!$$$?" i wr xhe Commoner SBPTEWBERi'1918 H V Ptrf none u raiificationish on guard. Democrats and Re publicans everywhere should see to it that every candidate for the state legislature is openly pledged to vote for the ratification of the National Prohibition Amendment. Take no chances This is the supreme domestic issue untibConstiiutional Prohibition is secured. 0 Is Bimetallism Coming? On another page will bo found an extract from a news letter in the, Chicago Herald about the approach toward international bimetallism. It is about the only promised reform that has not come and it would have come a long time ago but for the unexpected discovery of gold. But even the enormous addition made to the volume o standard money by gold discoveries in Alaska and South Africa can not furnish the amount .of basic money necessary to support the credits issued during the present war, and Great Britain, the very n ion most responsible for the gold standard, i? 'calling to march back to the double standard. The readers of The Commoner will watch the growth of the movement with real interest. W. J. BRYAN. KIJN'ATOR BLACKBURN. In th" death, 'of ex-Senator Blackburn,. Ken tucky j suffered the loss of a second honored son v.-i in a month. He was a typical product of the "eat commonwealth he so long repre sented i house and senate. He was brilliant, brave, eloquent, generous and genial. Politics was his element and he was for a generation a j -om'nent figure at democratic gatherings, state and national. His friends, who were legion, loved him and will miss his winning smile and cordial handclasp. THE PERSHING DRIVE General Pershing certainly did celebrate his birthday Friday,- September - 13. The drive meant more than the gaining of ground and the taking of prisoners. It proved the impetuous strength of the American soldiers and the crum bling courage of the German troops. Final de feat is casting its shadow over the kaiser's men and an increasing number await capture, The end approaches, and a united stand behind our President and congress will hasten victory. Now all together for the Fourth Liberty loan. MISSOURI DEMOCRATS FOR RATIFICATION The democratic state convention of Missouri at its recent session in Jefferson City, urged the state legislature to take early action on the fed eral prohibition amendment, and also advocated jne submission to the people 'of the woman suf frage amendment. The prohibition plank was adopted with little opposition. WISDOM AT WASHINGTON The house has acted wisely in raising the ex emption on interest on Liberty bonds. The 3 wi!iCenit,1)ondB' oecauBe tfae interest was exempt wuuout limit, went above par while bonds bear- nhi V. g- er rate of interest suffered a conslder ;"e account because the higher rate bonds did Ti,C0?.ln so favorable an exemption clause. '", a?tion taken by the house has already low ti,n . price ot 3 er cent bonds and raised woe? rice f the 4 and 4 per cent bonds. It hoi? A tUat the lower exemption of the later J"0,8'8 aimed at those with large incomes, ,s lnJuring all who bought those bonds. sav1!!16 h(lUBe was also wlso ln enlarging the war vings stamps issue that should be kept open PnvLConstant lnducement to children to make a government obligation the foundation of a sav ings account. W. j. BRYAN. FOLK FOR SENATOR The nomination of Joseph W. Folk by the Democrats of Missouri for United States Senator is gratifying to real Democrats and lovers of good government everywhere. His record as Circuit Attorney of St. Louis where he exposed and prosecuted corruption in official life made him a national figure; As Governor of Missouri he. put Missouri in the front rank of the progressive states by secur ing the enactment of the Initiative and Refer endum, State wide Primary Laws, Child Labor Laws, Public Service Corporation Laws, by tak ing the police of the large cities out of politics, by suppressing gambling, wine rooms and by en forcing the Liquor Laws in the face of tite determined opposition of the powerful brewery and liquor interests. These things made the name of Joseph W. Folk a synonym for good government. After the elec tion of President Wilson, Joseph W. Folk was made solicitor for the Department of State. Ho there became familiar with those great principles of international law, the knowledge of which will enable him' to render services in the Senate in this great international crisis, For four years he was Chief Counsel -of the Interstate Commerce Commission and is regarded as one of the leading experts inAmoricaton trans portation questions. In the Senate he will, of course, be a member of the Interstate Commerce Committee and will be of tremendous assistance in solving those transportation questions which will be so pressing for solution during the war and after the war is ended. The people of Missouri should elect Joseph W. Folk to the Senate by the largest majority ever given a democratic candidate in that state. He is needed in Washington to uphold the President and to aid him in winning the war. His election by a large majority would be construed every where as an evidence that the people of Missouri desire to uphold the President at this time, No matter how good a man the Republican op ponent of Governor Folk may be there should be no hesitancy on the part of the patriotic citizens of Missouri of all parties in casting their votes for Joseph W. Folk, thus declaring that they favor good government, the elimination of graft, the enforcement of the laws and the upholding of President Wilson. We "urge our friends in Missouri of all parties to vote for him. .THE AMERICAN ARMY. The American array may be compared to an avalanche in the making. Up on the heights it is steadily gathering in mighty force. Now and then an occasional snow-slide, which may be likened to the thrusts already made by our army in France, descends to give warning of the coming cataclysm. These ominous signs spell trouble for the kaiser's hosts, but they still battle on in the valleys, utterly oblivious to the Impending destruc tion. In the fulness of time, this avalanche, re presenting the wrath of an outraged world, will descend with irresistible power, crushing every thing in its path, and wiping out kaiserism from the earth forever. The doom of autocracy is sealed; the dawn of the triumph of democracy is at hand. CLEANER POLITICS In a few months, the distillery, the brewery and the saloon will be gone, and with them will go the liquor lobbyist and the saloon politician Politics will then be cleaner and parties will be rivals in high purpose and good works. $8,000,000,000 The biggest revenue moasurc ever prepared in all the world's history is being discussed in con gross, and a careful survey of its schedules will disclose the fact that it distributes the burdenn of the war more equitably than they were ever distributed before. And what would we do with out an income tax? And wo could not have an income tax but for the twenty years' fight led by the progressive democrats in favor of an amendment authorizing an income tax. From the day when a supreme court, by a majority of one, nullified tho income tax statute of 1894 down to the day whon our constitution was amended, our government could draft a citizen but could not draft a pocket-book. Now, the government can conscript incomos as well as men, and plutocrats who used to shout "anarchist" at those who advocated a two per cent tax on incomes now pay 63 per cent and will soon pay 75 per cent. Great change in twenty-four years. W. J. BRYAN. A PA0D7I0 NATION CAN FIGHT We are demonstrating that a nation that loves peace can fight when necessary. Our nation wan the leader in the Peace movement and negotiated with thirty nations treaties which make war al most impossible, but peace treaties do not make a people effeminate. On tho contrary, they fight better than the citizens of a military nation. They have a higher purpose, they are superior in intelligence and they have not been impover ished by the burden of a prolonged military policy. Keep your eye on the American soldier- he is the best fighting machlno ln the world. THE FOURTH LIBERTY LOAN. The drive for tho Fourth Liberty Loan will begin September 28. Get ready. It should be oversubscribed more quickly than the previous loans. Tho righteousness of our cause becomes daily more apparent; the necessity of winning becomes daily more imperative, and the prospects of a complete victory become daily brighter. Subscribe, and subscribe early. The extention of tho draft age so as to include men as old as forty-five Is expected to catch a half million or more bachelors. Every married man will voice his approval of a policy that gives every man in tho country spmo experience in fighting. War insurance rates on lives have been greatly Increased in Germany in recent months, say the dispatches. But we presume the companies are still quoting the same old rate on the kaiser and his six sons. Commercial chaos seems to be spreading in Russia, but the failure of Lenine, Trotsky & Co,, ought to be fpllowed by a considerable lowering of the interest rate. CLOSING IN , We are gradually closing in on tho saloon. The dry zones around the cantonments shut. up a great many, and now the President ia author ized (by unanimous vote) to estabjish dry -zonea around "munition factories, mines, shipyards and other war production plants." ( And each restriction is added proof that af cohol is a poison and hurtful to man. We are winning our fight for prohibition and that will help win the war. W. J. BRYAN. ,Vl Vjj r t" (? 'H t i" Vil Ki 7 i .-Mi ? -cr. i-i : ft ? -rrtj h ru ff