The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, April 01, 1918, Page 15, Image 15

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    .fljn-M -r Jfirwwfg, -r- 1
$W WB-T Tfvtrfl.
The Commoner
RIL, 1918.
WmWW8F3nFv iWW'&!ynv7rFmr '
beans, three large potatoes cut
limall pieces, two medium-sized
i, one-half teaspoon chill pow-
alt and pepper to taste. Let
ler one hour. Stir often to keep
burning. Serve with plain
led rice.
eanut Cookies Two tablespoons
tenine, two teaspoons baking
rtnr. rin-ntiarter mm of suear.
, -r- p w - - - - w r
-aUarter teaspoon salt, one egg,
taoiespoons miiK, ono-nan cup
r, one-half cup chopped peanuts,
half tablespoonful lemon Juice.
shortening, sugar, and beaten
V ., .., , xl-i 1 . ,.A
K men out iu jiuur, uun-mg ijuwuw
salt: add milk, nuts and lemon
; I. in,
flliie. Drop from teaspoon on un-
-ggSjuied pan, one inch apart. Place
tif peanut on each and bake in mod-
jbjm,c uvea uttu iu iwcmc ""uuiwji
Creamed Fresh Beef Fry one
ad freshly ground steaK, until
ily browned, add one heaping
moon flour, stirring constantly.
fljluin well browned, add one or two
of milk cradually. Boil until
sr,ight consistency and serve on
Fine with baked potatoes.
Oatmeal Cookies One cup oat-
1 (or flake), one cup flour, one-
jter cup butter and lard or sub-
'ute, two-thirds cup sugar, one
; chopped cup raisins, one-half cup
.Mmmiet milk, one-half teaspoon soda,
.$Sr! vanilla. Sift all toKether and
i :- w -
liSp on tins, one teaspoon in a platx
frery little salt may be added.
Cheap Molasses "Cookies Place
of New Orleans molasses in oven
til warm enough to flow. Take
!- cup of this warm molasses, one
sugar, one small cup shortening,
mm water or sweet milk, three
ninrr teasnoons baking powder
ffen with half graham flour and
If white flour (winter wneatj.
,kes four dozen very delicious
ikies at small cost.
Wo arrangements to supply our readers with high grade, perfect
fitting, &eam allowing and easy to use patterns, designed by a leading firm of
Now York fashion publishers. Full descriptions accompany each pattern as
well as a chart showing how to cut your material with tho least possible
amount of waste. Any. pattern will bo sent postage prepaid upon receipt of
ten cents. We will alfco Isbuo a new fashion book quarterly, Sprjng, Summer,
Autumn and Winter, Illustrating hundreds of new styles Spring; number
now ready. We will send this book for two cents, postage prcpuld, If ordered
at the same time that a pattern is ordered, or for five cents, postage prepaid,
if ordered without a pattern. Besides Illustrating hundreds of patterns, this
fashion book wilj, tell you how to be your own dressmaker. When ordering
patterns, please give pattern number and size desired. Address all orders
Fashion Department, The Cemraoaer, UhcoIb, Nebraska.
s iMjMtcl
Household Helps
ETo stiffen colored clothes use for
j?ch a teaspoonful of gelatine dis
ced in a quart of water.
raid counterpanes can he cut up
made into splendid bath towels
wash cloths.
If the rollers of the wringer wear
wn in the center, wind strips of
iw muslin (a bleached flour sack is
intn around them, using three dif-
trent widths, the narrowest first, so
to fill the space evenly, bew se-
urely into place.
When hanging paper add one cup-
iil of trranulated sugar to each gal-
tlJin of naste and it will cause, the
paper to adhere firmly to the wall.
a preface by Lord D'Abernon. Long
mans, Green and Co., 39 Patornoter
How, London. Fourth Ave. & 30tk
Sts New York,
Subscriber' fltfvcrtolttg Dept
This department Is for the benefit of.
Commoner subscribers, and a special
rate of six cents a word per Insertion.
tho lowest rate has been made for
thum. Address all communications to
Tho Commoner, Lincoln, Nebraska.
lutcly cure eczema, salt rheum, bar
bers Itch and other Akin diseases.
Sent by mall, J1.7G. Send for recom
mendations. Alrnklov's Pharmacy,
Box N, Cooperstown, North Dakota.
In car lota to consumer. Farmer
Co-oporatlvo Co., Sagle, Idaho.
wanted for publication. Good idcaK
bring big money. Submit Mhh. or writ
Literary Bureau, 137, Hannibal, Mo.
lesson free. Rcttigc, Keytcsvllle, MOj.
writing for newspapers, magazines.
Experience unnecessary; details freci
Press Syndicate, 10G0, St. Louis, "Mo.
DruRS. New book, Be. Liberty Co.,
Sta. D., Box. 400G, Clcvelan1, Ohio, .
,D 11
Snrayers and Auto-WaBhers one Sat.J
unlay. Profits $2.26 each. Souaro deai4
Write Rusler Company, Jonhstowiii
tjina Hcnnorv. Itticklntr hronrhoH. 10 In
"folder, HOC J. F. LowIh, EHalaka, Mont.
or cheapest gasoline, using our 1918
carburetor: 34 miles per gal, Kuarantecd.
Easy starting. Great "power Increase.
Attach It yourself. Big profit selling for
us. 30 days trial. Money back guaran
tee. Styles to lit any automobile. Alr
Frietlon Carburetor Company,' 236
Madison Street, Dayton, Ohio.
The Road to Victory. It Lies
Through the United States' Program
for World Federation Agreed to oy
Her Allies. Data presented by George
H. Shiblev. director of the Research
institute of Washington, D. C; pres
ident LeaKue for World Federation.
i,eaguefor World Federation, Wash
ington, D. C. (Pamphlet.) Price 25c.
Eastern Red. By Helen Hunting-
No. 8745 Ladies Waisc. Cut in
sizes 3G, 38, 40, 42, and 44 inches
bust measure. The inset vest gives
a round neck line, and the roll collar
is curved to correspond.
No. 8757 Misses' or Small Wo
men's Dress. Cut in sizes 16, 18
and 20 years. The dress has an un
derwaist which buttons at center
front and has a square neck; the
one-piece skirt is plaited and joined
to the underwaist.
No. 8759 Girls' One-Piece Dress.
Cut in sizes 6, 8, 10, 12 and 14 years.
The dress may be opened all the way
down, making it very easy to iron if
it is made of wash material.
product that made Kentucky famouB
45 cents per pound; five pounds, $2.15
Taylor & Sanderson, Mayflold, Ky.
"America, Wo LovaYou'
Great patri'lk picture. Mr Noc, Malrr. iiurifj
f 10 one rvertli it I .ante aanipte 19. Sella for "J
OceKti MMtr, mblbfcer, Dejt. C, Nw EcyK. N. J,
No. 8747 Ladles' Drop Shoulder
Blouse Cut in sizes 36, 38, 40 "and
42 inches bust measure. The blouse
does not meet at the front, but
aglJ'Lrahi",?ca: the sleevcsi CLEAN YOUR ALFALFA SSSiSS&SSi
iu; uu jju(j ui euui b.
nVB TiDliillT -AlAIlT.K T.Aflll'H
To travel, dcnjonxtniln mid fell dealer, f.6.00 tif
(Joodrlch UrutC Co., OiiihIib, N(b-
No. 8750 Lalies Dress Cut in
sizes 36, 38, 40 and 42 Inches bust
measure. The side fronts of the
dress are faced and rolled back to
form reveres; the skirt is two gored.
No. 8733 Boys' Suit Cut in sizes
2, 4, and 6 years. The separate
trousers are cut in "peg top" style
at the top, and pockets may be in
serted if desired.
Time, MtRcy
mi Hi Fetfl
Hale y sfock
tnlmt taiaj for
ear frte htk
Fr Has,rJ.akwjaaSlt. Shfim
ererr fW' ". J"? SJ?try:
(UMUcaJ. IlHlduy pay w uu. tiimm7.
W. M. HMHIECK. Dt. " lrHi, IWiwto
ton. G. P. Putnam's Sons, New
York and London. Price $1.50.
A Short History of Rome. By Gug
lielmo Ferrero and Corrado Barbag
allo. The Monarchy and the Repub
lic from the Foundation of the City
to the Death of Julius Ceasar 754
B. C.-44 B. C. G. P. Putnam's Sons,
New York and London. Price $1.90
His Home Town. By Larry Evans.
The H. K. Fly Company, New York.
Price $1.40, net.
Society of the Chagres. Builders of
the Panama Canal. Year Book 1916
17. flnllected. comniled and edited
by F. G. Swanson, secretary-treasurer
"of' the Society, Balboa, Canal
Zone. Price $1.50 postpaid. Girard
Job "Shop, Girard, Kan.
' The Science of Power. By Ben
jamin Kidd. With an introduction
by Franklin H. Giddings, professor
of Hociolotrv and the history 61 civil
ization 1n Columbia' University. G.
. - , i- 'j .' ' l
P. Putnam's Sons, New York and
London. Price $1.50, net.
Long Heads and Round Heads or
What's the Matter With Germany.
By Dr. W. S. Sadler, professor at
the Postgraduate Medical School of
Chicago, etc. A. C. McClurg & Co.,
Chicago. Illustrated. $1.00.
Rising Japan. Is She a Menace
or a Comrade to be Welcomed in the
Fraternity of Nations? B. Jabez T.
Sunderland, D. D., LL.D. Billings
Lectures (1913-14) in Japan, China
and India. With a Foreword by
Lindsay Russell, president of the
Japan Society. G. P. Putnam's Sons,
New York and London. Price $1.25.
Sea Dogs and Men at Arms. A
Canadian Book of Songs. By Jesse
Edgar MIddleton. G. P. Putnam's
Sons, 2 West 45th St., New York.
Price $1.50, net.
The Control of the Drink Trade.
A Contribution to National Efficiency.
1915-1917. By Henry Carter. With
'uArmitpMl or monoy rofnnded, Sac;e, (Jajihei;
a rail jo jiiriHii, juivh.
! OMFeTeelkWaited-Dofl't Malterif Brekec
( Wcryillol&'JfllarHpercl. AIocah for old gold
! tl er mid broken Jo welry.Cli'-clc f ent by rctiu n moil.
IIUUU liriu fu WMjr iwi -" ui w iw ui uiii or
fer. Mnzer'n Tooth 8pccJaUy.'A07. MJi Bu, IMiila, ra
Worrtnrl THnnc Write for IJut or Irivoiillon
VVaniCU lUeaS Wanted. tl.O0O.00OJn prlxe
nfrrpd Inr InvrnlloiiF. krndfkclch forfrcooplHicHl
! t i.ntciilnbl'Jty. Our four books tent Ircc. '
Vhtor.l. Ktiih& to.,moth, UraMifnfctoif.1.Q
The bt ealty m4c tor how ute i yoafowa fcfcj
Larse a Ing. Avoid pay ic proflw for proctwWcV
aaay b oulckly produced at Iwme. """ia-u'
ct. VateaM Informatloo. FM dlxecilona. 35 CMtt,
VaUy Fan Co., Newtwsk, New York, U. S. A.
p Jtyou are ihln.wezk, nervous, tun-down, you!
VVQlPfTl we'lniyB7liTBtil.Men,indwomenrerH
UjOLvuI h te aic rcraintoa; kvoS liialth. and
. , mule tron,:an" v fjrouf tLioutt'i tilts pocm
ititXit ll'' tilWrt6al . To cob vJuctr you of tt rtJ
1 U111U uieskt, a NKK TKIiL H row ready for rooj
Srnd 3e lor malllns, etc. Addreat BK. THaWI
mmmmmmmmmmm RKCK, ttaTtaB, Obi. Bayt. U.
A now magazine
that stands for a
Kew Tmeilom, physical, mental
and aplrltiial o-onoinlc, political and,
rclljlDwt, also sex-frccdom. Tfnclios
ihc laws of sex, lteaitb and etlilcc. Away f rem
Mediamthip, toward JlitlirMf t away ttom
Anarchy. 'oardCo'Opcratlon. TiutntrwrM
ol Hew the Hjrbt, art poetry and the tciesvee
ollifc. taacaiis wlilt m cainloB. Must be
ecn to l'e understood. SOcpcrjear, 16c :&et
copy. krap orciitn. S:tuT tay tO"eHT, ftWKar. Dcpt. 3. Kaia , WA
Wanes E. Ctolen-au
Palest Lawyrr.WimliiBew'
D.C Advice and books free
"Sates retunW. Hlsbeet rderencee. Botaerrleek.