TW1 iWftjfr eyrr T(pi ' 1 u v. The Commoner WILLIAM J. BRYAN, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR VOL 19, NO. 3 Lincoln, Nebraska, March, 1919 Whole Number 719 M r. Bryan Supports League of Nations but Suggests Certain Amendments The league of nations is the grsatest 'step Howard peace in a tfiousaud years. The idea of Substituting reason for force in the settlement of int( -ational disputes is in itself an epocli- I making advance. The nttitution of the league, t as announced, provides for three thingq which c tute in themselves an advantage, tie im portance of which can scarcely be estimated. First, deliberation before war the investiga tion of all disputes of everykind and character before hostilities begin. This almost ends war. The idea is-taken from the thirty treaties nego tiated by the UnitecLStates' with three-quarters of the world. Our nation, therefore, gives to the peace league 4ts? greatest piece of machinery. Second, the reduction of armaments will make it impossible for a nation to prepare for war without notifying the world of its intentions. Third, the abolition of secret treaties, which will do much to prevent the combinations which lead to war. If the league of nations did nothing' more than provide those three things, our nation would be justified in supporting it to the ut most. It is not to be expected that so great an idea as the league of nations would be made'perfect in detail in so short a time. There are defects that should be corrected, und the fullest dis cussion of prop2d amendments should be in- . vited. The newspapers of Great Britain, France and Italy are not backward in the expression or their views as to changes that should be made, Why should the American people bo client? Ours is the nation most influential -a the league, and most powerful bemuse most disinterested. Its p-ople should help by free and frank discussion -to perfect the league. The President has done the best he could, but he M be aided by intelligent criticism from those Wendly to the idea. venture to point out certain amendments that should in my judgment bo made in the in west of a stronger and bettor league. First, ne basis of representation is not fair to "the wm States A comparison of voting strength show that while our nation is the most werfu in tho combination, whether measured JQ pDulation, wealth or m -I influence, it has . rger votG than nations much inferior In equaml0n' Wmlth an(l influoncO- This in wi . Uellt' if Possible, to bo corrected, for Jnstit V nly foundatiori uPn whIcl1 any Sec i Can reSt hl permanent security, that Ul t?rms of admission to nations To , (l6Siro to 3oin hereafter are not fair. t,nit. u u two-thirds vote to admit a new black balls may keep out an uncongenial ap plicant. This world league is for tl.o world. The President has well said that our nation is not interested in a league unless all nations are in it. The qualifications for admission ought to be fixed, and then it ought to bo made as easy as possible for thoso who are qualified to gain admission. Under no circumstances should tho consent of more than a majority be roquired for the admission of any qualifying nation. The faults of the constitution are to bo found in its indefiniteness rather than in things positively objectionable. For instance, it is not stated with sufficient clearness that the Monroe Doctrine Is preserved. Our nation is not asking t be permitted to assYst In the settlement of European disputes, and, therefore, it ought not to bo asked to give up Its paramount influence in tho western hemisphere as a condition pre cedent to its entry into the league. Then, too, it is not stated with sufllcienf clearness that a league member is not required to become a mandatory. It ought to bo definitely stated that a nation asked to become a mandatory is at liberty to accept- or decline. Again, it should be made clear that the league Is not to Iriterforo in tho internal affairs of the nations belonging to the league. The league is for the settlement of international disputes, not for tho adjustment of differences between a nation and I'- own people. Another matter that should bo made clear and nothing can be bo more important than this is that each nation has a right to decide for itself whether it will undertake tho things advised by the general council. The language of the constitution, while not definite, would seem to indicate that no nation Is required to furnish force to back up a decision of tho coun cil. But no doubt should bo left on this sub ject. This nation cannot afford to allow a coun cil in which It has so small a voice to carry it into war against its will. Our people will have nation suggests the social club, where a few CONTENTS MR BRYAN SUPPORTS LEAGUE OF 'NATIONS BUT SUGGESTS CER TAIN AMENDMENTS THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY MUST WIN "NO BEER, NO WORK" OUR MILITARY COURT MARTIALS THE VICTORY FOR PROHIBITION RIGHTS OF INHABITANTS INITIATIVE AND REFERENDUM CONSTITUTION OF LEAGUE OF NATIONS PRESIDENT DEFENDS WORLD LEAGUE as much sense when tho timo comes to act as they have now and they will havo moro light to guido them. When tho emorgemcy arises and they understand all tho circumstances and con ditions, they may be willing to assist by forco, but they cannot docldo in advance or allow a council to deckle for them. Tho constitution of tho loaguo would seem to imply tho right of tho council to compel tho declaration of an oconomlc boycott by tho mem bers of tho league. This is not quito so serious as tho declaration of war, but economic boycott is likely to develop Into a war and an economic boycott may be pecuniarily advantageous to tho nations that want to declare it. Our iaterdsti may not bo identical in this respect, and wo ought to have a right to say at tho timo whether wo would declare such a boycott. I venturo to suggest that tho scope of tlio league's work might well fie extended beyond what Is how contemplated. A substitute for war must bo able to deal with every situation that can be come a cause of war. One of the most fruitful causes of war has boon the necessity for ex pansion. Growing nations, feeling tho necessity for moro room, havo often gone to war on some clumBy pretext when tho real purpose has been to secure territory for an Increasing population. Tho right to live Is one of the inalienable rights. It is a primal right that must bo recognized in nations as well as individuals. Nations exerciso tho right of taking unused land and distributing It to thoso who need It. So, if tho league of nations Is to substitute reason for war, It must bo able to deal with claims that aro made for the waste places of the earth. A nation feeling a need for moro territory should bo able to go bofore the league and present its clailns, and point out the territory which it can use to ad vantage. The council should consider the claim and advise upon it, and tho forco of public opinion should bo used to secure such an ad justment of equities as would afford a peace able means of securing needed territory. Such adjustments could be made the easier if tho league endorsed the preposition that any nation extending its sovereignty over new territory should stand ready to purchase tho property of residents who do riot desire to romaln under the new sovereignty. Tho resident does not go with the land. He has rights Independent and superior to the right t tho land. If, against lite will, he is brought under new sovereignty, ho ought to be ablo to sell his propert without loss, and choose a sovereignty of his own like, I have suggested what seemod to mo desirable changes, some being modifications, some being merely moro explicit statements. I conclude as v I began, that while we should endeavor to make the league as nearly perfect as possible, we should not allow its imperfections to load to Its rejection. Wo must take risks, no matter whether we accept the league or reject It. The risks that we take In accepting It are less than tho risks we take If we reject it and turn back to the old ways of blood and slaughter. God grant that thoso who are entrusted with tho launching of this great work may havo the wis dom to so purge It of selfishness and greed, and so infuse Into it tho spirit of the Prince of Peace as to mako It the end of war. W. J. BRYAN. al h t,"ii t Hkt.V