' , v t ifiii"." torn m (: ,, IKUT0.5 - -. moon. UTo Ibolloveu :in tho 3H131oainU Ure Mlevod Mn'floa. 'Ollroughmo ulloll'Whentt -was oriiytworfty 31io Jhad Impressed upon aneUho .idea 'that oulll rrffford to '1)0 4n tho jriiubf Ity UMt that 1 coiIlU mtit nffortl to bo wrong onumy stfbjedt. Ho salcl ifliat, tf J was Jn 'tho minority arid TtlGHT, 1 woUHl Homo day Ore in Ure majority, but that, if TL -was in tho majority and "WRONG, 1 woiilU Bomo day be in tho minority. Ho 'had faith in tho omnipdtonco of 'truth mocauso God 'Stood Vlradk of 'it, anil he tuught -me to believe 'In it. And my faith is stronger today than it evor wub kboforo .'because I have scon 'truth 'tfiump'h 'vOvorrUbstadlcB that seom insurmountable. Bhdlre Bpanrc -says: "Ho is thrlcO armeu Who math -his '.nunrrdl just." .To bo three times as well armed 'lis ran opponent is quite anradvantage, but tho IDible -makes it stronger than 'that. 'Tho fflibio nays: 'fOuo-witli God 'shrill dhasom thousanUond .two 'Shall .put 'ton thousanU to 'flight." H3o you bollove it? 'Are you willing to be the 'ono, xWIHi GotI?" VWlion, -aB .n boy, 3 road that .wtckeU cities rmiglit ttiuvo 'been saved iby n tfow Tlghtcous anon a (did nidt mndorstand Jit then iaB .wall as H dn mow. (A wldkod city (CAN bo saved iby a few wlglitooiiB imon ; it .cannot bo saved .in mny retlrer nvay. J. :fow .Tighteous men can .save mot only m oity ibilt a stato. IlHioy Hiave done it, but tlrey (cannot Uo it umlosB 'tlrey .have tthe caurogo to Jbogln and 'tho -willingness to 'die, 'if necessary, ' for tho HrUth as ithoy' boq 'it. The teadliingB of Clrrlst.apply !to the .structuro 'anil admlnldtratlon of government as kwoll :as to tho JHfe and contluct rdf the individual. JLn the ninth dhuptor of Isaiah, .in the vorse itliat -follows the tprophecy which describes ; 'tire -coming flVIosslah -as tire :BrJnco rdf tReaco tt is -written: '"Of the )ln crease of Miislpcacem! Ijgov orivmont thoro idhrfll bo mo tend." iW.o aro tdltl 'that )ho will: 'Establish :it With jjudgmont -and with jjustico ifSm Uioncdtorth 'ovon iforeyor." !Ab Christians we 'bnllovo 'that tthe .spirit of the Boimon on tho "Mount CAN be trundlated :into 'tho tormB tff government, !nud .as 'Christians we h -can alU in ;tho .eBtablishmont -of justice ithrongh tho iapplicatlan of 'Chidstls '.teachings ".to jgovorn mant ;und tthus hadton itliat moace Which is tto ibe tpromisod. $Vq 'have great questions bo'foro us in tho -mTJfnltoU SUttos. "Wo aro waiting for 'tho 'treaty that 1b 'bdlng wrltton and -praying -that It may mBher'in tho peace -which the -Bible 'has foretold. Uf nvo !oro .to 'have peace on eaTth it 'must 'rest upon 'tho doctrine of tho Prince of Peace,' and tho same doqtrlne -must bring us peace In :this country, ff'wo aro to ;havo 'peace 'here. nnUodk- .ing ovor tho program of tho -Wdoral Council pf Ohur(Hios, II Und :that one of the items Us: ''fllho solutlon -of -tire iprdblaihB '-that ttlro vor flxas brought upon ub." 'Ar.o:youproparxjd touloyour , tVntit In Bdlving 'these iiroblems'? Airethor itom iie: "Tho interpreting of ;Bomacraoy, ospeoially (tn tthoso who .do mot -Bpeak .the English ilan- tBuago;,, nihttt is '.maoessar-y, but Ut is ;also utqcbb- Ba-ry tto 'iittorprot iDomocraoy to some who mpeiik Dire aanglish llan-guago. Aro you prepared to join in this effort ?to iirttorpvdt Bamooracy? What ttoea TBomocracy mnoan? Thore can bo mo uloubt about tlio mioan ilngif4'WO want to undordtanU it. It 'means tho T.tgWt :Uf 'the lyeopUo to rUle the srlght . of 'the peoplo 'to have what they want in goveTirmorit. What is rill there is 'to 'Domocrnoy. Thrit is 'the renre f untlamoiital prludiiile 'df Bemacraoy. This aloes 'not moan thrit -tho people nwHI inalco no julstakos; Ut simply means that tho people 'diave m uUght to aairike thdlr lown mlstrikes nnd that no ffow oeoplo hove a God-givon -riht 'to mavko anlatnkes for all tho rest of tho people. 'Are you Willing .to truBt Demonrnoy and lot Che neonle fluwo nvhrtt ithoy want? "IDlre JlUlUattve .anil -rrfforondum aro tire 'beat .inrranteoB af popular government localise 'they mut 'into -tire hands -of tlre-.poapio 'the irowor :to mntko 'their .goveraiment What they want it to bo ttireryou a'fraid tff the j)eople.7 Weliaar some'talk nat tire ?Bo'liilrevlki -movement in this .country and thore are those who know no romody for it 'but the flJifflot. l havo no fear Df a.gonoral rrovdlu ttion Un this country because wo have the htflrif but thoro is ganger of revolution 'in proportion . us tho jroople aro not free to -remedy at tho ballot .'irex -Whrtt tlrey 'believe .to be , wo, K in njovornmout. ,b 1U ffloyolutlon Js discouraged .in iproportion ,as evolution 4b made easy. It , may .be .necessary ?o exeouto .Borne, just ,as .a limb mmy aiave tn h amputated to .save aire .bo but much .batter .to commence manlier and, ;by .romovh tli9 cause, mako surgery unnecessary s0n tho bodynidliticiprflverition'is b(ittormnU lrcapiar than euro. The iriitlatlvo and referendum iUt the gov ernment in tho hands of tho people. When you adopt ttlio imitiativo mnd iroforondum you Bay ito .tiro pooplo '.his govornment jIb yours, imalce At .What :yjou mvHI! il mm Un l'favor tif tthe iiriitirttivo iin'd iTOforontlum because SI 'bdliove the meoplo can ibo ttrusted. fTlrorfi is .no rother ibody with Whom we -can -sdf dly (dopoBlf power. il ammfraid, byttlre AvdyyouUraveVcrtodilown fEaBt, :you diave mot .always iunUoidtood mo. Somo 'f you mmy liave thought -me .dangerous. I waB irevor a jpoor iman, iin tho aonse in "Whidh -that term is ?gonorally .used. My tfother 'was wdll 'to do. jBq .sent -me to xdllege; I did not mavo Ho v.ork cray way through college, Unit C onviod the boys who did 'and wondored wlrether I coUld maloj as -much o'f myBdlfmsthey would make to'f thomBolves. I Uid moi tBomo mnnoy while I waB in law school, mot ifrom rmecessiby "but tbetause -I wanted to .draw aB 'little 'as jposible tlrom tthe family :und. 1 made two ddllaTs !a weok, ifor a -While, cswooping :out u -law office .-at night mud Kimubblng thd xilaor on -Saturday might, and ifihon took dinner the next day wlth tire 'lawyer, Lyman .Tr.umbull,:in-whoseioffiTo.I.waB a-studont. My . father taught -me to bellove iin .Domocraoy as -well .as in Clirlstiariit-y.. He taught im to 4)e ;Iievo that Gvor,y human ibolng was .entitled sto tho same eights 'that xl Claimed, and I have asked for nothing more than that all should be treated alike by the government under which tlrey live. H (have -never -been .as harsh -in my criticisms as Christ -was in ;his denunciations. 3 said itliat idnanciors were ."NO BETTER -than .other pe-Qple. 'Ho tsaid that "the mioney -changers had '.made his mouse a den wl thieves." I sald tlrat -.we could udt -afford 'to turn ovor 'the question ?df iroforms to ttlre -rich dlono.; 'that the whole ipeopleJiada right to a 'voice. 'Have 'you re-read lately -the ;parablo vof 'the Sower :and TClirist's intorprdtatlon of the jphrase, "and 'some .seoll fdll where tire thorns sprang mp rand choked ilt." IJo explained that 'by these words she imeaiit that 'itlre cares 'Of the world and the rdeceitfulness of .riches choke the truth." If, anyone tells you that Christ was ndt IBivine ask how ;a 'young man, irearod In a carpenters shop sand without acquaintance -with the philosophies df tko past, could have givon in a single sentence .an epitome of all history, ms he did when 'he .said 'that "the cares ;of this world and the deceitfulness of riches -rdhoke the truth." iKou -cannnt wait -until 'reforms come .from those wire jproflt by the ;abuses that meed to '.bo reformed. Ourrerttest economic question today is the issue between -private mamapoly and ;gov oimmont ownership, -dan 'thonChristian church ignore the iBsue or ItB 'ministers die asleep upon the subject? JBo :you 'believe that a private anonqpoly iis .ddfensible? JDo ,you think that we can afford to dot a few ipeople .decide, without appeal, xwhat they will charge .for that which the .people must .have .and whldhlthe mrenondlies :alone can furnish? You wiU .not trust a ijudgo liowever iupright, 'tip decide diifl own .case: iis m monopolist more to ibe trusted than .a judge? iau will .not .let a man .serve on a jury .if ,lre has any interest in the result .orthe contro versy; have ..you more .faith in -a unonopdlist woracing .for ,his wvn .interest, than you :irave in .a citizen -sworn to do Justice iin trial of daw ffhe private -monepoly .is .indefensible and in llt U 8 toralble -from an Unx.mic dtandpolnt -and, therefore, intolerable, and t. s also intolerable tor, political reasons it not onW ilestmys the .incentives to dmprovement "ut at tenlls to convert -its .benofiQiariGs .into autocrats and -to make them .distrustful -of popular k ornment, while it -breeds .discontent among to .victims of private .monopoly. ' The .plutocrat 'car ries the jgorm ;of revolution in ,his ibite -as surolv as the .mosquito tarries the yellow fevd! Sf The-mrivate .monopdly cannot be controlled it .must be .prevented. uu iEho tabor question .is.mlso before ur mm if does not differ in midneiple. d)rom other Ivnt doctrine that can reconcile the ''employers and Those qiiQstlonB .are Ujeiore aw. Thev onnnnt be .avoided; they -must Ore .settledand ch ?n?h onomberB must take their a)ait' in the se t ment; .ministers .also .must dlave -a vdic fftlUs" n Vtr flI"8htwat.it.moansto takoifrom Teluses to allow larUehSirTs ' mtitiin .ddtv Ibomiti .tn iHw.u.., ... ftir.m uiplifteaXfor Ihia tiijury ? 0 rm i 'toUuy Is to rprdtadt Hire 'codlmado at8t man-made giant. The God-madR li' itirral jrights; ccioo ."couporatlc S Tn llas foxcoilt -tthoso -confonred tby 'laV ti 8 un Adored tho difference :bdtween' th? coiporation ,ia tmaii's cre-UoV nf0? k )brougllt jrito 'existence To make mLt1 wub -created y tire ' Almighty L?0? learth 'to-xarry t a Dlvlnf dLree ? mmtie mran 'He mm ndt make th?' mi en vmudh Hdller than ttlre IrorSt, o p S 5? mmn much stronger -than the wiUt ? had miaile tire .corporation a hundr d HtmU,'OTeven?a million times strnW,? i ;a 'linlit 'to his exsistence, so Tat S ViM baa mon he coUld irdt'be bad ioi,L L x Uiim that he woulU in ih Ixt woS ccoinrta-ble for sins committe I Z ..! eJ hen 'man .matto Hire corpoSon "i, ,"1! length of days, 'and some corporations hiv !t miatte mernutnril! rrnri tiw i.,.J ".8. tiavo be mextwlU -iff .they con escape nZSt : '. ?Gan we, as ''Ohvistlaus, be indifferortt if tu man-made ianttramples upon the ric s If V . .GotlnadenmrtJ? Are you aurprh d S"m tWlro cories if or rredress .and hears no answerS tho odho tff ibis .own -voice becomes the Si 1 which rtlreHeetls.o-f anardhy can be sown V Z Hugo Mays .that 'tthe -mob is .tho human rS un sory '; we rcanndt Afford to have man .miserable iby injudtioe; -we cannot rittord ii oitlMng, onuoh lless -as Ohuistians. 'Put the m wuuuisrtt In rtfe maiTUs of the people ana E will iretiress their .grievances and ;wwbM justice, Imientiontheseias a;faw of -im nrri.imD a.i we.iha.ve tto rniedt iproblems that Christians roiuBtmreet, mnyd II lay them before you who 'be- HlevethatClniistJBrgospel is sumdent unto every mOlErd tthfi ?Rrilittfnn "rff .Avam --1.1w. m.1 ibalm or reveny wound. Lot mo conclude wlfh dines w.liidh I JlrearU a fow years ago and whiA .-aro tlll ringing in may ears : ''Ikirow-a'lart'd that is sunk in shame, Or hearts that taint and tire; 3utTlttrdw aName, a Name, alfat, 'OJhat 'can rset that land on fire.'" Ministers vof .Baltimore, this is the Name that .1 mrcsont to :you;; it lis to 'His gospel thitw miuflt -do ok. for a'llof , ar.d It .is to you, the Inter .preters so'f HIb iWord, that U appeal for thought Jand if or. action on rail tthe a. jbjeots that concern 'Our.mat'onJs nvdlfnre. J - BEN0TJNOBS -'PRBIjVRY REPEAL CCoifti. aed'from pa:' 3.) 'the 'passage of tlre so-called code bill a jla 'WJiidhmat'oneipencon't o'fthe peqple ofNebrask'a 'heardof during itlre campaign, not tliree percent 'o'f them mow 2kirow .what it means or what It contains, .and Uf JreportB are true, a majority the "legislature do mot know what it contains. Time "people learned through brief reports of the eontents of the 'code bill thdt it greatly increase 'tire coBt of admihidtration of the state govew nnent Although "tire meople were pledged dums the -campatgn -'that there would, be a .reduction matie. " HIGH SAATSIED SECRETAKIES We ihave .learned it rom press reports that tl 3jovernoT'.is UUthoried to .appoint a fMJ '.bor 'of Uiigh-sdl&ried partisan secretaries, that the 'bill also fgives the governor aJ? power 'far 'beyond, .any -intimation that tnoFJ" araU during thevcampaign would be placed ma"' cone 'mauJs lrairds. . ,,n,i Wliile Tour ifcmerican -boys .are fight" b" 'um to 'maKe .aemooracy saie uiiuub"" v ,.Qt m Sthey -.ma mot expect an .autocracy to he w iintho,Nebrislca.fltate:house.or that the ioiw o'f the ispecial liritereSt would again ue s contrdl .tff the momination of all the Bta iej servants but une, ilt iis to bo hoped ,go.vernor will mrge the .presont legis J & ,pass;some-lQgiBlati6n that will ronieay.ln aiflnn if or the growing mnreat that is cW" throughout tthe lOnitod states and tai ,e tb8 .veto the -bill .that .takes -from th J,,Jed th y.iotocy that tlrey won when they set" passage Of the .Nebraska state prirnaD .Since-Januauyl, di01'9,mo less ! Bt,gl iSuI legislatures Ihave given womun pres" yerm0nt, frago. They fare Jndiana, Wisconsin, offB a'inc.Minnespta, issouiii, 'Tennessee an Woman 'Citizen. v jv .,,.'';,' ;ibjA4iafcSfciA". '