fu .". - f I n ip -v &itMdt'ti'A il&i&SELJfe, ?:' .J wiywmwiuwinMiiiw c . . " I r -nti r?l M r - ' tU 5t- ' .A, ' ,. .1' i. - dowa ri . s , I i ' :i-1 The M Commo WILLIAM J. BRYAN, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR ner VOL. 18, NO. 12 Lincoln, Nebraska, December, 1918 Whole Number 716 The Superman Dead; Nietzsche tried to substitute Worship of the . "superman" for the worship of God. Ho dreamed of a lawless human being, living without re straint and free to do as 1.0 pleased, regardless of consequences to others. Following his logic to its legitimate conclu sion he looked upon religion as the doctrine of degenerates and upon democracy as a refuge for weaklings. Tho kaiser was the most' modern illustration of one who thought himself a super man. In him the "will -to power" was given free reign and he was- ready to trample on any- " thing or any person in "his way. But he fell, and, with him, autocracy went down. His fall stimulated a revival of the prin ciple of love and confidence in dealings between individuals and nations, and' in his fall dem- The Merry Commoner wishes a Christmas and a k rk $L t0 Happy New Year Everyone, Every- $ where, and Forever. jf mm toracy found a new .birth..v f. v. :.. . :--y- PRIVATE MONOPOLY INDEFENSIBLE A;private monopoly, is Indefensible and in- The Railroads - ' v 'tiflk&. Tho successful management of tho railrowfe & oirdtAmn nP 4l 1.tkM ilkK ...... ir iL.ri'i . . 1 o;oiciua vl utu tuuuujf uuiiug iuu war in tjuuu: sure to furnish a final and conclusive argument ' in favor of government ownership and it is worth while, thoreforo,- toconsldor the largo questions involved in government ownership. While the President's authority over tho rail roads is a war power and will torminato with tho end of tho war, tho lessons learned aro not " likely to bo forgotten. Tho growth of sentiment In favor of public ownership is due in largo part to threo things. First, to tho economic advantages to bo found in tho elimination of watered stock and of the wasto caused by tho duplication of roads be tween competing points. Second, to tho resist ance offered by railroad managers ;tp efforts at There ommmkoi ea&-uie KaiBer'stneoryvtneriietiacnemtneo vk., that authority' comes down Iromth;e'.man at the top; tho .'other, the democratic theory, that authority comes up fro . the people. The democratic theory has triumphed; it is spreading throughout the world; It is the theory of the democratic party In the United States. New issues have arisen; they must be decided by the voters. .Lot the.pobple get together in their several communities and compare views. f Let them communicate4 their conclusions to those who represent them then" and then only can the representatives at Washington Bpeak with the authority of the people. ' : Study decide instruct. v; W. J: BRYAN. Mfe: ikl&S V-&ni6n lii Snpriysoith edlwlth' the 'power mmoHvn . lnrrlolnllnn flilr1. .in., tl.n- Ant...nUM. ' . . " - - . j j ., r t. -r -z. - . -" ww m w w w mm m m m, w na m , iai &. u ur m. m, 1A Br b mM M. t 1 . j 'w" . -- --. .1 immir-m (ti - - . - r . - - -jt-4 -i - - rw 1 imZ' nm. SHiSliififli jaispiTrn!M Univprsal military training ,lot if the peace, soon to be agrrfuponprp&ises to" be perma nent. This.ishftUJgpo'd'ti in. the United States the Priissianism overthrown in Germany. .'",'"' , , . ' ' ; ;0. 0 00 (5) 3 0 Q $; THE ROLL OF HONOR I .. List of States That Havp Ratified' tho. National Prohibition vCojistitu- tional Amendment J MISSISSIPPI, Jan. 8, 1918. . . . 2-7IRGINIA; Jan. U1QI8.- : 2SSSESl CAR(NA, Jan. 25 1918. p""5?5l? DAK0T- Jan. 25, 1918. I"JH?TANA, Feb, 19, 1918. Q Ar "' MarC l9i8- a monopoly is able to exerdse. It Is for this reason that a telephone monopoly is Intolerable. The telephone- system has become as necessary a factor in business and social intercourse as tho mails and for the same reason must sooner or later become a government monopoly the sooner the better. But in the telephone business a very clear lino can bov drawn between long distance messages and local calls. It would seem betiiey, therefore, to divide tho system and- put the-long distance lines under federal control and local exchanges under the control of cities ,pr counties. In this way wo could secure the max imum of advantage .from public. ownership with $he mlnimum'of risk. W. J. BRYAN. THE ISSUE AT, PARIS . The real issue at Paris is whether the peace agreement will, as the President and "Lloyd George ask, "Initiate on earth the reign of the Prince ."of Peace" or invite a return to the. Nietzscho theory wi.th its "old national rivalries, animosities and competitive armaments," That is the "issue again .the wprld is called upon to chQose between God and Alammon. G0VERN1MENT OWNERSHIP OF TELEGRAPH SYSTEM The sentiment fn favor of government owner ship and operation of the telegraph'lines In'con neciion with the postal service Is stronger than it Is in the matter of telephones and railroads. The telegraph business will never be turned back -to private corporations. If peace Is to be permanent; if gwords aro to , 5 men who, In their ambition Tosbcuro lucrative" railroad positions, separate themselves from tho mass of the people, and uso their Influence to shield tho railroadff from needed supervision. Tho country has boon passing through tho same experience with railroad corporations that cities have had with franchise-holding corpora tions, and are being driven to government owner ship as a matter of self-protection. Tho war has simply made more plain the evils insepar ably connectod with private ownership, just as It has, made more clear the necessity for tho abolition of the saloon. While the war lasts unity of management Is necessary; and there in no-time for careful consideration of tho qus-' tions which must be welghod before a permanent system can bo decided upon. Believing thak government ownership and op eration of railroads will bo tho natural outcomo of tho President's action in taking over tho management of the railroads during, tho war, I venture, to outline a plan which will, in my judg. 9 DELAWARE. Twwi, i ic' 1010 ) rH? &AKOTA, March 20,m8. bo beaten into plowshares and spears Into prun- ! ltARBrnT?ln?,BTTS' ApM V 1918. '. ing'hooks why n6t have universal training : plowing and pruning? 0 i nfTrvTwi;' lviay z y is. 14 TnTTTCT:xT';June 26 1018. 15-FLORIDA, November 27, 198.; , le ,, ":,' I Republican senators who have tried tov-cash in" their partisan checks' have -loarnetoj thQ earjiestdate is March 4th, a HttlF'pTsFnopn. .. .TrHE SUPERMAN DEAD PRIVATE MONOPOLY INDEFENSIBLE ; ': r: THE RAILROADS ;igH'B RAILROAD MAGNATES' PLAN ,-; A SPLIT IN SIGHT - , -, THE LAS;T REFXTGB . y,- FLORIDA RATIFIES . ' s. v A HIGH NOTE W PAYMENT MADE EASY. PRESIDENT'S ANNUAL MES3AGE TO i-. CONGRESS FREEDOM, OR SLAVERY, OF THE -. SEAS? FEDERAL. GUARANTEE OF DEPOSITS Iiy NATIONAL BANKS WORLD-WIDE PROHIBITION M'ADOO'S RESIGNATION - ' fH- &&. K2 M-" -1 1 i f JM;U II tin : ' TM .. l ! i 1 !. 1 '. . 4 $m .- littV ' ' 4' J k4 IT" i D It, ft ''41 'ft .."' .; .y ti . i' -ti-p Wm f Iv Mr I t ib.'mm 1 i :,n '- ' tit FI l!t Jjtt w ',J J !