r w i. - fe lo U The Commoner VOIirl8rNO. 4 K.jP1!) ep a rf meant f Tho Missus's Vote ii faculties, these people have advanced . - ..!.. .1-.I 0 .... Inn in nifnDIt Tim! IT And what frock will you wear when of jjfe you voter To tho missus said I. To keep abreast of tho times, what- "Wlll you put on that marvelous ever one's calling, one must be wide coat J awake, well posted on things outside That It broke mo to buy? of his immediate calling as well as Will you dazzle tho girls at the polls, master of that. To keep abreast of With your burden of boas and stoles the times is to keep up with tho ad- From tho sables and foxes and vancing demand for excellence in TO tho missus said I. one's chosen line. This brings out moles?" ability; it draws on the mental re sources, and the more one does the more he can do. Everywhere people are tested as to .'hat they can do. There is a mar "You'vo another guess coming, old beau," Said tho missus to mo. "This is not any Dressmakers' SholZuZr TmltntltiP Pnrnn! , ket value on Productive power. For' the costume I'm putting on view1 "What can you do?" is the ques (That is, figuratively) for you , tlon aske(1 of every one who seeks Is composed of tho Red-White-and- employment. Blue," I "What have you to furnish?" Said tho missus to me. jasks the business man and the em ployer looking for help. "Will you vote just about as you I Proved excellence commands high shop? 'figures To tho missus said I. ' . . , . , , , "With a whirl at your cerebral ton' Caruso is 80Ueht for hls mastery. ton And with fingers that fly? Is a candldato yours for his airs? Or tho color of necktie he wears? Or tho way that he brushes his hairs?" To tho missus said I. "Whon your cheap little jesting is done," Said tho missus to me, "I will vote for the Flag-and-the- Gun, And a world to be free; For the triumph of right In the fray, And tho Yankees' victorious way, And n peace that shall evermore stay!" Said the missus to me. From the results of the ballot-box flght,' , It appears that she voted all right. John O'Kcefe in New York World. The genius, the ability of Sarah Bernhardt command a fabulous sum. And so on in every walk of life. Those who force to the fore in their chosen avocations name their own remuneration. When Daniel Webster was asked whether there was room in tho lpe-ni profession, he answered, "There is always room at the top," and that holds good today; not alone in the professions, but in every line of ac tivity. Mental wealth; the power to achieve; ability, command place and pay. Mental Wealth One of tho great requirements of tho present day is ability, says Win ston Salisbury. In every line of hu man activity tho demand is for abil ity to do, power to produce results, to effect tho objects which tho ad ducing civilization of tho day pre sents as desirable or necessary. Never before has ability, skill to achievo, commandod more attention or boon more valued. Never before has ability of so high crado hem. . i v.. iv ji 4J. v j n lt inr ornftn ., quireu. tuo world has never hPnn I w.ntnn oa: .,. 1UI vancocl ns now i "".:.. roo"B """ springtime so far advanced as now. In tho professions, in the arts, in tho trades in everythingwo find pooplo engaged whoso education and training have qualified them for do ing work which thoso who havo been before in tho ranks havo been un able to do. ' College graduates ride as cowboys over the plains of tho west, plow the prairies and reap tho harvests, con duct mercantile concerns, and are found in many other pursuits as well s in tho old learned professions With wider range of intellectual vision and more highly developed Tho Old-Fnsliioned Greens It is springtime! Don't neglect to give your family some good old-fashioned greens, says an authority of tho United States department of agri culture. If you live in a large city you may have to depend upon the greens which some country woman brings to market or upon spinach or kale, which can usually be bought even in winter. If you live in the country, perhaps your instinct has already told you that the tender green leaves of the dandelion, lamb's quarter, wild mustard, or whatever variety of greens your locality af fords are waiting for someone to gather them for food. People from primitive times to this havo mnni. rested a craving for green food as ap in iron, for the egg yolk contributes its share. Besides the iron and other min eral salts, the leaf vegetables con tain a very important substance which the body must have for nor mal growth and development. This substance, recently discovered and for which a name has not yet been given, is also found in butter fat and some other animal fats, but not in every food. Greens have a place of real worth in the diet and should be used in every household not only, in spring time but late into the summer and, when procurable, in the winter also. Tho tender beet tops, celery tops, radish tops, onion tops, and turnip tops should not be discarded, hut served as .greens. A little space in the garden devoted to spinach, New Zealand spinach, or French chard will supply the family with summer greens and also should aff6rd some material for canning for use during the winter months. Lettuce leaves, which are some times cooked for greens, and spin ach, both being mild flavored and containing much water, require no water for cooking in addition to that which clings to the leaves from washing. Other stronger-flavored greens are usually cooked in a small amount of water. Greens should be cooked until tender, but not over cooked. A tiny bit of baking soda added to the water they are cooked in will help the greens to retain their color. In the country where meat is cured at home, it used to be the custom to keep the jowl of the hog for the es pecial purpose of cooking it with greens in the spring. If the jowl is not at hand, a small piece of salt pork or the rind from smoked bacon gives richness and flavor when cooked with greens. Children should be encouraged to eat greens, as they especially need the iron and the growth-promoting substance which greens furnish. Sometimes they object to the slightly bitter taste which some greens have, but if made into milk soups, the fla vor is diluted so that it is not notice able. Such soups make a desirable lunch or supper dish for the entire family. ii,' over this arrange pieces-, of canned or preserved tomatoes, dot. with but ter, pepper, celery salt arid paprika, then place another layer, of rice on top, and so proceed 'until the dish is full. Pour a little of the tomato juice over the top . and sprinkle grated cheese over, bake, in a mod erate oven, thirty minutes. H. L. Rice Custard Wash, ., one-half cup of rice, put in a double 'boiler with one quart of milk and cook until tender; "then add the yQ$S of two eggs beaten with four taijlespoonfuls of sugar, one teaspoon . .of vanilla and a pinch of salt... ix well and put in a pudding dish-., Add a meringue made of the whites of the eggs whipped stiff witty, .powdered sugar. Set in the oven tov brown. Mrs. L. T. .- . , Potato Puffs One ciij hot mashed potatoes well seasoned, one egg, one-half teaspoon salt and a "dash of paprika, one-half teaspoon parsley nhnrmori fine. Beat Yolk' into the mashed potatoes and1 add seasonings. Beat the white of egg very stiff and fold into the potatoes. Mrs. H. M. G. Rice Cornbread Cooked rice can be used in any cornbread dough. It adds lightness to the bread.- The following recipe is one given by the rice growers of Louisiana. Three eggs, one pint milk, one and one half cups boiled rice, one and one half cups cornmeal, two tea spoons fat, one teaspoon salt, one teaspoon baking powder. Beat eggs very light, add milk, and other materials. Beat hard and bake in shallow greased pan in hot oven. IMTtnn TJ T. Mock Pork Gravy Melt lump of lard in pan; when very hot stir in tablespoonful o.f flour; let it brown in hot lard, then pour in hot milk slowly, beating with. forfcj till,, it boils and is thick enough. Season with salt, pepper and butter. Mrs. B. L. G. Wartime Gems. One cup corn meal, one cup uncooked oatmeal, one cup flour, three teaspoons baking powder, one-half cup meat fryings, one cup milk. Bake" in gem pans slowly. Delicious for -children's lunch at noon. J. K. D. ' 1 ! lirimuues. i'roimhiv tha .. arises from a real need of our bodies for the materials which such foods ,What is tho particular use of such foods to our bodies? All green oaves contain in combination .with the creen onlnriTu mni .. less iron. If we are to have rich, red blood we must furnish this iron to our bodies. Dandelion greens are one of the very good sources of iron, containing more than many other sorts of green leaves. If we serve greens with hard-boiled egg w buiujou, wo nave a ensn very rich Use a Little Vinegar in Cleaning Greens All greens mustxbe picked over carefully and carefully washed. This is sometimes a loner nmnpsa f large quantity is required to make a dish of the cooked greens. It takes about a half bushel of spin ach to make a little more than a Pint when cooked. A half cup of vinegar in the water in whinh , greens are allowed to stand before washing is of advantage as it kills the small insects that are sometimes hard to distinguish from the leaves themselves. 39 "WHY CTMCKSDiEliTniESHHL We YHt to ell yo hw , . ATT " V WMfcfcfci kKtchlHie time, how to savo them from wif on a?l the nhell Just ht to build tho host Home aiado SroodrtTn SDiarr,h,ocil or Bowo1 Trouble how change yourold one. Above Inrornwtfi" from an ordinary box J w incubators, feend name today. RXISaIrISSx'co "Z6 ,Clf E",r " hS Contributed Recipes War Bread On a iavn ,.. flour three cups oatflakes (ground or whole), one cup cornmea , one cun graham flour, one compressed yeast cake one-half cup meat dripphS one-half qup corn or any other sy?un two tablespoons salt. H. L B P' Baked Rico rith TomatoesTh, tor a baking dish weMaS layer of cooked rice in tiie "SttSm of Requested Recipes Bran Cookies Three cups bran, one arid one-half cups flour, two thirds cup of milk, half cup sugar, half cup of lard, two eggs, two level tablespoons baking powder; 'one tea spoon salt, raisins if desiredi Cream the lard and sugar, add-the beaten eggs with the milk gradually; mix the baking powder with the flour and bran and add gradually to.th.e,above; roll thin, cut with cookie cutter and bake from ten to seven minutes. Use vegetable fat in place of lard J better and cheaper. ' l Poor Man's Cake Oriehalf cup butter, small cup sugar, one-half cup hot water, one and one-naif 'cups flour, two eggs, two teaspboris bak ing powder. Bake in long' pan. Ice top if you wish. Cut in squares. Apple and Banana Salad Dice apples and bananas; add chopped nuts of any, kind, and seryewith mayonnaise thinned" 'J-ffnli sweet cream. JF ' Economical Sala'd eeajng One pound butter, four poundajStouiV one cup milk, one and oneaJfifttiMpoons salt, one teaspoon mUstthree tablespoons sugar few "grk'in cay enne, one-half cup vinegar, biie-half egg or egg substitute? Mix spices with eggs and vinegar inone- pan. Then melt butter, mixvwith flour,, and stir.; in milk slowly . until, j&&le is thickened. Add first mature. It thickens when cool, so "-add milk when used, '" ? v ,. C&lli Con Came (Me&iaone quart tomatoes add ofiwff9!tflSa.