"r-4r?TTT' & l Th6 Commoner JUNE, 1918 w "tv ' 7 M 4t -. Pitf none to rattficationists on guard. Democrats and Re publicans everywhere should see to it that every candidate for the state legislature is openly pledged to vote for the ratification of the National Prohibition Amendment Take no 'chances This is the supreme domestic issue until Constitutional Prohibition is secured. fi The War Abstract of Mr. Bryan's address before the Ad club, Palace hotel, San Francisco, June 5. Gentlemen: I appreciate the invitation that brings to me this opportunity to address you. You represent an important branch of Industry; you occupy the ante-chamber, so to speak, of the temple of business., Those who enter business can not afford to pass you by. I have, been interested in the crusade that the advertising clubs of the country are mak ing against dishonest advertisers. While it is based upon a high ideal of morality, it is sup ported by sound business reasons, it is wrong to misrepresent an article offered to the public and it is also unwise to do so if the vendor, ex pects to. remain In business. You are really drawing a line in favor of permanent business as against business which is merely temporary. You are, so to speak, cutting out the carousal at night that is followed by headache in the morning. The jnan who expects to make business a life matter cah-not afford to spread falsehoods be fore his customers 'and the newspapers can not afford to be parties to conscious deception of their readers, The prohibition movement has reached a point where the advertising men may well con sider it both from a moral and business stand point. The evil effects of alcohol are now so well known that advertisements that represent alcoholic liquors as beneficial can no longer be spread before. the public with innocence. Neither can the advertising elubs Ignore the fact that the purpose of such advertisements is not primarily to convince the public or the merit of the article advertised; they a. re inserted rather with the hope, if not with the under standing, that a liquor advertisement on one page will soak through to the editorial page and color, or rather discolor, editorial opinion. I have, during the past three weeks, visited more than forty California communities and have been increasingly impressed with the va riety and value of the resources of this great state; I do not know of any other state that approaches it in the wide range covered by its products. Surely, California should be the last state to put the pecuniary interests or a single industry against the claims of the greatest moral reform of the generation. But in the brief time that it is proper for- me to occupy let me call attention to a general ad vertising work in which your club is fitted to play an important part, namely, the fortifying of the public for the war work to which patri otism calls us. First, the public should be urged to Temember that the expenditures of this war should not be measured against the incomes of today. They should be charged, in large part to the advantages which we have en joyed In the past, and to the blessings, which we purchase for posterity. We are now paying something like Tour.-billions a year in taxation, and yet the President has recently asked congress to prepare, a new revenue law raising it to eight billions, arid, if the expenditures of the war require It the amount will be still further raised, but We should ..not complain, as long as one American . boy must offer his life upon the country's altar, no tax that can be levied on income or prop? erty can pogslbly be as heavy as the tax, on life and blood. ;:uc ; Remember for how many years we have en-r joyed the blessings bestowed by our government, without having to make a return comparable with what wo have received. A part of that which we now pay should bo charged against accumulations which we would not have been able to ma)ce had we paid for these 'blessings according to their value, And then we must not forget that we are pro tecting those who come after us in the enjoy ment of the accumulated advantages of pop ular government. When we contribute to the welfare of our soldiers through the Red Cross, th6 Y. M. C. A., the Knights of Columbus, the Jewish Brother hood, and other organizations, we are not only purchasing the satisfaction that comes with the conscious performance of duty, but we are add ing to the fighting strength of the men who stand between us and a cruel, barbarous foe. The spirit of the soldier is an important factor in his fighting value, and this spirit Is strength ened by the provisions which are made for his physical comfort. The value of, the soldier is also affected by his morals. We can not, therefore, afford to allow tfim to be surrounded by anything else than the most helpful environment. TheAmerican sol dier is proving himself to be the best fighting machine over used upon the battlefield, and why not? More is being put into the average Amer ican than was ever put into any average man before, or anywhere else, and the average Amer ican has before him more hope and opportunity than has over been placed before any other av erage man. He would disappoint us, therefore, if he were not the best soldier in the world, and the American soldier Is at his best only when his morals are at their highest. The records will bear me out in the statement that we have sent forth to battle the cleanest body of men ever used in the war, and they are proving the econ omic value of morality and manhood. The Ad club can also advertise the financial value of our government bonds. They are a first mortgage on every dollar's worth of prop erty under the flag, and they have the nation's honor thrown in to make the security doubly sure. The rate of interest, too, is more than the average rate paid by the saings banks of the country. Considering the security back of these bonds and the interest . that they draw, they are the best investment on the market of the world today. The War Saving Certificate Is just a little bit better than the government bond because it can be collected at any time on ten days' notice, and it has two incidental advantages, First, it Is issued In denominations so small that the child ren can use War Saving Certificates and Thrift Stamps -as the basis of savings accounts and thus acquire a habit which will be even more valuable to the children than their money is to the government. The other advantage Is that if any adult is unable to purchase a fifty dollar Liberty bond, he can, .by investing in War Sav ing Certificates, become a party to the increas ing number who are financing the war. Seven teen million joined in furnishing the money for the third loan a number almost equal to the number of voters in the United States. This igi twice as many as subscribed for the second loan and four times as many as subscribed to the first a" splendid postscript to add to the announcement of the oversubscription of the loan. We can mow notify the kaiser that w havtonot only loaned and loaned and loaned a third time, but that the American people will loan and loan and loan until the liberties of the people of the world aro no longor monaced by autocratic power. And one word more, tho Ad club can impress upon tho public tho far, reaching effect of this war. Tho character of tho conflict as a mortal com bat between two forms of 'government has boon greatly emphasized by our ontranco into the war. Tho greatest republic in history stands face to' face with that government which in mod ern times most fully represents all that is hos tile to our government. Ours is a people's gov ernment. Those who temporarily exorcise au thority are chosen by the people, and aro re stricted in their action by tho terms of a wrlt 'ton constitution. Hero the people are tho mas ters, while tho officials aro but their public ser vants. Not so with tho German government. Its head claims to rule by right divine, and is supported in his pretentions by military power. Under that form of government authority comes, not up from the peoplb, but down froir the man at the head. Tho people aro not mas ters, but enjoy such privileges as the ruler con descends to Lrant them. These two forms of government have had their defenders in tho past. Tho advpeates of autocratic government place tho emphasis upon strength, and contend that a ruler under such a form of government can better direct his whole force against a given object. Tho advocates of popular government dispute this, and insist that popular government is not only moro just and more wise, but also stronger than the monarchial form. No one has better presented our side than the great historian Bancroft who, In his eloquent plea "The People in Art, Government and Re ligion," declares that the rOpublic is in truth the strongest of governments because, discard ing the implements of terror, it dares to build its citadel in the hearts of men. Now that these two governments meet upon the battlefield the result can not but effect tho opinion of the future as to tho relative value of those two forms of government. Wo aro told that single battles in the past have changed the course of civilization for cen turies. If little battles in the years gone by could have exerted such an influence, who will bo pre sumptuous enough to peer into tho future, and attempt to estimate for how many centuries the stream of thought may bo colored by tho blood iest of all battles which Is now being fought up on the western battle-front. We must win this war, not only for ourselves and our allies and for tho world of today, buc we must win it for the world o? tomorrow. We can not afford to have any historian write that an emperor was better ablo to mobilize the re sources of his empire than a President and con gress could tho resources of a republic. The students of history shall not read, a century hence, that the oppressed subjects of an ambi tious kaiser were more loyal to their govern ment than were the free citizens of this ropub lic to the public servants whom they themselves had chosen, and to a government which had given them more of freedom and of hope than any other people had ever enjoyed. I have no doubt that victory will crown our efforts, and this confidence is based upon the belief that the American people will, while the war lasts, ai they have thus far, arise to every responsibility and meet every demand made upon them. The Ad club enjoys unusual opportunities for ser vice and will, I doubt not, fully improve those opportunities. rtl A Aft ,M; 1 M -VJ Jf l r i n M "2. 4 1 J M i i -;. j JL