lTr MM.MM.aMJZ at The Commoner VOL. 18, NO. 5 German Americans On another page will bo found an editorial from tho San Antonio Express on the attitude of German Americana. It la a deserved tribute to tho loyalty of the great mass of those who, though born In tho Fatherland and attached by tics of blood to thoso who follow tho flag of tho kalaor, aro ready to give both their money and their Bona to support freedom. Tho test of their devotion to their adopted homo has been tho more severe because they aro supporting not only tho United States but our Allies, whom thoy were free to condemn be foro our nation entered tho conflict. , Thoy were quite naturally slow to believe that this war was a dellberato assault upon tho world's peace and a menace to the democratic Idea of government. Russia's withdrawal from tho war, doplorablo as it was, has served to ex Pobo tho ambitious plana of tho emperor and his military advisors. It completely refutes the ploa that ho mado In tho beginning when he Indignantly denied that ho began the war or wanted tho war. Tho Gorman Americans now understand that thoy aro fighting for freedom for their relatives In Gormany as Veil as for liberty hero when thoy bravely face tho shells of the enemy on tho western front. Tho hyphen has been melted In tho fervent heat of war, and those who form erly used it aro proving their loyalty to a gov ernment of tho people, by the people and for tho pooplo. IHIEWMHY CONTROL WELCOME TO THE RECORD On another page will be found an editorial from the Fort Worth Record, now under tho control of W. H. Bagley, a brother-in-law of Secretary Daniels. Tho Commoner extends a cordial welcome to Tho Record under its new management. There is room for a great, progressive democratic nowspapor in northern Texas and Bagley, ably aided by Editor Fitzgerald, is capable of ren dering a largo .service to tho party. He appears on tho scone at an opportune time, when Texas Is breaking loose from the liquor interests and joining tho prohibition states. Success to The Reconl- W. J. BRYAN. ROOST THE RED CROSS Tho Red Cross drive begins on May onth and everybody should bo prepared to go" the limit in financing this organization. It not only takes care of the soldiers' comfort while they are In the ranks, but it cares for the boys w en In tho hospitals. It not only devotes its funds for tho proper equipment of hospitals but I? uses them for the purpose of building up hope n the bosoms of tho Belgians and French -made homeless by the great German thrusts Y money won't bo wasted in the hands of the Rod Cross; It too busy working oven to talk! GOING AFTER THE PROFITEERS "Washington, May 3 Profiteering r.ntrn. imprisonment tor ton "C s "roviLV ,00 r W. J. BRYAN. 000 W , THE ANGELUS UJV bxuupxi 0 When Mr. Bryan first announced his deter mination to fight the liquor interests of Ne braska to a finish, in 1910, he gave as one rea son that tho brewers had secured a political control In his party that made it impossible for . progressive democrats to enact the legislation thoy had pledged the people. The fact that a democratic governor and a democratic senate that owed their election to the endorsement re ceived from tho German-American alliance, the political organization of the brewers, prevented Nebraska sentiment in favor of prohibition from finding expression in ratificaton of tho national prohibitory amendment, indicates that his promises w.ere well taken and that his work la still unfinished. By F. Woodruff. There's a little town about 60 miles' south of Birmingham, on the Louisville & Nashville, called Verbena. The town is well named. It is redolent of the old-fashioned southern flower. It -is peopled by simple farmer folk. Some substantial citizens of Montgomery keep summer homes there. There are few sounds about the place. An occasional mule team rattles down a red-clay road drawing an empty wagon to the general stores, or bumps pleas antly back toward the Chilton county hills. Occasionally a gentle wind causes 'the leaves of the oak trees that shade the town to sigh one of those sighs of content that men breathe after a good meal or. a good sermon, or a well- rendered piece of music. It's as peaceful a place as can be found in Alabama or any other place. It might well have been modeled after Goldsmith's "Sweet Auburn." But there's a new sound there now. It is the Angelus of Strife. ' It calls the people of Verbena not only to worship but to deeds. Every afternoon at 6 o'clock the bell of the Verbena church rings. It contin- ues to ring for two minutes, and while ,.- its brazen song is lifted the people of Verbena stand and pray. . With heads uncovered and bowed, each man, each woman, each child, each saint, and each sinner repeat these words: "God bless our President, our soldiers, and the nation, and guide them on to victory." When the sound begins, the observance of its call is universal. Men halt in the street; wagons are pulled up on the road; women rise from their knitting or pause in their cookery for they have early suppers in Verbena the plowman halts his work, and each repeats the prayer. Verbena calls it "The Prayer of the Bell," and it is said that men who have never been known to pray before answer its call dutifully. From a Birmingham, Ala, paper. THE REAL PUNCH AND JUDY SHOW Did you ever in your youth see a Punch and Judy show? It is an amusing sight the two wooden figures quarreling and fighting at the top of a screen, but one loses interest when he learns that it is the same voice that speaks through both. Tho liquor interests are today carrying on a Punch and Judy show on a large scale. They have one group of politicians shouting, "Don't disturb interstate commerce" that was the ar gument used against the Webb-Kenyon law that enlarged the power of the state to deal with the saloon while another group of politicians greet the national prohibition amendment with the protest, "You are invading the rights of the states." It is the same voice that speaks through both groups the voice of the brewery. But if the friends of the amendment will only stand guard a few months longer and secure twentymive dry legislatures, the "shouting and tumult" will cease the voice will be gone. W. J. BRYAN. POLITICAL CAMOUFLAGE A democratic governor in Nebraska refused to submit the ratification of the national pro hibitory amendment to the legislature on the ground that the democratic state senate would vote it down. Later the democratic state sen ate refused to consider the ratification question because it said tho governor had not iucSrf n " call. This was a bit of camunale that deceived no one, and puts up to the dem! ocratic voters of Nebraska a very distinnf Va emphatic duty at the coming JSa?? eS The Issue in Nebraska There is one very important local issue in Nebraska this year namely, ratification of tho prohibition amendment. A wet democratic gov ernor and a wet democratic majority in the state senate have brought humiliation upon the party and the state. They denied to Nebraska tho privilege of being state number 12 on the Roll of Hon'or. The disgrace must be wiped out. The democrats have a chance to do their part at the coming prmary. A friend of ratification should be brought out for every office from the goyernor down, so that the democratic voters will have a chance to put themselves on record in favor of prohibition in state and nation. Now is the time for young men who have the courage of their convictions. If the older men are afraid, let the young men dare to test the sentiment of their party. The. democratic party in Nebraska has been terrorized by the liquor interests, but the grip of the brewery has been broken the party is free. No time is to be lost. Announcements should be made at once, and the campaign should be begun to restore the party to public confidence. W. J. BRYAN. SEVENTEEN MILLION PURCHASERS The cneering news comes from Washington that the purchasers of the third - liberty loan number seventeen million as against five million purchasers of the first loan and ten millions of the second. This is most gratifying. Nothing is more sure to impress the kaiser with the hopelessness of his cause tha4 to know that ALL the American people stand behind 'the govern ment and are ready to furnish the money neces sary to win the war. SUGGESTIONS FOR STUDENTS Patriotism is love of country defined in terms of national service.' fv'" v No one "can have too, much educa tion if he uses it to help -society $ "but even a little education is more than, .enough if it sep arate; one in sympathy from his fellow men. It takes many books to train, the. mind but one book, the Bible, is sufficient to train the heart, and the heart controls the mind. . Eloquence is the art of telling what you know in such away that people wiil believe that you mean what you say. SIGN THE PLEDGE God did not make alcohol necessary to body, mind or soul; on the contrary, it is a poison and a menace to the physical, mental and moral man. t God never made a human heing so strong that he could begin the use of intoxicants with certainty that he would not become a victim to the ' habit. Every drunkard has passed through a period of confidence wlien he boasted that he could drink when he wanted to and l.eave it alone when he wanted to, but has fallen. The only safety lies in total abstinence. The pledge is both a source of strength to those who sign it, and an example to others W. J. BRYAN. A FOOLISH FORECAST A crepe hanger who writes for Life, one of our favorite journals, draws a melancholy pic ture of the club of the future, in which opium smoking, hasheesh, morphine and other violent J?;ri?tties oC dope haVG taken the place of wine bibbllng and beer guzzling, now common in many clubs in regions where personal liberty continues triumphant. All these dire things to Derail, of course, because prohibition is spread ing itself across the continent. A fool forecast, of course, and unlikely to cause alarm among well-balanced people. Since the law is more severe against drug fiends than it is against the alcoholic artists, a club given over to such hi !S.i?Ku?uld,8tand a fat chance. It is true that . Kblt0n ls a bit hard on many clubs, re fi ? many ambers spending their even ings at- home occasionally, but the idea that it s going to encourage free and unlimited traffic of? i narcotics i3 t0 silly to scare anybody. V V - ix " jii.y x imes.