' T&fl"!rW,'- r The Commoner pi NOVEMBER, 1918 than whom there is no higher political authority, ea,,i: kn0W of but one code of morality for men, whether acting singly or collectively." Franklin, whoso learning, wisdom and virtue mo a nnrt of the priceless legacy bequeathed to im from the revolutionary days, expressed the same idea in even stronger language when ho Sa "Justice i.s strictly duo betAvecn nelglibor na tion's ns between neighbor citizens. A highway man is as much a robber when ho plunders in a can" as when single; and tne nation mat maiccs an unjust war is only a great gang." Many may dare to do in crowds what they would not dare to do as individuals, but the moral character of an act is not determined by the number of those who join it. Force can defend a right, but force has never yet' created a right. If it was true, as declared in the resolu tions of intervention, that the Cubans "are and of right ought to be free and independent" (language taken from the Declaration of Inde pendence), it is equally true that the Filipinos "are and of right ought to be free and inde pendent." The Right to Freedom. The right of the Cubans to freedom was not ba'ed upon their proxmity to the United States, nor upon the language which they spoke, nor yet upon the race or races to wliich they be longed. Congress by practically unanimous vote declared that the principles enunciated at Phila delphia in 1776 were still alive and applicable to the Cubans. Who will draw a lino between the natural rights of the Cubans and the Fili pinos? Who will say that the former has. a right to liberty and that the latter has no rights which we are bound to respect? And, if the Filipinos "are and of right ought to be free and independent," what right have we to force our government upon thein without their consent? Before our duty can be ascertained their rights must be determined, and when their rights are once determined it is as much our duty to re spect those rights as it was the duty of Spain to respect the rights of the people of Cuba or the duty of England to respect the rights of the American colonists. Rights never conflict; du ties never clash. Can it be our duty to usurp political rights which belong to others? Can it be our duty to kill those who, following the example of our forefathers, love liberty well enough to fight for it? Some poet has described the terror which overcame a soldier who in the midst of the bat tle discovered that he had slain his brother. It is written "All ye are brethren." Let us hope for the coming of the day when human life which when once destroyed cannot be restored will be so sacred that it will never be taken ex cept when necessary to punish a crime already committed, or to prevent a crime about to be committed! It is said that we have assumed before the world obligations which make it"necessary for us to permanently maintain a government in the Philippine Islands.' I reply first, that' the high est obligation of this nation is to be true to it self. No obligation to any particular nations, or to all the nations combined, can require the abandonment of our theory of government, and the substitution of doctrines against which our whole national life has been a protest. And, sec ond, that our obligation to the Filipinos, who inhabit the islands, is greater than any obliga tion which we can owe to foreigners who have a temporary residence in the Philippines or de sire to trade there. It is argued by some that the Filipinos are incapable of self-government and that therefore, Ye owe it to the world to take control of them. Admiral Dewey, in an official report to the Navy Department, declared the Filipinos more capable of self-government than the Cubans and said that he based his opinion upon a knowledge of both races. But I will not rest the case upon the relative advancement of the Filipinos. - Henry Clay, in defending the right of the people of south America to self-government, said: It is the doctrine of thrones that man is too iRnornnt to govern himself. Their partisans as sert his incapacity in reference to all nations; if they cannot command universal assent to the Imposition, it is then demanded to particular nations; and our pride and our presumption too often make converts of us. I contend that it is jo arraign the disposition of Providence himself jo suppose that ho has created beings incapable 0 Roveining themselves, and to he trampled on V Kings. Self-government is the natural gov ernment of man." Clay was right. There are degrees of pro nciency in the art of self-government, but it is reflection upon the Creator to say that he denied to any people the capacity for self-gov ermueui. unco aumit that some people capable of self-government and that others are capaoie or sen-government and that others are not and that the capable people have a right to seize upon and govern the incapable, and you make force brute force the only foundation of government and invite the reign of a despot. I am not willing to believe that an all-wise and an all-loving God created the Filipinos and than left them thousands of years helpless until the islands attracted the attention of European na tions. Republicans ask, "Shall we haul down the flag that floats over our dead in the Philippines?" The same question might have been asked when the American flag floated over Chapultopec and waved over the dead who fell there; but the tourist who visits the City of Mexico finds there a national cemetery owned by the United States and cared for by an American citizen. Our flag still floats over our dead, but when the treaty with Mexico was signed American au thority withdrew to the Itio Grande, and I ven ture the opinion that during tho last fifty years the people of Mexico have made more progress under the stimulus of independence and self government than they would have made under a carpet-bag government held in place by bay onets. The United States and Mexico, friendly republics, arc each stronger and happier than they would have been had the former been cursed and the latter crushed by an imperialistic policy disguised a3 "benevolent assimilation." Might and Kight. "Can we not govern colonies?" we are asked. Tho question is not what wo can do, but what we ought to do. This nation can do whatever it desires to do, but it must accept responsibility for what it does. If the Constitution stands in the way, the people can amend tho Constitution. I repeat, the nation can do whatever it desires to do, but it cannot avoid the natural and legiti mate results of its own conduct. Tho young man upon reaching his mnjorlty can do what he pleases. He can disregard tho teachings of his parents; lie can trample upon all that he has been taught to consider sacred; he can disobey the laws of the State, the laws of society and the laws of God. He can stamp fail ure upon his life and make his very existence a curse to his fellow men, and ho can bring his father and mother in sorrow to tho grave; but he cannot annul the sentence, "Tho wages of sin is death." And so with tho nation. It is of age and it can do what it pleases; it can spurn the tradi tions of the past; it can repudiate tho principles upon which the nation rests; it can employ force instead of reason; it can substitute might for richt: it can conquer weaker people; it can ex ploit their lands, appropriate their property and kill their people; but it cannot repeal the moral law or escape the punishment decreed for tho violation of human rights. "Would we tread in the paths of tyranny, Nor reckon the tyrant's cost? Who taketh another's liberty His freedom is also lost. Would we win as the strong have ever won, Make ready to pay the debt, For the God who reigned over Babylon Is the God who is reigning yet. We Dare Not Educate the Filipinos. qome argue that American rule in the Philip- Tto "ducated FmpmosSaro now in revolt against b and the most ignorant ones Have made the fhImnno voTce in terminfng the taxes which Zr&. 7tf-taonaof Se'nt 25 ff(M5S5t- States and mock us for our inconsistency. ism are: iMMnvfl the nresent op- porter hee 'work power and enter ESSES? "toxoid r ifiands perman ""S'.vrtThat the spread of the Christian re- prf-MSf . Pochct-boo,. The third Is Intended for tho church mombr and tho fourth for the partisan. Out Place in World Politics. It Is BUfllcient answor to tho first nrgument to say that for moro than a century this nation, has been a world power. For ten decades it hafl buen the most potent influence in the world. Not only has it been a world power, but it has done more to affect the politics of tho human raco than all the other nations of tho world com bined. Because our Declaration of Independ ence was promulgated others have been promul gated. Because the patriots of 177 G fought for liberty others have fought for it. Because our Constitution was adopted othor constitutions havo been adopted. The growth of the principle of self-government, planted on American soil, has been (he overshadowing political fact of the nineteenth century. It has made this nation conspicuous among the nations and given it a place in his tory such as no other nation has ever enjoyed. Nothing lias been able (o check the onward march of this idea. I am not willing that this nation shall cast aside tho omnipotent weapon of truth to seize again tho weapons of physical war fare. I would not exchange the glory of this Republic for tho glory of all the empires that havo risen and fallen since time began. Tho permanent chairman of the last Republi can National Convention presented thb pecun iary argument in all its baldness when ho said: "Wo ii&ke no hypocritical pretense of being Interested In the Philippines solely on account of others. While wo regard tho welfare of those people as a sacred trust, we regard the welfare of the American people first. Wo see our duty to ourselves as well as to others. We believe in trade expansion. By every legitimate means within tho province of government and consti tution we mean to stimulate the expansion of our trade and open new markets." This Is the commercial argument. It Is based upon the theory that war can be rightly waged for pecuniary advantage, and that It Is profitable ot purchase trade by force and violence. Frank lin denied both of these propositions. When Lord Howe asserted that the acts of Parliamont which brought on the Revolution were necessary to prevent American trade from passing Into for eign channels, Franklin replied: Franklin on Bartering Blood for Trade. "To mo it seems that neither (ho obtaining nor retaining of any trade, howsoever valuable, is an object for which men may Justly spill each other's blood; that (lie true and sure means of extending and securing commerce are the fjood ness and cheapness of commodities, and that tho profits of no trade can ever lie equal to the ex pense of compelling It and holding it by fleets x and armies. I consider this war against us, therefore, as both unjust and unwise." I place the philosophy of Franklin against the sordid doctrine of those who would put a price upon the head of an American soldier and jus tify a war of conquest upon tho ground that It will pay. Tho Democratic party Is In favor of the expansion of trade. It would extend our trade by every legitimate and peaceful means; but it is not willing to make merchandise of human blood. But a war of conquest is as unwise as it is unrighteous. A harbor and coaling station in the Philippines would answer every trade and military necessity and such a concession could have been secured at any time without difficulty. It Is not necessary to own people in order to trade with them. We carry on trade today with every part of the world, and our commerce has expanded more rapidly than tho commerce of any European empire. We do not own Japan or China, but we trade with their people. We have ohcnrhni the renublics of Central and South America, but we trade with them. It has not been necessary to have any political connection with Canada or the nations of Europe in order to trade with them. Trade cannot bo perman ently profitable unless it is voluntary. When trade Is secured by force, the cost or securing it and retaining It must be taken out of the profits, and the profits are never large enough to cover tho expense. Such a system would never be defended but for the fact that the expense is borne by all the people, while the profits are enjoyed by a few. Imperialism would be profitable to tho arm.v contractors; It would ho profitable to tho sldp owners, who would carry live soldiers to the Philippines and bring dead soldiers back; it would be profitable to those who would seize upon the franchises, and it would be profitable to the officials whose salaries would be fixed here and paid over there; but to the farmer, to th ia ii I if V': J m ,t 11 i i','i . ' 'S. . 3! "i :.! y "iLr& :.-tofc..ai &&&:.'. ife-