwn Uopdltolders, mortgagees, ami
other- fteouri ty UoltlorB holding' 1 pi- con't a mava
of; the total 1 amount; o.ft biond?,. mortgagee, on otherr
securities arp: None.-
a, . , GMA8,.w. imxANt' BuhllaUer.' boforo mo this 2Tth-day
of Maroh, 1010 , J
J.. B. EAJIIU8 No.tary Public.
(Mi'. cojninias.lan.eiires .luly 1P 1924.)
Siggs&a CaEdikites:
TJkq Comratmor asks- for, RUges.tione? waiat'.a,
tnpmaUorfw4tlv.SQnator-$Uoppard Qt'Toxae? Ho
i& rJeHti on. ovorjy. qwostion. Ho. la, tlm, AglU for,
natlona,! pruWWtlan muuvotoa .far, woraanfasuf
frftgev Ho- la. for- tho peonlo, amb against WalU
stmeti Ho iat youngs ia y.oara. ami, ye.t. otl in,
Piilillo sorvicaj Uo has anility, convlfttion. andt
courage. He hails from tho South, Uut the,
South has boma ita. nari. in. two. wars (the
Spanish war, antbtHo.Woria.war)k WJvy exclude
l it from consideration r A southern democrat
who is faftliCnlf ta tho peoploa. cause wouldi pojl
1 liiore-votoa than- o Walli atriaotf dbmacmt llvfngr
, 3ijtho north, or a ureweryv candidate living any
j "Y.hero GlYB-vusShoppardj
Congrossftian Ralney of- Illinois ought to be
t satisfactory to TOto Gommtaer.- Iilx-Uaa, been on
1 th& ftring lino for near) trwenty yeara and Is
, ftlwaya oiv tHo l)eop,lo's. siftOy His record' will
I cftm.mend' UIra; to.p.rogrpsslves ojT all: parties-
Tlio- readers of Tho Commoner ar.03 informed!
that an error cxccjira. in. tUo Apjil issue on
PA.e 3j BJr. Uryan's numo, was,, by miatake.
B.igioduo.-comment oji ex?Secrotary Rooiia om--Plpymet
by tUo; liquor intereats,- it ' was not an
oAUorial .Uut ; a cJlping, a-d should, have- been spj
The Stato Department at Washington- mad&
publia on- April W tho toxt of- tlio reysod- oovo-
nnnt' off tlio Ifeaguo' of nations as presontod to
tile' plbnary session of tlio peaco conference at
Paris Tha toxt follows with parenticaP insor--
tions showing' ohangost madb in covenant as?
originally drafted, and' mado pubUO:
In ordorr to; promoto: international ca-oiiorAtian?
andi toj achifcyo international! peaco, and aojtxurit
by tha acceptance-ofi obligations-noittorjosoxti too
wary.bjvthe prjescril)titxn oXtopenj Juattand Uono;
able relations b.etweon nations,. byftlie firm iestan
lishment of tho undoratandinga of. international
law as to actual" rule of conduct, among govern
ments and1. My tlio maintenance' Qf' justice- and
scrupulous' respect' for- all' treaty obligations -im
tlio dealings- ol organized peoples witli ono
anothor? tlio high contraotihg? Rar,tiosii agre.e to
this oovonant of tile league off nations.-
(J.W tlio- original1 preamble the: lastl sentences
read'Madop.t this constitution' instead' off ''agree
to., thia- cavonant4',);
im the? annoxx too this cavonant and al$o? uujph 0X1
thoae. otUerr atate namoib in; tlo annex, aa: alialb
accede withi ut rosoryatlom tcrj thlt coyiBnantt.
SuoJja accessions shall ben effoctoo' tiyr ai cleclaras
tiom doiositO(L witte the seiyrjetariat wHUih tvo
manthafOffthe.cominintcofDrce Qfttlte-.covenantj.
Notice theriaof shall lw sent: io: alb otlieit memt '
berebof tho'leaguo
Any :;ij self?governihg stuto; dominion, or.-
colonyr not named? in-th annex? mayr become a,
member of tho league- if r itsj admission is agreed'
to byy two-thirds ofi the- Assembly, provided- thatt
t shall! giye offeotiVe-guarantees-of its sincere
andi sliain accept such regulations as may be
prescribedlbyvthe rogarclUn-ita-miUtaryv
andinayftl:forcosand armaenfs?
Any- meraUr ot tl(o league, may; after- tweo
Z!,"oSnto5Ue' PWited- that- ail its. interna
tional' obligations and' all' its obligations undBr
this covenant- shall: have- b.een-. fulfilled at the
timo oMts withdrawal. m
(TJU6. article, is. new, embodying, withh a-itori.
more specifically the method' of adSS'
i-embera and adds the entirely. nevSranh
providing for, withdrawal! from, the league No
auJ aclLon .Qf; th6, leaeu underr this, covenantr
shall! be-teffeeted. throughv the instrumentalitv Sf
(Originally, this was. ai pari- off Article li Tft
giveaUhe name Aembly, to the gathorin-i of
representatives, off the- members offtho Sue
TJie assembly shall consist of representativq
of; the members of the- league cliLselatyes
T.he Assembly- shall meet- at- stated- iMm,,o-b
andi from, time- totime, as occasion may JJSSw
att the-seat o.f-the league or-at-iiif r-QWr3-asamaybe
decided' upon a"" other-place
The assembly may deal' at-its meeting ,nw
- - - -i'aY-ui.u.,lY3j?
1 2TllQ!6a'u?,'tS:oj:-tl0-rtslnal ATticlea
ATtTinTrm a-
Empire, ot Eranc0; tf ItSS''W?
gethor-with repreruntatives of-four ni
bers of the- league. These four mlr& ?
lea-gnB'8hU- bo electod' by the kS Zu ot
time- to.timin.itsndlscretibn. UnUMttj; ltP
nmu t-umem.usnaiBoretibn. Uhtii iiil ' im
nront' off thorenvesentatiVfinf uJl ." aPoltiu
ojfftlfo leaguo-'flrstrseloctcd by the JKmben'
. mtih tho- apBTOvai- ot. the- majority of thft
sombly-j the- counoiH may name addition,,! ,! as
bora, off tile-, league wtoe, riSStotSSi "Hi
always, be- members, of ' tho council : ti n I
witih , IWom pprovar. mimol 2 ? numbS
members off tHe loague- to, bo selected bvi
assembly, or rapscntation- on. tho council
The council chall eet from-time to tiW
acwiaiom may roanir. and at: least onco. a 4?
attthaoaitoj:ttlleleanoj orrattsucli other-
aamay hee deciaodiunoji,. l M
The coimcilt maydeali air ita meetings with.anw
mattorrwtiiimthe sphere of action oMha. S
ort-aff6cling- the , QeacBo of6 the world;
Any momher offthoDleaBitenot ropjosentcfl m
thfccanncil:slailiUD.inyitedito-(send a represent
tiye toa sitt aa.a memJieir ati any meeting: of tbo
connoiK duriirs; tito conaidoration. of matte
spejaally afft-ctihg? thas intereaist ofi that' monitor'
of the league.
Att meeting of the? c&unoilj eaoh. member of
thife leagues reprjoa.entediQji.' the so.uncili shall ham
one vole;, audi majyliftyea. no ttmort, than on? rem
resen tativoj.
(Iiliis embuiU: thatt parlt off tho original!
ArAiClfc&idosjgjtoteditUeooriginal merabers of the?
.ccuncili. TJie paraerah: providing fon incrjeaso1
im the- memberflliip ifeneiY,-)
ExceriUwh:ere.oj:h"er.wiae expressly provided in,
thia1cQyenant,a:eci& any mooting, of. tjja
assembly, oji of; the; countjib shall reqnir.0 the
arAomenti of' alb tlieu members., of. thor-lfeaguo-renresented;
at thee meeting .
Alb matters eft procedure? at meetings of the;
aaaembay.,ortUe.ooiincib.theiapa)ointmont of com
mitteea, to. inyefiti&ata particular matters, almll
be. regnlajtetbttyr the. assembly, or. by. the council
and: may. ho. dfeoidjedj by, a maJprity of tha mem
bera,Qf:thejleagiieimRrfi; ntod at, the-meeting.
ThejfirflH meeting, of; the, assembly and the. first
meeting, of; the. ceuncib sltalb be aummonoil hy
the-P.r.esiaentioiAtha,Iinited;Statos of America.
(iThe: ftratt pajragraphj requiring unanimous
agreement In-. Ifotlb. assembly, and. council-except-wtofrjEK;
ether wiae-p.roylded ia,new The other two,
P.arivgraftha.ojigjnallywaracinclndedin Article 4t),
Thepermanentsecr.etar;at'shall be established
att the-soatr eff the- league; Tho. secretariat shall
comprise: a. cocretariat general' and such secre
taries and' staff as- nvay-be required;
The first secretary general shall be the person
named in the: annex-;: thereafter-- the secretary
general, shall- he appointed! by the council with
the. approval, of; tho majprity of t the assembly.
The seerfitariesiandrthe-ataff of. the secretariat
shall be. appointed; by the-secretary general with
uuo. apjjjoyoj' oj:;tne councth
TJla secretarv crfirprnl Rball...nt. in that capacity
at. all: meotinga oft the., assembly and of tho
The.-expenses ojf; the sewjstariatt shall he borne
by tho. members of: tlie league1 in. accordance
with: the: apjnpritonniant! ofr the? exRenses of the
International Bureau.' oft the. Universal Postal
(TJiis. original: Article 5. Hi the
original; the appointment of the first Secretary
Generar.was-lefUtouthe.cftuncili.and approyal 0
the. majority of: tlieu assembly was. not reqpireu
fo subs.cqient. apjptein.tUientar))
TJte seat- oft thee leagues is, established at
Theocmmcibnmy atany time? decide that tne
seattoj; the leacpBhailiheseatahlished' elsewnere.
.All nositionsaunderr on-in-connection wltli we
loaeue? including? thQ5 secretariat' shall he open
eqnallyy to men andi women.. . . .,ft
RfepresentatiyesuQfrtlie; members of -the i&asu"
audi oflicialsa off the league wheir engaged on ""
(Qpntinjiiedj on? page? 18i)