The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, March 01, 1919, Page 13, Image 13

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president Confers
rith Irish Uelegation
. .iifrtVi rlnfofl
Aft0W '.u.nt Wllnnn refused
Lent to confer with the delega
ionignt w v . . con.
Pitan in Philadelphia to urge his
ention m J-m until Justice
Support m - .. N York
?? iunremo court mentioned in the
rtato supreme
K,oo room at tnc Metvo-
klitan opera uuuQ
TOw 0 Thomas J. Breslln a
Accoru . oinrrntinTi. the Prest-
E asked W. J. Morgan, who
leaded 111s suciui Dv,i,v.w -.--
I inform the Irishmen of his re
fusal to attend the conference if
iustice conaian waa ia0uk.
At the close of the President's ad
LS3 at the Metropolitan opoya
fTiirkcrg Hardy fowla. cgea, and Incubat-
Write fwviSunWo Poultry Book FEE.
F.A.NEOBERT,Box'4Q4, Mawkato.Mhm.
aint Without Oil
Remarkable Discovery That Cuts Down the"
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Free Trial Pncknge In Mailed to
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It comes In the form or a ury puwuui
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The Commoner
house, Breslin said, Moran appeared
in tho roem assigned for tho meet
ing and delivered tho message.
Justice Cohalan insisted upon leaving-
the room rather than interfere
with the conference.
Meanwhile tho President, with Jo
seph P. Tumulty, his privato secre
tary, remained in an ante-room, after
having stated he would give Justice
uojoaian uvo minutes to leave. On
receiving word that he had done so,
tho President remained in confer
ence with tho Irish delegation for
nearly half an hour.
Former Supreme Court Justice
John ,W. Ooff made tho following
statement regarding tho incident:
"At the request of the committee,
Mr. Justice Cohalan declined to rhv
anything at the present time, as it
is not a personal matter with him.
A message was received through an
authoritative channel stating to mo
that the President would not enter
the room where we were if Justice
Cohalan was present. Tho memhors
of the committee with the spontan
eous unanimity said they would
leavo rather than permit Justice
Cohalan to leave. Then Justice
Cohalan entered tho circle of mem
bers discussing the matter and said:
'The cause is bigger than any one
man; bigger than I am.' "
Among the decuments seized by
agents of the department of justice
when they raided the ofllceB in this
city of Wolf von Igell, the German
agent according to disclosures made
by the committee on public informa
tion, was one marked "very secret"
and siened bv Count von Bernstorff.
then Gorman ambassador, in which he
said: "Judge Cohalan requests the
transmission of the following re
marks." The message said in part:
"The revolution in Ireland can
only be successful if supported from
Germany. Therefore help is neces
sary. This should consist, primarily
of aerial attacks on England and a
diversion of the fleet simultaneously
with Irish revolution. Then if pos
sible a landing of troops, arms and
ammunition in Ireland and possibly
some officers from Zeppelins."
Justice Cohalan promptly repudi
ated the message and declared he
was tho victim of British enmity.
More thah a year earlier Justice
flnhalan had been mentioned by
Major Price in testimony before the
Irish commission in Dublin investi
gating the Sinn Fein' revolt in con
nection with money sent from
America to foster it. Cohalan
stamped as ridiculous the statement
that ho had anything to do with
sending to Ireland funds to finance
the Sinn Fein.
The Irish delegation which con
ferred with President Wilson tonight
made public a mesage from Prof. De
Valera, leader of the Sinn Fein party
in Ireland, which. Justice Cohalan re
ceived today.
Frank P. Walsh, former joint
chairman of the war labor board,
also addressed the President, the
statement said, calling to his atten
tion the fact that peoplo of Irish
blood had stood solidly behind the
President when ho declared that the
war was for the right and liberty of
small nations.
The President, acqording to the
statement interrupted to say "I-agree
with your argument. Yes, I agree
with what you say."
The 'President' turned to Judge
Goff and explained that the Irish
question had not yet been presented
to the peace conference and when
this .case comes up I will have to
use' my best judgment as to how
to act." ' .
Christian Psychology. By the Rev.
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Stoughton, New York and London.
George H. Doran Company, Jiub
lishers, Now York. Price $1.25, net.
David and Jonathan. By E. Tem
ple Thurston. Published by G. P.
Putnam's Sons, New York. Price
Socialism versus The State. By
Emile Vandervelde (Member of the
Belgian Government). Charles H.
Kerr & Company, Publishers, Chi
cago. Price $1.00.
The Maine Law. By Ernest Gor
don. Studies and Documents of the
Anti-Alcohol Movement No. 3. Flem
ing H. Rovell Company, Now York.
Price 30c.
International Arbitration. Tho Iso
lation (Or non-intercourse) Plan.
With a proposed convention. By Wil
liam H. Blymyer, 49 Wall Street,,
Now York.
Tho Gallery of Art. Poems. By
Joshua Iteado. Published by Tho
Roado Publishing Corporation, Now
Tho World 1919 Almanac and En-
l cyclopedia. Issued by tho Press
Publishing Co., Pulitzer Building,
New York. Slnglo copies 35c. By
mail SOc.
Ten Years Near tho German
Frontier. A Retrospect and a Warn
ing. By Maurice Francis Egan,
farmer United States Minister to
Denmark. Illustrated. George H.
Doran Company, Publishers, Now.
York. Price $3.00, not.
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