The Commoner VOL. 18, KO. 9 War Prohibition July 1, 1919; Beer Goes Dec. 1, 1918 President Wilson, tho United Stales senate and Iho various administration war boards combined to make September 6, 1918, a bad day for liquor and the liquor interests. September G, the Senato passed tho emergency agricultural bill, carrying an appropriation of $12,000,000, with its rider for national prohibi tion from-July 1 next until the American armies aro demobilized after tho war. Almost simultaneously tho food adminstration announced that, after a conference between the Prooidont and representatives of tho Food, Fuel and Railroad administrations and tho War In dustries board, it had boon decided to prohibit tho manufacture of beer in the United States after Docombor 1 next. This, tho announcement said, had been decided as a necessary war moaflure. Tho Sonate, on August 30, adopted tho Shep pard substitute for tho Jones prohibition amend ment to tho agricultural appropriation bill with out a roll call. Tho main" provisions of tho Shop pard substitute, which may bo found in another column, arc: Prohibition of tho manufacture of beer and wino aftor May 1, 1919; prohibition of the sale of alcoholic beverages of all kinds after Juno 30, 1919; authority to tho President to proscribo prohibition zones around coal mines and muni tions plants immediately. Tho Senate, acting on tho Emergency Agri cultural Appropriation bill, September G, decided by a voto of 55 to 6 to retain the prohibition rider after having passed the measure without a roll call. Tho bill now goes to tho Houso and because of tho many amendments inserted by the senate it undoubtedly will bo sent to conference. The con sensus of prohibition leaders, however, was that thoro will bo no difficulty in obtaining tho con sent of tho Houso to tho prohibition rider and that no objection will bo raised to it in con ference. Prohibition loaders say they confidently expect tho passago of tho bill by both Senate and Houso means national prohibition for all timo to come. They declare that, while the measure as it goes to tho I-Iouaa provides for prohibition only after tho demobilization of our armies that it will pro bably require two years after peace to effect this. By that timo, they declared, the necessary num ber of states will havo ratified an amendment to tho constitution calling for nation-wide prohibition. BREWEIUES TO CLOSE DECEMBER J, 1018 A Washington dispatch, dated September 7, follows: All breweries must close on December 1, and beer and other malted drinks will disappear from the market as soon as tho stock on hand is exhausted. A decree to that effect was issued Friday night by tho food administration, with the approval of President Wilson. Manufacturers of other drinks, including mineral waters, were also warned that tho demand for labor, transportation ? nCfaiiby Wftr, n(U8tries. Probably would result in a further radical curtailment of their output. As far as possible tho plants of the manu facturers' thus affected would be used tor war purposes. ttr The decision which, it is believed by manv would make beer an obsolete drink in this ,Yn try within six or eight weeks after ho brew eries close was mado after a conference attended by President Wilson and members of the food fue and railroad administrations. ' oS arf nIsln issued this statement: On July G, brewers were notified by the tm. administration that their coal consumption would be reduced by 50 per cent pending the period If exhaustion of materials that they had n process and were given preliminary warnim Yw if ' might not be able to conTiU e?rVJia5S at all after such exhaustion At tin tfm ?i food administration directed the cessation at further purchase of raw materials for maUng mUvirofVnT ,th Pn"gand .capacity of the nXXlirSXt -. s?:tzTGGmS(?iG) 1 TEXT OF WAR PROHIBITION 0 MEASURE r - - z v -v ... i it,,, tnvt f Mm ffhonnnrfl w substitute amendment to the Emergency Agricultural Appropriation bill which 0 passed the United States senate Septem- ber G, 1918: "That after June 30, 1919, until the, conclusion of the present war, and there- after until tho termination of demobil- ization, tho date of which shall be deter- mined and proclaimed by the President of the United States, for the purpose of con- serving the man power of the Nation and to increase efficiency in the production of arms, munitions, ships, food, and clothing for the Army and Navy, it shall be unlaw- ful to sell for beverage purposes any distilled spirits, and during said time no distilled spirits held in bond shall be re- moved therefrom for beverage purposes except for export. After May 1, 1919, until the conclusion of the present war, and thereafter until the termination of demobilization, the date of which shall" be determined and proclaimed by the Presi- dent of the United States, no grains, cereals, fruit, or other food product shall be used in the manufacture or production of beer, wine or other intoxicating malt or vinous liquor for beverage purposes. After June 30, 1919, until the conclusion of the present war, and thereafter until the termination of demobilization, the date of which shall be determined and and proclaimed by the President of the United States, no beer, wine, or other intoxicating malt or vindus liquor shall be sold for beverage purposes except for export. Tho Commissioner of Internal Revenue is hereby authorized and direct- od to prescribe rules and regulations, subject to the approval of the Secretary t of the Treasury, in regard tothe removal of distilled spirits held in bond after June 30, 1919, until this act shall cease to operate, for other than beverage pur- poses; also in regard to the sale and distribution of wine for sacramental, medicinal, or other than beverage uses. Aftor the approval of this act no dis- tilled, malt, vinous, or other intoxicating liquors shall be imported into the United States during the continuance of the pre- sent war and period of demobilization. Any person who violates any of the foregoing provisions shall be punished by imprisonment not exceeding one year or by fine not exceeding $1,000, or by both such imprisonment and fine. TTTcJf f' Vmt th0 Presont of the United States be, and hereby is, author- ized and empowered, at any time after . the passage of this act, to establish zones of such size as he may deem advisable about coal mines, munition factories a. shipbuilding plants, and such other I plants for war material as may seem to his opinion the creation of such zones is necessary to. or advisable in, the prone? prosecution of the war, and that he Is I 1 TiLXh0Tirl and cowered6 to I f11 the sale, manufacture, or dis- tribution of intoxicating liquors in such zones and that any violation oft" Pre sident's regulations in this regard shall be punished by imprisonment for no more than $1,000, or J y both such fifce and imprisonment. e "Provided however, That nothing in tlafhntallbeC0"strued to Interfere VS Wltn tnO nownr pnnfaKKA , a, 0000 lir-wrlnp- nnAraHono nf nil THnlo ni,..i.i ... December 1, until further orders, and that ? further unmalted grains be purchased for bw ing purposes from this date. "Tho food administration has been directed tn issue the necessary regulations to this end "In addition to the above these administration! wish to warn the manufacturers of all beers an! mineral waters that for this reason there will be greater curtailment in fuel for tho manufacture of glass containers, of tin plate for caps, of trans. portation and of food products in such bever ages." BREWERS FURTHER RESTRICTED A Washington dispatch, dated September 17 says: Beer will be banished as a war-tlm! remedy two montha earlier than has been planned by a proclamation tho president will issue to morrow. The proclamation will prohibit the use of grain materials in the manufacture of beer after Oc tober 1. An earlier presidential proclamation fixed the date as December 1. LIQUOR FORBIDDEN ON RAILROADS By order of Administrator McAdoo, the sale of liquor on trains or in railroad stations is for bidden in a recent order. Tho "General Order No. 39" follows: "Washington, August 12, 1918. The sale ol liquors and intoxicants of every character In dining cars, restaurants, and railroad stations under Federal control shall be discontinued Im mediately. W. G. McADOO, Director General ol Railroads." portation to handle necessary Industrie shortage of labor caused by the 'enlarged en t n? the army operations, renders it necessary thai NEW ORDER BY SECRETARY DANIELS Secretary Daniels has gone a step further In his efforts to increase the efficiency of the men of the United States navy. He has just issued a new general order against the serving or sel ling of intoxicating liquors to officers and en listed men of the navy, which, in addition to,the previous regulations issued, covering restricted zones around naval camps and stations, contains the following provision: "Outside of said zones alcoholic liquor, in cluding beer, ale, and wino, either alone or with any other article, shall not, directly or indirect ly, be sold, bartered, given, served, or knowingly delivered to any officer or member of the naval forces within the United States, their territories or possessions, or any place under their control, except when administered for medical purposes by or under the direction of a regularly licensed physician or medical officer of the United States." When Secretary Daniels first introduced his anti-liquor measures in tho United States navy he met with violent abuse and criticism, but he stood his ground, and has lived to see the day when his policies are receiving universal ap proval. Under Secretary Daniels' administration, the United States navy has attained the highest peak of efficiency and every critic has been silenced. Long life to Secretary Daniels! TEN THOUSAND (From tho New York Sun.) We have not the means of verifying the estimate of the brewers that 10,000 saloons' in this city will go out of business next month he cause of the Executive ban on beer, hut the figure is round and fascinating and suggestive. Ten thousand bartenders would be welcome in essential industry, if not in the army. Ten thousand hardwood bars could be turned into gun stocks, ship's furniture and peace con ference tables. Ten thousand sets' of mirrors, placed in the cantonments, would, adtl to the joy of the an putting on his first suit of olive drab. Ten thousand brass footrails would ho re ceived by the shell factories with loud cheers. Ten thousand groups of ''private stock" bot tles could bo used as ketchup containers. . Ten thousand bungstarters could be adapted to shipyard use for the driving homo of wooden keys. One of these interesting weapons rate"1 be sent to the Historical Society. , . Ten thousand slates, after careful washing. could be used In schools. u Ten thousand vacated- saloons-what wouw be the increased value, in money alone, or i"8 buildings in which they now nestle? o&ft, ,r