ywp &4W!'TrwqgfrHspHrej'" ymjwprpT ""V XT The Commoner HL, 1918 svl stja Mm V U". l -! fW I V n 'resident, in Address, Declares America Will Fight On I jidont Wilson delivered the following ad it Baltimore, April 6, on the bccaslon of ming the Third Liberty Loan campaign: D$s is the anniversary of our acceptance of ku o buaituuu iu ugut, jlui uui iiiib iw id bo free and for the sacred rights of Mm everywhere. The nation is awake. is no need to call attention to it. We Lwhat the' war may cost, our utmost sac- the lives of our fittest men, and, if need tl that we possess. The loan we are met ;uss is one of the least parts of what wo Llled Upon to give and to do, though in imperative. The people of the whole ry are alive to the necessity of it and are tto lend to the utmost, even where it in- a sharp skimping and daily sacrifice to rout or meagre earnings. They will iooic reprobation and contempt upon those who md will not, upon those who demand a rate of interest, upon thoBe who think as a mere commercial transaction. I have Kftme, therefore, to urge the loan. I have ito give you, if I can, a more vivid con- of what it is for. k reasons for this great war, the reason It had to come, the need to fight it through fcke issues that hang upon its outcome, are clearly disclosed now than ever before. It to see just what this particular loan P SGtfCfcUDC3 blAls WtUQU yy U UiU 11&UUAU& 4.W& more sharply revealed than at any pre- crisis of the momentous struggle. The ho knows least can now see plainly how use of justice stands and what the imper- thing is he is asked to invest in. Men erica may be more sure than they ever efore that the cause is their own, and it should be lost their own great nation's and mission in the world would be lost t. . . call you to witness, my fellow-countrymen, t no stage of this terrible business havo ed the purposes of Germany intemper- If X DUUU1U UD U9UUU1CU 111 LUC JJI CDClHi: U L so grave, so .iraugnt wiui ine uesumes nkind throughout all the world, to speak itruculence, to use the weak language of or vindictive purpose. We must judge would T)e judged. I have sought to learn bjects Germany has in this war from the h& of her spokesmen, and to deal as frank- th them as I wished them to deal with me. ve laid bare our own ideals, our own pur- without reserve or doubtful phrase and asked them to say as plainly what -t Is they seek. e ourselves have proposed no injustice, gression. We are ready, whenever the final toning is made, -to be just to the German le, deal fairly with the German power, as iall others. here can be no difference between peo- in the final judgment, if it is, indeed, to be hteous judgment. To propose anything but ce, even handed and dispassionate justice, ermany at any time, whatever the outcome e war, would be to renounce and dishonor -own cause. For we ask nothing that we are (willing to accord. t has been with this thought that I have ht to learn from those who spoke for Ger- y whether it was justice or dominion and if execution of their own will upon the other ions or uie worm tnat tne uerman leaders e seeking. They have answered, answered Unmistakable terms. They have avowed that as not justice but dominion and the un- pved execution of their own will. The avowal has not come from Germany's itesmen. It has come from her military ers, who are her real rulers. Her states have said that they wished peace and were y to discuss its terms whenever their op- ents were willing to s?t down at the confer- e table with them. Her present chancellor said in indefinite and uncertain terms in- d and in phrases that often seem to deny Ir own meaning, but with as much plainness he thought prudent that he believed that cs should be based upon the principles ich we had declared would be our own in the I settlement. . ' " I At Brest-Li to vsk 'her civilian delegates spoke in similar terms; professed their desire to con clude a fair peace and accord to the' peoples with whose fortunes they were dealing the right to choose their own allegiances. But action ac companied and followed the profession. Their military masters, the men who act for Germany and exhibit her purpose in execution, proclaimed a" very different conclusion. Wecan not mis take what they have done in Russia, in Fin land, in the Ukraine, in Roumanla. The real test of their justice ad fair play has come. From this wo may judge the rest. They are enjoying in Russia a cheap triumph in which no brave or gallant nation can long take pride. A great people, helpless by their own act, lies for the time at their mercy.. Their fair professions are forgotten. They nowhere set up justice but everywhere Impose their power and exploit ev erything for their own use and aggrandizement, and the peoples of conquered provinces arc In vited to be free under their dominion! "Are we not justified in believing that fhev would do the same thing at their western front if they were not there face to face with armies -whom even their countless divisions can not overcome? If, when they have felt their check to bo final, they should propose favorable and equitable terms with regard to Belgium and France and Italy, could they blame us if we con cluded that they did so only to assure thorn selves of a free hand in Russia and the east? "Their purpose is undoubtedly to maKc all the Slavic peoples, all the free and amb lious nations of the Baltic peninsula, all the lauds that Turkey, has dominated and misruled, sub ject to their will and ambition and build unon that dominion' an empire of force upon wh'ch they fancy that they can erect an empire of gain and commercial supremacy an empire as hostile to the Americas as to the Europe which it will overawe an empire which will ultimate ly master Persia, India and the peoples of the Far East. In such a programme, our ideals, the ideals of justice and humanity and liberty, the principle of the free self-determination of na tions upon which all the modern world insists, can play no part. They are rejected for the ideals of power, for the principle that the strong must rule the weak, that trade must follow the flag, whether those to whom it is taken we1 come it or not, that the peoples of the world are to be made subject to the patronage and joverlordship of those who have the power to enforce it. "That programme, once carried out, America and all who care or dare to stand with her must arm and prepare themselves to contest the mastery of the world, a mastery in which the rights of common men, the rights of women and all who are weak, must for the time being be trodden underfoot and disregarded and the old, age long struggle for freedom and right begin again at its beginning. Everything that America has lived for and loved and grown great to vindicate and bring to a glorious real ization will have fallen in utter ruin and the gates of mercy once more pitilessly shut upon mankind! "The thing Is preposterous and impossible, and yet is not that what the Whole course and action of the German armies has meant wherever they have moved? I do not wish, even in this moment of utter disillusionment, to Judge harshly or unrighteously. I judge only what .the German arms have accomplished with un pitying thoroughness throughout every fair re gion they have touched. "What, then, are we to do? For myself, I am ready, ready still, ready even now, to discuss a fair and just and honest peace at any time that it is sincerely proposed a peace in which the strong and the weak shall fare alike. But the answer, when I proposed such a peace, came from the German commanders in Russia, and I can not mistake the meaning of the answer. "I accept the challenge. I know that you ac cept it. All the world shall know that you ac cept it. It shall appear in the utter sacrifice and self-forgetfulness with which .we shall gye all that we love and all that we have to redeem the world and make it fit for free men like our selves to live in. "This now is the meaning of all that we do. Let everything that we say, my fellow country men, everything that wo henceforth plan and accomplish, ring trueto thin response till tho majesty and might of 'our concerted power shall fill the thought and utterjy defeat the force of those who flout and misprize what wo honor and hold dear. "Germany has once more said that force, and force alone, shall decldo whether Justice and peace shall reign in tho affairs of men, whether right as America conceives it or dominion aa she conceives it shall determine the destinies of mankind. "Thore Is, therefore, but one response pos sible from us: Force, force to tho utmost, force without stint or limit, tho righteous and trium phant force which shall make right the law of tho world and cast every selfish dominion, down in the dust." SALOONLES8 WITHIN TWO YEA KB ' From the St. Louis Post-DIspatch, April 'G J William J. Bryan, in an interview this 'morn ing at Hotel Jefferson, whore he stopped a foiv hours on his way from Indianapolis to Lebanon, 111., to address students of McKcndrec College in the afternoon, predicted that the national prohibit'on amendment will bo ratified wlttifn ayear and that tho United States will be with out saloons within two years. ' He also gave it as his oplnloli that if thore Is an extra session of the Missouri legislature tho "drys" are 'n no danger of jeopardizing tho le gality of the amendment if it is ratified at tho special session, whether Governor Gardner, in clude Its consideration In his call or not, V ,',, Bryan said that he had a particularly tendor fcol'ng for McKendree College, because his father was. graduated there in 1849, and be cause it wa3 the first college to confer on hjm a doctor's degree, . Hq now has degrees frpjn six colleges. ,, "I was able to be in Indianapolis yesterday," Bryan said, "only because it was -my only open date for weeks, and I was glad to bo there be cause it was tho first day of a 'dry' Indiana. "We have made great progress since I wasin bt. Louis a month ago. Delaware, South Da kota and Massachusetts havo ratified the amend ment, and in the Nebraska legislature it has passed the lower house and i3 in the senate. "Fr'ends of the amendment are encouragdd by the fact that we have secured five wet states and havo only four more to secure. As 36 states are necessary to ratify and as we have 27 dry states, it only required nine wets in addi tion. Only six dry states have :.cted so far and even this early we have secured five of the nine wet states, so that rat'flcation is as certain as any future event can be. In fact it looks now as if we will have several states to spare. ' ' "We can confidently count on completing tho ratification within a year, and that means abol ition of saloons within two years." Ho mentioned as therwet states, which had' ratified the amendment,, Kentucky, Maryland, Delaware, Massachusetts' and Texas, and .jsajkl that Texas ratified the amendment before voting the state dry. '. ' After stating that he had invest'gated the legality of ratification of the amendment at a special session of the legislature in a state which has a constitution, such as Missouri's which prohibits a special session from considering any matter not recommended by the governor, Bry an said he was convinced there was no danger of making the ratification illegal, and that even if there was a question It could be remedied at the next regular session. "A governor takes upon himself a grave re sponsibility, who deliberately refuses to men tion that In his call if a fa'Hure to mei.tion it would nullify the action," continued Bryan. "If, on the other hand, his co-operation is not necessary, his refusal merely indicates his un willingness to be a party to ratification. When you remember that every day's deiay means more than $3,000,000 to the liquor traffic, and every month's delay meaks more than $100, 000,000, you can understand why the liquor traffic Is-for delay. "And you can understand what a responsi bility, a public official takes when he aids, tho liquor traffic to that extent. "We have a wet governor In Nebraska who refused to put it in his call, but we expect to ratify it In spite of him if we can. Our house already has acted, with only seven negative vote out of 100." 3 t t i - ezilbido .rfgj&jj jilMjj.l'jfe-jH-Vftff,-- ' ..,Jis!