lf&Wia illnhJiiBiiiiii flull mini i r4bt The Commoner 19L. 18, NO. 4 R Governor and a Wet Senate Block Prohibition Ratification in Nebraska Ratification of the national prohibition con otitutlonnl amendment was blocked at the recent upcclal session of tho Nebraska legislature through tho position taken by Governor Neville and tho refusal of the "wet" majority of tho state senate to allow the question to come di rectly before that body. The house of represent atives had previously voted to ratify the amend ment by tho overwhelming vote of 60 to 7. Governor Neville, in his call for a special ses sion to moot on March 2G, refused to include tho question of ratification among the subjects to bo considered by tho legislature. - Governor Neville also refused to deliver to tho legislature the national prohibition amendment placed in his hands by the federal congress, and lator refused to placo the same before the legis lature when requested to do so by the lower houso by an almost unanimous vote. Tho "wet" senate effectually completed the program by the adoption of a "gag" resolution, known as tho, Henry resolution, by a vote of 18 to 13, which committed the senate to tho con sideration only of those subjects mentioned in tho governor's call. Tho wet line-up stood intact on two other amendments intended to get the prohibition amendment before tho senate. Later tho fact was brought out by tho Nebraska State Journal, which published a translation of the official in structions to the German voters by the German American Alliance, showing that the governor and eighteen state senators who defied public opinion woro endorsed for election at the time of tholr election in the fall of 191G. The German-American Alliance also indorsed Senator Hitchcock at tho same election. Of the eighteen "wet" senators, ten came from dry districts. Below will bo found the news account of the proceedings of tho Nebraska legislature, and tho official indorsement of Governor Neville and the eighteen anti-ratification senators by tho German-American Alliance, together with resolutions, telegrams and letters as published by the Nebraska State Journal, showing the effort made by the more patriotic citizens of Nebraska to ratify the national pro hibition constitutional amendment. MR. RRYAN'S BIRTHDAY ADDRESS . Prom the Nebraska State Journal, March 20. W. J. Bryan told the Nebraska legislature in ' a speech before 2,000 persons at the city audit ' orium Tuesday night that the failure of the gov ernor to includo as one of its special tasks the ratification of the national prohibitory amend ment did not deprive it of the power or the duty of proceeding to do so for the state. A voto upon ratification or rejection was a duty imposed upon the state legislature by the federal constitution, and it was none of the gov ernor's business nor has ho any power or au thority to prevent action by omitting it from the call. Mr. 'Bryan took judicial notice of the fact that tho state senate was wet last sess'on, and his speech was largely a marshaling of argu ments why it should vote to ratify the amend ment. If tho legislature should fail or refuso to rat ify the amendment at this special session, Mr. Bryan said that the only domestic Issue before tho people would bo the election of men to the next legislature who stand for ratification. He said ho hoped that democrat, and republicans would put up only men who were pledged openly for ratification, and It it happened that both candidates wore opposed, then there should bo an independent named to represent ratification. ."Do that," he said, "and I'll promise you I'll cvomo back and use whatever Influence I have with any voter to defeat any man who does not stand for ratification." Elmer E. Thomas of Omaha presided at the meeting. He had started in to tell the people present that Mr. Bryan was upon a speaking tour of tho nation urging the ratification of the national prohibitory amendment as the accredited representative of 'all of the temperance organ izations of the nation, when Mr. Bryan appeared on. the stage and he Immedlatley gave way de claring that nobody in the world could introduce woiildn't'Try.10 UC" audience a he Every seat on the main floor was taken, there were a hundred or more standing, and every seat in the gallery within reasonable hearing dis tance was occupied when Mr. Bryan began shortly after 8 o'clock. He spoke for an hour and a quarter, and at the conclusion hundreds pushed their way to the stage to shake him by the hand. The impromptu reception lasted fif teen minutes. Just before the convention ad journed it adopted unanimously resolutions call ing upon the legislature at the special session to ratify the amendment, and pledged itself, if the h jlslature did not, to at once launch a campaign to secure a legislature "American in both houses." Mr. Bryan began his speech by noting the fact that this was his birthday. He said that for thirty years his Lincoln friends had been calling him back to celebrate his birthday, but that none of these had taken a more delightrul form than this meeting. The fight to secure the ratification of the pro hibitory amendment to the federal constitution was the greatest moral fight in wihch he had ever taken part, and he was happy that it was rapidly approaching a triumphant conclusion. "When I celebrate my fifty-ninth birthday a year hence," he said, "thirty-six states will have ratified this amendment and two years from now when I am sixty, there will not be a single sa loon in the United States. You may think I am sanguine, but I really find it difficult to keep up with the procession. Confident and hopeful as I am by nature, the course of events, in this in stance, outruns my expectations." MR. BRYAN'S APPEAL TO LEGISLATURE TO RATIFY From the Nebraska State Journal, March 26. William Jennings Bryan, in a personal and open letter to the members of the Nebraska state legislature, urges speedy action by both houses in ratifying the national prohibition amendment. Mr. Bryan says that consideration of the amend met is a duty imposed upon the legislature by the constitution of the United States, and that if it does not ratify a legislature will, no doubt, be elected that will do so. Mr. Bryan, however, argues that delay ought not to be the policy. Why compel another con flict to elect a legislature that will ratify when the verdict of the state is known in advance, he asks. Delay means a hundred millions a month to the liquor trade that would otherwise be available for food and clothing and shelter, and it also means inviting the national liquor deal ers' association and its ally, the German-American alliance, to insolently thrust themselves again into state politics. Six reasons are given why action should be taken, the overwhelming vote for prohibition in Nebraska, the economic argument against the saloon, the moral argument, the success of pro hibition that has removed one source of oppo-' sition, tho fact that the continued use of grains for liquor-making robs the table and the soldier of needed food, and that liquor should not be allowed to be made to sap the strength of the men behind the army any more than the soldiers in the trenches. Mr. Bryan also makes a special appeal to the democrats in the legislature. He tells them that the democratic party is committed to prohibi tion, and that those who oppose it register their dissent from a judgment already rendered The letter of Mr. Bryan reads as follows GENTLEMEN: As you will doubtless deal with tho question of ratifying the national prohibition amend menta duty imposed upon you by the consti tution of the United States "and, therefore a subject to be dealt with whether specially men tioned by the governor or n'ot I venture to call your attention to the march of events since you were chosen to the positions which you now occupy. ,uu uow FirstThe state of Nebraska has by twenty- S ohiblt?onandTa3rity, adPted HtitSo5l prohibition. The amendment was adopted nn the day when you were elected. In your Z min?8 ;Unif fr or gainst trainent ment, but the adoption of . the amendment - 0S niTTnDW mWTVT u7l?.rnM Ctt7TVTAmVrn t ? RESENTED DRY DISTRICTS ? ill t From the Nebraska 'State Journal ! April 12. ;- ' J If the will of the voters of Nebraska, j as expressed in the last election, had t been followed, the national prohibition A amendment would' have been ratified by a large majority. Ten of the senators ji who assisted in blocking ratification ren- resented 'dry senatorial districts, as will be seen. by the following table of ma- jorities: - ' . s -. Dry. Majority in g , Each District g fS fftfnathr Mattes G4R Senator Gates 129 Senator W. N. 3Yilson ;..,. -.;. ...... 457 2 Senator Soost . . . . . ..' .'. .... 900 gi Senator Albert . . .- 584? Senator Lahners ...... -. 675 g Senator Buhrnian . ." . . ji.Vs-. .... 376 5 Senator Samuelson ........... . 1,874 Senator Adams v. . . . 3,026 M ft Senator Willis Wilson ..i: 2,882 - ... M i) !M changes the situation and presents to you ai entirely different issue. Before the election yoj , .j.j . j crave exnression to your muiviuuai opinions m since the adoption of state prohibition you deal 1 with a Question which Las been settled in tun state settled beyond any probability of change The lee-!slature recoenized this in making stat utory provision for the enforcement of - amendment. You know, as you did not know be fore the election, the sentiment of the state on this subject, and you also know the senti ment in favor of national prohibition is mucl stronger than the sentiment in favor of state prohibition because the larger the unit, the more certain the enforcement of the law. Op- posHion to this settled and- finally expresses sentiment of the state would he a repuaiauoi of the fundamental principle . of democracy the rierht of the neonle to rule for tho estaV Itahmant of whinh throughout the world we are nrw TOOfflnir nr nnnronoflATitorl war. The DGOPll ! of the United States have not only furnish more than a million men to defend tne prin ciple of democracy with their lives, but thei have loaned the government more than six bil lions of dollars with which to pay the expcnsei of the war. Can you, as legislators, reiu&u w. give expression to this known and emphaticallj declared sentiment of the state? Second Every economic argument used be fore the adoption of prohibition has grow stronger during the past year.' It is now knofl in all that the iiro nf IntmrieaHne lidUOr w pairs the productive power of men as well a! their fighting powerT Can you, as legislators, refuse to protect tho economic strength of our producers or lessen the man power of our pop ulation? Third All the moral arguments that haj heretofore had weight have increased strength. The man who votes on tne smc the l'quor dealer can not escape the responsi bilities of a partner, and this responsibility enormously increased when the individual acu in a representative capacity where his vote ww are required for ratification, and, while it loo now as if wo might have more than the nece sary number, it MAY require the vote of braska to secure national prohibition. u , vote in either house may decide the question o ratification. Can anyone, of you afford to ta iinnn hlmcalf rV. v.,, afMlltv of cu v.,v,.. uimuvtl WHO &1U.V13 JDOlJUUOiU"" .. tinuing saloons in this country, knowing, as must know, the evils inseparably connect with the liquor traffic? Fourth The laws which have gone into ef fect since you were elected have removed e niieao tViof nrn-.n i i i . rriiran in "' v,i.o uiut oumo uuuoat luuu imvo b"-" . v past for the belief that prohibition could noi mado effective. The supreme court has sustain the Webb-Kenyon law, and the states, noff position to enforce their statutes, have banisne the saloons, and real prohibition has convert many who heretofore thought the saloons oei than prohibition laws not-enforced. The anw ment to tho postoffice appropriation bill lias a1-. ; aided hy withdrawing the1 -instrumentalities A. Auu&.,t