iwwni wmmmmKzm J ' m .! i The Commoner VOL. 18, NO. 4 - HLf m, m ft IS The Commoner I.SHUJ2I) MONTHLY Jtinlcroil at tho PoBtofnco at Lincoln, Nebraska, 'jim Hocon.'1-clnflH matter. WILLIAM J. BRYAN, CHARLES W. BRYAN, Editor and Proprietor As&oclalo Ed. and Publisher :J:2dlt. ItmH.'and nunliiCBM OfHce, Suite 207 Press Bide. One Yrnr $1.00 Mix Motif Iin no In Clubs of Flvo or , -lore, per year. . .7S .sr, .10 Sample Coplen Free. Foreign Pont, 2fic Extra Three '.IIomIIim Single Copy .HMISOHII'TIONS can be sunt direct to Tho Com moner. They can iiIho be nent through newspapers which have advertised a clubbing role, or through local agents, whero such agents ha;e been ap pointed. All remittances should be sent by post nfllco money order, express order, or by bank draft on New York or Chicago. Do not send. Individual ehoeks.'stampH, or currency. . HHNnWAliHTho. date on your wrapper shows the time to which your subscription is paid. Thus January in moans that payment has been received to and including tho Issuo of January, 1918. OIIANfJH OF AODHKSS Subscribers requesting a cliango of addresn must give old as well as new nddrcHn. AllVIflltTIHINU Rntci will bo "u-nlshed upon application. Address all communications to THIS COMMO.VHIt, LINCOLN NEII. About tho raoHt difllcult thing in the world is to try to work up a little sympathy to hand over to tho man who is complaining of the excess profits tax. If Shakespeare was right when he said that the good is oft interred with men's hones, none bf tho eighteen wet state senators of Nebraska will over lie in crowded graves. With the great number of shipping clerks in tho country it ought not to be a very difficult task to secure sufficient men to man the mer ,Qha,nt marine we are building. Tho Germans are quite sure that Kaiser Wil .holrn will live forever in history. It Is not the length of his stay in history, however, that is nost annoying to most of the world. - With the prices of food and clothing still as cending, it would be a very good thing for the nvoragc householder if he could follow the gov ernment example of passing an urgent deficiency bill. y, ,Tho ranks of those who are firmly convinced that the most efTectivo way to remedy an evil is Mf,o pass a stringent law does not appear to have feeelv'ed many recruits from the-ranks of the food profiteers. i'i , Jtussla scorns to havo" followed Count Tolstoy's .directions as far as having turned both cheeks hw.uu oimncM, wm is in .1 position 10 wish that ho had left behind him some more definite di- t rections as to what to do when that doesn't seem to work. ? ? Every now and then snmn rnmihitnnn (pr congressman rises to his feet to inform the cquntry that the war is not boing conducted as ho would run it if he were in control. Observing folks have doubtless before this noticed that one will" not need to wait for any official proclama tion to tho eftcct that there is to be an election this fall in which a number of republican sen ators and congressmen are interested. This Is a good time to load up on Liberty bonds to tho limit of your financial .resources, and after you get the bonds keep them. As a security they are unexcelled, and tho 4 per cent interest they bear is certain to bring more good dollars Into your pocket than any of these highly-advertised, speculative schemes that you buying P yUr CUntry aml yourSilfty Chairman Hays of tho republican national committee is reputed to be backing as thotSXl for 1920 Theodore Roosevelt for prslden??,? James P. Goodrich of Indiana to NiSSS ident Mr. Hays ought to read history to orttor ad vantage There was once a candidate for pres" dent who a so ran on tho platform of "tlie war is a failure." but it is very difficult for the L ,w -..wxuuci uia name. "LAWLESSNESS AND LOYALTY" From the Daily Ontario, Belleville, Ontario, Canada, March 5. Tho frequent outbreaks of lawlessness in Toronto are becoming an international menace and are doing the best work in behalf of Ger many that is carried out on this side. of the At 1 in Lie The attack on William Jennings Bryan was inspired by a twofold cause the outworn hatred of the United States and hatred of the temper ance cause that Bryan represented. The same tendency to mob-rule was mani fested in Toronto on Saturday afternoon when the same hoodlum element howled down the nremier of Ontario at the very steps of the par liament buildings, and Sir William Hearst and his colleagues had to make a hasty escape inside tho buildings to avoid bodily harm at the hands of the new exponents of democratic rule. Vr William Hearst had the courage to do what politicians in this country have seldom done before, that is to give a straightforward answer to a large deputation when the answer was known to be directly at variance with the des'res of the petitioners. What Sir William has lost in the estimation of the mob he will make up a hundred fold in the estimation of tli substantial thinking people of the province. It is strange that not one of the daily papers of Toronto has had the bravery to come out In f.'rr..Mt condemnation of the ruffianism and anarchy that rule their city whenever the de sire is present to do so. The respectable, law abiding element is surely in a majority in To ronto citizenship, but respectability seems help i pn-i terrorized before the impudent gang sters who brazenly flaunt themselves before the ,,,. .,5, cupr-loyal'sts. TMi samp Toronto mob-leadership has had more to do than any other influence in stirring up and maintaining the present bitter feeling be-a"-pcvi OpIt'o and Quebec. The theory of the ronfo min.hief-rnakers is that the best way to help the Allies win the war in Europe is to start a ' " r own in Canada. Not satisfied with their pro-German work in p.. -.win b"v now want to break down the newly created harmony between Canada and the United St"4s. ' How seriously the disgraceful outbreak at the Massoy hall meeting is taken in the United Rates is shown by the following entirely truth ful and scathing editorial from The New York World. The World is one of the ablest, most 'widely circulated and influential journals in the United States. It is said to be very close to the President and has often been a foremost ex ponent of American opinion. The editorial is headed "Lawlessness and Loyalty," and is as follows "Lawlessness in the name of super-loyalty as witnessed in the prohibition convention in Toronto, where Mr. Bryan was howled down, whether witnessed in Canada or the United States, is just as mischievous as some of the lawlessness inspired in these countries by super-Germanism. "Mr. Bryan was denied a hearing by a crowd of hoodlum ex-soldiers evidently well rehearsed for tho. part, not because he is a prohibitionist, but on the plea, notoriously false, that he is or has been pro-German. A performance so out rageous would have been impossible even in Toronto if newspapers and politicians had not for some days before his arrival discussed var ious ways by which public displeasure with him could be expressed. "That some agencies of government itself was in sympathy with the riot which they knew waf? to come off is shown by the fact that all tho higher provincial officials and every conspicuous member of the legislature failed to attend tbo SedlsntfnctionUgl1 the!r gUGSt WaS an American ','Vle man thus contemptuously received in a neighboring country has been three times the ?RS?i ff a gra,t party for Psident of the United States, receiving almost as many votes as there are inhabitants of Canada. More than any other one person, perhaps, he was respon sible for Woodrow Wilson's first notilnation For two years and three months he was sec rotary of state and as such signed the tost l sitania note, in which were laid down wlS fiml1?? I? VT in any other document of That time the principles on which we are now making J haen1ruffia.nism in the name of loyalism sub jects such a character, to indignity it entS S? t'6 uphold. The same spirit haa been exhibited ,in this country by mobs maltreating men women suspected of German sympathies, it ha, manifested itself also in Untruthful speeches and writings sensationally belittling our nil, itary efforts and slandering our leaders, all ii the name of a super-patriotism, and yet nearly all giving aid and comfort to the enemy. "In spite of the fierce passions awakened h war, it ought to be possible for civilized peo, pies fighting for high ideals to face the issue as they face, the foe, without hooliganism and without misrepresenting each other. If when nations take arms they cait not -forget past dif. ferehces, leaving to the law, all who offend against public interests, they are poorly armed indeed, no matter how fervently they pretend to embrace the flag or with what weapons they are supplied. "Mr. Bryan's pacifism in time of peace was the pacifism of a great majority of his country, men. The militancy of the American people to day has no more powerful supporter in private life than Mr. Bryan. It is hecause we were pa cifists that now we are warriors. Canada, no less than Germany, may as well grasp that truth and hold to it." DUAL OWNERSHIP Franklin, Kentucky, Feb. 22, 1918. Dear Mr. Bryan: Supplementing the arguments ad vanced in the Issue of The Commoner for Jan uary, 1918, favoring the dual ownership of rail ways (by which is meant federal ownership and construction of trunk lines, and state or private m ownership of purely intrastate or local railways) as against exclusive federal ownership, I sub mit these remarks. Government ownership and construction of railways, as heretofore comprehended, has been criticised on the grounds that it will offer con gressmen an opportunity to advocate the build ing of local lines of railway in their respective districts to obtain political advantages; and that railway construction would be secured just as federal buildings in small towns have been se cured, resulting in the useless expenditure of large sums. Under the dual plan only trunk lines would be owned and constructed out of federal funds, and local lines would be supported by state ap proprlations, or else built and operated by pri vate capital. Thus dual ownership and construc tion, will eliminate the objectionable practice in the construction of railways that has obtained in the construction of federal buildings. To this statement I might add that the advo cates of government ownership, need not be come discouraged whatever the results may be under the present limited operation and control of the carriers by the federal government. Under the present plan railroad operation may be described as half public and half private. Lincoln declared that this nation could not bo "half slave and half free," and In the struggle for the freedom of the highways it may be necessary to paraphrase Lincoln's statement and declare "that the highways of the nation can not be half private and half public." It is pretty generally conceded by all students of political economy and transportation prob lems that competitive conditions in transporta tion result in an economic waste; and, there fore, economy demands the. elimination of com petitive conditions in transportation, resulting in a necessary monopoly. Therefore, based upon fundamental, economic principles the govern ment of necessity must own and operate its transportation companies. All agree that ' private monopoly is indefensible-and intoler able and must be destroyed"; therefore, a necessary monopoly'' must be owned and con trolled oy the people. .: :' Yours very truly, LAURENCE B'. FINN, Chairman, Kentucky Railroad Commissi011' It is universally .conceded1 that without food conservation in this country it will be impossible to adequately feed our soldiers abroad and those who are fighting with them the battles of dem ocrat Fifty mini0n DU8nei8 of parley, I5. million bushels of corn and 2 million bushels oi rice are yearly used in this country in the man ufacture of beer. Yet brewers and beer drinK lllS 8t ,upon thIs waste' continuing while er S7 ? Z else lB willinS to sacrifice to the limit; patriotism can never rise to its necessary heigW m this country until all the. foodstuffs saved go to feed our soldiers and our allier u