rajr .. ?f The Commoner VOL. 19. , 1G In ' ' ' ' t jJiKBHwfBiBBBiy r H aMJsssM BBHHv J bbsY bbsf aaaiissi si siY bsY aVaaPaaissii aLs: HHil&9s9niwCi0 fet a ! ! E!QPJO0flH9 HHaHEiaHvaflissV flfe H I Ask sh JsVLsssm h B g biibhB Ly ) isssn aks B TOv I InnSa n HaEBlBiR y Jm. j& k BBIBI lsw ,s. JK IB I n R M 'Bi H BSSSSiHf"uiBX&ni8ES&M'B'aViTMK& M Hi MWwTlWwiilWMIMilnaMWTvTiini.JnrAviT KwWu-:myrJYwW1vfnivi!KMLKmM( SBJ V t If U It I I WANT TO BG ALARY TO Y00 fl I want squaro mon to act as my Special Sales Representatives In every county. I want hustling, energetic, ambitious follows, anxious to make big money, who are willing to work with me. I want to show YOU how to MAKE $35 TO $100 WEEKLY AND EXPENSES EVERY WEEK. I want to show YOU how to make more money, easier, quicker, more sure and cortain than you over dirt before in all your life. I want you to advertise, sell and appoint local agents for tho most soiigatloniil seller In 50 years tho startling Invention that has set the entire country agog. The Robinson Folding B afh Tub Hero's an absolutely now Invention. Nothing: else like it. Has taken tho entiro country by storm. Solves the bathing: iJiuuiuui. ujvus uvury aonio a moaern, up-to-uato bath- works needed. Takn fn innrrH, i,.h t TT , ., J-??,?, " or tho house. No plumbing, no water- imiinn mi... n .1.1.... m .1 J n i . .. ' "",w ui"iDi uuHiiomua, uuuiuum, HiuKioom, parior, Kitcnon. any room in the "Steol nnJnll,rnAh ,mn?y afVan "mVrSlla- Rlvals expensive bathroom. Constructed of tho wonderful nm,in a lifiiV1 K" yolA !t BrGeen1 Remember It is needed in every homo. Means modern bathing facilities for all tho Sn2lfu;A fed,8en(1, to humanity. I want you to handle your County., I will furnish demonstrating tub on a 1 beral basis I'm ?T,?if V0' yc8' m absolutely cortain that you can make bigger money in a week with me .than you ever raado in a Sonth befor? ,Jn , "f;ft vwS8 ' rl,V outl. are simply coining money. Orders everywhere uFox remembe?, fully 709? of the people have no Harn?m3 Y"ucatalcc tho orders right and left. Quick sales and immenso profits. Two sales "a day-means $300 I month nrnnt ?ntSP.nnft..'e1a"2 . 1""?. ?.0" "i"1"??- 'around you, Be amazed. YoW neUborS " fc" "u """ lUi uuu IIUVUI imu u, opportunity to install one. You stop In; show tho tub. Sale's made, profit sure. NO SELLING EXPERIENCE DEEDED Why, I don't caro if you never sold anything before In all your life vou can make good big- money with mo. You're honest? You're square? Of course ?JS are. You've got gilt, ginger, sumption? Of course you lmve You waSt to ?nJko good? You want to make big- money? Sure you do. Well that's all I alcTf ypu are willing to do your best, backed by my co-operat o'n and hep you can blast out tho biggest ilnancial success of your career. I grant credit you knSJv so money can't hold you back. I furnish sample on libeml plan i help you out and back you up. So don't lot doubt drag- you back. You have notlilnir to lose. My other mon are building- homes, starting- bank accounts. sS can you CUSTOMERS PRAISE BATH TUBS See how pleased these pooplo are; "Purchasedtuh two years ago. Would not bo without it." G. C. Fosdlck, Salem. 8. Dak. "Think tub llncst thing- I over saw.'' II. 13. Mi-Bane, Marianna, Fla. "Received tub. Greatly pleased with it." Callro Newton, Den mark, N. Y. "Well satlBflod with tub. All say it is Empties Itself Remember This: The Robinson Folding Bath Tub, equipped with our special Outlet Emptying Device, makes the tub positively sell cmptjlng. How convenient and handy this isl After the lath no fuss and bother emptying tho tub. By the time you're dressed the tub is emptied and ready to lay away. All the conveniences ot a modern, up-to-dato bathroom, and yet the Folding Tub docs not taka up space or be In the way when not in use. No special room need be set aside as a bathroom unIo desired. Any room can bo moe into a bathroom in five minutes' time. Is it any wonder users are delighted, and agents arc enthusiastic? The Robinson folding ww Tub demonstrates Its value Immediately upon shovWng. his the Ideal bathing equipment for emy home, city, country or town, or camping, etc, as well as the one desirable tub for the sickroom, bedroom, pirlcr, liv tie room or kitchen; any room can be mado in to a bathroom in a i jiffy. All this without plumbing, watcrwoiksor extra expense. After the initial cost there are no further expenses l0.??" TElcry home' everywhere is just waiting for the Robinson Folding Tub. h ?x ' wmrmm JOIN ROBIN fine." Wm. W. Pollock, Kanarra, Utah. "Used your tub for many years. Still in good order." C. S. Knudson, Carrington, N. Dak. "Tub wo purchased a year ago giving satisfactory service." Wm. Benz, Cleveland, O. "Tried tub and more than pleased with lt. Two of tho children had colds. Gave them bath at night. All right in the morning." Mrs. Anna Brick son, Brainerd, Minn. "Tub we purchased two years ago as good as over. Would not part with it at any price, if could not get another." straw. N. Y. SEHSATiONAL SALES' SUCCESS nnWlm$ others are doing, you can do. Read these records: N. T. Smith, Ohio, $90- weekly profits. D. D. Houtz, Verdon, Nebr., $30 in one day. J. II. Bensley, Emerson, Iowa, ?45 one morning's work. A. R. Armstrong, Regent, N. Dak, 510 first day. W. L. Berry, Brighton, Colo., $30 profit in three days. W. P. Cronklte, wvv.., .w., t..u.uc yuum utuu uuys, jarvis, oi vvasn., purcnasea iou iuus. iiarr ivianning, JjO mars, xowa, maao ou one uaj( U.S. ROBINS OX, Trcs. Mrs. Phil. M. Statler, Haver- Guaranteed for Ten Years m CANNOT LEAK Every Robinson Folding Bath Tub that learn our fideryijra ranteed for ten years against any defect In manufacture. Tnuisoot to the remarkable invention "Stecline," the material used in the con struction of the Robinson Folding Tub. Constructed with tu, tcrial the Tub can be and is guaranteed for ten yean. Stall it prove defective a new Tub js Immediately furgished in its toa. This guarantee protects every customer for a period cl ten years. Steeline makes the tub soft and pliable, yet strone and Itstinr. TO tub cannot spill, tip or splash. Just as strong and durable w ese as the ordinary enameled tub, but In convenience so fir supwor.u buying the Robinson Tub customers take absolutely no nst W are guaranteed against defects by our liberal, binding vaam Families everywhere boost the Robinson Tub to their friends im makes the sales come fast and sure for our represcrttitives. mtbj the Ideal bathing equipment without one objectionible teiturt LET ME TELL YOU ALL Let mo toll you tho amazing story of "Steeline" lof mr tn -.,,. , A t gonious dov co that makes the tub sSf-omptying? lot m "toll voi ? nfliH1 ln' $&$! MSl lerrbyatmr4!y S invention as it is today, an artlSlo w ?h I honest J bollovn n &l?ondoltul invention for tho average American homo of ' tho past centSrv I e!' f,alest nil this in person, so send tho coupon below and leTme writeou a ?ong letted SDGN THE COUPON BELOW approXo tthotCiVnltns?!oLllt?lTesT1oir ' not you You will road of hundreds of n on fn your no8ftin,f.lnWnt you start I". then curious, then enthusiastic, who Src nmld, hi,.h,?wero. fi,rat skeptical, over thought possible in tho Ir iniit pc S to h?yb SS?m?0i0fvmdait,lan hQ one ambitious man or woman in each comiiiiiifitv ! I w,iI to yu w tunity." get a strangle hold on success k S lil" l100 wlth "OPPor indcpimdenco. You will then roallii? icno w am appricfat tftlnri?80f;flinancral and ambition combined with the right nronoMtim Pnn. i i.i ttCt that hncsty effort aro tho only requisite to an abundant success y conscIe"tIous JMmBSBmmMfWrwar rSr; iU f?.r a ch-a"Se, you'll bo thrBbVa; You can do it. I know after one FORCE OF MONEY-MAKING AGENTS "Vna 4ntn t. i,.. hof .;;,,, J" ; ",anymen and women who aro making bigger money a.l"V Seo i w Jii ? n?f' Satujday afternoons, whenever you have a little spare In sa?Ko5d hvoVn011 y,U. Is so- Then luIt yur Jb- Say good-byo to tho time clock, say good-byo to grindinc: work nnri m,,. rt,i ,,o, nv nimek Dais farewell wggsawssKEm of T Ti f " eirorD.you will bo eager to devote all your time to w You Vil5 sav-SMvTn1?,nff Bath Tub' Yo will bo enthused, positively .on $ iouwm say. My luck was surely with mo when I got acquainted with Robinson. a sure chance:. FOR ABViBBTIOUS hustlers that I mtehKIrS1? htca11 a moetng of all ambitious men and women In Aincjjg business S !! to J0"1 and toU them of tho tremendous possibilities In " them bovoni w,them S 8a,es my other representatives aro making; con. leen waUin for..Pf,SSlH"Ity of doubt that hero at least is tho chance they ha once Hicmfhi nithi PP0l,tunity that is said to knock at every mans doo this Vondo??ii hniy l00k. ?:ou stluarelyin tho eyo and tell you all the facts abog o eSfromn0381 ltJ could only lay before you undeniable prooJ-stfcJt hoslffi Hesitate? Why, man, yen would" job your othoi W i?usana1"1 part of a second. You would drop overyth nft , juu, your other business. Un n,nt i .i .. i.Tnion T'm with JO"-! H. S. ROBINSON, Prosfdent, Robinson Cabinet fefe. Co., 4377 Fa ctorles CltTsr.. Tclcdo. Chin $35 to $100 a week looks good to me. 1Vrlt m ,i ti ... your spoolal plan and how I can malci'thS hi? .nn"8" J?11 about representative. This obligatos mo "n no way. mony acting as ypur Namo Stroet and No " Town SUxU, wFotfii&l Don't send mo a single penny. Don't sen g coupon. That is all I ask pv1?i any remuneration at all. Just sign and roi w prove every word I have f's'SX B0?SinB mo tUo coupon you can give mo the chaw whole enthusing, ambition iwnJ'01! mo provo cvory statement. Let mo tc JJ esS, Tn, you a0 ttta , &wifcSlSir XZlfToA S TheBobsnson Cabinet Rfflanufacturing I M.tmM.. ctor8es Bu"ding, Toledo, Ohio iffliiflalSsssssssMWalawSnHPrftTCrioiTii nrinwi 1 . nw m imptf iMi&iLteMi&Li&iJirf:i, 'tit-ni.