rTi h: w 21 I-M.NO.5 If l& Labor's Victory Tlfb nrinolnles announced bythotPeaco'Com- mlBslon In bohalfofJ lfibor conutitutev a great victory for the tdilbrfrfofrthe- worldfi. Tlfb nifloi clauoca proposed i by the commiBsidm- ott- inters national labor ldglalritionw fbnr insertion- inntlfo peace treaty as adopted by the Peace conference wore mado public by the State, department! ati Washington. The following is the platform au nounccd: "Tho high contracting- parties-,- recognizingr thatn tho wellbblngr physical' moral' and" Intel loctual oMnduBtrlaiuAvagu earners Is of supremo International importance, have framed a perma nent maohlnory associated- with-, that of- the loaguo of nations to further this groat end. "Thoy recognize that differences of climate, habitaaiuK-customs, of economical opportunity and'induattfial. tradition : make -strict. uniformity In tho conditioiiB of labor diflloult of immodiato;. attainment. But holding, A&vthey do, that labor, romedies (probably error-id transml.nion). bovre; gardod merely as an article of commerce, they think that thoro are methods and principles .for .tLOvrntiflcation. of labor conditions whiclu.all'jnr. dustrlal communities should endeavor? to apply so far as thoir racial. Jcirauii-stttncos-wilLpormitf "AmongrthLz mothod3uinrt prhiclpldsvtho fdU?. lowingisconn to. thoUiigh contractingspa-rtiesntoc be of upocial and urgent importance: "First; The guiding principle., above enun clatad'ithab labor'shouldnot be rcgarddd- merely as aKCommodltytott'nrtibld'of tcoramorce- "Sfecond, Thtrright of.iassocintiomifdrmlMlawfr ful 1UKppBGsbyrtho employed' asufsvellwaasby thot employers. "Third. Tho. payment to-theomployodoof.ia wage- adequate to maintains a. reasonable stun-. dardof-'lifO'as'-thiijfls-unddrstood .'in- thbtrrtimeo nndacountryj "Fburthi Tho ndoptionhof an. eight-hbun- dttyv or a Xorty-olght-houiVNveekVaa.tha.standardiitoi.bof almod'at whore it has not alr-ady)be6n obtained;' "Fifth; TIio add? turn-ofwa weelfiyrrest':of..ut leasts twenty-fdur.r hours whiehJshbuld inoludo Sunday -whoLever-.praatioabldf. 'Sixth. The. abolition otchild labor- and tho imposition of bucIu limltationa on the labor- ot young' persons as shall- .permit thb continuation of thbim education? and 'aasuro thbirproporphy- . sicali developments "Seventh: The principle thatiraon.andv.womeini shouldreceiVo' equal 'remuneration for work of. equal, Valdo. "Eighth;. Tlio' standardr. set . by s ldwv in each' couutry.vwiUiwrespect .toithofcQondltionafofcaabbr' should have duo regard-toaho.equitabloeeonr omic treatment .of 'air workers lawfully resident thofein.. "Nintltn EachBtate'Shbuldimakovprovision'foiv a systemi oMnBpection; .lii.'whibhftwnionrshouldfi takevpart in, order to. insure aheienforamientof.i tho'lftws and regulations, for thb protection of. the employed! "Without claiming' that these methodssand' princlploBhar.eoitiiOrrcompi6tator.flnaU'thehigliy contracting, panties are of..tho-oplnion.thnfc.they are well fitted to guide tho policy, of thedoague. of nations-ami tlitif uddpted'by the. industrial communities who nronombors'ofthb-leaguo'and'4 safdgwandod ini.practioe , by ranradoquate system., of such in8pootion,ahoyvilli,conferr bating bent eflts upon the wage-eaniUrs of .tho worJd.t' That labor should. nob;bb."regardodc1aara coin modlty.or.antic-loot.commerco" is tho most im portant 'of the '1-clar..U-ria it ia tho basis of all the otlurs. ThVright to organize;" "reason able wages," thb.-"bight hour-day" a"Sabbath rest," "abolitions child labor," "equal .pay to , women for eq 1 work" and. "adequate iipec. tionw thfese, taken' together,- work an un r cedontod - triumfJlit f-r thb wngo-oLrxera;- They v ought? to . go as. frm- towar.de insuring, domoatid peace aa the Inton.ationaU;covenanta do.toward guaranteeinga)eaco between nationa. Oun nation ' aiuU-the-world.'arev to .bo congratulated -no ,leas thamaa-boro itisafcvictoryviuMvhichballhave- . . THbrbbttlomanufa'otxlrers.uinMiationaMconven tiom assembled,!, haveidoclaiiedi against' prohibit tioni. They.-have rbeen making, four to.,flve,milr Hon- gross- ofc'bbtfclds. yearly, and. people should! .bo pprmittedfto drink-ao aatoumiisl a umaSbb for bottles that is wet logic. Why not make ' milk bottles? A considerable part of theunoney spent for drink will now purchase. suppllosafdr tho family. IttSENf NOTOMildGSJY . Attferilh. dispatchl reads is--fdlUlwffSt: "B'drlihr April 9"(Cdrrespondente of UhoAsso- ciatdd Press). A1 German professor figures':out that'thbabdrcatlonsnd )dethfconomentSiri GSr-r-many include 278 persons. "Bavaria leads with one King, one Queen 15. Princesr 16 PHncesses- fivoe Ditkbs-! and onB DUohbssf "Prussia lms sent 33.. royaltiesintotBxileV'. in cluding.tho' Eiiiperor; Empress, 201Frincesi.and 11 Princesses.- Br-unswickiaisiatr thbsbottomcofrf the list, with only the Ducal couple' and their throe children: "Tho two ' :nyprinoipalitios tof iRauss.whbseo arear.is; hardly vona thtee-hlindnethi,pant-ofthat.t .of Trussia, has exiled 36 royalties. "Tha principality of Lippo, only about. 20 squarernilesidrgerHhamthotKcusB states, had a royal famiiy"umboringv24persons. Most extra ordinary is the case of Schaumburg-Lippe, with its area--of 130.. square miles. where thoree-wasi nearly -one Toyal personagqsfdr every HVesquare miles "These included the reigning. Prince? 17V Princes minduseveraKi Princesses' The'- .embera' oFtho royal 'families-ddubtless feelthabtheyhave bcencondomned- to 'live' on ja a lower"i ldnB but somoof Hhenr maylearnrthafc- democracy ;is'abbve,' not "belowaristocracy; Tliby havo-'fisen- notfallen' They -havo-been ridfiig on the. backs of the masses they, have -lived "on thOK.toil of othtra. Mdst of them. prof ess to be Chr.is'tians thbyMnay: re-readt theirii Bibles sand d ilhd'ttbbt,. accordihgp.tOt GUnrst,'srstanddEdd,greatJ-liessdstmos.iiredcbyf-.Bervice--thauimencarQ'CL.reab.t in propor.iidni toAvliafifthOyGiiyEb; nobhrinprow por.tip'nRtoowhatlheyree2i.vQ7 Ailimild IiaiEIY' The League oiNations The Efesidont .hasfcwion tofbe nrft, i unanimous IntldMemengiven -to- tho t of lhr -KatidnplaniiK: ildne Tstep; toward agUe ot will bbratlfi6d'.byithe,sen to bran ov.rwM ?d' majorityrand irrtsm ddirig ihofaraau IX l the. almost unanimous approval of thll. ,ect Th-brldague is based on the MloStrln ?t?- Iy is rsmf desirable and not necessary, but paW avoido" and. SHOULD be av Ided tL t N be fumiisbba.aSUBBa'ITUTE' for war- thi i feature o whiolxi. auethb investigation 0? disputes before resort to force, the reduction 0 armamentsand tLe -abolition of cecret-trStu TiBunosfc.8eriouB.obJeetioiiB made against S fifat draft Have beea overcome by amSdmenU The position of-mandatory has been made ot tional, interference in domestic. affairs lm bPPn specificallyrdenounced, the' Monroe Doctrino has been safeguarded and provision has been made by which any nation can -withdraw on two years' notice. 4 It is. better than we had. any reason to hope for; urcnationiCouldn6tlrejee4. it without stultl vfyingitselJ The--world;-moves forward, tho UnitfedtStUtestteadhigp"t-vay,' W. J. BRYAN. A GkSEFIN'POINT Orlr.anotltbr pageivrrbl. found a news item. clippedCfronrtthe'hid' Itete- Journal (Column bus), j . It-leUls'rofvUlecGbbotinof.;a drunken sol dieEJby.aidr.unkbriSbaT tender; and of the crinjple wife- and-. several. ;smalL children. T'e home is described 'as "destitute," although the husband andatbeE-earjiedlSior $20 a day squandered' his earnings,, in -.df ink! ' And yet there are wet. democrats w-hbcdiagjcace their.party by trying td ddldnddthbtr IvJonai after it. has been banished by:-thbcconaff;,'rfi:ceof the nationi But tho end iabiiear thbaelibllH bleawill s- n. be cldsed andrievenTwefat"ae crats will 'be free- from the salonIsiOOBraptingniiluence. Tliot-remodyfdDityphbidnfe'verisfcfdundJinnin-ocula'tibriDthab makes)thbpationt -imraunortoothb'? diseases TEo'remody v forv ypllowvf evert isfoun'du in therddstnoyingfvoMthe' breedingf placesofrftho ? mosquito; that . carxies1 thergernri.ot:thbdiBeasei' AlcoholiBmn is at. disease, that has- camo: down-througlii;thb-age; AAremody hast at' leastv been, founds afdual- remedy; Total abstinenceonakea.' the individual immune ; to;alcoholiami andupro hibltioniddstroys' thb saldonir-the'breediriglace of thb influence. that.' carxiea the-'germrofcUhhe diseaseil-ravingj.applibdf;the remedy :tacounowm. countrTy-we-svill. now.vcanry: the remedy to lother- lands In- timet- alc'ohblibmpMike- typhoids fdven, and: yellbw,f ever? will; cease'toccurse-manklndt! THEKHD:iW&S. ' Tireretis1iiomiewsvay: it is the-old narrow wayj. Temptatidnsirdnether.samo' that they were imjthfpaattf.inrjsubstanee and the prodigal son of,Uddrty tellslfalilife.story. of husks and hog? tdtauftfthbrfastanxicius'-'and-'as forgiving. A pur pqseoinRliMf.iathjecfir'st thing' an ideal high enonghUokbepsoiiBecontimialiy striving toward betteE.,thirigs;randfivilling. totAVork and. to wait toldb(jQysripeniibbfd"reitheyvare plucked. Christ iS5.s,,that'.WSyy" thbra is no othbr; He is the Truthl? thbhigJiBsbttKUth' ' He' is the Life theeonlyvlifieV; . W1TV ITAUYnORGHT? - Italysho wedsompirritUtion.of' thetaTresidonb'B r refdsah tooconsunt tOohB-takIng"FiUmo' hbrf peopld.- evemu vontedtf theh ngejr in. anMendly.v demonstrations. Wlirthey forrct the service rendered 'by the -UniteduStatea? ONE . BILLION:- AND .-ArxHALE LOANED: TO ITALY; and Jfaly. rescued Iwhen the enemy-had almost reached 'Vdnice: OUr. nation has-been a very UBefulfriencL' It was .this na tion fliat secured the ar istice and it did not iclUddTthb'trauBfdr.r0f.PiUmovhemItaly'.agreed to Hit OU'reflection.iltaly will .doubtleaaonclude" to. joln..in..promotingrpeaoei FJume. would, be likely to prove another Alsace-Lbrraine TlIE4VEIUSAIlD.iimoIEWA7J3ALAa:. The wets in .AuBtraliaareforgani&ing to re form the saloonj ThbyhUve,. hoard .from New Zealand where prohibition . lost . by less than 2,000 in a vote of nearly 500,000. But it is too late to REFORMthesaloon.. IP cannot' be re formodubyv thoseoini thb business, ;.andi?thbonr, ponenta oft thosaloomi wmilnnf. bo content with reform 'they insistaiponr complete prohibition Tho lata waEcorreapondonts," nqwvppaoe-cor-resppndents, see i to.have aboutoiaaSoh .dlffl. cultsyiri agceeing. upon, what ia goingm in EiirA andi.evenrab. ParJd, aa they, did 4enneySd battle newato sejiddviaathb.cable.. MaSastf aioua person irideedo whb.o cannot, fiftd in 1?: mor;ningnappnr thoexacf set' oWfactarpil condUiona.there,that btettf .itSSK Se'er.etanyjofiLabbrrWilsoni declaiming- against thovpropositioniithatipr-ogroFS .;can-be made in a. ddmocracy by the'Xiotrms p. - ceas of cussing and shbotfrig'themaniiwhonfoesn'.t- agree with you, say s that ahe-coal?!;- procr possible-is by the peaceable rjpprccxTJOfrffTacussion i and! voting and adda'lhbbamannwJr cannot;berdopendcd -pon. tauvotacriglib icannc.t;bb. depended upon to shoot right. The-which .sums upr-tho' debate between democraoyi anxitJ bolsh"B.viBm,' without any extra langnagg.; s Sbcretary;'CanterG-laBS.,thinka.tho nation needs' a blue-'8kyvlawv.-sot.-astdr. prevent tho small in vestdrtfromr'bbirigtlftjc'Vi'otinr. of the crookett stock company y promotoc andd salesman Mf GlaBSJiis running thotgr.oat lan'di.serious risK. oi havingftthe personalilibenty boyp oppose this on thev theory that i thls would interfere with u constit'utidnaFrightrof.-man'tO'throAV his money away on anything. he wants tdn It ia timer now. for Col. George Harvey to be coming to the f ront.andsaying. who must aim will be. the noxtncaniUuavtew)f:the.democracy w president.. Hdr.ecwe..artet;witHi.the. campaign om a year, away.andthei coloneL; saying notfUb' As nii thbarj-.vthat:hehha,grownmodest ana r tiring couid possibly explain tho. silence, pauserfonakreply . The good :Di Taft cuntinuea to give the re publican party atronginjecttons-mingled whh few astringents axuUdlunetios Ha-has less i a year left nowMn which to get the organizaii into.'comimdnTtOrmalcbia'Jlgiit. TliO round to q have-been putting-socman ppBsibilitios ou business; inirecentL?mDnthbGthat the- amoT forts nnayynotbbfejitjitelyywitlioutr reward.