.- -WV'W'f l lv i -r : V I p fr K I 10 The Commoner VOL. 18, NO. 4 A Secret Document Comes to Light From tho Now York Times. TIiobo who think such a thing as i nogotlalod poaco is possible with Oormany, who think any kind of ponco conforonco is possible until she has been beaten, who take hor words not exactly at thoir face value but as containing somo rcsidum of truth, should attond to tho secret official communication which Coll into Hugo Haaso's hands and was read by him to tho main committee of tho rolch stag. Haaso is tho leador of the In dopondont socialists, who are tho anti-kalsorlto minority socialists. Tho document ho produced was a secret communication sent by Berlin to Vienna outlining Germany's inten tions. It was written by MIchaells, who was then chancollor. This is tjio same Michaolis who pre tended to accopt tho resolution of the roichstag declaring for poaco without annexations, Whilo Michaolis who, ltko Uothmann and Hcrtllng, is moroly tho mouthpieco and puppet of the ror.l rulers and not to bo con sidered as having an identity apart from them was declaring to tho roichstag and tho world Gormany's modorato and pacific alms, in secret ho was communicating to Austria hor real alms. Comparo them: Mlclmclls (o tho RolclistAg, July 10, 1017. Tho concentration of tho Russian army compollod Gormany to seize tho sword. Thoro was no choice loft to us, and what Is true of" tho war Itself is truo also of our weapons,, partic ularly tho submarine. Germany did not declare the war in order to mako violent conquests, and therefore will not continuo the war a day longer moroly for tho sake of such conquosts, if it could obtain an honorablo poaco. Theso alms may bo attained with in tho limit of your resolution as I understand it, (tho roichstag resolu tion doclarlng agalnBt annexations.) Wo can not again offer peace. Wo have loyally stretched out our hands onco. It mot no response; but . . . tho govornniont feols that If our en emies abandon thoir lust for conquest and thoir alms for subjugation, and wish to entor Into negotiations, wo shall listen honestly and readily for poace to what they havo to say to us. What wo long to attain is a new and splendid Germany, not a Ger many which wishes, as our enemies believe, to terrorize tho world with her nrmod might no, tho morally purified, God-fearing, loyal, peaceful and mighty Germany which wo all love. For this Gormany wo and our brothors put thero will bleed and die. Michaolis to Austria in the Secret Document. The motive of all of Germany's nets Is tho lack of territory, both for tho dovokpmoht of commerce and colonization. Gormany has to solve two problems tho froedom of tho seas and tho opening of a route to tho southeast. And theso two prob lems can only bo solved through the destruction of England. Our object Is tho pormanent se curity of tho German empire in cen tral Europo and tho extension of its territory. No one who understands tho significance of this war can doubt that, in spite of our wish to be mod orato, wo shall not allow ourselves to bo deterrod from extending the bor ders of the empire and from, under all circumstances, annexing such ter ritories as aro fitted for colonization and aro not subjected to the Influ ence of the sea power. We can weaken her (Russia) ma terially by taking away her border territories, tho Baltic provinces. By using skillful policies the Baltic prov inces can easily be Germanized. Thoy will bo settled with Germans and, their population will double itself. That is the reason why thoy must bo annexed: . . . The frontier between tho German empire and Poland must bo materially altered. . . The lakes, which we shall not leavo in the hands of tho Russians at any price, will bo included within our borders. In the Vosges the boundary line must be Improved by tho annexation of some valleys, so that the German frontier troops can be no longer fired upon from French territory. France will lose Bricy and a strip of land west of Luxemburg. The value of Brley In an economic and military sense is evident from the fact that 16,000,000 tons of Iron ore are pro duced thero. For tho safeguarding of tho German and Luxemburg iron industry Longwy must remain in our hands. Bcthinann Holhveg's Instructions. And now comes Bethmann Holl wog's admission that before tho dec laration of war he issued instructions to demand from France tho cession, pending the war, of tho fortresses of Toul and Verdun. Germany's retired chancellors are proving their uses. It is to be hoped that Hertling will soon rotire, so that 'he, too, can begin his contribution to the documentary his tory of a hypocrisy and porfldy un exampled In modern history and not to bo excelled in any history, an cient or modern, civilized or barbarous. entered into his subject with all the vigor that characterized his presi dential campaign tour 'way back in 1896, when he was fondly referred to as "tho boy orator of the Platte"- Tho appearance of Mr. Bryan on tho platform at both speaking places was the signal for enthusiastic cheers. At the Central Methodist church, Richard Barton, who intro duced Mr. Bryan, said: "We have with us today, March 17, a modern St. Patrick. You will all recall that the old-time St. Pat rick chased the snakes out of Ire land. So far, so good. And Mr. Bryan chased the snakes out of Ne braska, and will never be satisfied until he has run the. reptiles out of tho United States." Petitions asking President Wilson and Food Administrator Hoover to njoin the use of foodstuffs in the manufacture of alcoholic beverages were passed among tho audiences at each of Mr. Bryan's speaking places and about 2,000 persons,-at the two meetings, signed. About 3,000 peo pie heard Mr. Bryan, speak. ACCURATE An editor had a notice stuck up above his desk on which was printed: "Accuracy! Accuracy! Accuracy!" and this notice he always pointed out to the new reporters. One day the youngest member of the staff came in with his report of a public meeting. The editor read it through and came to the sentence: "Three thousand nine 'hundred and ninety-nine eyes were 'fixed upon tho speaker." . ;i., , "What do you mean, by making a silly blunder like that?" he demand ed, wrathfully. "But it's not a blunder," protested the youngster. "There was a one eyed man in the audience!" Minne apolis Tribune. 'CAN TILL THt PEOPLE ffl O H&Vt IRON m mtttl BLOOP TKond.igiAiTVicitORoys rtwfr lli RfWH UJH MR. BRYAN IN PITTSBURGH Mr. Bryan was in Pittsburgh today for three addresses, one before the ministerial union early today, and two tonight, one in the Emory Meth odist Episcopal church, the other in the East Liberty Presbyterian church. Ho will talk on prohibition and also touch on so-called pacifism. "There are only two sides to a war," he said today, "our country's and the enemy's. The time for difference of opinion ended when our country en tered this conflict. Now every per son should, and every true American does, support the government un questioningly. Division of any kind now only would prolong the war and moans a greater waste In the money or me nation ana, what is more im portant, in tho lives of our men. "It Is not even a time for criticism now. The criticisms which have been made by some people are very umair to tne government. If I had any suggestion to offer I would speak to the person whom I thought guilty of negligence, in private, not public ly. A criticism made publicly before given In private Is intended for po litical capital, and not to aid in win ning the war." Pittsburgh Post. Doctor Says Ordinary Nuxntcd Iron Will Iiicrcn.se the Strength of Nervous, Run-down People In Two Weeks' Time In Many Cujich. arHE glance is enough to toll which II people have iron in their blood," said Dr. E. Sauer, a Boston physi cian who has studied widely both in this country and in great European medical institutions. They are the ones that do and dare. The others aro in the weakling class. Sleepless nights spent worrying over supposed ailments, con- stant dosing with habit-fowning drugs and narcotics and useless attempts to brace up with strong coffee or other stimulants are what keep them suffer ing and vainly longing to bo strong. Their real trouble is lack of iron in tho. blood. Without Iron the blood has no power to chango food Into living tissue and thorefore, nothing you eat 2?s you.eodJ you don,t set the strength out of it. When iron is supplied It en riches the impoverished blood and gives the body greater resistance to ward off disease. I have seen dozens of nervous, run-down people who were ailing all the time increase their strength and endur- 2SS)c ance in from ten to fourteen days' time while taking Iron in the proper form. And this, after they had in some cases been going on for months, without get ting benefit from anything. If you aro not strong or well you owe it to yourself tp 'imalte." tho follow ing test: See how long you can work or how far you can walk without becom ing tired. Next take two five-grain tablets of nuxated iron three times per day after meals for two weeks. Then tost your strength again and see for yourself how much you have gained. There is nothing llko good old iron to help put color in your cheeks and sound, healthy flesh - on your bones. But you must take iron in a form that can bo easily absorbed and assimil ated like nuxated iron if you want it to do you any good, otherwise it may prove worse than useless. NOTE Nuxated Iron, recommended ahovo by Dr. E. 8auo, Is onool tho newer organic Iron mm pounds. Unllko tho Oder lhbrnnlc iron products, It Is easily assimilated, does' not Injur tho to tb. mako thorn black, nor upgot tho stomach. The inrnuf.icturor guarantee successful ai d entire?' satisfactory results to every purchaser or they will rotund your inonoy. It U dlsj onsnd "by all Kood drugBl. ts. Advorttsenient. BRYAN HATRED AS MODERN ST PATRICK From Kansas City Journal, March is. j William J. Bryan, erstwhile sec retary of state, is engaged In an ef fort to run the whisky traffic off tho map of the United States, and as a part of his nation-wide programme ho appeared in Kansas City yester day and made two addresses one at tho Central Methodist church and tho other at tho Kansas City Sunday School Association tahernacle. At each place Mr. Bryan was greeted hy crowded houses, and while tho years that have elapsed since the memorable "cross of gold" speech in Chicago havo left moreor less trace upon Mr. Bryan, his voice is clear and silvery as ever, and he : WERE IT NEW r.'';.g"it 'V "'-. ' . ."TV. . If life insurance were a new thing and mea"1 ' were not so familiar with it, there is nothing- ?$jLi which would appeal any stronger to the average ','; r, man. The fact that hy the payment of a-small ; ' '. sum each year he could create an estate sufft- - ' cient to protect his family, would read almost 4'T like a fairy tale. In what other 'safe way can r- -one hy the payment of a few dollars annually1 make It possible for his family to receive -&'. . thousand, two thousand or five thousand dollars ar, at his death? . .xfc?C We would he pleased to quote premium rates ?$ "l and furnish a sample poUcy tQ one ,nt ' jg..- in this important subject. Tl -'' THE MIDWEST Ll8B3 ,T -n.uxJiV.HLCm. a .$$ - N.-Z. SNELT,. Prj,!. Zg?5W TJ Guaranteed Cost Life Insurance ' l ' ' ; ' -v. "'! 'v-SA J-.- " v $&&&