The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, March 01, 1919, Page 11, Image 11

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    "fr JsHFjy ;53nt."" -T"
The Commoner
MARCH, 1919
' '
two men
l 4i t 1 - ! . .,
Jtrom a certain little town" in Massa-
I V chusetts two men went to the Civil
War. Each of them had en3oyed the
same educational advantages, and so far
Lis anyone could judge, their prospects for
i success were equally good.
One man accumulated a fortune. The
; other spent his last years .almost entirely
dependent upon his children for support..
He "had hard luck," the town explained.
He "never seemed to catch hold after the
But the other man did not "lose his
grip." He seemed to experience no dif
ficulty in "catching hold" after the war.
The difference in the two men was not
a difference of capacity but a difference
in decision. One man saw the after-the-war
tide of expansion, trained himself for
executive opportunity, and so swamjwith
the tide. The other man merely drifted.
The history of these two men will be re-
peated in hundreds "of thousands .of. lives
in the next few months. .
After every war come the great
successes and great '
f 7
! t
a your future ..-orth half an hour's'' seri
ous thought? If it is, then take ' down
history of the United States. Youyyill
"Mover this unmistakable truth: '
who fought
Opportunity does not tow in a- steady
!"r2am' like a river it comes and goes
ln great tides. .:
There was n Viin-Vi ii o-n. n, nuA
IJar; and then came the panic of 1873.
. e was a high tide after the Spanish
arJ and then came the panic of 1907.
mill wm mjr tq wtr ?
Mi Wff M Cl WHJ7 lY lllllll IB L. nac
m wf m m w rH n - ??
W A OEk J W 'Knfll? JVS. v
There is a high tide now.; and those treasurers ; 11,260 managers ; 2,626 saleSr
who seize it need not fear what may hap- managers; 2,876 accountants.
pen when the tide recedes. The wisest ,r ... At , , ,,
- .n,- i i.l- , Men llke these, have proved the Insti-
men in this country are putting them- , , , ' , ., ,
, , , tute's power: E. It. Bchrend, President
selves now beyond the reach of fear - ., T, ... n ,..
. . ., .. .,. ,, , . of the Hammermill Paper Co.; William
into the executive positions that are m- tv, . , . . ,. A . , ,
,. D'Arcy, President of the Associated Ad-
ipnSae' ' vertising Clubs of the World; Melville
W. Mix, President of the Dodge Manufac-
Weak men go down in critical turing Co" and scores of others-
vears strong men en w1( ave tramec themselves to
E:ize opportunity, will make these after-
gWW Stronger war years C0lmt tremendously.
TF you are in your twenties, or" your You, too, can make them count for you.
thirties, or your early forties, there
probably never will be another such cri- r j r i7 j 7 nri
?. i ' ,- ioio oend for this book- 1 here is
tical year for you as this year, 1919. J v'. fw to
a vision in it for you
Looking back on it, ten years hence, f 1
you will say: "That was the turning v Of yOUrjUtUre ,
P0111" HPO meet the needs of thoughtful men,
m, , - ., . . , ,i t,. i the Alexander Hamilton Institute has
Thousands of the wise and thoughtful .,, , ,
- w. -. v. , . n. , published a 112-page book "Forging Ahead
men of this country have anticipated . . ,
. x, . . , , . i m Business." It is free; the coupon will
the coming of this period and prepared ...,.,
., bring it to you.
for' it.
- Send for your copy of "Forging Ahead
.They have trained themselves for the & Business now while your mfad fa on
positions yhich business cannot do with- jt You mm geize
out, through the Alexander Hamilton came l(JB Qr 9g Bu). ft fae your
Institute Modern Business Course and faut .f yeara frQm nQw yQu say; (J
Service. could have gone on to success with 75,000'
The Institute is the American institu- others' and l did not ev6n investigate. Fill
, . , i a ; ,r n i?f Jn the coupon and mail,
tion which has proved its power to lift
men into the higher executive positions.
Alexander Hamilton Institute
T 7 7-7 14 C Astor Place New York City svv
These men have already -. g&
- I i ' send me "Forging Ahead in Business" cJkv
decided to go .; . free $
forward mm... , . ,
Print, here'
AMONG the 75,000 men enrolled in the JJJX!!A.w.";.. -.'." ;
Institute's Course, 13,534 are presi- - Vv '
ents of corporations; 2,826 are vice-
presidents; 5,372 are secretaries; 2,652 fXSBgg.
6.rf6iB&lATt fcJ,&.